This thread is only for those of us going back home to Brill this summer

This thread is only for those of us going back home to Brill this summer.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Dark Lady watch over you...

Dark Lady watch over you.

Undead scum must be purged

Were Undead Warlocks any good?

Any chance they keep Will at 30 seconds?

It was 20 seconds IIRC

Fuck the Undead and fuck the Horde.

Maybe if you guys didn't die so much we wouldn't have this problem

Patience... Discipline.

Soon the farm for stealing pumpkins will be filled with people.


I wish undeads was more skeletons than a zombies.

China would not be happy about that.

Fuck chinks.

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china is never happy
they only know communism

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Anyone know what patch Classic is anyway

Will of the Forsaken in classic will be 20 seconds. Since Classic is 1.12.

>playing the Tim Burton race

hell yeah it's undead warlock for me

Warlock were trash in Vanilla bro.

Bro? Hes not your bro pal

Sorry man.

You must be confused, we're talking about Classic, not retail

hope you enjoy getting your ass shattered by my human mage
if my friends decide to roll alliance

This thread is literally an advertisement

Undead was always my favorite, but if I'm gonna spend hundreds of hours farming gear, I'd rather not have it look like shit this time around.

5 seconds user

Thread theme

For warlocks, mages or priests that have forgot, a lesser magic wand is better than your spells for a good while and you won't run out of manner.

Trust no-one
why did undead npcs have the best greetings

That's right man.
Everything you don't like is a shill.

Based and Scarletpilled

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For priests a greater magic wand is nice for leveling also. Warlocks too, if you use affliction.

Which means I'm probably not gonna bother, I only wanted classic so I could try old alterac valley but I think it was already changed by then.

It was 20 seconds in 1.12.

Joke's on you. I only play Orcs & Humans.

why didn't you like the change?

What were the good classes for Undead?

I only started playing in cata, I just wanted to see what it was like.

Mage/Lock/Priest/Rogue all are good

I can’t wait to kill the family again.

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>repaying for a rehashed recycle
silly blizzcucks, see name

I payed for your mother again
See name

>Until Patch 1.6, Will of the Forsaken removed existing charm/fear/sleep effects and granted immunity to those effects for 20 seconds. This was nerfed and the immunity was decreased to 5 seconds. [Cannibalize] was tweaked to offset this change.

Dorf or human pala? Going to heal and want to know what is better to lvl with frens

Human paladin in general is better
If your a dwarfag is the only reason to do other

>Until 1.6
Yeah which is when it got nerfed to 5 seconds

wtf is going on in that webm?

a bug eating a bird

.12 was before .6

Sadly there are almost no benefits to being a Dwarf Paladin, other than Stoneform countering Blind. Human is generally more useful although I prefer dorf's 2h animation.

cucked and dreadlordpilled

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





>1.12 was before 1.6
Now I know you’re baiting

>Getting all the parts of the SM set on your warrior

Sure you outgear the set super quickly but damnit it's so worth it

user please count to 12

Where my sneaky niggas at?

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does anyone know if undead still have the big shoulders in 1.12?

>tfw playing an undead scared me as a kid

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This music always made me feel uncomfortable and I would run out of the tavern as soon as it started to kick up.

>playing lock
>ud get torn dresses
>orc look goofy in dresses

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1.12 would be lower than 1.6.... but 1.12.1 is the actual patch number and last patch of vanilla which is what classic wow will be based off of aside from when they choose to release content in the phases, everything else, spells, talent trees etc will be 1.12.1

I dont like to stress the fact that the warlock rocks, but he jus does

official release date WHEN

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How good were Shadow priests in 1.12?

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





Good in pvp, will more than likely heal in pve

You go look at the Undercity interiors or any Forsaken settlement in vanilla and tell me that shit isn't Burton

>only a handful of updates over the last few months, mostly laying out 'plans'
>still no beta after the mess of a weekend last time
>summer is over half way done
Im sorry user... chances are high its getting pushed back. Most likly till next year or later.

Why the fuckkkkkk can't it be a TBC server, classes felt so much better

The PvE was pure ludo in TBC as well as the PvP. I would personally prefer to be getting a Burning Crusade server also but ah well this is what we're getting.

>this summer


Is Engineering cucked in 1.12.1? I feel like that's almost certainly after they stopped mobile grenade throwing.

april 26th 2020

based lumikaru

undead literally have the hardest starting zone. even worse if you are a caster. there are literally some of the scarlett crusade mobs with 1s cd on kick and caster hit like trucks

Why does every OP have the "We're going back home" shit in it?

when is this garbage ever going to become F2P

it already is. kronos, light of dawn etc

Can you even raid as a SP in Vanilla? Will people pick you up for dungeons?

Didn't give a damn about classic untill this. Can't believe I forgot about old Brill. I'm ready to come home!

