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Other urls found in this thread:

>panick releasing this the same day Microsoft announces its E3 plans about next gen

Yikes. Are Sony finished?

No one cares lmao

Absolutely retarded. They need to squeeze as much as possible out of the CPU and GPU. SSD is a luxury not needed.

>This kills the Nincels, Xniggies and PC Petition Beggar Race

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Well we can safely say that it's a flop.

>ray tracing
LMAO, its going to be the fakest ray tracing solution while PC gets real full FPS ray tracing by the end of 2019

When do I sell my ps4 pro, should I get a PS5 at launch?
Should I build a pc in late 2020 instead?

>he thinks anyone cares about Microshit
Reminder that Switch is about to outsell Xbone lifetime sales. The fucking Switch.

Attached: philJusted.jpg (500x700, 47K)

With a single tweet. The Xbox Empire crumbles

PC also has fake ray tracing.

Who cares? Everyone I know got tired of the console shuffle years ago, we’re all on PC now. Also

>Buying another console from the console jew

I'm ducking excited bros. Fuck back compat yeah!

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>Who cares?
100 million PS4 owners.

>PC betrays you and steals Octopath
>Persona5R once again confirmed NOT coming to switch
>PS5 on the horizon
nothing but Ls lately for them

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do not get ps5 before 2021.
you'll thank me later

Nigger you think that the devs will make a different version with a different lighting system of their games just for PCs?

PS5 is trending. OH NO.

Mark Cerny is once again the Lead System Architect.
8 core AMD 7nm Zen 2 based on third generation Ryzen.
Ray-tracing support with custom AMD Navi GPU.
Custom AMD unit for 3D Audio, also aided by ray-tracing, a big upgrade.
Extremely fast high-end custom SSD storage faster than any solution currently available for PC:
Spider-Man load times on PS4 Pro: 15 seconds 0.8 seconds on next-gen PlayStation.
Technically supports 8K but Cerny demoed Spider-Man load speed improvements on a 4K screen.
New Virtual Reality platform strongly hinted at but also supports current PSVR (meaning millions of VR users 'day one').
Death Stranding might be a cross-gen title (speculation in article based on Cerny reply).
Physical Media.
Backwards Compatible with at least PS4.
Four years in development so far.

>Directly from Mark Cerny

september 2020, already confirmed.

>solid-slate drive

you wot

>backwards compatible
>with ps4
Who cares
gib ps1&2 bc

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For the love of god make a good controller already

Can the croc even feel her petting it?

might be interested in ps4 bc since I didn't fall for the Pro meme and I want to play in 4k
then I'd only be falling for the PS5 meme.

Never do that with Sony systems ever because they drop the prices faster Notre-dame.

>only backwards compatible with PS4, not 1, 2, 3

>P5S is actually just Persona 5 PS5 version
imagine the absolute meltdown this board would have

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What about digital games? Will those carry over to PS5 or nah?

They do realise that this is playing into microsofts hands right? They've basically outed their specs and Microsoft are free to improve on their specs based on that now. Hell, when Sony caught wind of the xbox one having 8gb vram they actually went back and changed the ps4 from 4gb vram to 8gb vram at the last minute. Google it it's true.

>censorstation 5
No thanks

Buzzwords. Where are the games?

>Sony E3 2017
>11 games (7 first party, 2 DLC, 1 remake/remaster)
>Microsoft E3 2017
>23 games (8 first party, 1 DLC)

>Sony E3 2018
>12 games (5 first party)
>Microsoft E3 2018
>27 games (8 first party, 2 DLC)

>Sony E3 2019
>0 games
>Microsoft E3 2019
>30+ games

Microsoft E3 2019
>Xbox Scarlet, two new consoles in same style of Xbox One S and Xbox One X.
>Xbox Scarlet games playing natively on PC
>Many BC titles on PC including Xbox One, Xbox 360, and OG Xbox, expected to launch October 2019
>Xbox Scarlet game development will allow games to be sold on Xbox One/PC at discretion of publishers
>Xbox Game Pass expanded - day 1 first party/second party games, third party AAA games a couple months after launch, indie games all the time
>More studios acquired, expect at least 3 announcements
>Xcloud detailed, stream from your xbox console to your Windows/iOS/Android device. Microsoft will offer streaming from Microsoft Azure by end of year 2019.
>Play Anywhere now applies to everything. If you own it digitally, download it to your Xbox or PC, or stream it to your Windows, iOS, or Android device.
>Xbox Live Gold will continue to offer the best complimentary games for subscribers each month.
>New Xbox controller variations. Standard, Elite, and Hybrid
>Halo Infinite
>Gears 5
>Fable RPG
>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>Cyberpunk 2077
>Rocksteady DC game
>Harry Potter RPG
>Killer Instinct
>Splinter Cell Reboot
>Ninja Theory’s Bleeding Edge
>More than 30 games shown off

Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019

>Extremely fast high-end custom SSD storage faster than any solution currently available for PC:
this is objectively false. theyre just pretending their software implementation makes it faster than pc loading times.

>0.8 seconds

PS5 sounds underwhelming. Why would anyone buy this on day one.

MS switched to PC Masterrace marketing, fuck off with your retarded xbox ZERO because it has no more exclusives.

>Already flaunting 8K capabilities
Can they maybe get standard 1080p running at 60fps first?


You will play for 4 hours and then have to charge it and you'll like it! It'll also have useless shit gimmicks so they can inflate the price as well.

Unless they back down on their puritanical censorship policies, then I don't care. Getting ready to go full pc gamer here.

seenow suck my duck xnigger

user, except for media sites people are laughing at it.

Imagine the price. Sonycuucks are gonna need to steal money from their mommy.

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Sounds like some knockoff of AMDs StoreMI software if anything

>>Halo Infinite
>>Gears 5
>>Fable RPG
>>Ori and the Will of the Wisps
>>Cyberpunk 2077
>>Rocksteady DC game
>>Harry Potter RPG
>>Killer Instinct
>>Splinter Cell Reboot
>>Ninja Theory’s Bleeding Edge
>>More than 30 games shown off
Also on PC*

Remember when they said that the PS4 is gonna outperform PCs for years to come?


>not needed.
With more and more open world games, yes, yes it is needed you dingus.

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It'll probably be pretty tame given the lack of demand.

StoreMI itself is just licensed FuzeDrive.

>changing specs at this stage
Only if they start developing their Xbox about now and release it 3 years from now.
I love when retards that don't understand business logistics spew dumb shit like this.

Not on PS5*

Tell me which console I need to play those games again?




