Risk of rain

>its a engineer spergs about fungus episode

Attached: 1555421550700.jpg (630x432, 112K)

Other urls found in this thread:



Bloody mods deleting the threads

I don't know if my comment will reach you thanks to the thread being pruned for another smash thread, but here's how I best illustrated the issue.

This is the normal field of view/range of huntress and there's a mob outside it, if you keep moving in the same direction but move the mouse to see the mob in question, you can't hit it, but instead of not attacking, huntress will STOP, then turn and attack, this stops sprint.

You can test it yourself by playing huntress and suddenly do a 180º turn while sprinting and attacking.

Attached: 1526800776247.png (426x145, 3K)

Should I keep going lads? I usually get bored at about 2 hours in, but this run is blessed

Attached: PlsfixblazingGolems.jpg (1920x1080, 377K)

No one linked the big tiddy mods for the Huntress or Artificer yet

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Is the lobby bugged? I join but then it kicks me back to the main screen

yeah it reached me

so if you hold forward while sprinting & move camera to the right, it'd stop your sprint?
I'm gonna go test this

Made a new one. MONSOON BITCHES

Worse yet, they're doing it with no whining to go to >>/vg/ and thanks to them being hypocrites and not handling
>Flat out inflammatory bullshit, instead picking out what helps whatever cause they're aligned with.

They were simply motivated and outlasted the mods. We have their support as a group and our bros who made the game came from here, so what the mods are doing is attacking the very board they work for free on.

aye same happened to me

why the fuck do mods keep banning the threads?
why is dmc allowed 1000 threads a day and classic wow allowed a general. fuck



EU lobby
i'm shit so will probably be playing on rainstorm though
i have good internet

I can't seem to reproduce the issue

wait do you mean you also change the direction you move in? Because if so, that's to be expected

get fucked mate

They're just picking on a relatively easy target.

we don't play the game enough anymore
got to play the game more

>Play alone
>Due to speed running the first 3 stages and farming the 4th, I can set myself up to safely loop as much as I want
>Play with friend
>They drag their ass across the stage farming everything and never make it past stage 4 on rainstorm
>Screech at me when I just activate the portal without asking so we don't get fucked by the simple passing of time
>I die once due to fire dot

The only screenshots of good solo runs they've ever sent me were on drizzle.

Attached: 1554356604744.png (1180x1080, 320K)

NA West or east, my internets bretty good

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the mods have been faggots on here for years, I've made a tonne of legitimate vidya threads and have been banned 3 days for it. They get away with it because you can't talk to any of the cunts.

I assume you're doing vanilla?

what mango that pic is from?


Get better friends

Attached: lYJRqJg1zOKayYfGK5Cib2FU6-rQUaMVZvQ_VFBsZV8.png (311x301, 118K)

im really new so yeah i didnt know there was anything else.
either way new id because i closed the room like a retard. i'll wait 10 minutes

honest question but why are you only attacking these threads and not the other ones like smash or the sekiro threads?

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>>Screech at me when I just activate the portal without asking so we don't get fucked by the simple passing of time
I fucking hate this meme
>don't d oanything on fourth stage
>somebody dies
>minute later another person dies
>minute later third guy dies

Based. Thanks user

>prismatic trial
>blazing stone golem horde
>second boss is blazing shielded greater wisp horde

Attached: 1460146570883.jpg (680x680, 62K)

Is this what you were talking about or did I miss something?

some lobbies are modded using pastebin.com/nf8RuPnj
It's best to mention if you host vanilla or modded

Attached: huntress sprint.webm (960x540, 2.81M)

you can get different bosses in prismatic trials based on time

>it changes direction

Yeah, so this might explain it, I switch from w to a and that's considered a direction change and it stops sprint?

Well if it's expected then I guess I just don't like it.

Attached: 1539598460712.png (426x145, 3K)

i see.
well nobodies joining anyway so im just gonna solo

I really should, shouldn't I?

Also, what does everyone figure for odds on no more updates coming? First game was abandonware, and this has already pulled more sales than ROR1 ever did.

Attached: D35aNl3WAAATagp.png (1253x1280, 968K)

Fuck you fungus stealer you don't even need it if you stand for more than 2 seconds you are dead

>Also, what does everyone figure for odds on no more updates coming?
0% you massive retard the game's in early access state and we ALREADY know what content is going to be coming in the immediate future

W+A should work too
If you go to solely A or D, it stops working though, since you can only sprint 90°, as I said, you can't strafe sprint.
That's why I think 180° should be a possibility, since you're still not exactly fleeing from an encounter.
180° sprinting instead of 90° would allow you to hold A or D while sprinting without W

270° means you can do S+A or S+D, which basically means nothing can ever catch up to you while you deal full damage

yeah lobbies can take a while to fill up nowadays
especially when mods decide to start deleting threads for no reasons

100% no updates. This is the game bros. Please look forward to it. Fell for the early access meme.

i had this run yesterday

>Also, what does everyone figure for odds on no more updates coming
100% hopoo already filed bankruptcy


NA rainstorm lobby 2 slots

kill yourself for playing engineer which is basically playing drizzle

There is nothing wrong with not rushing early stages.

There fucking is when you can't reach map 4 before 50 minutes.

whether you're farming on the first or fourth stage, it's about the availability of chests. You should revise your strategy accordingly.

Taking 20 minutes in one stage is not the same as not rushing.

LAST SLOT we lost our artifactor

the biggest change they could make for me is not turning off sprint when you fucking roll as commando

if only there was a version of the game that did this

Just give Huntress omnidirectional sprint.

DMC literally spammed 6-7 threads endlessly until the mods gave up. RoR isn't that popular.

yeah nah not playing with your retarded mod where people roll around as useless drones

re-uipping lobby because EARLY ACCESS LOL

any cute grils in there?


But user, you can't pick drone in the mod by default
they either modified their own assembly (which you can also do in vanilla) or they used CE as host.

If you wanna DIY it, download dnspy, throw in the assembly, go to EntityState.Commando.DodgeState & add in >this.body.isSprinting = true;
>if (base.fixedAge >= DodgeState.duration && base.isAuthority)

Tell that to faggots who are convinced walking around for 10 minutes to find just ONE MORE CHEST is totally worth it, and are dead certain there is exactly one more to find. It's really fucking hard for me to get anyone to understand that time is a factor, and full clearing a stage in itself is not necessarily in your interest.

Also fix to fucking fire dots when? I swear most of my runs end to one fire dot whenever I don't have the means to lifesteal my way to survival. Fuck.

Attached: Blazing Titan.jpg (853x480, 190K)

sorry only men here that totally aren't women trying to act like men

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>push game out with no content because you're greedy and want those early access shekels

I play merc most of the time, this is about my third run with engie on monsoon
I'm having fun

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yeah what a fucking jew with that bogo am i right

isnt that every early access game?

What changes/tweaks/characters would people like to see done before release?

>hitscan M2
>iframes on roll
>Suppressive Fire gets more attacks w/ attack speed, but lower proc coefficient overall

>Sprint in any direction, or at least backwards
>Slight M1 damage increase
>Attack speed affects Arrow Rain

>Mines reduced to 5 up at a time, but they now shoot a weak missile every 2 seconds, scaling with attack speed. Similar to widow mines from SC2. Still explode when something's near and can still hold 10. Maybe have them drop behind you if used while sprinting or something.
>Better Turret AI

I dunno about the other characters. Artificer needs a ton of changes and I feel like Merc could use some light touches, but I don't know what I'd do. MUL-T seems fine to me.

I mean it's basically got the bare minimum content to be a fun time


>Sprint in any direction
Very bad idea


Attached: Monsoon MGR Memes.png (989x1334, 1.18M)


Explain why?

Huntress honestly feels really odd to play as she is currently designed. Sprinting while firing is not really useful.

