I guess the dream of Black Isle has finally ended

Attached: vUtZOX4.png (636x560, 368K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/i'd do it if you were attractive wink/

He went full meltdown on RPGcodex last year and exposed the fraud Urqhart and that Obsidian ruined it's chances of working with publisher simply because fat hackfraud fergus was intentionally being a dick to publishers and then was smug about it

Oh the irony. Everyone that leaked information back in the day, said that Avellone was the problem with the workplace, while management squandered all the money.

>it's already been a year since Avellone went fucking nuclear on RPG codex

Oh, do you have any sources? I've never heard anything bad about Avellone leaked?

>says Obsidian management is toxic
>leaves to work for EA

Really makes you think

>to work for EA
He's a freelancer. He writes a little piece for some companies so that they could advertise that their game was written by Avellone, from small indie studios in Eastern Europe to companies under a big publisher like EA and Bethesda, and he gets to never leave his house ever again. I mean look at the guy. He use to look fit now he's a fucking lardo. He's also a manlet and there's nothing more sad than fat manlets.

Attached: MCA.png (1920x1080, 1.65M)

Avellone is completely soulless. A total mercenary. If you pay him to work for your game he will shill your product without guilt or fail. Behavior he criticizes Obsidian for is fine if you're a AAA company that is paying him money. He doesn't care then.

Attached: facts.jpg (900x673, 98K)

What work did he do for Bethesda?

He was hired by Arkane to write for PREY which was published by Bethesda and Arkane is owned by Bethesda's owners Zionmax

>Chris "bitch and moan about times long gone" Avellone

Well if he is to be believed he only quit black isle to co-found obsidian because he thought Fergus Urquhart saved his life or something along those lines because Fergus lied to him and then years later he found out Fergus set him up instead and just lied about helping him. I would be mad too

this meme has to stop, the founders of Bethesda created Zenimax, it would be false to even call them two companies as they are literally joined at the hip from the ground up to the people moving in and out, it's not Activision/Blizzard

>mfw Obsidian burned through any amount of goodwill they had left after Dumpsterfire by making Outer Worlds an Epic exclusive

Reminder Avellone was 100% right

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Zenimax's co-founder was Bethesda's founder but Bethesda Softworks doesn't oficially own Arkane, Zionmax does. Btw Bethesda's founder got fucking kicked out of his company by that jewish lawyer not long after restructurisation

Who says Feargus is a shitty CEO, he managed to get Chris Avellone to spend over 10 years writing solely for Obsidian because he tricked him. Baller move

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I would because if he was a good CEO they would be a successful company.

Hi Sawyer/Ropekid, still yelling at fellow employees for not including enough LGBT characters?

Attached: ropecuck.png (1117x1213, 172K)

>Obsidiot dong gobblers already arrived here
Like fucking clockwork. They are almost as bad as Nintendies in terms of blind fanatism towards a company.

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said the Avellone orbiter

>tfw Feargus selling his company to Microsoft for millions of dollars is considered not being a good CEO

Attached: think.gif (480x480, 375K)

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If he was successful he would sell it for billions


>Sawyer/Ropekid doesn't understand why Gay Fish Simulator 2 got worse reviews

Attached: 1542457243387.png (1156x284, 91K)

lol lets not get crazy user. there's no way even if Feargus was a master at CEOing that you could sell a hardcore rpg factory like Obsidan for billions. The genre only gets about 2-3 games a year and the best are lucky to sell over 2 million copies

The manlet works for a new daddy now

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>a hardcore rpg factory like Obsidan

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There is nothing unreasonable about what he says here.

I can enjoy the man's work while not agreeing with some of his politics.

Gay Fish Simulator 2 sucked so he's not being honest

Except when they're alt right, amirite fellow SJWbro?

Attached: gamespot.jpg (1259x691, 65K)


I can't enjoy his work because it sucks now!

Oh boy, the spammer is here again. Don't reply to xim.

is the fish actually gay or just playersexual?

>Don't reply to xim.


Attached: deadfire discord.png (1258x530, 170K)

Chris seems really stupid

Didn't help that what they showcased looked like dogshit.
>"g-guys we are the makers of the good fallouts!"
>shows clunky game with crappy dialogue and graphics that plays worse than FO4 somehow

oh shit they got a 10 from gamespot? i don't usually keep up with reviews but I know gs is stingy with 10s at least.
Is the game that good?

if cdprojekt red was to sell to microsoft it wouldn't be for less than a billion

Doesn't matter, if you suck a dick you're gay

Attached: poe2 obsidi gay fish.jpg (1327x508, 191K)

thats normal

It's not perfect but it's above what Obsidian and Inxile released which was a nice surprise

>25 year old man looks better than 51 year old man

Really dude?

-Can play it as a solo RPG or 4 player co-op game
-Has great map tools and custom content (PC version Steam workshop)
-Unlike POE1 or 2, you don't need DLC for a complete experience as it's complete already

I kinda don't like the writing, but it's not as offensively bad as POE2

I think I'd like Wasteland 2 better if it had actual replay value

Attached: deadfire epic writing.jpg (825x546, 183K)

Perhaps he isn't a mercenary and just wants to get paid for his work? Paying people seems kinda alien to Obsidian so that might be the reason on why they didn't get a good word from Avellone

>the ceo is corrupt as fuck

>avellone is an absolute COCK SUCKER

He's not 25 years old there, he just wasn't a fat fuck while he still worked in an office like everyone else. Here's him right after he quit his job, he still looks fine here.