>picking warlock for any race but gnome

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You could take one SP to buff your warlocks, never more than one

>The PvE was pure ludo in TBC as well as the PvP.
The PvP was miles better than Classic PvP and it's not even a close debate.
People like to cry about Resiliance and Arena,but both made PvP better.The old system was awful and Resiliance was 100% needed(and I mained rogue btw).Dropping people without counterplay isn't "fun" and some classes need a lot of gear to even compete.Even in the end of LichKing People weren't dropped as fast as in Classic.Warrior(atleast dmg wise)/Rogues/Mages can all kill you without much counterplay.
The only downside was Blizzard was dumb enough to not balance Spells seperate for PvP and PvE.
People that complained about Arena could never compete for Gladiator.The only Class that were problematic in TBC were :
1.Rogues after buffing Subtlety in S3 plus PvE gear
2.Restro Druids because they were 2v2 Kings Warlocks because resiliance didn't effect dots
4.Warriors being top tier every season

And even with these problems Arena was a million times better than Rank14 Grind,were I reached Rank11 back in the day.Playing 2v2 with your mate was comfy as fuck and exciting in high rated arena.The only thing I would take without a doubt is World PVP and that the World was alive.I gladly take SL/SL Warlock plus Restodruid dabbing on my mage mate than the Rank14 System and the "balance" of classic.
WorldPvP>Arena/BGs>Rank14 System

t.Gladiator in TBC/Woltk (Mage/Rogue)

>Nerfed to 5 seconds
>Nerfed to 3 seconds
>Nerfed to just a break
>Nerfed to share 30 CD with trinkets
>Nerfed to 3 min CD
It's like Blizzard introduced an overpowered racial just so they can token nerf it whenever alliance whining gets a little too high.

orc are bis for stun resist

>Magmadar and Onyxia were awesome encounters
>t.dorf priest

You go OOM too fast in raids for it to be enjoyable, they're great for dungeons though since that wont be an issue + vampiric embrace is great. With the current content schedule i'm planning on just healing MC to get tier 1, then respeccing to a Shadow Priest after phase 2 until Naxx releases since all i'll be doing is PvP.
Don't pick Priest if you expect to be a caster in raids, you'll just disappoint yourself when there's so many better options. If you love Shadow just stick to PvP, you wont regret it at all

OOM? Last time I played was Cata and I never had problems in raids or dungeons with SP. we’re they really that much weaker in Vanilla?

New Brill looks WAAAAYYYYYYYYYYY better than old Brill. Fucking lightning buildings, a badass statue of the badass Dark Lady.

Old Brill was boring


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Cata was probably the strongest point for SP. Night and day difference between then and vanilla

They had serious mana issues in vanilla, after about a minute of casting you'd be out of mana. Some raids take one as you can apply a debuff to help the locks but even then they're not great. They're similar to elemental shamans in that they're insane in PvP due to the high cost-high reward abilities but they struggle in raids.
I'd rather have them unviable in raids to allow them to be the monsters they are in PvP though, I can't see how they'd rebalance them without making them unkillable in PvP since their mana issues are their only real weakness.

[Gutterspeak]: See you lads in Brill

I unironically cannot wait to walk into Undercity for the first time in a decade and see the place bustling with people again. Or to climb the side of the Ironforge AH.

>there will be a bunch of boomers trying to force edgy humor in barrens chat
going to be cringe

Anyone know what the best 1.12 repack is? I wanna run a local server for me and some pals to dick around on, but I'm looking for something not-so-glitchy.

>*Undead confusion*
>*Lifts chalice of moonwell water*

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>hordie gankers
We'll stop bullying you at the Shimmering Flats when you stop bullying us at Hillsbrad.

I can't wait till i'm just stood there in the rain on my undead warrior

based fuck birds

Silly night elf, that's not moonwell water. That's clearly Tyrande's piss.

Old brill was more believable and more immersive. New brill is just wacky mad scientist gothic Flandersization

Can a lorefag give me a goof reason to roll UD instead of orc lock? I fucking love UD zones but orc fits so well plus dat stun resist

Roll orc they have better lore. Trust me I'm a lorefag.

orc warlock or ud warlock?

haha, this soundtrack is fucked? why is no one making banadages

Does undead at least make sense?

>Why only undead

The best PvP racial lets you break certain crowd controls (Fear, seduce.) and allow you to take down your target. In PvE this is also valuable as you do ZERO dps when crowd controlled. Orc and Trolls have MOAR DAMAGE racials but that damage, again, is ZERO when controlled. If you can't break from fear a warlock can fuck you hard, double down for seduce.

Cannibalize saves you A GORILLION FOOD ITEMS in your play time. Every time you need to heal, you can eat a food, bandage, or just OM NOM NOM some roleplays corpse. If you're like me you macro it to also stealth so you can STEALTH HEAL.