Remove the 2 equipment slots, shit's dumb
Instead, replace sniper shot's M2 with a different ability, maybe heal drones (which appear to be coded in)

Wall is an actual wall & blocks projectiles & enemies. enemies near the wall are slowed and gradually gain a larger & larger "frost" percentage. Once they go below the frost percentage, they shatter, dealing damage in an AoE around them, slowing enemies & applying a portion of frost status effect to them. This sets up for satisfying shatter chains, similar to wispchains.

turrets now have half effectiveness of items such as fungus, snowflake & tesla. Lower proc coefficient.
Mines are removed & replaced with rockets

Sprints after roll
Short attack speed or damage boost after rolling (there's code for this)

180° sprint
sprints after utility

Stealth causes targeted attacks aiming at you to still fire rather than locking onto a random other enemy
M2 deals more damage the lower health an enemy is, so it's more of an execution ability

haven't played him really so idk

Are you a dummy? The fungus applies to his turrets. 2 turrets, 3 fungi and a bubble shield is kino for everyone.

I just want to see proc rate modifier reworked
what's the point of shooting really fast if you just have to artificially nerf items
merc is strong as is but I would like something changed as well

Yeah might actually make huntress useful

Sprinting away from enemies should come at the cost of not dealing damage
If you let her sprint in all directions she's so stupidly mobile while dealing damage there'd be no reason to play any other character as no other enemy would even come close to being able to be as safe as her

No different from just removing her ability to sprint and making her base movement speed equivalent to sprint.

She is useful, stop judging the characters based on how well they perform 300 minutes in when the game is meant to be ~7 stages long.

Engy is based.

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I think person you're talking to complains about people stealing engi's foongoos
since he quoted OP which seemed to be the kind of person who'd do that

guess everyone's playing her wrong then. huntress is consistently bottom damage in my runs and I groan every time I see someone playing her

where modanon download

>turrets not on the drone

oh i guess im the dummy

You find a Quail or some energy drinks and just loop around enemies while never being caught. The auto-aim targeting could use work such as prioritizing the most dangerous enemy under the crosshair instead of the Beetle, and something should be done with rain storm.

you can put turrets on the fucking drone?

EU Monsoon

Attached: 1554187027364.gif (200x200, 28K)

But huntress needs to be within spitting distance of enemies to attack in the first place. Is mobility really OP if you have to expose yourself to danger just to deal damage?

Well, the point is kind of null anyway. Her M1 and R do not scale enough to be contenders past a certain point. M2 kind of becomes her only ability. Sprint in any direction would be great for four maps then be nothing but a dumb party trick.

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Had the same last week, ignore the fuckers, engi is fun while it lasts, which was just a few days for me.

So the game is ridiculously easy on normal in SP. Does MP augment difficulty at all?

Is Monsoon the real difficulty like L4D2's Expert?

someone said you could, I never got into the situation where I got to try

due to falloff damage, most characters are in that range

I was going to join but after clicking your image I won't anymore

I really hope they fix TC-280's pathing in the level with the chains

if you're good at video games the hardest difficult has always been the most fun way to play

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game difficulty comes from three factors imo

a) playercount (the more players, the harder, 16 player lobbies were practically impossible to get past second stage)
b) actually difficulty setting (not THAT much difference between monsoon & rainstorm, but difference between rainstorm & drizzle is insane, due to DrizzlePlayerHelper item)
c) are people playing engi

>due to falloff damage, most characters are in that range

I wonder if this is something that will get fixed.. or even acknowledged as a problem even once.

Yeah he just stayed in one spot in that map and then disappeared (died?)

>the game is meant to be ~7 stages long.
If this were really the case the game wouldn't loop around with additional shit.

That map being the chain one*

>Remove the 2 equipment slots, shit's dumb
>turrets now have half effectiveness of items such as fungus, snowflake & tesla. Lower proc coefficient.

Attached: question.png (334x338, 57K)

probably died. it doesn't seem to be able to shoot anything in that spot, so enemies just pile up and kill it after a while

I mean not really.
And if not 7 stages long, then how long? There's going to be a final boss and that's where you'll have the option to either obliterate yourself or continue looping.

user, when do you think the final boss would be, then?

Is Engy op?

The fuck I didn't know this was a thing. I need a video of this.

Attached: engy.png (323x329, 180K)

"that map" could be interpreted to mean the snow level shown in the screenshot

>Did you get literally that ONE ITEM?
Then OP
Then you are a pointless childe and a waste of space on your team that is only adding more spawns you cannot help with.

As long as you want it to be. 90% of the fun is see how broken you can become. The 7 stage excuse for NOT tweaking characters is stupid.

Again, the greatest part of the first one was going until you died or didn't want to continue.

I know you can stand on drones, even small ones.

giving 2 equipment slots to mul-t doesn't make any sense whatsoever, it also means giving fuel cells to anyone else is a waste
turrets are WAY too strong currently, especially with items that provide an aura effect such as tesla fungus or snowflake, since you effectively get the item 3x. This, again, leads to making it a waste to give those items to anyone but engi (except MAYBE merc so he can at least do SOME damage)

If you nerf certain aspects of characters, you can buff them by giving them other things. I would much rather have another ability on mul-t than another equipment slot
I would much rather have another ability on engi rather than having to afk after placing two turrets

nu-Yea Forums mods are fucking spergs who don't know how the site works with flavor of the month shit.
>game is a new, hot meme so theres only a burst of activity now, it will eventually slow down so much that it could never support a general
>no dedicated servers and lobbies fill fast, something /vg/ doesn't support with the slowness of it and the huge post delay
>theres only one fucking thread
mods are retarded niggers, put the thread under a trump screencap next time if they keep acting up

engi is
a) the best (only?) support role
b) likely the safest character
c) the highest damage character
d) likely the easiest character
e) gets tons of items from his teammates for free since they are much better on him

Tweaking characters because their performance is sub-optimal for infinite scaling is also stupid. Otherwise every character would just be the same M1 spamming proc generators.

Which item?
Also, two turrets and a bubble is a huge boon for the team... esp with 3x fungi.

Give me Milky Chrysalis and I'll carpet bomb the shit out of the map.

>put up a donald trump picture with thread description being "Allowing illegal immigrants into the country is a huge risk."

>giving 2 equipment slots to mul-t doesn't make any sense whatsoever
But his entire deal is that he's "Multi-use"

>If you nerf certain aspects of characters, you can buff them by giving them other things.
The extremes of characters are what helps make them unique though. Not every run is going to have an Engi or MUL-T and not every player is going to min/max their run by ensuring that every class gets the items that are better on that class.

remove his fall damage, if only to stop that retarded eviscerate bug that can kill you

It got to the point where enemies would spawn initially, but nothing spawned while the teleporter was charging, it was a fun ride while it lasted

Thanks user

Attached: Kys.jpg (1920x1080, 283K)

>only played RoR 1
>Watch my friend play this for a bit last night
>All of your items stick to you and continue to stack
>Character looks like a walking yard sale by mid game
Fucking kek. Is the game good? I liked the first one a lot and this looks fun.

for he's likely referring to fungus, but fungus isn't that important on engi, it's just funny to watch sometimes so people immediately started calling it a must stack on him, claiming if you didn't get at least like 10+ engi was useless or whatever

>But his entire deal is that he's "Multi-use"
>multi use
just have it refer to his multiple stances then

can't you M2, R or shift to break your fall?

Attached: oh.png (256x256, 30K)

Fungus literally is the one item.

>every character would just be the same M1 spamming proc generators.
Everyone but Artificer is this already, some are just shit at it.


>I liked the first one a lot
since this is literally RoR but in 3D, yes you'll like it
reminder that if you ever launch a match in drizzle, it puts a permanent mark on your in game account that can't be removed

next week

>reminder that if you ever launch a match in drizzle, it puts a permanent mark on your in game account that can't be removed

>can't you M2, R or shift to break your fall?
yes but if you eviscerate mid air into a wall or the ground it rapes your HP to 5%ish
I think the moonshoes stop it which is why I'm pretty sure its a fall damage bug

Merc needs slightly better damage. Overall I think he's a solid character, but the fact that he is melee, means he has to put himself into more direct danger than the other classes, which necessitates him building defensive items. But his low base damage also requires him to get shitloads of attack items to not fall off in the DPS. Increasing his base damage slightly, would make him less reliant on lucky itemization, while not really making him much more "powerful".

>plz nerf x character

Notto dis shittu agane
Can you guys at least wait to know how many level you need to fight the final boss before talking about nerf, balance and shit?