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that is why i said do not get before 2021
give it 3-4 months, see if it's actually selling and how it is being received.
vote with your money. 499 is a big amount

Of course they won't, this is Sony we're talking about.
They'll probably make you pay for save transfers on ps4 games.

bigger numbers = better!!!!

It's cold blooded, so it would probably feel it as much as you would.

An android phone from 2030

Fuck Sony censoring games banning people who lose all their games. Pass and I've owned almost every console since NES.

When are we, as a board, gonna finally come together and do something about sony and its disgusting fanboys?
Every day they post stupid inane shit like pic related and expect us all to just go along with it and laugh it off.
Enough is enough.

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Consoles don't go into manufacturing until 6-8 months before launch you retard. They can easily change the specs right now if they really wanted to because ram is not a major change. You can add extra hardware on top of the design they already have just like Sony did with the ps5.

PS5 will be an even bigger success than PS4.

All they have to do now is announce Horizon, Spider-Man, or God of War with PS5 and the momentum will be there day one.
Tons of Xbox and Switch fags got BTFO by their companies from false promises. A lot of the most hardcore fans jumped ship to PS4 this gen.
PS4 was the favorite this gen, and people won't hesitate to jump to PS5 no matter how hard Yea Forums shitposts.

Be fucking ready. Also, threadly reminder:

>Eric going on a meltdown because no one is impressed by the ps5

>solid state
Yeah right, it’ll be 5400rpm like it is now. Normie scum don’t know the difference and won’t pay the extra for it.

well fuck, I guess it's finally Bill Gates' microshaft's time to shine

>full real

just shut the fuck up you retarded idiot, better invest in a dictionary fucking mongoloid.

>solid slate
leaked PS5 photo here yall

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>Ps3 promised full HD experience.
Only a couple of launch titles ran at true 1080p 90% of games on it ran at 720p rarely at 60 fps.
>Ps4 promised a true HD experience this time for reals
Games now run at 1080p most of the time but its still barely 30 fps across the board.
>Ps4 Pro promised true 4K
Nearly all games run at barely above 1080p usually upscaled to a fake 4k.

I can just see Ps5 being "true4k" but still cant go past 30 fps and using lowest possible setting ray tracing.
At 400$ for day 1 console they cant give you more than a low range gaming PC.

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kys rscottyg

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Why even get an Xbone instead of a PC? Honest question.
At least PoS4 has 2 exclusives.

Raytrace scales basically linearly with the number of pixels you use.
So i bet that pretty much all games using raytracing on PS5 will do things such as running the raster thing at 4k (8k is just a wacky pipe dream), then it will do the raytrace at something like 720p,upscale it with checkbox and combine the final results.

>Sony soft reveals the PS5 a good two months before Cuckrosoft drops a project codename at E3
Only folk I see panicking right now are Xfags.

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Physical media.

weak comeback faggot

Man I can't wait to see all those multiplats running on PC and PS5.

That's not a good enough reason desu.

This isn't 2012 where a 240GB SSD costs $240.

But Sony hasn't won anything since the PS2

Microsoft announced the project codename a year ago, moron. Project scarlett.

>back compat
Uh sure

>Microsoft selling games on Windows 10, a Microsoft system, is a bad thing.
Microsoft won’t lose money selling their games on PC.

Personal Computer.

That's what we call a panic move by Sony user. They're revealing things out of the blue just because Microsoft said they were later on.

>solid slate

Bricked out of the box. Bravo, Snoy.


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For a second I thought I've been saying wrong all this time.

>not wanting to be a slave to the digital jew isn't a good enough reason

How retarded are you? Steam went down in Europe for like an hour 2 weeks ago and no one could access their games. The whole thing was a giant meltdown. Neck yourself.

Yeah it'll cost like 2000 usd and then we still have to pay 1100 more every year for new parts. Oh wait never mind.


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Pack it up bros, Sonys won again already

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NAND is absolutely dirt cheap.

it becomes a problem when games require 100gb+ and theres a 250gb sd

The crocodile? Really? Yiff in hell fur fag.

you just know..

>backwards compatible with ps4
*backwards compatible with bloodborne


>Switch fags got BTFO by their companies from false promises.

Tell me more of this delusional world you speak of

How has it been in development for 4 years when Zen 2 is coming out this year?

Microsoft owns pc

Reminder that SJWs have ruined Sony for Japanese games and they were the only reason to buy a PS4 in the first place. Do your part, buy an Xbox Red.

Instead of drooling like a retard about the specs, I'm gonna wait for them to announce the premiere games. You know, the most important thing about a console.

Sony won again, baby.

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Oh, never mind, so they'll stretch out that and half the specs over a year instead of both in one E3 like the Xbonex. GG Phil.

>microsoft owns windows

by their companies from false promises
coping snoycuck

Do not underestimate the power of the Playstation

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More like they got caught out of the blue because Uncle Phil want flapping his mouth to Xcucks to keep them off the ledge. Same with Google. MS, always on the backfoot.

welcome back user, hope you will find back to your social life after all that time under the rock.

full backwards compatibility to PS1 or NO BUY

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Huh, I thought these were just rumors but Wired is a pretty legit site right?
And they have actually talked to Sony about it?

So weird, why would they be able to disclose shit so early?

Which is basically synonymous with the PC

>8K support
retards will actually eat this shit up because big number = good


It's apparently the same world where Sony didn't repeatedly spit on their dedicated fanbase and get caught out for false advertising.

generic third personshooter 1-3
some multiplats

>Tons of Xbox and Switch fags got BTFO by their companies from false promises.

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>Ray Tracing
Is it safe to say this will be $800+? Is this a repeat of the PS3?

Why is he so creepy even at the best of times.
He feels like the evil universe version of Mr Rogers.

every fucking toaster and smartphone can run a ps1 emu

Killer Instinct, MCC, Sunset Overdrive, Quantum Break, Ryse, Dead Rising 3, Halo Wars, ReCore etc. are all on Steam. They'll eventually port the rest too.

lol pic related
And Xbox live is shitty too. No-one is guaranteeing you they won't go down. All the while fucking you in the ass with paid online like the dumb cuck that you are. If my Steam library goes down I can still download it in a day for free because I'm not a slave like the locked down shitbox owners.

Not really. And that tribal niggering is besides the point anyway. The question was: Why buy an Xbone instead of a PC?

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It's going to be upscaled to 8k. Sony always lie about this shit just like they lied about the ps3 and 1080p. They claimed most games will be 1080p yet throughout the whole gen it was a 720p machine upscaled to 1080p.