Attached: 13407235_10153890922588579_6814046620972971295_n.jpg (958x958, 56K)

To be fair the US gubermint is full of money grubbing retards.

So is Obsidian - they'd get along well.

Chris was one of the owners of Obsidian. Any exploitation of employees they took part in he also bears some responsibility to. He can pretend he wasn't happy with the decisions, but he was happy enough to be a co-owner for a decade.

What if I'm held at gunpoint and the only way to stay alive is to suck his dick?
Consent is a big factor on if someone is a giant faggot or not.

Why does the end quote end the...well quote early?

I left them all to their squabbles and went for the endgame alone. Only the dragon bugged out due to how overwhelmingly I was kicking its ass and I couldn't move past it to finish the game. Number of tries too. I think its due to the turn based system still being buggy. Never did see Eothas in Ukazio, but I think its no great loss.

Yeah but it's RPGCodex. News sites refused to cover it because Chris dared go to them rather than a major gaming outlet. Til now.

Gay fish wasn't forced to suck dick, what are you talking about lmao

He's not gay, he's clearly pansexual ffs

They had lost the goodwill when they ignored their backers in favor of a fucking Tumblr fan group and SomethingAwful forums. We got zero responses in the Backer forums but the two other places got hundreds. Fuck Obsidian.

Reminder SA forums wanted Obsidian/Ropekid to remove RPGcodex's content because it's a "nazi forum"

Also reminder that this is what pandering to SA and tumblr gets you

Attached: poe2 fish gay.jpg (1920x1080, 120K)

Lmao, this makes me like Microsoft Obsidian even more

>they never asked him about what was wrong with obsidian management
>but they were seething because he didn't handed them the story
Fucking faggots. Did he had to edit it and publish it for them too?

yeah and he left in 2013, and your image was from 2018. When you hit your 40's shit changes. stop being a nigger. look at bob chipman. fat retard for decades, hits his 40's, DIABEETUS.

What the fuck, this guy supports /pol/?

But you just said...

No he's gay, fuck you

pick one

>he left in 2013
He left in 2015 retard, right when vault boy statue picture was taken. Check your fact before enganing in an argument.

Attached: mca2.png (780x134, 14K)

That sucking a dick isn't inherently gay.
You some kind of retard user?

I don't see that dick attached to a futa or even a transwoman


meanwhile Obsidian's Joss Sawyer – seen on the far left – is healthier than ever lmao

Attached: hpAnjr6.jpg (857x860, 86K)

wut? /pol/ was overwhelmingly pro-Kavanaugh as was everyone non-retarded during the whole debacle.

His mental health is clearly in the dumpster

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Chris unironically downs the 'lent as each meal now.

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He use to be chubby. He might be a total fag, but at least he's not lazy

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Yeah then he used Chris' sick mother as leverage to make him side a document to never be allowed to write for vidya again.

>obsidian management are crooked and awful
Obsidian management
>also, our new game is chink store exclusive because we took the bribe
yeah i'm pretty sure Avellone was right



Attached: 1544302252217.png (923x674, 1.13M)

Have fishe

Attached: sakuya giving cirno the fishe.jpg (946x970, 473K)

I'll dump some Avellone posts

This event in particular annoyed me because the SJWs on the SA forums ignored it completely

Attached: chris avellone obsidian.png (1569x902, 182K)

The trick to staying looking good as you get older is just to adjust your diet and lifestyle to match your age.

Like just cut back on the food you're eating as you get older and make sure you stay active and shit's fine. It's just the people who think they can keep up the lifestyle they had in their 20s for their whole lives that end up aging super badly.

Attached: Avellone deowner post.png (1541x802, 208K)

Post the one where he melts down and tells a poster to put a dick in their mouth

Attached: optimized-zbrc.png (1264x1381, 89K)

Deadfire's writing is the obvious elephant in the room and he refuses to address it because he's a true believer. He can't imagine normal people wouldn't enjoy the work of his pink cat lady friends the same way he does.
Instead he goes
>we made stealth slightly more viable and the game was only very buggy on launch as opposed to being completely broken, why don't people love us?

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>SA forums
what's SA?



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Eh, if it wasn't a 90's crpg throwback game it wouldn't have such a vocal outcry over the writing. Most of the writers are young and don't have the same tastes and references as the 40 year old Boomers that play these rtwp games.

Something Awful forums, a paid forum that used to be decent and edgy but has become the actual secret hellspawn lair of the SJWs we know today.

The irony of this is that in a world where females wearing armour was the norm boob plate would likely be a real thing, as it was quite common for armour to be custom made to exaggerate masculine features on purpose for knights to flex on all the peasants with their giant armoured erection (codpiece).

In fact, the classic "barrel chest" shape of armour is argued by some to be partially designed to look like the 'ideal masculine body shape' of the period. In other words, some historians have found evidence that the chests of male armour (the only type of armour in the real world) already WERE designed to shape to an idealized contour of the male body.

Thus the idea that in a world where women wore armour, the idea that they would have that armour designed with wide hips and shapely breasts is not all that absurd (the ultimate irony being that the shape of the armour would be an idealized version, effectively the woman underneath would likely have much smaller boobs and hips than her armour implied much like with male armour).

iirc all the characters with a dating arc are playersexual
in turn, the player is treated as bisexual throughout the game. as a male character, you're bombarded with offers of gay sex and you can only turn it down with circumstantial excuses like
>you're ugly
>i'm your captain, we can't do that
you can't say you aren't into men, and with the amount of characters yearning for your dick it's annoying

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Ah i remember that site, the abbreviation confused me though

Yea Forums literally originated on Something Awful.