How the FUCK does item stacking work? Is everything beyond 3 useless for every item, or are some infinitely stackable?

there's a setting that gets toggled on your account the moment a run starts in drizzle

how can i not be shit lads
i have no idea what the fuck im doing

>thing toggled on your account
Sounds kinda bullshit. what "thing" is toggled. And does it do anything?

it depends (tm)
look at logbooks for the items, they describe what each item does & what additional stacks do
(coke is incorrect, the values are much too high compared to what they actually are (20% for first and 13.8% for any beyond) & snowflake doesn't mention anything IIRC, but that one increases damage by a good chunk)

you are holding m1 when tapping m2 right?


it doesn't do anything yet as far as I've found, it works similar to achievement unlocks in that if the requirements are met, it adds a section to your save file. This requirement is met the moment a run is started if the difficulty is Drizzle.
Since hopoo is from Yea Forums, I wouldn't be surprised if it's used for tracking shitters

I might be able to remember the state you were in before you used the utility & set it back to that
well fuck you too then

His damage is more than fine, you probably aren't holding M1. He needs a better way to deal with blazing enemies, since he has to get so close.

>play Engi on monsoon
>"Okay time to get some fungus-"
>end up finding more on hit items like rings, rockets and stickies
>tons of gasoline
>a handful of wisps
>couple of ukaleles
>syringes for days
Of course you mix in your odds and ends like keys, red whips and shield boosters, but I never got a single fucking fungus and I was just playing hit and run Engi, dropping the sentries and letting them vaporize everything.

Attached: EXCUSE ME.png (500x372, 238K)

don't tell him, he'll escape the day hopoo rounds up all the drizzlets into concentration camps

play on drizzle a few times to figure out the basics. It's really not that hard, at least on rainstorm.

Of course. Again, I'm not saying Merc is shit or anything, I'd be fine if they didn't change anything, I just think he is a little too reliant on getting both offensive(Because low base damage) and defensive(Because melee) items, and giving him some slightly better base damage would make him less reliant on getting DPS items.

It's especially evident in MP, where half the time you see "X has picked up Y" and you're like "Ah fuck I could have used that", because you just need so many items to keep up.

another good merc change would be to have merc sprint out of his abilities if he's sprinting into them

Oh. Well, just make a new profile in that case that it ever does anything. However, why included a mode that you would only punish people for using?

i get the basics in terms of gameplay but i have no idea what items to get and when i play MP everyone seems to have taken all the chests and has way more items and im just holding money and then i die.

don't give people bad advice like that
if your kid keeps running into the door handle, you should tell him to stop being a fucking retard, you shouldn't hang one of these shitstains on it

cause they're not exactly punished for doing it

Attached: bflwzSg[1].jpg (500x380, 57K)

This is retarded. Everyone is going to do Drizzle at first just to learn.

you get what items drop from bosses and chests, that's it.

That's a retarded analogy. This is a game with mechanics. If you don't know the mechanics, a low-intensity learning run makes sense. It's not a participation trophy mentality. It's simply learning the game. Yeah, if you play on Drizzle a lot, sure. But one or two runs just to figure out how the game plays? Absolutely nothing wrong with that, esp considering how intense it can get.

yes that happens at first. play a lot of SP. Honestly, SP is as good if not better than MP in some ways. No loot competition means steady, marked progression every game. A lot of SP will teach you the maps and movement and maybe get you a better character than commando. I had your issues but now I'm fine.

EU lobby, NA fine

Not to mention a staggering amount of people simply modded their saves in ROR1 to unlock everything. Drizzle didn't allow progression, and unlocking everything made Rainstorm far easier due to lack of item and character balance. No sense in punishing or shaming drizzle play this time around. If anything, there's no longer an excuse for being a lazy shit. If you're that bad at the game, play drizzle for unlocks.

i had a fun run with commando
unstable tesla, 3 hardlights and 3 gestures with a royal capacitor
i call this combo 'rolling thunder'

Need one

Can you elaborate?

Why would punishing Drizzle make sense if it locks prog?

Why would not punishing Drizzle make sense if it allows prog?

>he played drizzle

Rereading it it kind of makes sense, but still fuzzy.

Not the user your are talking to but I actually think it's better to learn game with the standard difficutly (rainstorm). You can take bad habit by playing too much drizzle.

And I have zero shame. Now I have to play Monsoon to not be bored. It's called growth.

>your are

>he plays monsoon
when are you going to play on hard mode user?
you have unlocked the fourth difficulty right?

Fuck me kek

I don't see how a couple of test runs is enough to ingrain habits... it just gets you to learn maps/movement and how item spawning works and stuff. I dont even know what bad habits could possibly arise even if you played Drizzle exclusively, besides underestimating the intensity of higher difficulties.

if you want me to, sure

Attached: base.jpg (256x256, 11K)

Merc should have multiple charges of his M2 by default

nope. I dont even have the merc yet because I fucked up and missed the portal last night.

>find fungus printer
>Engineer player declares the game won and everyone is now immortal
>dies 5 minutes later because he refuses to dodge one shot attacks
Every fucking time.

reminder that teddies > fungus even on engi
reminder that syringes/stickies > fungus even on engi

It seems like I stopped getting Lunar Coins once I hit 3.

ROR1 Drizzle locked progression. You could play as much as you want but nothing unlocked unless you were playing Rainstorm or Monsoon. Except most people didn't bother getting good enough to solo Rainstorm without unlocks. They'd just mod their save or install an already completed save. Now suddenly everyone can clear Rainstorm cause of all the OP shit you get from unlocks.

ROR2 would devolve in to the same thing if playing drizzle was punished in a similar fashion. Drizzle may enable the ever despised casual, but you can now tell who the REAL turbo shitters are by who won't even put in the time to unlock shit in an auto-win game mode.

More simply put: Anything that encourages people to actually PLAY YOUR GAME rather than skipping content should be encouraged.

>teddies > fungus
I would say =, you're fucked without a balance of both
>imp overlord goes DORARARARARARARARARARA over turrets
>can't outdamage the healing from the fungus

I hate stickies. It seems like the mob always dies before one can explode. Everyone memes them but I don't get it.

It's just bad rng bro. Although it feels like I got way more after unlocking artificer. And in multiplayer good luck getting a coin

engi > commando > MUL-T > merc > huntress > everyone else > artificer
change my mind

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>>can't outdamage the healing from the fungus
he can kill them in the second it takes for the heal to proc
if you don't place them in eachother's radius & offset the heal timings

Is that a good key for survivabiliy? You should just get through the first few stages ASAP? I’ve only had a few decent runs so far.

>if you don't place them in eachother's radius & offset the heal timings
This is pretty much implicit if you know how to engineer, dumbo

>Play Engie for a while to test the fungus meme first hand
>Kind of boring but I can see the appeal for people who can't into game mechanics
>Some loop later on, have more fungus and antlers
>Big Pimp Imp teleports right on top of the nest
>Know what this means
>Don't move cause I want to see if this is enough immortality to truly tell the game to go fuck itself.

It wasn't even a contest. Instant engie paste. Yet SCIENCE! was still successful. I don't know if there is any amount of immortality that will survive that.

Honestly I have more fun testing dumb ideas in this game than anything else.

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I have 30 hours in ror2 and I still have NO idea how fast I should progress. I can never do monsoon because it goes so fucking fast

huntress is the bottom of the useful characters, and artificer should be above merc below mul-t

>what are odds for them not wanting more money
zero. they're going to make more because it's selling like hotcakes

don't waste forever checking every corner but give the map a once-over and provided you're good at killing efficiently and have a good eye you'll get all you need fast

sitting around checking everything can screw you, not getting enough items to keep up with difficulty can do that even more

Attached: 1555341455064.png (974x1000, 290K)

Why do volunteer custodians hate fun?

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>no content
>just did all challenges in 28 hours for 20 dollars

>3x ukulele and ceremonial dagger as merc
>a single dash into a swarm of enemies gives mine 3k gold in a few seconds

Attached: dz.png (492x454, 284K)

Deicide is the only drizzle gate and even rainstorm gate.
Online being a lot easier to set up means people can get carried to unlocks legit rather than biting the solo bullet or save editing.