Buy PS1 mini : ^ )

That’s 7 games that are 4-6 years away.
Not even enough for two per year

I think sony sell consoles at a lose.

Probably. Just like when they came cocky out of the ps2 into the ps3 era, they will repeat themselves here.

Do super fucking fast SSDs provide anything other than better loading times?

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Lord almighty...

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Ray tracing will be upscaled shit, SSD will be small, ryzen is cheap and a HUGE boost from the last gen even if they add a quad core 2.5Ghz thing into it, given even the switch ARM CPUs are faster per core than the jaguar crap.

propaganda is for the weak. how does it feel to be the bait?


Just imagine th dynamic and convenient light censor technology, can’t wait

>buy packaged dogshit

No thanks.

>The amount of Nintendie and xniggie coping

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it's just arbitary support for 8k tv's. Maybe for blu ray movies or some shit. I doubt games will even run 4k unless ray tracing is turned off.

>sequel to shit movie
>sequel to shit movie
>sequel to shit movie
>new IPs to follow in the footsteps of the classic and iconic series Knack :)

What you think they will use the raytrace for?

Are you dense? The whole point of physical media is the lack of reliance on services like xbox live. If it goes down you can still play the games offline. I couldn't access my steam library for the whole time it was down and there were like 20 threads here of people complaining about the same thing. Being locked into digital only is retarded. Neck yourself Sony Cuck.

ssds are not even that expensive anymore. if it didn't have one that would be massively disappointing

They're clamoring for attention because they realised skipping E3 was a mistake.


Less texture pop-in but that's not even noticeable in any newer game since the draw distance in most games is a lot better nowadays.
faster start up time and loading screens are the only real benefits that come to mind in terms of gaming.

It just makes loading faster really

Man the next 3-4 years are gonna be fucking DIRE for these guys.
Switch is already a next gen console and it can barely run any multiplats, once Sony and Microsoft debut their actual next gen consoles it's over for the Switch, it'll never be able to run anything ever again.
They already blew their Zelda load and their Smash load, what could they possibly have left to look forward to?

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>backwards compatability
Fuck off, they promised exactly that for PS4 and then backed out on it, fucking liars

he knows too much


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Not him, but I use my consoles in the living room and my PC in my office. Sometimes you want to play on the couch, and it's 100% easier to do that with a console.

Then its shit, ill take waiting 30sec more for the game not running at 20fps


>ssds are not even that expensive anymore
Why don't you do yourself a favor and check those prices.

OMG RAYTRACING! SONY FUCKING WON! (what's raytracing?)

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Switch will alsobethe onlyconsole with no backwardscompatibility with previous gen.

I mean there isn't, but then if you're trying to move goalposts and act like Windows 10 isn't basically synonymous with PC gaming then idk what to tell you. Microsoft is offering a lot more for the actual gamer vs false ssd lies and new found good faith. If anything with how esports is headed with the casual audience, Microsoft gaining a leg up by creating a foundational link between its brand and pc gaming is more wise than tripling down on just a box.

>legitimate reason and one of the biggest points of debate in gaming right now isn't a good enough reason because you didn't expect such a logical answer

Imagine being this much of a cuck

Nobody cares about this shit, Pajeet.

Name 5 games you want to play and cant play on your current machine before wasting your money like brainless consumer.

Attached: pc has no games.jpg (3928x3465, 3.96M)

Metroid, Animal Crossing.

Also Smash isn't even close to done, there's lots of DLC stuff on the way.

Sonyfags in a nutshell.

Bulk NAND is so cheap I might replace my toilet paper rolls with it.


>God of War 2
I fucking hate zoomers.

>(what's raytracing?)
easier to censor stuff

did you just have a stroke?

might be the last PlayStation before cloud gaming

Do a better job hiding that fear, Xcuck.

> solid slate

a literal meme

Imagine unironically spending your time to type this.

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they never did, what are you talking about retardie?

It doesnt need to be. All the notable wiiu games aside from xbx have got ports already.

they can because they are not just building one system, how retarded do you have to be to actually think they are going to pay as much as you do on components.
in the end it doesnt matter anyway, bacause money is made by publisher contracts not with hardware sales.


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>cutting your fps in half for something that's not noticeable unless you're taking screenshots
meme technology.

sounds expensive

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They're switching to the nintendo portable mode.
As soon they release pokemon, things like rune factory follow it and it turns into that comfy low budget, high value japanese game platform, like the DS/3DS.

Repeat after me. PS5 will be the next PS2. Coping won't help.

Not a whole lot of information about the most important part. The GPU. I'm guessing it's nowhere near the absurd 14 tflop numbers people have thrown about.

I always thought somewhere around vega56 was realistic. So 10-11 tflops.

Wow I Didn't know it was still 2010?

what? I only missed three spaces because of shitty phoneposting, a stroke would be like



Coping and cringepilled

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oh god I don't want to play sony games at 12 fps please god no

>average UF student

based xchad telling the snoyfags how it is


Navi isn't about shader math.


Dude, bulk buying isn't nearly as cheap as it needs to be for it to be consumer friendly.

But you guys kept telling me that the ps4 was the next ps2.
Didn't meet expectations, I presume?

that’s gonna be expensive

>ray tracing

thank god they've decided to go with nvidia this time, as amd can't make gpu worth a fuck

fucking furries


Cope harder, xniggie

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Might as well add FF7R since that's clearly not a PS4 game anymore.

Sony needs to do a lot of work before I give a shit about their next platform. I'm not going to buy a budget PC that plays movies.

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I'm predicting it won't be as heavy because they will use all sorts of upscaling shit.
Like render the shadows with raytracing at 960x540 on a separate buffer, then use a combination of fxaa and bilinear filtering to stretch it to 4k and combine the shadows with the rest of the scene.
And the worst part is that even with shit like this, it would still be easier and look better than the depth shadows we use on this gen.

>pure rumors

Call me when there's some actual news. Backwards compatibility my fucking ass. Half the games on PS4 are """""remasters""""" of PS3 games. Sony and other publishers love making money twice on the same game.

>imagine being touched by a girl
life is pure suffering


No because the ps2 actually had games and loads of them. The ps4 has like 10 worthwhile games and some aren't even exclusive. Sony have publicly stated they want to make less games a year so it means the ps5 will have even less games going for it.

>inb4 sales

NAND is cheap.
Will get even cheaper with chinks and 96L from major vendors.
Imagination was first to RTRT, not nV.