Attached: cyberpunk.png (768x512, 740K)

that's the problem, you're making a game for 40 year old boomers and you have it written by people whose formative RPG experience was Dragon Age II

This. How come gays and SJWs say they don't want to destroy heterosexuality, but when they can, they create a game with no positive heterosexual romances and the only monogamous relationship is with a literal faggot like Aloth and also put you into situations where you can't say no to a fag hitting on you?

Obsidiots say roleplaying matters, so they defend scenes where you have 5 ways of saying "yes", yet say having an option that says "Fuck off, faggot" somehow isn't roleplaying.

Attached: faggotry in pillrs2.jpg (1239x808, 235K)

codex is a nazi forum though

Fuck off Darth Faggot.

How about some Epic threads? Don't see any in the catalog

If this is the best a 20 something can do, why are they hiring them?

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No it's not and we don't need anymore /pol/cucks joining.

>Get your ugly ass out of my cabin
>I'm sorry, but I'm not interested

Looks pretty clear to me. Better than Bioware asking you to help move a couch and then saying yes leads to buttfucking.

now he says that the first one implies you'd do it if he was attractive
just watch

>reditors still thinking cyberpunk is synthwave and knock-off blade runner aesthetics
bet you hated 2012 Dredd too

>Why did I move here? Must have been this badass tanning weather - I'm gonna get my surf board and hang ten later

Attached: cyberpunk cdpr choices.jpg (1920x1080, 122K)

all goons are pedophiles

>being very dedicated to a hobby now makes you a nazi
Shit, I guess that makes me a Gundam Nazi.

Attached: KIMI YOOOOOOO.jpg (640x480, 42K)

Aaaahhhhhh forbidden picture. Spoiler that shit.

Didn't Bethesda scam the fuck out of him? Sounds like he's more than happy to get paid for once.

I still don't understand why everyone here is fellating the dude so hard. He's the same shit as Tim Shaffer, a has-been signing shitty nostalgiabait projects that promise boomers a return to childhood but we know they'll fail because they HAVE failed to deliver multiple times already.
Avellone in particular had his name on every single underwhelming kickstarter "ebin 90s crpg" nostalgiabait.

Jason Schreier of Andromeda and Anthem exposé fame did investigate Obsidian but it turned out more complicated and messy than what Chris would lead you to believe. Obviously its not as simple as Chris says it is

Attached: 75jhDgC.png (1256x223, 66K)

/pol/ believes Kavanaugh should be canonized as a saint and that the government is perfect as long as Liberals and people of colour aren't happy. How is that /pol/? Maybe 2012 /pol/ when Ron Paul was running but even then there was a fuckton of bootlickers that wanted Obama/Romney.

iirc wasn't part of the reason why he's been working so much is because Obsidian didn't give him money he was owed when he was pushed out of the company and he needs to pay for medical expenses for his mother?

>Gundam Nazi
>pic is Federation scum instead of Zeon
one job fucker

To be entirely fair, there are so many subgenres of Cyberpunk that really don't overlap much in terms of fanbases. For me I'm a huge fan of post-Cyberpunk like Deus Ex, I really don't care much for the regular Cyberpunk..

>>Get your ugly ass out of my cabin

That implies you'd be okay with it if they were attractive

>>I'm sorry, but I'm not interested

Why are you apologizing? This just proves my point

Because I'm right

>Ron Paul
Ron Paul is a dumb hypocrite who would bend over as soon as he got anywhere near power.
There are no libertarians in 'murka.


Yes and tranny raiders here originated from there as well. There's a literal group dedicated to shitposting and sliding.

>be feddie good boy
>gundam nazi
Nah, don't lump yourself in with Zeon scum.

told ya

wtf, does this guy just hang around Yea Forums all day waiting for anyone to post about Obsidian?

liter󠛡ally rick and morty fallout

actually better than SS2
>DivOS 2
pretty good
>Into The Breach

not a bad track record imo

>That implies you'd be okay with it if they were attractive
What? No it doesn't. It's an insult. Just because it's not a personal insult doesn't mean he's down with the buttfucking.

boards.fireden.net/_/search/text/i'd do it if you were attractive wink/

I like all sides' MS. Principality of Zeon is closer to the IJA in any case.
Titans are the best faction

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He barely wrote for some of these. He's used more for advertising nowadays than actually working on games since companies know his fans will come out of the woodwork to say a game has amazing story and writing is his name is attached to it, even when its secretly actually written by a bunch of Russians

>I'm not allowed to be an offensive asshole to gay people who only recently are being accepted for themselves en-masse in society! Clearly I am the true victim.

Absolutely correct, I learned that through actually reading his books. Made me glad I was a Canadian and the worst I had to deal with was Stephen Harper.

Basically. Not the first time I've seen that post word-for-word. It's a pretty clear /pol/ tactic, he probably just spends too much time there.

Avellone also did the best companion in Pillars of Eternity 1.
>man literally too angry to die, holding on until he can tell his god to fuck off

that might be 100% true, but user made it sound like all the games he has his name on as a freelance writer are trash

Looks like something Travis would wear

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no it's just a mentally ill shitposter

>Just because it's not a personal insult

Thanks for proving my point. Where are the personal insults if roleplaying matters so much?

Mah Titans nigga, navy blue is the best colour scheme. Don't forget to gas the colonies.