Do you think they will nerf Engi in some way. He just seems so overpowered compared to the rest of the characters. With just a few items he shits over everything the game can throw at you.

if things die that fast, they don't matter, but yo ucan't tell me a blazing titan/golem/bosses die in the 2-3 seconds it takes for a sticky to explode

So does the difficulty infinitely ramp up, or does it stabilize once you hit HAHA? Because if it just parks at HAHA I see no point in rushing, as HAHA is eminently doable and getting all the items I can makes it even moreso.

Attached: snap.jpg (284x395, 80K)

I hesitate to give any real advice cause I am far from a master of the game myself, but I can always get several loops now on Rainstorm, even with bad lucks on item drops, just by following a simple rule.

>If I have not cleared map 3 while it is still hard, I am in a failed run.

Not that I think it's impossible doing it slower, but any slower than that is an indication you've not been efficient. It's simply a very easy point of reference to go by. If you can get out of map 3 before it swaps to Very Hard, you can feel free to farm Map 4 as long as you want.

And once you've looped, just fighting everything on the teleporter should give you enough money to buy every chest anyway.

Attached: 1547508038879.gif (379x440, 79K)

Just pretend that it adds more HAs, the difficulty increase chime still plays

I would rather have simply waited for the game to come out than had them release it in early access. It's honestly so disappointing seeing the game in this state.
It's not even a real game at this point yet, it's just an endless teleporter hell that breaks if you don't die for long enough. They haven't even made it an actual game and they're already talking about metagaming bullshit and a load of character balance patches.

Maybe they should finish trying to implement the characters and items they want to implement so they can rebalance everything together early in development, Rather than having a series of reactionary patches building on and covering up problems that they have to work around because they're too afraid to make any major changes from the current state of the game that might alienate retards too autistic to handle the meta changing because they entirely rework some mechanic or something.

I hate what early access does to the development cycle of games, especially this early on in a game's life, and I'm very worried RoR2 will suffer from some bullshit because of it.

don't look at the meter, it's just visual
there's a value that's determined by a bunch of factors such as playercount, time, stages, selected difficulty, etc.
it always goes up

Attached: SG46iay[1].png (1041x506, 37K)

I hope so
it'd be good to slightly drop damage or item procs on his M1, don't touch the turrets, it's nades that're the issue desu

It scales even in HAHA. In the future, tougher enemies will be included so they can use up spawn tokens more appropriately. For now, things just get denser then suddenly stop spawning completely.

So that's a yes to unending increases?

Would it be possible to mod The Rider from Furi's model into Merc's?

Attached: 1522766233542.jpg (680x439, 50K)

you're basically the QA team if the game is in EA and you should learn to accept that
your job is finding bugs, issues, things that suck dick & imbalanced things
then the devs will fix those things and will slowly add new shit, then you can test those

are you able to rig models?
likely the rigs will be different, if they're not, you can likely just swap the files & you're done

Risk of Rain 2 won't suffer bro. This is Risk of Rain 2, you're looking at it.

wish there was an optional version that doesn't remove hunt's scarf and arti's dress
But absolutely based nonetheless

Attached: 1554584358359.png (3204x4308, 1.42M)

>are you able to rig models?

Attached: 1539263470943.png (568x619, 214K)

>Gesture of the drowned glitch resets on moving to the next stage

noted, thanks

then you could try to export both the models & look at the rigs & hope they're the same

> Play Engineer on Monsoon last night
> Commando and Huntress take all the items
> The only thing they will let me pick up is fungus
> They have like fifty items each by mid second loop, I have like ten fungus and die instantly to everything
> Pop two mountain shrines on the snow level and rush the tele, then quit.

Showed those dipshits.

A good rule you should NEVER BREAK in any run.

>Do not wait to farm in one place.

Kill while on the run. Buy chests as you pass by if you have the money. Confirm the teleporter's location the first thing you do every map. It takes a while for things to start spawning and they'll follow your ass around the map anyway. No need to stop to kill them till you got a nice pile following. If you saw a big chest, printer, or shop you really like you can go back later. Once you know where the teleporter is, you've solved 90% of your potential time loss for that map.

Attached: 1554466900644.jpg (1200x1600, 116K)


>num3 and num4 are the same
>num6 and num7 are the same
>Only difference between compensatedDifficultyCoefficient and difficultyCoefficient is one uses num3 and num6, the other num4 and num7. Meaning they too are the same.
What did Hopoo mean by this?
Also it does not seem to raise infinitely. targetMonsterLevel checks against a Level cap value defined somewhere outside that screenshot.

Yeah, most maps you can activate the TP ASAP, and it will give you enough gold to run around and pick up plenty of chests.

>Once you know where the teleporter is, you've solved 90% of your potential time loss for that map.
whenever I play, never has the time loss on a stage been because we failed to find the teleporter

Any pictures of this in action?

any games?

It was a fun run bois waiting for some lobbys here

Attached: bandite.gif (256x245, 2.8M)

I dunno... For the first time last night I did tele immediately. Enemies stop spawning after the event is over, and I didn't have enough to buy everything. I save tele for last.

>> The only thing they will let me pick up is fungus
why didn't you just pick up your own items, engicuck?

moded ?If so link em to me and i'll host

Okay but you're totally ignoring how Early Access affects development through community interaction and accountability. We're not just QA testers, we're a cacophony of random idiots with our own stupid ideas for what the game should play look and feel like, and our position as paying customers gives us a distinctly different relationship with the game and the developers. So many early access games run into the problem of the community putting pressure on the devs to add frivolous and unnecessary bullshit or to focus on one particular thing or another before basic development milestones like optimization and important mechanical and quality of life improvements come up. A lot of the time a mechanic or other aspect of the game is fundamentally flawed and unfinished but the devs can't flesh out or change it too much because the community will freak the fuck out with the autism of a thousand screaming retards.
They can always release bug fixes and balance patches as late into development as they want, or even after release, but you can't easily go back and fix something that should have been changed a long time ago if you've spent actual years developing around the necessity of keeping it the same way that it is so that people don't get upset. It happens to so many early access games, Space Engineers still runs like shit after years of development and optimization patches because people wanted them to add in planets before basic engine features and clean up and optimization on the shit that was already in the game.
It is by no means am irrational fear to worry that something similar will happen with RoR2, considering how they already appear to be handling content updates.

>Only difference between compensatedDifficultyCoefficient and difficultyCoefficient is one uses num3 and num6, the other num4 and num7. Meaning they too are the same.
likely so they could change them, since they're used for different things in the code
>Also it does not seem to raise infinitely. targetMonsterLevel checks against a Level cap value defined somewhere outside that screenshot.
Likely that's because they only allow experience up to 2147m and as such, the highest you can go is technically hard capped.
However, enemy level isn't the only thing that scales, combatdirector's budget gain over time is also determined by the difficulty.

InitialCalcExperience(double level, double experienceForFirstLevelUp = 20.0, double growthRate = 1.55)
return Math.Max(experienceForFirstLevelUp * ((1.0 - Math.Pow(growthRate, level - 1.0)) / (1.0 - growthRate)), 0.0);

Attached: ThwjgbI[1].png (1007x365, 18K)

what fucking map is that
is that a prototype of the game or some shit?

This is why I immediately exported my install to an external hard drive in case they ruin it.

Not modded its the base game with bandit playable.

I don't mean activate it, necessarily. Nor the time loss of not being able to find it. It's just a slight efficiency thing. Find the teleporter first. Then get caught up in farming. If you realize you've been farming a bit too much you at least already know where your teleporter should be. If I happen to circle the map when it had been right around the corner of my spawn, I still haven't actually wasted my time going in the wrong direction.

It's more a procedure to eliminate basic human fallibility. Why use a strategy you have to think through?

>considering how they already appear to be handling content updates
what did he mean by this

yes it from Hoppo Tumblr IRCC

how low the mighty have fallen


every time I do this I just end up not being able to afford shit and barely having items

if you're intrested in playing
EU (optic fiber) / VAN / RAINSTORM

Why does hopoo seemingly not want you to be able to choose to have fun anymore because it wouldn't be balanced?
It feels like they haven't implemented the actual game yet so looping endlessly IS normal gameplay now instead of a thing you did to break the game and have fun, so they're trying to pointlessly balance everything around still being balanced after 5 loop hours or whatever and that's just so incredibly shortsighted in my opinion.

sorry for the typo
I was trying find some bandit footage, i only found it on their tumblr.

