>haha yeah i finally did it xd lmaofoing
Haha yeah i finally did it xd lmaofoing
>an hour
lol you couldn't do it, could you OP?
that's correct though
That's grammatically correct retard
based retard
>going to a website you hate
>going to a website you hate to mock others for enjoying themselves
Pathetic. Whats your address so I can mail you a gun to kill yourself.
get out of here, foreigner
UHhhhhhmmm but that's like the entirety of Yea Forums????????? maybe mail yourself a gun and use it to shot urself retard lol
he's piss easy
wait until you get fucked by owl
Good bait, have a (You)
>American education
good luck fighting him then
Vowel sound, retard.
The use of "a" or an "on" pronunciation you mong.
get baited you stupid retard
It triggers me that I can't write "a historian" anywhere on the internet without some sperg jumping down my throat. We pronounce the H in that word here.
>I was only pretending
Actually easier than Genichiro imo.
He's like a Dark Souls boss. Every single one of his attacks is easily dodgeable, you just have to learn his moveset.
>not merely pretending to take the bait
You wouldn't even believe the level of 4D chess I play here daily.
You fucking seriousfags are the cancer killing this website, but at the same time you're the faggots that make it hilarious when people act retarded and watch you all jump on the chance to (you) someone like literal sheep, as if he didn't it after the first person told him.
I actually knew that you knew that it was bait, so I win. Nothing personell, kid.