Perma banned on PSN. Can I get unbanned?

Perma banned on PSN. Can I get unbanned?

I don’t want any bullshit, only answers. If you believe that I should stay banned or that I deserve it (which your probably right about) then just leave this thread alone. I don’t want to deal any more stress.

Anyways, so I got banned permanently. Not fun. This is my third ban, and each and every single ban has been for bad words. First off, I’m autistic and have anger issues (which I’m doing therapy for) so I swear a lot. My punishment is justifiable, but I just believe that to me, it’s unfair. What I mean by that is that, I should be banned, but not perma banned. Anyways, I’m just wondering how to get unbanned, if at all? I’m only 18 and I’ve paid for about 100 or so of my ps4 games (the other 60 something from ps plus) and I just want to be able to see my friends again (parents won’t let me see them for some dumbass reason, so online is the only way I can ever talk to them). Again, if you just want to leave a negative reply, I’m just gonna report you and hide the post. I don’t want to deal with anyone else’s shit, so unless you Have a answer or a suggestion, just please, leave me alone. Thanks in advance

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PM'd you the fix

>if you just want to leave a negative reply, I’m just gonna report you and hide the post

>Perma banned on PSN. Can I get unbanned?
Depends, what did you do?

Buy a xbox

Perma banned for naughty words?
I've called people every name under the sun and never been so much as warned.

Start rambling on twitter about how Snoy banned you because of your mental illness and maybe you'll get something going.

Stay banned gay snoy

Kill yourself retard.

This, but you have to go on HRT.

What did you do? How do you even get banned from PSN?

You can appeal but by the sound of it you have no excuse that will back up a claim. I'd suggest getting a new PSN and in future staying off of party/global chat if you can't keep outbursts to yourself, maybe use an un-moderated alternative like Discord to speak with your friends?

Make a new psn

Lmao OP is a confirmed faggot. Get fucked.

You must have interacted with right people then. All it takes is a triggered fag hitting the report button.

I've been warned a couple of times but never banned i think.

>im autistic
Explains alot OP you gay as well

get fucked, loser. you deserved it. even moreso since you're too retarded to know how to make a new account.

1. Read Global Rule 2
2. Kill yourself

if you can't behave like a normal human being while playing videogames then it's time to quit. Take a break and do your therapy.

This! But I think you will lose your digital purchases and trophies. Honestly who buys a ps4 for online anyway? All their best games are single player

>just make new account XDDDD

If he has digital games or subscriptions all of that is lost

I always report hatemail because getting fags like op banned is pretty epic for the win

>All their best games are single player
yeah like bloodborne... and... ummm...

what the fuck did you do to get perma banned?

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>banned for bad words
>the only ban worthy word is probably nigger
>OP is probably one of those retards who spam nigger everywhere they go and expect no consequences
>is 18 so was clearly just a retarded zoomer during all those previous bans
>owns digital games and pays for PS+, meaning he plays zoomer multiplayer trash
>now crying about being banned after being banned numerous times already
Fucking lmaoing at your life, I'm glad you wasted all that money you retard. Sounds like even your parents realised what a fuck up you are, truly sad

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sent ;)


Quality shitposting here’s your (You)

Wouldn't the digital games stay on the console with the original account? Making a new account doesn't mean get rid of the old one.
Unless getting banned means you can't access your games anymore.

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How many quarters of the ring are red? have you tried contacting microsoft support to see if they will take it in

Just stop being autistic then.

I doubt they will unban you since it's the 3rd time. If it was a one time thing it would be different. Just make another account and cut your losses and don't buy digital games if you cant go 5 minutes without frothing at the mouth if you don't say nigger.

That's a ban. Watch your language.

thx dude
mods can close this thread now

Stop whining to fucking Yea Forums and take contact to ps help and tell them you are literal autistic manchild who can't control himself and they will unban you for your faggotry.

Getting banned and losing access to all the games you paid for.. F Sony

I love games as a service!