Did you read the whole reply chain or are you just driveby shitposting because it's pretty clear what that post is talking about

>If I Recall Correctly, Cuntbag
I see nothing wrong here.

Yes he's complaining about it being unfinished 3 weeks after EA.

No if.

>Maybe they should finish trying to implement the characters and items they want to implement so they can rebalance everything together early in development, Rather than having a series of reactionary patches building on and covering up problems that they have to work around because they're too afraid to make any major changes from the current state of the game that might alienate retards too autistic to handle the meta changing because they entirely rework some mechanic or something.
What are these reactionary patches doing?

wait so I'm confused, what do you want hopoo to do exactly?
you want them to not add any content, not fix any bugs and just rewrite the engine?

The core gameplay is there
everything is very modular
if you had looked at the code, they can literally shit out items, buffs, artifacts, modifiers, survivors, enemies, bosses & everything like it's fucking nobody's business

they just put out the core with the shit we currently have to see how they're doing

You don't need to activate the teleporter once you find it. You just need to know where it is, user. Then you can goof off based on how long finding it took you. If it took you a while, you should have already fought some things and gotten two or three items. If you found the teleporter in seconds, you can simply fuck off and keep mental note of where it was and how long it would take you to go back to it.

Regardless of what you do, don't farm so much that you have money left over after buying everything. Money doesn't transfer to XP worth shit. All you did was tick up the difficulty bar.

Attached: 1555306119678.jpg (722x722, 55K)

Post Huntress and Artificer lewds

Go away, dumb jannie. We won't give you an excuse to delete the thread.

A few have been posted already. If I was a jannie I would have deleted it by now.

>Soon been a month without a single update other than some small number changes.
You didn't fall for the early access meme, did you?

Attached: faggot.png (213x301, 39K)

it's literally 3 guys making a game, they ran out of cash and needed some to continue production and do stuff like eat

I paid for a gift copy with refined metal in tf2, I have no complaints about the value of this for my 41 hours of play so far.

>implying they didn't stop being indie to do exactly that

>small number changes
are you mentally retarded

I didn't know what the shrine of order did

Attached: 2019-04-15 00-40-42_125.webm (640x360, 2.12M)

>An unfinished character that doesn't scale with 90% of the shit in the game
>Above anyone

any modders in this thread?

I'm trying to swap character abilities but I can't find where anything is instantiated at. is it possible?

anybody have the bear infographic? i can't find it

You've got to find the entitystates that are used for the abilities, then modify those.
You could likely also create your own entitystates & somehow swap them in & out using the EntityStateMachine but then it gets more complex

I'd put huntress above merc cause range, but I'm a huntress main so take it woth a grain of salt.

US Vanilla Host when

then put yourself in the garbage can, along with huntress.

hopoo has used tumblr to archive game development updates since 2013 you fucking retard.


Attached: sequenced.webm (852x480, 2.99M)

ay but I want to completely swap two entitystates. I could replace the names but it would be simpler to just change where they are instantiated, problem is I can't find where anything is instantiated.

So this is why you can't die from fall damage

nigga they needed to make a place to archive game development updates because ror1 was a kickstarter project and they wanted to update pledgers. the fuck were they supposed to do, make a blogspot? spend a bunch of money to host files instead of use tumblr's free filesharing?

hopoo does literally nothing but post game updates, no liking or reblogging or any gay shit, no stupid text posts about politics. there's nothing wrong with them using tumblr to archive progress made on current game projects, dumbass

Huntress is good m8. Enjoy swiping at those wisps, merc. Huntres kills four of them in one go with one of her glaives.

I can never resist using a shrine of order. We know it will simply doom a run. Why is it so tempting?

reminder that your run hasn't ended with you dying like a bitch thanks to cautious slug
reminder to never take slug-chan for granted

Attached: 1555215804199.png (1992x1180, 427K)


most likely it's done directly through unity, I would assume each character prefab has all the skills & states filled directly through there, so they don't need to hardcode it or whatever.

You could just copy the majority of code over & change/add some variables
alternatively, SkillLocator seems to have 4 GenericSkill class variables called primary, secondary, utility & special and a PassiveSkill variable.
GenericSkill has

[Tooltip("The state machine this skill operates upon.")]
public EntityStateMachine stateMachine;

[Tooltip("The state to enter when this skill is activated.")]
public SerializableEntityStateType activationState;

I'm going to take screenshots of runs lasting 2+ hours without picking up slug just to spite you retards

reminder to not be a nigger like this user and praise your local slug


some dumb fuck once told me "post a screenshot of a run that goes 1h+ without slug"
after I responded with "post a screenshot of a run that goes 1h+ without monster necklace" he never replied


EU Vanilla

Attached: 1478577774587.png (456x193, 16K)

Honest I don't like cheating but...

can someone tell me how to mod/hack in 100 lunar coins because fuck this

Thats easy. Ill do it next thread. Monster necklace blows
Thanks slug-chan
Literally do it

Attached: slug-dusky-arion-9354194.jpg (1300x957, 169K)

*ting ting*
FUCK lunar cheaters and FUCK drizzlers

they're both literally inessential if you aren't bad
i'll do it nigger

playing for 6 hours and getting 2 lunar coins is stupid

this isn't an mmo

of course it's possible, both items are shit
the point is that there's no reason to ever not have a slug or a monster tooth necklace on a run that long since there's no reason not to pick them up

slug > you

Attached: slug.webm (960x540, 2.8M)

I got 5 coins in the first ~6 hours I played
you probably just did a single 6h run
lunar coin rate drops for every coin that drops
try doing some harder runs like 4 man scaled monsoon, maybe with glass or honor or funballs mixed in because why not

I have become death, Enforcer of laws

Attached: Untitled.png (1920x1080, 126K)

>lunar coin rate drops for every coin that drops

which fucker thought this was a good idea in that case you might as well end run when you get a coin

see you can do it, but you can shut down the discussion by stating that because the odds the other person has such a specific screenshot is outrageous

exactly, if you purely want to farm lunar coins,that's exactly what you do
odds get absolutely astronomical btw

to get 10 coins on a run, you need to kill like 200k (or is it 400k) monsters

this dumb bitch doesn't know the power of slug

Attached: 2xslug.webm (640x360, 1.93M)

necklace is shit. the orbs are weak af


why hopoo changed it from the way it worked in the first game baffles me. Not only are the orbs weak, you also have to fucking pick them up instead of them flying to you on kill

BUG >>>>>>> SLUG

Attached: Transcendence.png (92x92, 18K)

how does predatory instinct stack?
just found a printer here.

based bugger

Attached: BLAZED.webm (1067x600, 2.79M)

>try doing some harder runs like 4 man scaled monsoon, maybe with glass or honor or funballs mixed in because why not
>modded shit

Attached: Yuck.png (600x550, 34K)

I made a shitty OC

Attached: rorpee.jpg (667x645, 87K)

it stacks perfectly. no drop off in effectiveness. of course it depends on your ability to shit out critical hits.


Can't have the boobs if there's the scarf/skirt. Those meshes had to be sacrificed to bind the boobs to the torso.

I would guess that it's to make them weaker compared to the insta-heal leech seeds.


How interesting. Tell me more about your hacked game, user.

Attached: 1515878227109.jpg (384x315, 44K)

Attached: Queens_Gland_Mod.png (2316x1388, 2.61M)

hopoo is just retarded, energy drink is straight up better than red whip, and stun grenade is better than chronobauble.

>pick up slug

More predatory instincts means you can have more of the buff.
For example two of them means you can get 5-6 stacks of it max, instead of 3 times max, for 50% more attack speed as long as you can crit five times

fine then play keyboard only or make your cat play with your computer mouse while you just move around
whatever makes the run more likely to end early & you have more enjoyment doing than just restarting a run every five minutes

best item in the game for MUL-T chads

not as good on everyone else except maybe commando and engi (everything is good on engi tho)

>energy drink is straight up better than red whip
energy drink is straight up worse than hoof
past the first can, you get 13.8% movement speed, exclusively when sprinting
hoof gives 14 at all times
hoof is straight up better than coke

red whip is better than coke & hoof in the scenario it's made for, which is out of combat movement speed. Hell it's even better than two hooves

>Shrine of Order
>Sequenced to Fuck
>Suddenly no damage
>But I am SPEED ITSELF and still have based bug friend

Nearly cleared the stage like this too.

