>got blocked and legitimate Risk of Rain thread delete for posting NSFW content >Only thing that could've been the cause was a fully clothed pic of Huntress
You have some explaining to do, jannie. I can count at least 3 threads that are less safe for work on the catalogue right now.
the game was discussed to death on day 1 its why there is so much shit posting about item "viability" in a game where you don't choose what you get, people are stretching for relevant shit to talk about to keep threads alive most of the people who do post webms/pics and try to talk about their runs are drizzlets or cheaters then there is the mod shilling and waifu posting I'd like to justify RoR2 threads on Yea Forums so we can play together because I know how awful the frequent /vg/ users are but you only have yourself to blame
if you want the threads to stay on Yea Forums stop shitting them up and actually play the game like here, you just made an angry post, didn't even host a lobby or ask if anyone was interested in playing, but at least you stuck it to that bully janitor
>literal faggot is a shitposting attention seeking namefag Imagine my shock
Joseph Campbell
You post an image with no text because you know I'm right. You have no argument.
Adam Long
>Gays are smarter then Straight on average lmao, sure fag
>If I can't enjoy porn dumps on Yea Forums, why can you? because you make up less than 3% of the population and the remaining 97% are revolted by your gay shit
>Kill yourself that's your job, homos have a way higher suicide rate than straight people
Josiah Reed
be the change you want to see, host a lobby
Jose Diaz
>because you make up less than 3% of the population And yet we make up more then 40% of Yea Forums.
Brayden Peterson
in your dreams, perhaps
Henry Lopez
Camden Thomas
Mods deletes the threads cause you faggots dont talk about the game anymore and just end up doing /vg/ tier shit like posting lewds all the time and asking for more. If you wanted actual disscusion just wait till the next update to bring the threads back.