I dont think its a mistake.
I mean if you got nothing to show besides what we know about and have seen for the last 2-3 E3's now, why have one?
I'm ASSUMING, they will likely just release some gameplay of some of their shit around the same time, things like TLOU2 and Ghost of Tsushima

Its a shame cause I love watching all the conferences, but I can def see why they are doing it.

Knowing sony it'll only be a 32gb SSD

Why does Nintendo want to make their userbase look as stupid as possible? Is it some kind of joke to them?

>no mans sky

Why are you losers getting so damn excited over a fucking rumour?
Isn't this exactly what you hate smash posters for?

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>trying this hard to shut down discussion
Fuck off Eric, not everyone is as retarded as you are.

>mfw God of War 2 & Horizon Zero Dawn 2 are PS5 launch titles

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All Sony niggers thinking this is actualy good when a PC five years older can do much much better. Hahahaha

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Than why are you on damage control?

why dont buy a PC at this point?
Why keep buying jew consoles?
I can understand the switch, but a console instead of a PC i just cant comprehend.

Da fuck?


Where are all the weeb games gonna go when ps5 censorship goes full blast?

Attached: censored.jpg (1507x360, 404K)

>The ps4 has like 10 worthwhile games
I wouldn't even say that. Right now it's more like 3.

FIFA does not need a big HD

$100 for a terabyte ssd is expensive?

Shut down what discussion, you faggot? I'm continuing the discussion and claiming that this is utter bullshit. You're delusional.

Is this some sort of boogeyman that Sonyfags fear? I'd love to know more

It also CAN have applications for gaming.
for example in that wired article they talk about how spiderman can't swing any faster because he going that speed to allow the world to load around him, then on the devkit they can travel through the world super fast

>releasing a playstation 2 game as a launch title

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This is actual news, you scared little Xmong.

except they managed to win the last generation in the end
and are winning this generation with a huge lead

sony literally won all generations since their debut

>he doesn't remember the angry Demon Souls threads when PS4 was revealed

>all those multiplats

holocaust never happened. if it did people would be able to prove instead of locking up those who voice their dissent

So what's the likelihood that Final Fantasy 7 Remake has moved to PS5 development and that's why we haven't seen it since forever?

because they release it in a year and they need some selling points. it's the bit wars of the early 90's all over again.

60fps WQHD or even just Full HD with ray-tracing is just impossible on a console from 2020.

>except they managed to win the last generation in the end
you forgot the wii

Sure, just like when news hit that PS3 would have backwards compatibility with PS2. That sure turned out great, didn't it? Fuck off retard.

>based on AMD Navi graphic cards
it's an AMD cpu + vid card tho

Have patience my brothers, in the end Sony always prevail.

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What's going to be the PS5 slogan?
>PS5 for the pla-*sunbeam covers up the rest of the slogan*

I don't imagine we'll get that kind of info until they actually start making the damn thing which is, what, 6 months before launch? They need a lead-in time to build up enough supply for launch, but I forget how much that time has been in the past. Either way, Sony is surely adjusting their plans for the PS5 now that everyone else has come out of the gate with what they want for the next gen. Specifically, google. It almost looks like they were waiting for google to make its move so it could adjust accordingly.

100%. But that's not why we haven't seen it. We haven't seen it because it's in development hell and will be for several more years regardless of what it eventually releases on.

>At 400$ for day 1 console they cant give you more than a low range gaming PC
is this in the 'top 100 most retarded final lines of a retarded Yea Forums post' - I think so

>Death Stranding

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consoletards love and expect shitty unplayable performance in order to get a minor graphical boost

Will it actually have games? Or is it all going to be vaporware and movies again?

>over a fucking rumour
Except its been confirmed by Sony themselves in an interview


Usual Xfag MO.

rehash station 5

You're relying on shitty plastic CDs that'll deteriorate in few years. That's even more retarded and unreliable.
And yes you still need internet connection because you cucks are locked down and can't patch your games on your own. Meaning the disc version will be the day one unpatched versions filled with bugs and no DLCs. It's a garbage alternative all around.
And again, I can download my entire library for free in a day. By pirating it. Then I could just copy it on an external HDD or even on an infinite amount of discs. Or even my cloud storage. You on the other hand have just a single shitty CD that won't even work in the future.

This is NOT a good enough reason to get an Xbone user. Your solution is inferior and retarded, let alone a system seller.

>Microsoft is offering a lot more for the actual gamer vs false ssd lies
>Microsoft gaining a leg up by creating a foundational link between its brand and pc gaming
oof miss me with that marketable flowery language will you user. I only care about exclusives because that's all these shit branded pre-built PCs have to offer.
Both PoS4 and Xbone are garbage fucking consoles. Locked down underperforming piece of overpriced shit. They offer absolutely nothing that's better than the PC. On the contrary they're inferior in every single way if you ignore the exclusive games for it.

Read above.

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>except they managed to win the last generation in the end
They were the absolute losers of last gen.
Even though they managed to squeeze out a few more sales than Microsoft they lost like 4 billion in the process and ended up with the worst version of any multiplat including ones that were also on Wii.


That console will either be very expensive, or have very little storage (which, I am sure will be *expandable*...

Enjoy your 1 game per SSD, I guess.


could you imagine being this poor

so that's it, huh
we're at the end of the ps4 life cycle, and bloodborne is still the only game on the system

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Has anyone here actually used a ps4 pro and xbox one x first hand? If you have you'd already know this ps5 is going to be a fucking blow dryer. The xbox one x is like 50% more powerful yet is whisper quiet compared to the pro which is loud as fuck. Sony better hire some good hardware designers because I'm not buying this shit till they fix the cooling (I had to wait like 4 years before the silent ps4 slim came out). Even the OG xbox is whisper quiet with the trade off being its huge as fuck. I'd take a big case over loud fans any day.

Attached: xbox-one-x-vs-ps4-pro-3.jpg (800x600, 95K)

It'll probably be ports for three years like the ps4 was.

Cerny said it's technically possible not that they're doing it. It's clickbait by this site

god of war is alright

>death stranding
>was created with the PS4 in mind and has to now be made for the PS5
>kojima now has a reason to delay the game for another 5 years while he hangs out with B-list celebrities

New Xbox will blow this shitbox out of the water

This makes me believe Labo was made to make people who use it looks like total spergs

Say Xbone, Ledditor.

It's a mediocre movie and an even worse game.

Sad isn't it.
The thing managed to have less games than the ps3.

This. It should be Wahoo 17 or Greenlight asset flips

>of any multiplat including ones that were also on Wii
>source: user's official nintendo pissed sheets

My xbonex runs like a dream. Too bad games still aren’t all optimized for it

Yeah I have both and my favorite thing about the xbox x is how quiet it is.