Attached: 632360_20190416041944_1.png (1920x1080, 836K)

Attached: potofglee.jpg (600x477, 349K)

US vanilla game where?

Attached: 1541185333162.gif (500x500, 386K)

you're right that hoof > drink (past the first), but you're wrong that red whip isn't hot shit. i'll take two hooves (28% movespeed forever) over one whip (30% movespeed out of combat) any fucking day of the week.

fact is, movement in this game isn't really necessary. it's fun but kind of pointless. once you have 5 or 6 hooves and one energy drink you literally don't need anything else. you have enough speed to outrun literally any ability in the game and explore any map in under a minute. i stop grabbing movement shit after a certain point

>need mods to use mouse

Nito you can come back if you want to

>Gesture black hole crashed the run
Sorry guys

I never said it's not hot shit
it's just not strictly worse than other items
you cannot say fungus is strictly worse than slug because there's a situation in which it is better. (and just like whip, that situation is exactly what it was made around)

You can argue that that situation doesn't happen often enough to warrant wanting that item over another, but that doesn't make it strictly worse.

I for example would rather have a fungus on any character over a slug.

I would rather have a whip over a hoof on artificer & engineer because I feel like they need it to effectively get around the map. (at least at the start when they have no other mobility items.) Engineer spends a lot of time out of combat because turrets don't make him count as in combat
Artificer spends a lot of time out of combat waiting for cooldowns or for the right moment to go in.


as soon as you left it was fine
so this is the limit of hopoo's programming huh

Screen goes black and then kicks me back to title screen.
I think Hopoo is punishing me.

more like risk of frames

Other poster:
>Mods bad

>fine then play keyboard only or make your cat play with your computer mouse while you just move around
whatever makes the run more likely to end early & you have more enjoyment doing than just restarting a run every five minutes

What the fucking shit are you saying here?


leggo boys

Attached: 1535574311215.png (213x214, 31K)

check console

Idk when two whites do what one green does but better, I'd consider that green pretty shit.

I prefer goat hooves over red whip 100% of the time on Artificer because a good stack of hooves (5 or 6) means I get to circle strafe literally any enemy in the game and dodge their attack, which makes flamethrower much safer to use. As engie, I still prefer goat hooves over whip because whip won't let me get the fuck out of dodge after my set up gets disrupted (since I'm in combat), but hooves will.

Whip is literally only good for exploring the map which makes it not only bad, but worse than just getting two copies of a white. As far as green items go, Whip is one of the shittiest since it's worse than stacking whites that offer a similar effect (see also: stun grenades vs chronobauble)

I'm saying that you should find some additional rule to make your runs more difficult
I suggested mods since they offer a gameplay reason
Since he didn't want mods, I told him to find some other way to make his runs harder

The way to get lunar coins is do short runs. If you want to make it feel like less of a grind, play in a way that makes the game harder but still enjoyable so that it feels less like a grind & the games end more natural

I have no idea why you made this, but it is glorious

Should get 1 LC every time you finish a loop.

I have 70 hours playing a game with "no content" then.

How long should I take per stage in monsoon, specially first loop? I usually strive for 5 min first stage and 7 minutes for the rest.

Attached: spede.png (1346x1056, 703K)

a lot of greens are worse than two whites
here's a list for a reminder
would you take an atg over two sticky bombs? I wouldn't
would you take an infusion over two bears? I wouldn't
Would you take predatory instinct over 2 syringes? (hint, a capped predatory instinct gives the same AS)
Would you take a bandolier over 2 backup mags? (except on engi)

Attached: 1pVH4ZQ[1].png (812x361, 355K)

i'm not sure if this post is agreeing with me or not, it's just listing off the four most overpowered whites and four of the weakest greens (infusion aside; i wouldn't compare that w teddy bear like you are, it's apples and oranges and i'd compare shield with bear instead)

US host when

EU host when

Vanilla Monsoon 2/4 US

>it's just listing off the four most overpowered whites and four of the weakest greens
you mean six right?
since I didn't bring up whip or chronobauble for greens & crit glasses & hooves for whites

obviously there's good greens, like the proc rings, leech seed & scythe and obviously there's bad whites like the key & monster tooth necklace which I left out to make the image nicer

my point is just that red whip isn't like a super bad green or whatever compared to others & that it isn't worse in every scenario to other MS items.

I feel like greens are just more situational items rather than better items, which would probably make fungus a pretty good green item

>unlock a shit load of stuff on drizzle
>run out of stuff to unlock

Don't do this to yourselves, chums. Now the only genuine enjoyment I get from the game is helping newbies in PUGs find secrets and unlock stuff.

Attached: apu in jail.png (1470x786, 156K)


Why the fuck don't YOU do it and post the code? Why are these people looking for games instead of hosting them?

Teddy caps very low (7 bears).
ATG is pretty great in the first half of loop 1.

red whip is garbage because 30% speed bonus is negligible

in RoR1 it was 80% and it made a fucking difference

>solo mons commando
>3stickies, brilliant behemoth and even 2 leech seeds
>this is the fuckin run
>die in 4th stage to fucking TWO infernal hermit crabs hellfire

Attached: 1554573686224.png (446x473, 240K)

Teddy doesn't cap at 7. You'll never reach max teddie stacks but at around 17 it's literally not worth trying to stack more.

Did they nerf huntress or something? Im getting my ass kicked on rainstorm and even drizzle feels like it got harder.

When it rains it purrs

Attached: smug_cat_by_khuanlertmai_dbbekwp-pre.jpg (894x894, 100K)

It's just that huntress is that squishy and you're getting bad luck

FUCK hermit crabs holy shit


EU Monsoon Vanilla

Yeah I meant that past 7 the diminishing returns are so drastic that you might as well pick up any other white. An user posted a chart with the actual cap last thread.

huntress sucks ass bro. you are just used to being carried by engichads and chadmandos

I have never played multi in my 60 hours of playtime.

>An user posted a chart with the actual cap last thread.

and it was close to 200 teddies and not 100% chance

sageru for double post



i wish there was more content

Attached: 20190408025543_1.jpg (1920x1080, 304K)

no not kyle

Shotgun character when?
Burst firing character when?

it's 2.5 weeks into EA

Oh it's time!

Attached: 1535129737518.jpg (640x632, 45K)

>everyone says huntress sucks
>all my god runs are when I choose huntress and stack exploding effects and just carpet bomb from the air

Il probably be banned for this but they're likely just autists

Not him but I found Huntress is good if you go fast instead of focusing on damage. Get the flight special and attack speed up, and if you can, the skill recharge and spring speed increases. Because of how her attacks work you dont even need to aim to land hits, they bounce of enemies and auto lock. You can stay in the air indefinitely and can still sprint while attacking. You basically play as a harrier jet doing strafing runs, some damage over time upgrades can help too.

Shotgun character when?

Attached: 1555372466093.png (239x254, 130K)

O-oh my...

yeah and 51 weeks left until release

>Enter a blue portal
>Ceremonial Dagger in the shop
>With Glass

Attached: 1555191330634m.jpg (1024x576, 46K)

The issue is that any build that really helps huntress helps literally anyone for the same reasons. Ask yourself what the huntress adds to the equation that others do not.

Attached: 200010-omag-nap-600x411.jpg (600x411, 46K)


WHERE IS /ourguy/ CHEF?

>52 leeching seeds


My general guideline, each difficulty is broken into 3 increments right.
First increment is for getting do$h and items.
Second increment is for fighting the teleporter boss.
At the start/mid of the third increment, you should be teleporting to the next stage, because each time you teleport it bumps the slider up one notch/segment/increment.

By this pacing, each level should go up one difficulty.
If you go slower than this you will inevitably fall behind the difficulty increase of the enemies, and get swarmed by mobs that deal more damage than you can tolerate.

any new dev-blog posts? havent played or visited Yea Forums for a week

Attached: 1554744321254.png (773x1198, 247K)



Attached: 4534536.png (708x139, 30K)


>Burst firing character when

You mean the Commando?






