Hi, I'm that other Atlus JRPG that's better than Persona 5. Say something nice about me

Hi, I'm that other Atlus JRPG that's better than Persona 5. Say something nice about me.

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well congrats on winning the special Olympics?

Did you actually play the game?

I was going to tell you how full of shit you are but I still need to wait my Session animation to finish. I'll come back to you in half an hour.

A game that didn't need to exist

Still amazed this actually made it out of Japan. Is it actually good though?


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Why can’t I date people, how was this feature lost despite both of its parents?

thats not really hard to do desu

The Good
>Presentation and music are very good
>Dungeon design is fantastic, with plenty of cool gimmicks to spice up exploration
>Lots of fanservice for both series

The Bad
>Story is one of the worst ever put into an RPG
>Half of the cast, especially the main characters, are a bunch of insufferable dipshits
>Combat is slowed to a snail pace through with long, unskippable animation chains that happen every time you exploit a weakness

Guess I'll check it out from the library and put

I love Ellie

It's a very simple game that plays itself. Even on hard mode there's no decision making to be made. The game tells you what the mobs are weak to and there's no better play than hitting the weakness and watching it play out like suggested.
While the combat and story might be shallow, the characters are at the very least charming. Except for Kiria.


This game needs to make like Notre Dame and die in a fire.

So this is one of those games Yea Forums and certain youubers will pretend is good and call it a "hidden gem" just because it remained exclusive on a niche console like the Pii U.
Glad I can disregard any opinion about #FE from now on

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Tbh the game is complete shit. Tried playing it twice and can’t get past the first dungeon. It’s shit.

Is there a way to play it in English without the censorship? That was the only reason I didn’t buy it. Same with FE fates.


The censorship is minor and has zero effect to the main plot. It’s actually kind of funny.


You forgot
>Is censored to hell.

SMT doesn't have dating.

Yeah, I have a hacked Wii U and I installed the decensor patch to the English version.

One day when I can emulate Wii u games at 10x speed I'm sure I'll love this.

Attached: #FE.jpg (1280x720, 286K)

You go on dates with Ellie!

It's funny 'cuz Itsuki is the worst character in the game.

>better than Persona 5
TMS is fun and all, but that's bullshit.

Jesus Christ this is exactly how I was feeling
>Where’s Satan?
>Why can’t I kill these losers?
>Where the fuck is my gun ability?
>I wish Demi-fiend was here
>Why am I not the messiah?

Considering the game was supposed to be SMT x FE, I was expecting Devil Survivor with swords, not fucking Neptunia Idol RPG.

People get too hung up on what #TMS should have been instead of what it is. Yeah SMTxFE could have been great, but looking at #TMS standalone it's still mediocre.

>Atlus JRPG that's better than Persona 5.
That applies to a lot of games.

No. The characters are some of the most annoying in JRPG history, and the gameplay is a less refined version of modern Atlus games. Play literally any other Atlus game. If you are in it for the Fire Emblem, you will find that there's almost nothing in it for you except the occasional name drop.

>except the occasional name drop.
And half the main cast, almost all the generic enemies, every boss, and the entire last dungeon?

Except it’s not better than Pesona 5.

It’s not even an average game.

This reads like a Snoy cope post, why are you falseflagging Snoynigger?


Cry more, fags.

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Aside from a faster (but much worse) combat system, what makes p5 better?

None of that affects gameplay.

Art style
Production values

>Say something nice about me.
I wish it were the case that people could have a discussion of this game without using it as an attempt to denounce Persona 5, as though it even fucking matters.

what are you talking about the dungeons were go awful

Demon fusion is always fun.
That's all.

Nah I advocate for WiiU gems like Wonderful 101 and Xenoblade X but #FE is a fucking piece of trash propped up by waifufags that want to smell Eleonora's feet

Go back to your hallway simulators.

Story, visual design, >demon fusion.

Nigger I don’t even own a PS4. The only changes were in like the second chapter about gravure modeling and some skimpy outfits. I’m not some incel that needs anime tiddies shoved down my throat so it doesn’t affect me

Nobody even remembers this game, it’s as if it didn’t exist.

Nice try Snoyboy, back to watching movies on your Pisstation 4.

>you’re a snoy if you play Nintendo games
Nintendron3 logic

>Aside from a faster (but much worse) combat system,
Wait what? It's pretty much the same thing. The only main difference is the SP meter.

P5's battle system is entirely different, what are you talking about? #FE hinges on attack chains which don't even exist in Persona.

How can a crossover shit the bed this hard?

I know this is a shitpost but im still mad the SMTxFE we could've had was replaced by this insufferable piece of shit. Worst part is that it couldn't even be a decent persona rip off.

The censorship completely changes the plot of one of the dungeons

>#FE hinges on attack chains which don't even exist in Persona.
...and that's the part that sucks about it, as previously explained in this thread. So, what's the "improvement"?

holy shit op

What? You asked what was different, not why it was better.

Context dumb nigger. said that #TMS is slower but better. Well, considering the one aspect that makes it slower (Session) is accounted for and specifically stated to be a minus, I want to know where are the plusses.

>FE has good combat

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It's the same braindead shonen tier plot in any language. Even japan lashed it for being garbage.

#FE was impressively shallow. Like it takes significant amounts of work to make a game so unbelievably sluggish and yet have so little in it that combines the two series well. I'd say it missed the mark, but they weren't even in the same fucking area code when they threw the dart in the wrong direction.