Get in game

>Get in game
>twitch dot tv slash FAGGOT

Any other clear signs you're gonna have a bad fuckin time?

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Just to name a few

Two people with matching usernames that either are terrible or only grief.

>get back in dota2
>some twitch faggot
>hunt him down and kill him repeatedly
best feeling ever


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Some games I play end up where matching usernames means one of them is a blatant aimbot, usually.


Add [GER] to that list. The biggest bunch of cunts is [BR] though.

Frankly I don't think I've ever seen someone with a country tag in their name that wasnt a piece of shit, no matter their origin.

>fighting game
>whip dudes ass like 20 times
>he beats me
>instant leaves
>meet him again in lobbies
>leaves right away

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Every damn time I want to fuck around with sniper some faggot and his medic gf jump battlements and attack me. Every time he’d get me he’d spam binds, but it was worth it to see how pissed he was when he died by a sentry or by my pisswhacka combo

Ha. I like whipping out my Huntsman and ruining their day with that. It's amazing how potent it is at close range.

>bad fucking time
How so?
Just humiliate him in game and then watch the VOD later from his POV for even more lulz.

Huntsman is a god tier weapon especially around corners

i used to have a good time with the comunity,
Then it became a brony shithole.

At least i made like $1000 with a bug on their site

I do this.

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>brony shithole
What? Explain. I never use the site for anything besides scraping my duplicates, what the hell happened?

They used to parade users with shitty badges like thit, mods where avid bronies, annoying as hell and overall really cringy.
But this was like 6 years ago, don't know how it is right know.

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I haven't seen those so hopefully they got over themselves. The mods can enjoy whatever shit they like but shilling it on an unrelated site is the epitome of cancer.

Though 6 years ago was when all of those atrocious Vs. Saxton Hale pony skins were at their height, wasn't it? I fucking miss Arena mode, its nothing but that shit now.

20 losses that a pretty good tolerance and you had a good time

This. I once camped this dude streaming back when I played League. I saw the vod after the match and saw that he was mashing his desk the entire time.

>Played Dead by Daylight
>Rank 1 Killer
>Constantly get matched against premades with TTV/shit or Hex:Meme
>At the start I'd just play normal, but they're toxic as fuck and most killers are shit
>Eventually just pick Nurse with BBQ/Ruin/NoED/Whispers and a Mori every time I see them
Sometimes I'd jump onto their channel afterwords just to hear them whine.

>comp game
>your team
>full of anime avatars
>enemy team
>full of meme, pol meme and gaming avatars

Anime avatars faggots are like disabled people but at least disable people don't ruin my competitive games with their existence. It's pretty funny if get a anime avatar in Dota 2 in the enemy team I just gank that nigger and I know for 100% he will tilt like the pathetic faggot he is. Srsly did you guys ever play with a good player who had a anime avatar?

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>solo queue
>get put against a clan/team

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t. anime avatar
go post your steam so we can have a quick laugh.

>shit all over twitchdottvslashfagulon6000
>He leaves after the third death by spawncamp
How many times are you going to spawn as a scout on harvest with 2 soldiers a heavy a demo and a medic on the roof?

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no and touhou is not anime

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>anime art style
>not anime
based retard

>*username* #RemoveRandomCrits

Can you meet a bigger bunch of faggots then random crit crybabies?

Literally just hold the mic button and scream nigger
he'll leave instantly

it’s not. Touhou is based off a game and has no official anime.

You're just as bad if not worse of a faggot

>Touhou is based off a game
I thought Touhou WAS a game?

>he just wanna streaming the game dude wtf bro
nigger I have power over him

I didn't say that
I said stream fag is obnoxious and you are just as if not worse because you think IRONICALLY being obnoxious is a solution

Literally a child

>twitch dot tv slash fag has joined the game
>spam nigger in the chat
>report their channel
e z

haven’t slept in 26 hours can’t type properly

>I have power over someone on the internet

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You too eh?

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dude stop watching anime it's not healthy for you.


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>i used to have a good time with the comunity
it was always a shithole.
the admin/designer was and is an underage jew faggot born in 97
the co-admin and coder is an unabashed literal gay furry with a foot fetish that sends pics of himself in RD underwear to his ERPing partners through the site himself

>boohoo my morality

not him but i dont think you retards understand. saying nigger breaks twitch TOS and can get him banned so he has to leave. i guess he could just mute, so theres a flaw

>some faggot with a twitch url for a name
No OP, they are gonna have a bad time. And good riddance.