Attached: 1397975449842.jpg (229x220, 14K)

sprint attacks, all 3 skills keep airtime, braindead autoaim ping pong attacks

just pretty much hold buttons while sprinting through the air


>• **Magma Worm**
○ [Community Suggestion] Now switches between two modes of movement.
○ Leaping: goes high in the air, raining fireballs when it impacts the ground. This was the Magma worm's only previous stance.
○ Grounded: Snakes low but fast around on the ground.
○ *The intent is to give a break from the Worm's constant leaping and to give short range characters a chance to attack. The Worm should also be an intense fight, not a slog.*
○ [Community Suggestion] Reduced armor from 20 to 15 to make it less tanky.
○ [Community Suggestion] Can now jump off of platforms so it doesn't get stuck on certain ledges.

I will pay you to kill yourselves. -Hopoo

Attached: file.png (1440x1436, 3.14M)

>obliterating now gives everyone 5 lunar


Its fucking great actually

>Patch undid Queen's Gland mod

Attached: 1473383331203.png (697x768, 177K)

> [Community Found] Fix Merc being able to take major fall damage during dashing attacks. **This is actually a significant portion of blazing deaths - you dash in, get set to 1, and then get ticked for that last point of health.**
t. literally cannot stop playing merc

Oh wait it actually doesn't work with it now, that's weird

>Yeah guys this patch will ship in about a week.
>ships the next day

Fucking based Hopoo obviously read the nigger posting on this thread about how lazy he was.

Attached: merc.png (400x620, 186K)

>nerf the damage of the ice elite explosion
>"we want the ice affix to be a serious threat"

HAHAHAHA It's fucking nothing.

And there were people that thought this shit was not another early access scam. 2 weeks for this HAHAHA

Attached: 1463532562098.gif (457x486, 1.93M)

• **Hermit Crab**
○ [Community Suggestion] Reduce proc coefficient of mortar attack from 3


Attached: balanced burn.webm (853x480, 2.6M)


>• **Artificer**
>○ [Community Suggestion] Increase Artificer proc coefficient on Flame Bolt from 0.2 to 1.
>○ [Community Suggestion] Increase Artificer proc coefficient on Snap Freeze pillars from 0 to 1.
>○ [Community Suggestion] Increase Artificer's Snap Freeze explosion radius from 1.5m to 2.5m to alleviate it not always freezing enemies who trigger it
>○ *Artificer mistakenly had very low proc coefficients. Consider these bug fixes.*


>he's still here
>he's absolutely seething about hopoo btfo'ing his autistic ass by dropping a huge patch a week earlier than he said he would

Attached: smugdog.jpg (540x564, 67K)

>Extend timeout duration to recast Blinding Assault from 2s to 3s

>Hermit Crab: Reduce base health from 100 to 150.
So which is it?

Attached: 1548544028117.png (505x380, 315K)

>Wake of Vultures / Transcendence will no longer give you empty shield
W-What? The problem was it left you without shield and half of the health. Don't tell me they didn't fix it.

Attached: 114.png (500x351, 258K)

Nigga the ice explosion literally freezes you now. In the late game that is far more dangerous than raw damage is.

>○ [Community Suggestion] Obliteration now grants all participating players 5 lunar coins.
>○ *People want a legit way to get more lunar coins, and there's currently no purpose on obliterating past the first time. This should help alleviate both.*


guess we will have to try what changed


Attached: 1552590758152.jpg (500x500, 25K)

Maybe it was just the wrong wording when he said early next week in a post on sunday

Anyway reddit modfag btfo

Quick Summary of changes:

Number of fire stacks now visible
Burning capped at 5% total health a second (per stack)
Ticks at twice the frequency
Death bomb damage reduced from 350% to 150%
Now applies freeze effect to those caught in it

>Magma Worm
Has a second mode of movement, can now snakes low on the ground and moves quickly in addition to the leaps
Armor reduced from 20 to 15
>Stone Titan
Proc coefficient reduced from 1 to 0.15
>Hermit Crabs
Health reduced from 100 to 150(?) Probably a typo, 50
Proc coefficient reduced from 3 to 0.5
Health reduced from 250 to 200

Flame Bolt proc coefficient increased from 0.2 to 1
Snap Freeze proc coefficient from 0 to 1
Snap Freeze explosion radius increased from 1.5m to 2.5m
Arrow Rain proc coefficient raised from 0.1 to 0.2
Blinding Assault timeout duration increased from 2s to 3s
grafix improved - will have a full SFX/VFX tweak next patch

Obliterating urself now grants all players 5 lunar coins
Time pauses when in the Bazaar and other intermission stages

Attached: 1542331294942.png (498x427, 391K)

imo 5 is a bit high, 3 would be perfect
not complaining tho

It should've been 1/3/5 coins per loop based on difficulty.


Core offensive items: Most of his damage comes from raw attack speed increases. Proc items are Ok too, but not as important
>predatory instincts (buff is really short on him so keep your fire on a target as much as possible)
>glasses x10
>sticky bombs
>goat hooves and monster (increases transport mode damage)
>brilliant behemoth

Defensive/regen: Gets most of his healing from attacking due to his high firerate. Generally in close quarters with enemies so slug isn't as good.
>harvester scythe
>leeching seed
>rosebuckler (improves his transport mode defense a lot)

>crowbar (for transport mode and rebar gun)
>backup mag
>stun grenade
>tesla coil
>frost relic


Core offensive items: Most of his damage comes from proc items. Attack speed is good too, but not as important
>sticky bombs
>more sticky bombs
>glasses x10

>predatory instincts
>meat hook
>stun grenade
>brilliant behemoth

Defensive/regen: mostly ranged and keeps his distance. scythes and seeds aren't as good on him but still worth getting.
>harvester scythe
>leeching seed

anything not listed is likely either shit or good on everyone

>Ice elite on-death AoE now freeze the player for 1.5s

Attached: 1525687361626.jpg (600x649, 43K)

>Huge patch
It's literally only number changes, not a single content added. The game has soon been out for 1 month and the only thing that has been added are some number tweaks and bug fixes.
There's nothing substantial even added or changed

my guess is that when there's a change from your shields & your health, it checks your total shields+health at that time
if you have spare shield that's being removed, it moves to health
if you have spare health that's being removed, it moves to shield

Attached: 1554813392185.jpg (600x800, 70K)

how the fuck? is it the happy mask?

Attached: 1554627168314.png (1024x695, 36K)


19 day is certainly a month user, you're right

Is there still a point in updating for this patch now that it'd basically just be artifacts/bandit/sprint after utility/16 players (which never fills)?

Still sounds like a garbage item. You still lose 50% health so you can't regenerate with items. It slightly better but I'd still avoid it.

happy mask ghost. their health degenerates until they die, it's a sort of timer.

explain to a brainlet what proc coefficient means

• [Community Found] Allow changes in maximum health/shield to instantly fill that missing amount.

So when it procs, and when it ends, you remain at maximum health. It's still a mediocre effect but at least it won't threaten your life.

Artifacts and extended lobbies are great though.

>Improve FMJ impact graphics
>*We think that a majority of the Commando's problems are actually VFX and SFX making him feel weak and boring. This is a small first step towards that. A full pass will be done in a later patch.*
Glad to know they too feel attacks need a bit more fucking juice to them.

Attached: Risk of Rain 2 2019-04-11 02-48-20-73.webm (700x394, 2.84M)

>major bug fixes not substantial
user are you retarded

yeah I'm amazed they took that route

multiplier for how often the thing happen
(or for dots, how long the thing happen)

>Excited seeing a new patch came out
>It's nothing.

EU 4 players new patch

Anyone tested if new patch works with Modloader shit?

That is the rate at which effects proc with an attack. It's a percent. 1 being 100% chance, and 0.2 being 20% chance.

Item has 10% chance to proc on hit

Ability has 0.6x proc coefficient

Item has 6% chance to proc with that ability

Oh no, lightening hurts pretty fuckin bad early now...

16 players are way too many, but 6 or 8 is nice.