I expect PS5 to be hot and loud especially if the rumors of those cranked up Navi clock speeds are accurate.

If it actually has full blown backwards compatibility I will eat an entire pair of my shoes.

i mean, if you'd actually played it you would know there's barely any cutscenes and it's mostly gameplay

Simmer down, Xfags, you've got a fantastic episode of Inside Xbox coming uhahahahahahahahah sorry I couldn't finish that sentence.

I think I would prefer a bigger console as well.
Don't even like the xbone, but no denying that redesign was sexy as fuck.

>console wars are still a thing

I wish I was still a kid

>he didn't play Rayman or Rune Factory

Xniggers are resorting to burbling their usual discredited talking points because this news has come out of the blue and buttfucked a year of spin. They're waiting for their bosses to cook up the new lines.

>sony making a new console while they're in their cocky stage
I dunno fellas, I'd be a bit wary about this one.

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The thread of MS Pajeets and nincels

Walking around with a crystal and waiting for an area to load is not gameplay user.

>solid slate drive

Solid-slate drives are a fucking meme. They only have as much memory as they do an etchable surface.

Attached: Slate_56061259.jpg (1000x667, 48K)

it won't be backwards compatible with PS3?

>Kratos, take care of my ex's son
>Spiderman, take care of my goblina in a cat suit
>Joel, take care of this random lesbian girl and her long nose tribe girlfriend
>Aloy, take care of your face because you look fucking disgusting you white pig
Sony exclusives everybody. How amazing.

You did finish the sentence.
Christ you sonyfags are retarded.

don't misunderstand me, bloodborne and god of war are the only good games on the system and that's a fucking joke.

All Sony needs to do is full backwards compatibility and have a shared collection of digital games with PS4. That's it. All the normies that already have their PS4 games on their PSN account will want to keep their libraries so they will go with the PS5.

No. Cell arch is still a step too far Sony's incompetent software team. Hey at least you'll get remasters of remasters again just like the kingdom hearts games!

>backwards compatimemeility
Yeah right. Like they’re going to pass up selling S*ystation users another remaster of skyrim

>Meanwhile at Sony E3 2019
Sony will win E3 without even attending.

Dude, there are a LOT of cutscenes in God of War. A lot. There are two entire boss battles that are essentially cutscenes without any interactivity. The game wrestles control away from you every few minutes. Even if it's not a full blown cutscene, it's a slow walking section or something that just steals away your control. The first hour of the game is insufferable in this regard but it doesn't get that much better later on.

I think they are coming down from their cocky stage.
Funnily enough I think it was the big fortnite crossplay thing that did it.

Just like how sonyfags win the paralympics without even attending.

Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft and Nintendo sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred because they are angry Sony has made multiple 90+ metacritic games

You can clearly see how Nintendo and microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant after so many 60 rated metacritic games and bing bing wahoo rehashes.

You Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of classic games like Bloodborne, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone. Sad.

You are sick in the head and need help.

Deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft and Nintendo fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, not favored by developers and has no games.

Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft and Nintendo fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts while leeching off each other and playing your shitty party fighter game while Sony makes Next Generation Artistic Experiences

Friendly reminder to Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys that you pioneered cancer on all platforms and you earned all the hate you get. Sony has been the only positive consumer force in the industry and will continue to be while you lie and seethe

Microsoft and Nintendo fanboys will continually make disgusting lies like the evil, worthless, malicious pestilence they are the minute the PS5 is announced

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>on their PSN account
Don't kid yourself, they won't let you carry psn purchases over

No, he's right. It's a shit game, I sure do love fighting reskinned enemies and bosses. The storyline also sucked.

Isn't XBox using the same hardware source? AMD isn't going to stiff these guys.

Spider-Man was a mediocre ubishit game

Yeah bro, Absolute STATE of Play will blow everybody else out of the water, amirite my fellow sony comrade?

People said this same line about ps2 users moving to ps3 but the ps3 bombed and everyone ended up buying a Wii or a 360 instead. Only really really late on in the gen did Sony manage to claw back some sales with games like TLOU but even then they still finished 3rd globally.

Xniggies are frothing from the mouth.

The only good PS4 exclusives are Bloodborne and Gravity Rush 2. Silly westacuck.

>Censorship Station 5: Dead on Arrival
The moment they went full sjw.

either 20 fpps will be standar or cerny isbeing over hyping like they did with the ps4
at this point i also expect it to include vr and inlfate the price to 500
should have come this year.

>Dude just casually adding at the very least $100 to the value of your console is ok lmao

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You do know this censorship fiasco happened AFTER Fortnite, right?
If anything their arrogance is growing.

Stop being poor

>implying this entire thread isn't just sonyfags arguing with each other in an attempt to falseflag as xchads and nintenbros

I like DS3s small size but also like DS4s feeling of firmness. A mix of those would be great.

Cope harder Nintendies and Xniggies

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1080p 30fps with drops confirmed

So if we're looking at a PS3 2, can we start making Talladega Nights jokes again

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>1tb sdd
So you can hold like 0.73 games? Brilliant

>8k + raytracing
fucking lmao cant wait for them to backtrack on this shit

>ray-tracing, solid state drive

But that's retarded, consoles still can't do 1080p/60fps on every game. $599 US Dollars would be a bargain, they're basically making a $1k+ PC. The technology for ray tracing to not destroy frames is just not there, and SSD's are great but again blows the cost right up. Only the 1% could afford this, fucking retarded overvalued market.

Is this what you said when the ps3 flopped?

I own a ps4 but you must be some special kind of mentally ill to write this fucking autistic manifesto and not even be ironic or joking.

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explain how this is a good move to a business retard

Xbox has been irrelevant since 2013.

It's a pasta newbro

>Thinks it's about me personally being poor
>Doesn't remember 599 US dollars

Second Son is good, its not as good as the first 2 games storywise but still a lot of fun gameplay wise.

Despite what people say GoW is also good, though you SHOULD have got more weapons, Why Kratos didn't pick up Magni's big ass, fuck off sword, I will never know.

If God of War was released under a different name and was a multiplat release, even Sonyfags would see it for the mediocre game that it is. But seeing as the PS4 only has a couple noteworthy exclusives, you grasp at God of War as some amazing title. Half of you are legitimately delusional and the other half know it's not a great game but praise it nonetheless because you're insecure about your platform of choice and want to look good in front of Nintedofags. I say all of this as an owner of a PS4 and PS3 who prefers PC for multiplats.


