Do you report toxic gamers?

do you report toxic gamers?

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Why wouldn't you? No one wants to play with a dickhead.


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yes for teabagging

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>bait people into saying mean things about me
>get them banned
now this is real toxicity

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>Guy tries to sound like the leader of the team
>Bait them into getting angry
>report them afterwards

This is what you get for implementing the most retarded reporting features on the planet.

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>Not laughing at shitters who need to get mad being publicly executed
There are greater feeling, but seeing a retard tie his own noose is still pretty good.

>Autistic_Frog is still mad

Yes, it is my duty as a gamer to make this hobby more accessible for others and if that means I have to get my hands dirty then so be it

I stopped playing online games a while ago.

what the fuck counts as toxic behaviour

I report people who don't speak english in voice chat

anything that leftists dont like

I like when I report a Twitter account and I get a notification saying that the account was banned. Feels good desu

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depends on what you mean by toxic
if some dipshit is suiciding intentionally then hell yeah you should report it, that faggot is ruining the game

Even better, it's always normally in a non ranking match.

>as a gamer
actually neck urself
didnt even read the rest

Why yes, I do report twelve-year-olds whose vocabularies only consist of "fuck", "you", and "noob"!

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Someone's gotta be tardicus, leader of the tards. Else team based games would be an even stronger shitfest.

Actual shitter detected.

Yep, every time. Feels good when you get that message that shows some autistic frog got banned

i wana piss in an angels mouth

>Not reporting the 12-year-old little bitches who act like the MVP despite doing shit and being the actual reason why the rest lost because he wouldn't stop being edgy and insulting people
Keep on destroying the online community.

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anyone that uses the report button is a soi virgin at least

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Im pretty sure Ive been reported numerous times in Rainbow six, For Honor, Paladins, Overwatch for verbal abuse. Still havent received any repercussion.

being alive when you should be dead

Yeah its nice, I've gotten over 40 accounts permabanned who talk about killing white people

edgy teenagers who do nothing but insult peple the whole match. Wojak niggers love them because le funny

Is hacking toxic? Because yeah, aimbot, wallhack is fucking gay, and I send in a recording

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