I mean if it's not juicy enough to be an article then it's probably not that complicated or interesting or he was hoping for an angle that wasn't there.

>>I'm not allowed to be an offensive asshole to gay people who only recently are being accepted for themselves en-masse in society! Clearly I am the true victim.

How is an option - OPTION - as in, you don't need to select it, offensive?

Guess only insults are allowed when they're as cringe as possible like #3

Attached: tnKe3qb.jpg (2560x1440, 628K)

Durance is easily my favourite RPG companion
Grieving Mother's backstory is excellent too, she's just not as fun to be around

Honestly, as much as Avellone whores himself out for money, at least he can still write really well. I fucking love the shit he did for DoS2 and PoE and literally the only good thing about Numenera was the part done by him.


there also another topic in the general rpg discusion

>Words cannot be offensive

Look, the devs are clearly not on the same wavelength as you are. They are people that value emotion and have been through enough heartache and suffering in life that they just want to focus on bringing joy and not letting people live out their sick fantasies. It's not hard to understand why they don't allow this as an option if you have a lick of empathy and some education.

Face it, it's not the 80's and before anymore. 60% of society isn't happy with what we call being civilized.

yeah, the Bioware articles had an obvious workers' rights angle which is super popular with journos now
maybe he couldn't twist this story that way

Grieving Mother was apparently super unfinished, her story was too large to put into the game and a lot of it got condensed or cut out. Part of her backstory didn't even make it into the game, she was supposed to carry serious injuries caused by Durance who assumed she was responsible for Waidwen's Legacy and tried to execute her.

Though talking to her was already horribly tedious even with the condensed story, I can't imagine what a slog it would be at full length.

It's just kind of sad to see people get old and not be able to work like they used to or create quality work.

don't you have futa fanfic to write

Literally make your own game if you don't like the writing. The gays did it, why can't you.

There's nothing to imply retard, that's what the line fucking says.

Wow, your bigotry is showing

Attached: 1527002745554.jpg (1920x1080, 300K)

And said game ended up literally killing Obsidian and got them bought out by Microsoft.

He's spearheading the writing on Dying Light 2 right? I wonder if that'll work out.

That line really fucking pisses me off so much. This is a magical land of fish people and elves, not fucking California. This isn't IRL racism, this is fantasy racism.

>don't you have futa fanfic to write
>Literally make your own game if you don't like the writing.

I am to both

Attached: 1519928060380.png (1418x559, 38K)

>6 options
>Just because there is a jokey or twitter written choice doesn't mean you have to pick it

>hates gays
>wants to be fucked by shemales

i think her character felt complete without the parts with Durance
what she did as a midwife and how she came to forget it is the important part

lmao imagine getting super butthurt over a dialogue option. Just pick something else you moron

>60% of society isn't happy with what we call being civilized
i highly doubt that
if anything, it's these cat ladies who feel like they're from another planet, at least where i live

it's an insult dumb nigger
note how this doesn't mean it isn't an insult if you're not a dumb nigger

Even more of an inspiration to make your own game and do it better.

The same didn't suck because of the writing, the game sucked because nobody wants to play generic crpg's anymore. Pillars of Eternity played like a fuckton of random side content stitched together with no actual main drive to the game. As bad if not worse than Mankind Divided.

Just don't select the option that lets you call the guy a faggot

>make game
>journalists sink it by not covering it for failing to meet their political standards

You know what you're doing and you're being dishonest about it.

Literally retarded. The fact that one of these 2 retard proudly admit to being retarded(being Canadian) should tell you much.

I thought Sawyer doesn't like romances, did he not work on PoE 2 or did he cave in?

I know you don't get this because you suck cocks at such an astounding rate.
Straight men do not reject guys that hit on them by saying it's because they aren't sexy.

>the game sucked because nobody wants to play generic crpg's anymore

Wrong. Why do Obsidiots have to fucking lie all the time?

Attached: pillars players peak new 2 3 2 131 21.jpg (1520x2045, 383K)

Sawyer and Avellone and the like will write and attach their names to anything for money.
No idea why anyone cares about what they say at this point.

You'd be surprised how common it is.

He was the games director and let shit like this slip.

Obsidiots will defend this

Reminder I'm a better writer than Josh "uses taught instead of taut" Sawyer

Attached: 1526673502070 2.jpg (1920x1080, 114K)

You're too fucking stupid to ever understand.
Notice how it's literally irrelevant how you are in real life, I'll still call you a dumb nigger.

Gays don't like shemales so I in turn don't like gays

There was a reason the T was silent in LGBT for so many years

Okay retard, have fun denying reality until you off yourself.

>Deadfire and Pathfinder have nearly the exact same all-time peak
>Both games are the most traditional rtwp 90's era throwback crpgs on the list

Face it, user. Generic rtwp 90's nostalgia games are over

Not going to stop reddit from sucking their cocks

Hopefully that fat fuck gets kicked out and someone decent gets put in while Cain/Boyarsky/Sawyer are still there.

>Ignoring Div 2 and Kingdom Come (which had no black people)

That's a yikes from me

Enjoy your retarded brain, nigger

Normal guy
>I won't fuck you, I'm not a fag
>I won't fuck you, you're ugly

But Pillars of Eternity 2 bombed you retard, nobody buys games because of journalists lmao wtf are you on about.

Not an argument.