Yeah xbox scarlett specs got leaked some months ago and its pretty much identical. Core hardware specs will be the same between the two consoles the difference will be in custom modifications each company makes (e.g. like Sony are making custom modifications for PSVR) and clock speeds. I think Microsoft will have the better console hardware wise if the ps4pro vs xbox one x is anything to go buy. The 1x is a very nicely engineered console which sports double the power in a box half the size of the pro.

>they won't let you carry psn purchases over
nail in the coffin for sony
if i were a someone at sony i would make sure psn purchases carry forwarded - but only to the very next console in line, no skipping.
if you skip, say coming to ps5 from ps3 (or ps4 original, instead of ps4 pro), then no carry forwarding for you, fuck you.

4tb should be minimum

I own a ps4. I was fucking disappointed.
Grow up.

>He doesn't know how "up" is spelled


You're thinking too small, if this ends up being ps3-2 then we'll have a second golden age on Yea Forums where we can actually talk about games again.

It’s missing a fromsoftware game.

Sony boys are unironically shilling Horizon Zero Dawn in this thread. A game that is objectively boring trash. Wew lad.

it won't, only ps4. ps3 cell is too diff

Jesus, this really is the worst fanbase, absolute dick sucking everywhere

>On the contrary they're inferior in every single way if you ignore the exclusive games for it.
I agree. The marketable language is what they will use and if they don't fuck up it will work. When my pc runs everything well above 60 fps high settings everything, I find myself not giving a fuck about my ps4. The horrible audio abilities is the worst part. With my PC I can hook up to actual quality speakers. Immersion is cool, but I'd rather not be held down by headphones trying to allow my ears to access other media. I'd rather be immersed in everything not just one thing if that makes sense. What it seems like with the VR shit and everything else is that Sony thinks the future of gaming is uninterrupted experience of JUST the console. When in a modern persons daily use is that what people end up doing? With social media, phones, etc. Does sony really think the PC platform isn't superior in every way going forward? My experience with consoles has progressively felt like running against the grain of connectivity between devices. If Microsoft answers that question then they could beat Sony brand wise. Sony legit just had exclusives left, but I'd be surprised if 90 million people bought the ps4 for BB over Netflix


All triple A games companies have gone rogue and are only putting out dumbed down microtransactioned grindy shit so there will be nothing new to play on PS5

Therefore what do i need to be able to play my PS3/4 games? Thats it, ill just keep my PS3 and PS4 and not bother wasting 500+ on a useless paper weight

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who the fuck was so desperate to waste his time with making that list, holly shit
everyone knows that the pc has ports, and even some older games that run on any toaster that everyone has.
It just doesn't have any games that would require building an expensive gaming pc.

no it isn't hahaha you actually just wrote all of that and now that you read it back you're embarrassed hahahaha holy shit someone screenshot that post.

>solid-slate drive

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>Bloodborne 60 FPS in 4k HDR with RayTracing on launch
I'll buy it on launch if it'll work like that.

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It must have taken at least 40 hours

>A game that is objectively boring trash
i agree.

there hasn't been a good game in so long. i'm hoping MS and sony are waiting to release anything nice until they can make them next-gen console exclusives. at least that's what i would do right now.

Because they sell a bunch of consoles because the price isn't ridiculous and make it all back on games and services.
This isn't some crazy new idea, I think the ps4 was sold at a lose as well


I don't mind sonyfags to be honest because they're like biological time capsules and their behaviour hasn't changed in any way in the past 15 years.

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The beast is coming

Naughty Dog, Sucker Punch, Kojima, Bend, Sony Santa Monica, GG with Navi

You will get it at 30fps with drops

Fuck off boomer grandpa

>tfw somebody actually saved my OC

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Of course a sonyfag wouldn't know what a complete sentence is.

sony is the normalfaggot console what can you expect, they're drones

as for the console lmao get the fuck out of here, if this is even close to true it'll cost 1300 or some shit and be a ps3 2.0 scenario

Got it day 1.
couldn't get into it.

BB didn't even get a PS4 Pro patch.
Demon's Souls didn't eve get a PS4 port.
What makes you think emulated PS4 games on PS5 will have those features?

Attached: 1555423285108.png (382x322, 16K)

>hack and slash game
>can't jump
>Kratos blocks 1/3 of the screen
>visibility of the battlefield is so bad that you have to rely on stupid markers behind your back
>le invincible companion meme
>encounters can be cheesed by standing back and literally mashing square so your son finishes the fight for you
>absolutely needless leveling and loot system that's only there because that's the trendy thing right now
>absolutely abysmal final boss battle

What is this new solid slate drive they are talking about?




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>Final Fantasy 7 Remake

It will never be released

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I wish evil ending was canon...

>capeshit cucks are normal

Fuck off, that's actually my OC faggot

I was actually excited to play it when I finally picked up a PS4 and was so let down. The first two hours are fun, but then it's just rinse and repeat for 6 more hours.

>ray tracing and 8k
yeah i love my 24fps with drps
thanks sony

>rune factory
Guess it's to be expected from a nintentoddler to care about such shitty games, since they don't have anything else to play.

I bet episode 1 will, but 2 and 3 nope.

>SSD is a luxury not needed.

ps5 sucks ass lmao

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>ray tracing
>backwards compatible
I'll believe it when I see it

I was hoping there would be a mention of VR.

>I haven't played the game: the post

>sony pre release specs

>build PC at beginning of gen
>browse Yea Forums a lot because always bored
>see loads of threads for games like that
>decide to buy a used ps4 for 100 bucks
>borrow these games off friends
>uncharted 4, uncharted collection, hzd, gow
>all are complete fucking garbage no one should touch with a stick
>only legit good game I played was spiderman and I even bought the steel case for it

The one good game this console has isn't even a Sony first party game. I'll laugh if Nintendo or MS throw a boatload of cash at insomniac to make their own super hero game just because they can and to fire shots off at Sony.

So instead of steam link, cables or something similar you bought another pc and hooked it up to the TV. Consoles really carters to tech retards.

Yeah I dunno, like its fine for people who like it, but I just can't enjoy that sort of game anymore.

Same with Farcry which is similar but from first person, I really enjoyed and finished 3, never felt the need to play any of the others since.

I might have got more into Horizon if it had some sort of fleshed out melee system.
I like the world, and its really pretty, but just not the game for me.

You might get ray tracing at 1080p at 30fps at best

Now you exposed your shitty taste, you should stop arguing about the playstation consoles as your words will just hurt it now.

It's amazing how good Forza got after it's terrible first entry on the Awgbox.