I work for Sony Support and I *might* be able to help you out (no promises though), but I need to check the status of your ban and previous bans.

What's your PSN ID?

Also were you under 18 at the time of the previous bans?

And what country do you reside in? (if it's different to that of your PSN ID)

I've been suspended 4x and had to apologise on the 4th time as I was threatened with a permanent account and console ban, funny things Is when I was temp baneed 4th time for insults eg I just swapped to my US account from my UK one and carried on back playing online lmao

Based, and ultimately? Blackpilled as well.

Fucking kek

No word should result in a ban, only a collection of words to threaten someone.

I've called people cancer and all the insults under the sun from Yea Forums and been suspended 4x , I got scared with the htrwat from Sony so switched account to private, moral of the story is don't retaliate to retards insulting you for winning a game they will report you and get you done but not themselves, I got suspended 4x for retaliation to nonces insulting me on psn for being better at games, I know Sony only care bout money after 4th ban so went private, appeal and if appeal is lost, make new private psn

user could try making a new psn and linking the old one as a sub account to try and retain digital purchases, not sure if a ban would ruin that idea.

>160 PS4 games
What the fuck are you talking about - what the hell are you buying? PS4 has some great games but that seems unreasonable

Also sorry your brain is broken but until you can learn how to live in society, society does not need you


>paying $60 for online
fucking kek

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Not really, I've got 255 games.

No your banned for life user

>i have anger issues and i feel the punishment for being angry on comms is justified
stay off comms dumbshit

>I got banned from a whole entire console
>I'll report and hide your post for not hugboxing me in this thread
Please kill yourself for this kind of cognitive dissonance and quote me in the suicide note.

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Last offer man, i'm only at work for another 20 minutes.

>This is my third ban

Jesus christ please don't shoot up a school next.

What kind of game do you play to get that mad at people I mean fucking hell. Maybe stop playing multiplayer games if you have issues.

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I bet if you shot yourself you wouldn't have this issue

He said he was autistic user, not retarded.

sorry my mom told me to not give personal info to strangers...


These are the people playing on consoles nowadays.
Fucking gross.

>there's a difference between autism and retardation
user, you might be "autistic" too

>buy $500 console
>say word
>money stolen
I'm laughing right now.

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>Yeah, all the games I’m buying from now on are physical. This is a pain in my ass tho. I just got into kingdom hearts and now I have repurchase about 300$ worth of games just from that. Not to mention all of dark souls remastered, 2, 3 and bloodborne. And yakuza. And I can just go on. Im not even the legal age required to get a job yet, so I’m working 2 weeks straight with a 10$ allowance from my parents. Doing the math (365 divided by 7 = 52 weeks. 52 divided by 2 = 26. 26 = 260 dollars. 26*4=208) I’ll have to work off of 10$ for about 2-3 years straight. Not mentioning if my ma or dad needs money for milk or something or something happens and I have to pay for my own shit. So I’m gonna only buy physicsl copies of the games I still play (rainbow six siege, the forest, kingdom hearts collection, etc) then once I get a job I’ll buy the rest. I’m essentially in debt because I said bad words on the internet

Yes I browse reddit so what? I recognize half the OPs in the front page of Yea Forums are copypasted from /r/Gaming so it's not like there isn't any overlap.
Nice try, retard.

if you are an Amerifatski sue those slite eyed jewpig kikefucks.
AIDSfaggot sjw lgbtpq subhumans for every dollar they are worth.
get a good lawyer who can prove that you have Tourette autism and get millions of shekels from these oven dodging Commiefornian jewpig Pearl Harbor kikes.

>Wouldn't the digital games stay on the console with the original account?
Purchases are bound to PSN account not hardware.

thank god. hope you learned your lesson and change your behavior.

You got warned 3 times before. Your perma ban is absolutely justified. If you cant behave yourself then there will be consequences.

One less raging kid online, based Sony

i hope you don't get your account back

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I think any word can result in a ban if the host (in this case, sony) decides that it's not something they want happening on their platform.