You mean bug fixes that random dudes on the internet modded and fixed in a few hours?


samefag getting BTFO'd (:

>ADHD zoomers burn out less than a month in when we're due at least a full year in Early Access

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Attached: 1555313801956.gif (500x506, 149K)

you can tune it down to 6 or 8 with sv_maxplayers, I just set it to 16 since that's the hard cap (according to hopoo's coding at least)

there's some pretty major shit that wasn't in the mod. Such as worms not being niggers all the time, turret ai, lightning bombs attaching, etc.



>these mongoloids with zero effort bait saying the patch is nothing are actually getting (you)'s
guys please stop replying to them

>Obliterating yourself gives you coins now
Still not a fan of Lunar Coins as a whole but at least getting them is gonna be less tedious now

Attached: 1554169731598.png (500x486, 57K)

>he's still doing it

Attached: smughouse.png (399x382, 87K)

Attached: 1554586860934.png (700x440, 150K)

>patch notes

Yeah I nutted when I realized it works on bosses.

At the rate which Hopoo is working the game will not even be closed to finished in 1 year.,

Proc is short for Programmed Random Occurrences, generally just means items that have a chance to activate. The Proc Coefficient alters the rate of them.

An example, one sticky bomb has a 5% chance to activate. Commando has a proc coefficient of 1, essentially average. 1 x 0.05 = 0.05, the bomb has a 5% chance of activating. MUL-T's nailgun has a lower proc coefficient of 0.4 to compensate for the high attack speed. 0.4 x 0.05 = 0.02, it only has a 2% chance of activating.

>no sprinting status preservation after roll/blink

did you use the mod or did you just expect it to be in the patch

>100 word essay due tomorrow
>can't play the patch right away
it's not fair bros

Attached: 1534046690455.jpg (220x310, 15K)


It should be in the patch, no? Seems like an easy and unassailable fix.

Reading the discord discussion gives me cancer, just people crying about MUH TIERLISTS and shit.

It's been fucking 20 days user. I'm pretty sure Hopoo can manage to push out a complete game in around 345 days.

I think what it means is most hits have a base of 1, but abilities that hit have a lower fraction of that base, like 0.2 for each hit of huntress R ?
and some probably have higher, like 1 hit can count as about 3 chances to proc if its a very slow ability

Artificer is secretly only kinda terrible now

>Still no way to blacklist certain items


EU monsoon vanilla 2/4

Yea Forums_items 1

>By Allah
>not By Providence
Providence when

>blacklisting everything except stickies and fungi as engi

Attached: 1546111901208.jpg (442x387, 52K)

Attached: 1554551989462.jpg (640x585, 73K)

can someone post that Commando image where he shakes Sticky Bombs as Maracas and they explode in his hands?

People do that here too

>engineer spergs about fungus episode
More like
>it's a fucking merc taking 3 fungus while engie gets none and give him snowflake or tesla episode

Does this mean I gotta update the boob mod?

>wurm now has slither mode and leap mode
>cremator btfo

Providence is dead dude

>stops to complain in-game
>gets BTFO
evry time

>worm isn't shit anymore
100% worth the wait

Attached: 1554623088356.png (666x666, 28K)

>still gets oneshotted by a blazing titan

Attached: 1540816612221.jpg (586x580, 75K)


Yeah game won't load with it added in

pls respond ;_;

H-he'll come back, just you wait!

Attached: 1553487831474.gif (404x399, 297K)

Underwhelming patch, most of this is obvious shit that should have been patched within the first days.

Well, give me time to compile everything then.

Are you outside his window or sitting in his break room? If not, how the fuck do you know what rate he's working on stuff not yet released?

>he doesn't know



Core offensive items: Most of her damage output will be from Glaives. attack speed isn't that good but is useful for getting out as many glaives as possible as quickly as possible

>backup mags
>alien head
>pauldron (mostly for the movement speed increase though the attack speed helps with glaives)
>sticky bombs

Defensive/regen: Huntresses low fire rate and ability to attack while sprinting and general play-style makes seeds and scythes sub par on her
>rose buckler (get a ton)
>hooves and monster (her best defense is to run)

>briliant behemoth
>syringes (get a few)
>glasses (not as urgent as MUL-T and commando)
>instincts (1-2 is enough, just to throw out glaives faster)

Engineer (pretty much everything is good in engineer, I'm only focusing on the most important things)

Core offensive items: late game your M1 will be godlike. remember to use it and dont let your turrets do all the work!
>will o Wisp + gasoline (enemies tend to pool up around your turrets)
>warbanner (affects turrets too)
>sticky bombs

>more shrooms
>reju rack
>afterburner (virtually infinite shields)
>dio (turrets revive too)

>frost relic
>tesla coil
>meat hook (pulls enemies into Wisp/gas range)
>pretty much every other item not mentioned

don't worry, his death pissed off his big brother

○ [Community Suggestion] Increase Artificer proc coefficient on Flame Bolt from 0.2 to 1.


this game is fuckin nuts

Attached: blackholes.webm (710x400, 2.96M)

that's actually still going to happen since they didn't nerf blazing damage directly
you're still going to take your entire lifebar in burn damage in a single tick

>implying Providence wasn't the Biblical Legion

100 words is nothing you twat
just shit out the essay and play the game

Attached: 1555320091661.jpg (595x510, 70K)

if you have like 10 shit items its usually worth it

You have 27 seconds to explain why the FUCK I would charge the engy's bombs, wasting 5 seconds and risking a miss, when I can just carpet bomb everything by spamming singles.

>when the sequence feels just right

Attached: mul-t track drifting.webm (960x540, 1.06M)

EU lobby, NA fine

>100 word essay
So like a few paragraphs?


merc's dash feels 1000x better now with the extra second between additional dashes

>transport mode scales with speed
>afterburner gives you two extra transport modes


You'd need around 998 Teddies to get 100%, depending on the way the code rounds decimals.

Wurms feel a lit more aggresive now
Just imagine the overloadings

Yeah, I noticed that when I was showing a friend the game. He kept dropping 90% HP from dashing into the ground and thinking he was sniped by an enemy. Really glad this was fixed.

Pretty sure the new blazing damage changes fix stone titan

Artifacer is not getting money for killing an enemy with Snap Freeze.

>She's still gonna be shit because M1 is her worst ability.

Attached: 152953412369473.gif (416x307, 2.58M)


Attached: Screaming toad.gif (720x720, 1.91M)

>tiny patch with numbers changes
>still fuck it up
based hotpoo

Well, bad news. Huntress's boob mesh is broken for now. It's going to take some time to re-attach the mesh to the right bone. Links should be up later tonight.

Attached: Broken_Huntress.png (537x681, 325K)

not really
each stack will do 5% max health at most per second, but because titan's laser applies 24 stacks and they're only shorter, rather than weaker, you'll still melt faster than butter in the microwave

Well don't post that here. Do that in the bug report discussions on steam, or hopoo's twitter/tumblr/discord.

Yeah, just killed three beetle guards with the half-health threshold thing, and money didn't go up at all.

Attached: 1555379133357.jpg (1024x756, 45K)


>○ Lightning bombs from Lightning Elites now properly attach to players.
OH GOD, could you imagine an overloading stone titan's eye laser

Also I guess this is an indirect buff to wake of vultures?

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Attached: 13253715-man-shouting-and-yelling-with-loudspeaker.jpg (1300x861, 89K)

guess I'll be making a mod specifically to fix this lmao

They nerfed the proc coefficient of his laser too

What's the build number for this patch?

>took them this long to release the patch
>still major issues like this left.
And people don't think this is not a scam.

you'd be correct, except for the fact that they also changed stone titans proc coefficient from 1 to 0.15. So rather than getting 24 stacks per tic, you'll be getting 3.6 on average. Still quite deadly (as an elite boss should be) as 7 ticks will put you at lethal burn stacks, but much more fair than instant death.

Pls Sir i need this

all that does is make the dot last less long
you'll still take 3 ticks of damage (since it's 0.6s and the new interval is 0.25s)

Blazing enemies apply a dot 100% of the time, but the duration is 4* procCoefficient, that's why burned for 12 seconds

You're still here?

So we're still setting Hopoo on fire to see how he likes it, right?