The only crpg's on this list are Divinity, Pillars I & II, Pathfinder and Tyranny. Divinity and Pillars I were hailed for an attempt to revive the 90's, and that was the height of the revive. Not hard to understand, it's not a genre that makes bank. Most people go back to 90's games if they want to play a crpg.


nice source you've got there

Div 2 and Kingdom Come are not rtwp crpgs

hope he gets accused of being a sex pest from some event that happened decades ago and everyone turns on him

to clarify, Kingdom Come Deliverance and FNV are not isometric crpg's. It's not fair to compare games that have way better gameplay to someone say crpg's today are good.

my kind of forum

Attached: veve.jpg (1920x1080, 422K)

Funny how '' is placed after the word
not after
>at Obsidian ever again
Typo, or am I missing something here?

>I'm not a faggot I swear, I just want to be fucked by female penises

>Gays don't like shemales
They don't want to fuck with them, but gays are still more friendly to shemales than your average mutt or slav.
It's just Yea Forums where every gay is an anti-tits warrior.

Divinity 2 sold better than Divinity 1

Divinity 1 sold better than POE1 or 2 combined

POE2 lost 80% of its playerbase


CRPGs aren't dead - shitty games just can't sell

Attached: compressed-asz5.jpg (986x1071, 89K)


Am I really supposed to dislike him for promoting something he worked on? Are you really that fucking dense?

Journos have the power to hurt games or even disappear them entirely by refusing to cover them. They also have the power to hurt games by marking them down for political reasons hurting their metacritic score which, sadly, people take seriously.

>just make your own game
Is a variant of ergo decedo.

Not the original guy but there's some work done by people that hold fascist and right ideologies that I find entertaining or pleasing, just cause your own head is up your own ass doesn't mean I need to follow suit.

>CRPGs aren't dead - shitty games just can't sell

That's what we're trying to say, rtwp games can't sell


Nah you don't know anything. I was well entrenched into tranny culture (because I wanted to fuck them) and gays used them as social climbers as in "We're gay but at least we're not TRANNIES" which is what I'm seeing now with neocons like Cuck Shapiro saying "I'm fine with gays but TRANNIES ARE GOING TOO FAR"

I feel exactly the same as this guy. I completely object to avellones politics but hes a competent enough writer to not let it influence his stories.

>shitty games
>Divinity's gameplay is way less inspired by DnD than PoE
>has far less interesting moving plates, written more cartoonishly and more friendly
>wonders why it sold more


>written more cartoonishly and more friendly

Attached: oew0jOp.jpg (815x170, 47K)

Agreed, but if PoE2 had not had lgbt friendly dialogue it would have been even less interesting, wouldn't have ever gotten threads.

Nice free advertising for the game on here.

If Gaun is supposed to be a God, it makes sense that she can barely stand on her feet at his touch.

Boomers can't handle that the rpg genre they loved in the 1990's is the most inclusive and LGBTQ+ friendly zone in the 2010's

>Nice free advertising for the game on here.

Uh, the game flopped because of me, remember? /poeg/ had two games to survive off of and it still died thanks to how shit and gay POE2 was

Reminder that in the Arstechnica leak, Kingdom Come had already sold 800k while POE2 had only sold 200k

Attached: gay fish lmao.jpg (1920x1080, 153K)

not only that i think Pathfinder did also better

It's still more friendly than
that is common outside.

Should I go pull screen caps? I've played both games you fucking lead weight.

Pathfinder is made by literally who slavs and was literally unbeatable for like a month because of bugs. And it STILL did as well as Deadfire.

*braps in your ear*

I never said I liked Divinity 2's writing lmao

Attached: compressed-8tco.jpg (1920x1080, 184K)

>kingdom come
nigga u dumb

it’s a way better game

>be a hack writer
>write arguably an okay part of Fallout 2
>go work for a shit company
>years later Obsidrones fellate you endlessly for no fucking reason at all

Attached: Aacha.png (487x479, 283K)


*pretends elder scrolls games and ultima underworld don't exist*

So what's your point?

And yet obsidian is going on to produce more and more games, indicating that Deadfire wasn't a flop.

If that were true then KC:D would've bombed

Yes because the rtwp crpg audience is so small that everyone that bought Deadfire were the same people buying Pathfinder

Okay but that still doesn't make me like gays just because they were slightly less bad to trannies

Gay men seem to spit more hate at trannies than anyone else.
Look at /lgbt/, it is like 80% gay men that will bash and tell trannies to kill themselves or not transition more than fucking /pol/, along with other shit like hate on bi guys nonstop.

The site is full of white supremacists and adores Avellone. In the same thread he has also spent a fair amount of times bad-mouthing former co-workers, one of whom has rejected his account. It's entirely possible some shady shit went down, but frankly I don't find Avellone's one-sided accounts to a sycophantic audience of alt-righters a credible basis for any kind of conclusion.

And the fact that he is doing this the week before a new Obsidian game gets released, even though this all actually went down years ago, suggests spite as a motivating factor.

You do know that after Deadfire tanked Obsidian got sold to Microsoft, right? They're still making games because to avoid going under they got sold.

this this is copy from codex

nterview with Martin Frývaldský, he finally "pretty much" confirmed that the budget was around 400 million CZK, e.g. 15 million euros, exactly what I assumed.
US and Germany count 45% of copies sold between them. 7% China, Russia, Czechland 3%.

LOLz at the questions

Q: "Weren't your sales hurt by the lack of black people, maybe if you would set the game in more multicultural environment wouldn't your sales be even been higher?"

A: "We don't think they would (laughs)"

Q: "Have you considered making your next game set in more multicultural environment so it can appeal to even more people?"