In any case I would call customer service and explain your disability. I can't guarantee it'll work but this is an actual option for you. Also, try to break your habit of saying slurs with the mic open. Either close the mic or don't say them!

>i dont want to deal with any more stress
>stressed over a video game account
You must really not have any problems irl huh zoomer?

>Reddit post says he's only 14

315 here

some people just prefer the simplicity of console gaming and digital distribution.

pretending to be underage here gets you banned shouldn't OP get the hammer then?

So you are admitting to being here while 14 years old?
Not very good at reading rules, huh?

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Suck it, dumbass

Ironic coming from you when you don't have basic reading comprehension on top of not being very good at reading rules.
Now please point out where in my post did I say that I am the one who made the reddit thread? I have never said I was underage unlike you who publicly announces his reports.

Across multiple platforms sure but I can’t think of over 100 games I would purchase specifically for PS4, are you guys just buying whatever cheap shoverware indieshit is around?

hell no I got banned for calling someone a faggot in messaging once


Not OP just my opinion, I've never been banned and I'm always courteous even when the other player is being a total noob, I feel that would get under their skin more, wouldnt know though.

>op is a literal cuck and has like 30 posts on various subreddits in the last 48 hours

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Just don’t be angry 4Head

Go see your friends anyways asshat.

Real answer is get a new PS4, and new account. Then you link to your old with your new one as a family account. Make your old PS4 the "home console" for your new account and the new console the "home console" for the old PS4.

Now you can have access all your games on your new account from your old one.

Oh wait that's only on Xbox sorry sonybro

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The content of the plebbin thread is the exact same as in OP, except using 'toxicity' instead of 'bullshit'. It's three hours old. You probably posted a thread on gamespot or whatever other shithole forum subhuman normies still use to talk about vidya.
Don't pretend you understand the rules here by reporting me for announcing a report. You're underage and admit to being underage. My ban will be 3 days at the worst because mods are lazy, yours will be permanent because underage bans always are.
Options: sage

My partner uses the account as well and I buy games specifically for when guests are around, I've got 30 or so 4 player games like tower fall.
Pretty much buy any game in my favourite genre's if it's got a 6/10 or higher and goes on special for good price.


permabanning is retarded: kids are the ones swearing and shitting up online games on consoles.

kids grow up. in 1 or 2 years a little shitbag is likely gonna stop stiking or at least stink a little less.

if someone calls people niggers just stop him from chatting or voicing in all games for 6 months-1 year.anything more is counterproductive.

OP is a faggot but also proof of why buying digital is a literal scam.

or you know

>First off, I’m autistic and have anger issues (which I’m doing therapy for)

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I dont know why people play multiplayer. Too much pressure.

We're reaching peak Yea Forums everyone!

if he still has his playstation he can access the game from a different profile also
>buying digital

Lol, whenever people send me mean messages I always report them.
You people will not and can not attack me in my safe gaming space.


not even playing dozens of pirated games online with a cfw ps3 has gotten me a ban.

I am aware. I'm just saying the games should still be playable on a different account as long as his original account is also on the same console, unless being banned means you lose access to your games as well.

Why do people swear on mic?

Attached: the_miracle.jpg (666x3519, 842K)

JUST DIAL 555 11 22 33 47 FOR LESS AUTISM!

(might not work)

Did you not read the OP you retard?

these comic always triggerme

>tfw have 3 roommates
>my ps4 pro is in the living room
>have over a hundred games on my psn account
>always come home to roommates playing ps4
>come home one day to no one playing
>think great time to play some vidya
>log into ps4 just to find out my perma banned
>reason is for racism
>have only 3 games downloaded on console
>lost all those games saved to my account
>tell roommates they own me for all the games I lost
>proceed to tell me it's not their fault
>buy xbox one x and keep it in my room

Seriously fuck sony. I'll never give them one penny again. At least this time with xbox I'll just download every game I purchase to an external harddrive.