>capeshit cucks are normal
literally yes lmao the biggest movie in cinemas is capeshit and spiderman is the biggest movie on the ps4

Not that guy, but literally everything about that post is correct. Can you actually refute any of those points or are you here to shitpost? Don't answer that. A Rhetorical question.

nice tits

And this is why no one bothers with Sonyfags. Relevancy to the masses is ironically irrelevant, we're talking about how they perform and play.

Retard, if consoles came with faster storage by default, developers could cut back loading times significantly.

>all this shitposting for just a tiny bit of official info

As i've been drumming for a while now, the raytrace don't need to be tied to the main resolution.
You can raster the scene (as in regular rasterizer) at 4k, then do the raytrace bits at lower resolutions and combine both.
Many games already do that with heavy effects, so it will be just another one in the pipeline.

When have they ever tried to refute a post?
Hell they do this shit with monster hunter too.

>no counter-arguments

As expected. Not only have I played the game, I completed it. Feel free to actually come up with a point of your own, retard.

>tfw don't actually have a console preference but Sony is just cinematic crap and weeaboo games that I have no want to ever play

Microsoft having Halo and Nintendo having Smash alone makes those console worth having for me. PS4...maybe I'd play Shadow of the Colossus? A PS2 game lmao.

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PS5? More like AS5

To clarify I don't have an Xbox though. PC + Switch.

Welcome to Sony threads, where you can't even discuss Sony systems because their fanbase wants to defend them from literally everything.

Oh, so you literally don't have anything to say to counter the facts I posted? Thank you for proving my point. Sonyfags are next level delusional

dont care until pictures

Not that guy, but you are retarded. Don't reply to this, it's a fact.

technically bloodborne i guess, but there's psnow

They might be baiting Microsoft until making a $600 Console with an SSD, while PS5 falls back to a standard HDD for $500

Microsoft won't be that dumb this time though, Spencer isn't a retard like Mattrick

>ps1 launches, becomes a glorified CD player
>ps2 launches, becomes a glorified DVD player
>ps3 launches, becomes a glorified blue-ray player
>ps4 launches, games are all glorified movies
>ps5 launches, system doesn't come with a controller but instead a remote

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You are assuming the console can handle proper 4k in the first place before even counting in raytracing. It won't

thats not bad desu if its like $600

Anyone waiting for the FF7 remake is a moron

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Maybe if the PS5 delivers a better lineup of exclusives than the PS4 i would consider getting one. This gen i skipped it and the only game i feel like i am missing is RDR2.

> But muh bloodborne

I don´t really care that much about souls games but if i did i´ve got Souls 3 and Sekiro.

> Muh Uncharted 4

I was a fan of Hennig´s games. Druckman´s "updated" vision doesn´t interest me. Not to mention i don´t condone the retcon and they even downgraded Chloe.

> Muh GoW

I already played TLOU for a father/son/daughter relationship and the gameplay seems boring as fuck. I rather play Senua´s sacrifice for my norse mythology.

> Muh Horizon

Covered with BoTW.

> Spiderman

Arkham games...

> TLOU 2

Liked one but i don´t think that needed a sequel. I would probably play it if i got a PS5 but i don´t really care that much.

> KH3

Maybe but after what i´ve seen of it i don´t really feel like it. I guess SE gets a pass because they delivered on Nier and DQ XI though...

And i think that´s it... those where this gen meaningful PS4 games. As i said, the only game i am really missing this gen is RDR2, and that might even come to PC with this Epic thing so PS5 would really need to up it´s game for me to consider it over upgrading a PC.

Are you some sort of turbo retard? It's to lower the cost of entry and recoup money over time by selling subscriptions/games.

Reading comprehension kiddo.
I'm agreeing with you.

The day every console can be streamed 1080p 60fps on a PC is the day I never buy a console again.

>More damage control

With the aforementioned Inside Xbox coming up, it's gonna be a full day for that from you.

Shit I need to sell my PS4 Pro now

>post arguments
>care to explain why and post some counter arguments?


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Everyone's too angry to notice me say nigger

That's very likely, but it'd be nice in 60 FPS.
It's Sony's best title. It would be a huge wasted opportunity if they didn't capitalise on this.

>actually believes he is a high-standard gamer for playing shit like weebfactory and reyman

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Steam Link and BPM are both fucking garbage. I actually did have a Steam Link from when they were on sale for like $2 and I gave it away because it was awful. Many of the games I want to play I either don't have on Steam or don't work with Steam Link. A console is just easier. Plus, I'm not running cables from my upstairs office to my living room like a fucking animal.

>It's to lower the cost of entry and recoup money over time by selling subscriptions/games.
Which still results in lower profits than if you sold a system at a profit as well as the chance that it could fail and cost billions like the ps3.

why would you say that derogatory word, man?

yeah but latency's the problem

this gen was just absolute garbage, literally the worst since the one that caused the crash i dont even understand how we got here and i cant even think of a way for things to get even worse but im sure they'll find a way

>It's Sony's best title
Sure. On Yea Forums. But in reality it barely sold 10% of Sony's other exclusives. Again they didn't even give enough of a shit to patch it for the Pro.

I own a PS4 and I love it but it's embarrassing being part of the same group of people as you faggots. The only fanbase more embarrassing is Nintendofags but holy shit you retards are close.

>make a shitty bait
>gets btfo

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See this
>Simmer down, Xfags, you've got a fantastic episode of Inside Xbox coming
This is a complete sentence. It doesn't end abruptly and it makes sense.

>Snoys get a glimpse of what PC had for years

Attached: 1522155528869.jpg (662x1024, 372K)

>I don't even know what Navi is, but will hype it up anyway

This is the first time in the history of xbox since the OG xbox that the CEO is behind the xbox brand. Microsoft is a juggernaut so I'm expecting big things from them and honestly I think they'll decimate Sony in an attempt to fight Google who are their real competition.

not that guy but
>n-no it was bait! that's how much i disagree with it! i wont even argue!
ok fag lmao

Nice revisionist history faggot
Did you also forget how many inferior versions PS3 got as well

I will only buy it if I can play all my current PS4 games at 4K 60fps.
Anything less won't be worth it imo.

>Simmer down, Xfags, you've got a fantastic episode of Inside Xbox coming uhahahahahahahahah
>Simmer down, Xfags, you've got a fantastic episode of Inside Xbox coming u
>Simmer down, Xfags, you've got a fantastic episode of Inside Xbox coming up

I literally can't believe I had to fucking explain this to you like you're a five year old.