I think so.

scientology faggot

enjoy a game which had mediocre success but vigorous online marketing and hype generation
did you really believe blizzards lies about server numbers and player count?


>But orcs resist stun.
So what? If one fails, use another, or another, or another, or sprint / vanish and use another! If you macro up and have proper gear you win every rogue VS rogue also most rogues are TARDS and are easily killed. Skilled rogues are like IP man you can take on a whole room full of idiots if you know what you're doing. (See videos of a single rogue taking down 2x max geared sulfuron warriors or multiple opponents with Thunderfury.) A skilled rogue will 100% kill everyone else. If you wanna be a rogue VS rogue grand master go ahead and roll orc but you're gonna suck all the corrupted warlock cocks.

that's a lot of seething reddit spacing

Human locks exist, so yeah. They're looked down on and spend their time hiding in basements, so you could imagine that becoming undead only freed them from giving a shit about what others think of them.

So exactly like old Barrens.

Why don't the Forsaken give a shit about warlocks doing their thing openly? Pretty sure orc warlock quests state they're under close watch by authorities because of what the Legion did.

yeah. the forsaken are a splinter faction from the original scourge, which were created by the burning legion, which is where all the warlock demons come from.

the legion and orcs don't trust locks because of gul'dan but they are kept locked up under org
that's why in MoP when gorrosh wen't full orc hitler he wiped them out and hung them while blaming thrall for that failure.

Orc locks are closely watched because the warlocks were a faction unto themselves within the Horde who basically manipulated the rest for their own gains and shiet, they were purged once by Doomhammer though Gul'dan managed to convince him of his usefulness and was spared but then Gul'dan betrayed them again when deserted with his Stormeaver clan (that created and taught them warlock magicks and shit) and took off to the Tomb of Sargeras in the middle of the second war, they were essentially traitors the whole lot of them

the forsaken are pretty blatantly neutral evil in their methods and are only a part of the horde as an alliance of convenience since their old human allies wanted nothing to do with them. they do tons of shady shit that the rest of the horde would likely object to, they just keep it under wraps most of the time.

apothecaries regularly do live experimentation on people in the undercity. their main religion is called the forgotten shadow, which is all about how much the world fucked them over, why you shouldn't have hope since there is nothing but void in the afterlife, and why the living all need to die. and there's also the fact that their faction leader sylvanas has her own personal captured demon that she keeps under lockdown in her throne room to do her bidding. warlocks are pretty mundane to them as a result.

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>play vanilla on private server
>undead do heinous shit like chemical warfare under Sylvanas's approval
Are the people who whined about Sylvanas being all of a sudden evil in bfa legitimately retarded?

holy shit that's unnerving. never heard it before. take me back to the comfy kharanos inn music

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The Forsaken themselves are basically an abomination that shouldn't exist, so they wouldn't look down on using "shady power" as much. They probably also don't know that they're essentially a creation of the Legion, since Kil'Jaeden suped up Ner'zhul and gave him the task of fucking up the planet with undead. If they knew, they'd probably be very wary about trying to harness the power that caused their own shitty existence, or maybe they'd revel in becoming the masters of it in the same way the Lich King intended to use his power to destroy the Legion. All the Forsaken really know is that everyone hates them and they'll do anything they have to in order to survive.

>he doesn't know that the real issue will be streamers with their legion of orbiters getting funneled loot and exp with mob tagging exploit

>order to survive.
Bit late for that m8 innit.


Of course they know, they straight up fought together with Legion forces in the Third war and it's not like the Dreadlords had any pretenses about their identities when they were in charge of all of the Lordaeron scourge or when Sylvanas fought them off with her Forsaken unshackled undead in the Frozen Throne

>find streamer
>get crew from opposite faction to camp them

autists from Yea Forums are probably way better at pvp than stream watching zoomers

Let's see where alliance suffer you horde shits:
>redridge (HOURLY)
>duskwood (daily)
>shimmering flats
>ashenvale Post camping/strand camping

Can you name one single location other than muh hillsbrad where alliance gank you?


>crossroads, smack in the middle of barrens, an uncontested hordie safe-space
Try again

Sun Rock retreat

I'll give you stonetalon, HOWEVER its way more horde oriented quest wise being easily connected to barrens vs a weird ashenvale tunnel

Should I play undead rogue or warlock if I want to raid and pvp?

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That's true. I forgot that Dreadlords actually raised and controlled undead, since they've mostly just dicked around and schemed since then instead of straight up dominating. I suppose from the Forsaken's point of view, they'd know that anything short of a dreadlord would pose no threat in summoning and controlling. Controlling a demon is no more dangerous than standing next to another Forsaken, since both were once controlled by the Legion. As long as they don't fuck up and accidentally summon Jaraxxus or something.