A: "I don't think the multiculture is something that apriori is what appeals to people, I think what is actually important is the attractiveness of the story the game tells, the main protagonist's motivation being understandable, his skin color is not important. We respect the historical authenticity of where the game takes place and that's how we will proceed further."

bear in mind that they did sell 2 millions of copies and for them it was big success
game websites today are irrelevant

>Obsidian got sold to Microsoft

That's not how buyouts, mergers and joinings work at all dude.

>got excited for it thinking it'd be somewhat realistic
>played beta
>it was the same arcadey shit of world of tanks but with modern tanks

War Thunder now has modern tanks so I'm glad I didn't stick with Armored Warfare.

It was revealed that Obsidian were in talks with Microsoft months and months before Deadfire even released


>I was well entrenched into tranny culture (because I wanted to fuck them)
Look at this homo

It also wasn't a buyout, merger, or joining.

>Microsoft being good in any capacity. You fucking shill kike.

Kek that's even worse

It's just Yea Forums though.
Plenty of insecure virgins coping by being nasty to everyone they can. It just happens that /lgbt/ has virgins and losers of the gay kind being forced to interact with someone who might be lower on social ladder.

Plus, there is the part where bashing trannies is the norm on Yea Forums.
Every edgelord kid will repeat the anti-tranny slogans like an NPC.
Majority of the anti-tranny posts obviously can't come from gay men.

Why do people act like the PoE2 PC was not written as bisexual?
I'm gay (which does not mean the characters I play are) and noticed that every single romance option can never be turned down because of their gender or even being a different species, but rather personal things you don't like about them at worst.

Well /pol/ also has the second highest rate of gay men behind /lgbt/ and comes in just behind them on tranny bashing, so it kind of fits.

Exactly, companies don't just "get sold", and a deal between a dev and a publishing group is often months or years in advance. It's so far in advance that technically Outer Worlds is still affiliated with Take 2 and not Microsoft. Microsoft wanted them for their talent and name, not because the company was falling apart. Microsoft can't afford to be buying out dying companies to gamble on them reviving themselves.

they did make 600 million CZK profit,

itsh not gay if itsh a girlsh dick user-kun

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I mean they could show Prague that that's another can of worms to make historically accurate Jewish ghettos.

/pol/ doesn't have that many gay men, it only has a lot of faggots. Most of the faggots are straight.

i don't think that the engine would be able to do it

>have sex
Wow, what an argument.
Remember to dilate your festering wound, noose dodger.

>because of me

Attached: 1524538510619.jpg (480x360, 37K)

>Is the game that good?
it's pretty damn good, It's to cRPGs what Witcher 3 was to WRPGs

>ur a tranny
Wow, what an argument.
Remember to have sex, incel

You're not understanding what I said, maybe because I wasn't clear. I'm not saying Obsidian was acquired by Microsoft because Deadfire failed, I'm saying the reason Obsidian was able to stay afloat after it was because they were acquired, and are now receiving funding from Microsoft.

>common /pol/ tactic
A lot of Yea Forums posters are /pol/ and I see most of them not give a shit until the shills start sending out bait.

Ehh, pretty much since the start the relationship between gays and trannies has been "We'll use you as a boogeyman but occasionally throw you an old bone"

So is the mid-sized budget party-based CRPG now officially dead? This is like the only vidya genre I truly love and with Outer Worlds it seems Obsidian is going back to making mainstream Action RPGs.

Obsidian has played it super safe since MS fucked them over with Stormlands, and like half their games were crowdfunded. Deadfire flopped but it wasn't bad enough to send them into a death spiral... like when MS fucked them over with Stormlands.

chris avellone is an overrated hack

Didn't Divinity 2 do really great sales wise?

>tfw no longer accepted under anonymous because of politics

ive been on this shithole for fifteen years, i'm not a tranny im just a liberal, where the fuck am I supposed to go to find likeminded people that are okay with words like faggot or nigger but don't actually hate the real fags and niggers

Forgot to link

Write your own engine, you lazy bum.

It really sounds like obsidian was a really cunty place to work at. The way avellone is writing about what happened really makes me think he isn't being honest about his part in their constant fuckery, he's a little too critical of certain people he clearly didn't get along with and has lots of explanations as to why he wasn't as big of a problem as they were. In my experience, when an organization is fucked up because of leaders it's rarely the fault of just the one or two people at the top. It's almost never that simple. I've read those codex posts several times now and each time I do I think I believe avellone's story a little less.

>MS fucked them over with Stormlands
You mean Feargus fucked them over. Microsoft wanted the game. It took a lot of effort from Feargus to fuck their relationship up.

>waste gorillion years on reinventing the wheel
Twine is pretty shit, but it's still better than anything you'd write.

I'm a writer, I don't need it to be fancy. The HTML code I use for RPG logic stuff works fine.

He was definitely a part of the problem, but it's hard to say that for himself considering that being a part of said problem got him to where he is today.

your sentence does not parse, please learn English grammar.

Dan Vavra is not afraid of showing jews how they are
See Bruno Levine from Mafia II

Attached: Bruno_Levine.jpg (630x702, 82K)

But user, I *did* make my own textual choose your own adventure game engine, and it's pretty good if I do say so myself.

CYOA smutrotica is hardly a game, dude.