>post unequivocal facts

This is pure gold, Sonyfags are unironically delusional, it's not even memeing at this point

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>Eric is sperging out again

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>shitting on rayman
from one sonybro to another, shut your fucking mouth please

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This better be some new kind of bait Eric because I think this brand loyalty is frazzling your reading comprehension.

Yeah, Xfags are melting down at this. Came out of nowhere and have completely cucked their announcement of E3 announcements. Fantastic stuff. All that swagger out the fucking window.

This is sadly true, Sony will likely get pushed out by Google


Attached: sony-ps4-hardware-sales-nintendo-switch.original.jpg (560x315, 33K)

>Shitting on Rayman
>When it was a PS1 launch title
Snoys dont even remember their own history

Attached: 35e.png (492x463, 442K)

>Custom 8-core Ryzen CPU
>Custom Radeon Navi GPU with Ray tracing
>Super fast SSD Storage
>PS4 Backwards compatibility

This shit is gonna launch just like the PS3 did, at $599

lmao is there archive for that posts?

Who the fuck is Eric? I see you Xenoblade fags point him out every time someone criticizes your weeb trash. Is he just the generic fall man for "oh don't mind those opinions they are just an autist that always posts here"?

so not at all?

Dead On Arrival
It's going to flop

The sad part is that you're doubling down on your mistake. Look, next time, don't make a full sentence and say you didn't complete it.

Yeah, and it's priceless:

Nintentoddlers getting rekt by Sonychads all day.

Don't forget the Nincels also completely losing their mind that the Shitch "Pro" upgrade that was going to be announced at E3 is going to be completely destroyed by this.
Yea Forums will be a SONY ONLY board soon

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When you can't win an argument, just scream "muh bait". Works every time. You sure showed him, user

$500 probably, it's not some super special custom GPU with ray tracing cores, it's just a RX 3080, which will be $250

>t. Barry


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>its just a shitty pro 2

Will it have games this time? Imagine buying a console without any games

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Some of them think that Monster Hunter started on Nintendo. Its pretty safe to say that the fanbase Sony had on ps1 to 3 migrated while ps4 sonyfags are an entirely new group.

>Yea Forums will be a SONY ONLY board soon
No, you guys will just get kicked out into your own containment board.

Attached: 2chn.jpg (1904x875, 309K)

>Again they didn't even give enough of a shit to patch it for the Pro.
Do we know for sure that Sony didn't want to or COULDN'T do it without FROM? Maybe FROM couldn't be bothered to do it and their contract forbade Sony to touch it. Or maybe Sony lacked a competent staff to do it.

You're right better just stick to the slow as shit 500gb 5400rpm hdds instead.

tbf that isn't unreasonable for a modern day electronic, normalfags spend a thousand bucks on a phone

I want to play bloodborne and some other ps4 games once I graduate and have money soon. Should I get the ps4 pro or wait?

the system literally won't even come with a controller
it'll just be a remote

They've already confirmed that they want to work on less games and nip devs are fleeing from them so it'll have less games than the ps4 for sure.

>"Cmon sweetie, your stepfather is waiting"

Don't know if this is delusion or being serious. But you are seriously deluded. This won't effect Microsoft in any negative way at all. They are still attending the biggest gaming conference and anything they do there by default is bigger than a news article.

the eternal sheltered delusion of the sonygoy

If you've waited this long surely you can wait another 18 months tops

With navi and stuff it probably will with some compromises here and there.

thanks sonybro,time to have a laugh

Ignore it, it's some schizo that can't handle criticism towards nintendo, so it spergs out and can only reply Eric when it's out of meds.

>or COULDN'T do it without FROM
If they couldn't do it without them then it throws the claim that it was a joint venture into question.

You're truly a pathetic human being.

This or just a vr set or pic related

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good point, maybe I'll build a PC in the meantime

>o-oh n-no! they're shitting on my precious sony announcements!
every single time

I wonder if /vr/ will have the PS2 as retro after this comes out
Hopefully they won't

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Here we go again with Nintendo soi boys shitting up another PlayStation thread. Didn't Yoshi come just come out? Shouldn't your jaws be dropping elsewhere?

Wait for the ps5 and buy a ps4 for dirt cheap.

How is it possible to have less than zero games?

Im not buying again after the PS4, every exclusive I liked the console for eventually came to PC, the few that didnt I could honestly live without having played, aside from maybe Bloodborne. Thats fucking sad. Ill just upgrade my shitheap PC again and then wait a year for a better version of the same game. Currently waiting for EDF5 despite owning a PS4.


Argument counter: 0
Butthurt meter: ∞

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A "remake" counts as -1 game because you're trying to sell games from the previous generation of consoles on your new console.

Thats the gamexplain logo right? What a fag lmao

I hope not, moot initially had the cut off at pre ps1 so sonyfags wouldn't shitpost. Having more now would be a nightmare.

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These PS5 details are shooting through the social media wires like a bullet. I'm sure that Battletoads delay will have a similar effect.

Xbots are not alive, they are already part of a collective hivemind which will be introduced as a "cloud gaming" feature on Scarlet. Keep your eyes open.

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Switch Pro sounds like a joke.

>backwards compatible with ps4
based, can play more bloodborne!

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>mfw ps5 launches and there's no Knack 2

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Armored Core?

I cannot stress this enough, get a PC. Just do it. At this point everything is multiplat with timed exclusivity yet you are paying for the use of the systems online features and the game itself running worse than the other option available that is PC. You will never go back once you do it, thats the thing, all consoles look like toys after it.

I can't wait for the Skyrim remaster for PS5 bros!

Why? FROM was just a contractor. Who cares?

>everything is multiplat with timed exclusivity

Not exactly. Though I honestly don't think a PS4 is a worthwhile investment for the 3 games it has that aren't on PC.

I agree desu, the Xbox One and PS4 were just lackluster, the Switch was okay. Seems like the console brands are experiencing identity crises but still profiting while doing so. In the short term can work but in the long term they need to focus on what makes their platform enjoyed and not just financial success. Of course, the more financial success the more corporate bootlickers in charge who don't know anything about games etc. so the odds are bad.

The PS1/N64 generation shouldn't be retro and yet it's on /vr/ and basically why /vr/ is such a goddamn shithole.

they might pull a page from PC and have a "small" 500GB-1TB internal SSD (can't be replaced/upgraded) for actively used content and then bulk HDD storage 2-4TB+

Intel Optane and AMD SenseMI (guess which is relevant) already do "smart caching" of files to faster tiered storage, and on PS5 could possibly do so in the background or maybe a low power state