>Daniel Vávra was born in Rychnov nad Kněžnou,[2][3] before moving to Prague.[1][4] He has partial Jewish ancestry.[5]

See: Hook me up or let me use Twine in peace

Old screenshot because it only has 4 stats instead of the 7 I have now - but I'm pretty sure an RPG is a game

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based jew

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It's too late, Yea Forums's already been flooded by election tourists from r/the_donald who got here from /pol/, and they make Hiro money so he won't do anything about their rampant shitposting.
Your best bet is to wait until Trump leaves office in 2 or 6 years and hope that all the tourists get bored and leave

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Make it the standard then

Right, i'm not saying that he was saying he wasn't part of the problem. I'm saying I suspect he's not being entirely honest about his own role in their walking clusterfuck of a company in those posts.

Wait, some people actually believed in that circus? How do these people keep disappointing me even when I thought it would no longer be possible.

Of course he's not being honest


resetera, reddit and SA are right around the corner.
they're waiting for you.

>believe dc Ford

>she couldnt name the day it happened, the month or even the year
>gave multiple conflicting dates where Kavanaugh had rock solid alibis
>eventually just claimed it happened in "summer"
>couldnt name where it happened or what part of the city
>couldnt say how she got there or how she got back
>mentioned 4 witnesses, all 4 said shes lying o that they were being blackmailed into saying they were there
>said she told about the rape to her therapist, records of the session show its a lie
>said she cant fly on planes anymore due to fear, tuns out flies everywhere every few months
>said she has no reason to lie, got paid millions $ during the case
>another accuser claimed they were Kavanaugh ran daily rape orgies and everybody knew about it ...

How can cucks like him exist, Ford is worse than that clown Jussie Smollett, at lest this clown decided on the detail before he called in the fake story, she want in with 0 preparation and was cought every day telling a different story,

Chris peaked with KOTOR 2

You need to go back

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Oh please like I'd trust Jason for this shit. By confirming Chris he'd be siding with RPGCodex.

>The first influx of canonology fags was about 1:1 ratio with oldfags, and plenty of people heralded it as the end of Yea Forums
>/pol/ fags are about 3 out of 4 posters
Fucking kill me.

>Phantom Thief
Why is this faggot in 99% of the screen caps? Also are you an idiot? Of course Jason would just wave it off. Resetera turned on Chris the moment it became well known he posts on the "alt-right nazi hate site" RPGCodex. I guarantee if Chris posted on Resetera instead Jason and all the other journos would have been all over it.

these people don't actually use facts, statistics, or any logic, they just dismiss any criticism against their world views as "ridiculous"

Does anyone actually trust jason schreier? Its too fucking easy to make an expose on the video game industry's verbal punching bags. But to be fair to anyone who wants to do a story about them, it sounds like there was a lot of nasty drama at obsidian and it was probably hard to tell what was true just by talking to the people involved after the fact.

The biggest takeaway from that whole thing for me was just an obvious one; do not work in the video games industry.

what happened?

Eternal September never ends.

She did say when it happened and that's why Kavanaugh even offered the calendar, and once she started talking about the date in question the Senate republicans stopped having someone actually grill her and started grandstanding. Half the shit you said is straight up not true dude. Stop getting your news from youtube pundits.

He says absolutely retarded things on forums (like the pedophile shit) but he's one of the very few gaming "journalists" who do actual journalism, don't forget that people (and SJWs) still loved Bioware and that most people were blaming Anthem on EA.

I fucking hate how reality has managed to invade and destroy this board.


Why would Schreier avoid doing an article on Obsidian, one of gamers favorite studios, and Chris Avellone, one of gamers favorite writers, falling out? I doubt Kotaku would pass up on all those clicks. His Bioware stuff goes viral, it would be the same for Obsidian. Also Chris posting everything on rpgcodex just makes the story jucier

More like how it was allowed to destroy this board. Other boards like Yea Forums are a lot better off because the mods there actually do their damn jobs more often than not. But again, all the newfag /pol/posters make Hiro ad money so he doesn't do anything about it.

I wonder where they got this wild idea from.

Attached: satanic-drag-queen-long-beach-library-full-600.png (600x600, 507K)

There is no real reason for a straight guy to hate gays.
Now bishits in denial, that's a different story.

Hopefully Owlcat gets to make a few more Pathfinder games (or maybe an original IP)
Kingmaker felt the most like an old-school CRPG out of all these "rpg revival" games we've had recently

I don't see anything actually promoting being a drag queen in that image. The kids probably think that the dude is dressed up like some sort of monster.

Sawyer is a national socialist

You shouldn't reward this guy for attacking the easy, risk free targets just because literally no one else cares enough to do it. Pointing out that Bioware was just as much at fault as EA for making terrible games is a great insight for retarded people who don't pay close attention to whats going on. I don't think you like the guy or anything, I'm just saying the dude doesn't deserve that much credit for being the only person willing to investigate something easy.

looks like they're normalizing evil

Oh no, it looks like something forbidden by our religion! Better equate it with everything out religion forbids!

Like I said, it was probably hard to get the real story out of just talking to them. He could have just done an easy clickbait article on them but hes trying to be a "journalist" so he opted out.

i enjoyed Pathfinder thoroughly, despite all the massive game-breaking bugs.
my only beef was the waterdown turn based combat which kinda forced you to do real time.

would like to see a TOEE again...

He's accepted as a figure of authority. Or do you believe pic related is also just politically neutral?

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Most people didn't know how bad the situation at Bioware was, even on Yea Forums while most people hate Bioware there was never actually confirmation on how bad it really was until now. Jason's article is comprehensive yet detailed, well-researched and well-sourced. It's a good example of actual journalism.
it's important to give credit where credit is due, especially in a field with such low standards as games journalism.

so everything is permitted then?
is this the power of "progress"

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No, in the end she just provided a year, not an exact date.
And worst part the number of perpetrators kept changing, from 4 to 5 to 3 boys and 1 girl and eventually to just two.
And still she could not name where it happened and kept changing the story about how the place looked.

I know its unpopular to defend the mods, but this place must be fucking hell to moderate effectively. There must be a ton of people using this board just to shitpost and its probably as nightmare to keep it all under control. I'm not surprised that mods do a shitty job or just dont do their jobs for long stretches of time.

Original Sin is filled with Lesbians and utter stupidity and faggotry, it's Tyranny tier SJW trash, only redeeming thing is the combat.

If your dad dresses up as Shrek when taking you and your friends out trick-or-treating is he turning you and your friends into degenerates?
>reading a book about accepting yourself to little kids is equal to walking people on leashes in fetish gear at a pride parade

Never played it but my friends said they literally couldn't complete the game due to bugs.

Should we care about most people, though? I don't care about the opinions of most people who consider themselves gamers because in reality they're casuals. Even here, this thread even, you can find those people.

>it's important to give credit where credit is due, especially in a field with such low standards as games journalism.
I can't really argue against that. All I'll say is don't give him more credit than he deserves just for being the one person willing to do a decent job on reporting about video game shit.

I doubt it was any messier than Bioware's situation. Really though, Chris should not be taken at his word especially when Eric Fenstermaker already came into the rpgcodex thread and said he doesn't agree with anything he was saying

I'd be fine with this and the homosexual crew encounter IF there were options to interrupt, and in the case of the sailor in your bunk to have the option to cast him overboard for insubordination and/or general disdain.

No, he's telling me that dressing up as an adult for trick-or-treating is acceptable.
When a guy wearing drag is presented as an authority figure reading me books, he's telling me that wearing drag is acceptable.

Do I have to explain to you why the drag subculture is extremely inappropriate for children?
But at least we agree that children shouldn't be exposed to fag parades.

Weren't they a trio of writers at Obsidian? The Autistic Trinity?

Journalists should care about reaching the widest audience possible, not only because they need to make money so that they can keep on doing journalism, but also so that their information gets to the most people possible. Otherwise you're just screaming into the void.

I agree with you. Thats the problem with the situation, though, since these people fucking hate each other we'll never know what actually went down. In the end it doesn't really matter.

Do the kids even know that he's a drag queen and/or understand the concept of a drag queen? They all look around 5-6 years old, they just see person dressed up as a monster.

And again, literally nothing in that image is promoting any kind of alternative lifestyle.

I understand that, i'm saying from our perspective as hardcore fans that are paying attention we need to be critical of everything that needs to be criticized. Schreier is a big faggot that can make an acceptable journalistic article, but it doesn't change the fact that he's a big faggot.

Cyberpunk is synthwave WOW COOLFUTURE if everybody agrees it is, fucking deal with it gaylord, nobody gives a shit about your lefty edgelord social commentary.

It's an event where the Drag explains what they are, reinforce the idea that dresses are for everyone, and the parents bring their kids to it.
Check the drag queens interviews on youtube if you wish to learn more about said events.

He's a big faggot, but it doesn't change the fact that he does good journalism.

Yes, they do. They were all told that he's a drag queen and what that means, roughly.
You're just playing dumb on purpose now.

teach the game was horrible bugged even month after release but right now it is good even the loading times are reduced so you will not be bothered by it
honestly it was one of the worst release i ever experienced and i still love the game

Oh yeah make no mistake the later Acts were literally unplayable/would softlock your game, which was why my playthrough was a very laid-back affair. I'd play for 10-20 hours, then wait a few weeks while they rushed out patches.
But bugginess aside, the game underneath all that was really good, and really captured the spirit of BG/etc. in a way that PoE never did.
based slavs

>dressing up in what is basically BDSM wear, and acting kinky in a parade with kids in it
I don't understand

having huge dick armors wasn't "productive" either buy people still did it to display their superiority to plebs

falling for the all publicity is good meme

rpgs are in a weird place right now they are made by faggots even tho the main consumer based are white dudes that are right leaning.

I didnt buy poe2 just because i heard about the faggot pandering, and im sure many others have too. it wouldnt have been a massive hit if they toned down the gay shit because divinty 2 showed that "hey you can do this in full 3d and turn based is easier to control" but it would of done better

dnd and rpgs are the only genre that is coop by sjws and altright/nazis/right leaning/etc and thats just weird. why is that ? is it just because righties get to have complex charater builds and degenerates get to jerk off to the idea of getting fucked by orcs?

The slipper slope is apparently not a fallacy.

Mix of people who just want kinky shit and parents who want the kids to see local culture.
It's microscale cultural clash that won't last long.

"good" is subjective. Like I've been saying, don't overestimate him just because he's the one person willing to do a decent job on it.

I unironically dont know anymore which is better out of
Pillars 2
Divinity 2
I preferred divinity until i started modding pillars
i genuinely prefer the world exploration/travelling in pillars to anything else
Pathfinder has better classes but the mechanics are literally 420iq level to understand
meanwhile Divinity has better fights

what does Yea Forums recommend?

Attached: file.png (1043x966, 1.77M)

His Bioware article was good though

He's written more fake news and activist news than real news.
His credibility slider is depleted.

that 420iq shit is great if you like theorycrafting builds
also if youre a big fan of Path of Exile, I can see people liking Kingmaker.

where do we cross the line if not at top down? is mw2 multiplayer a crpg as it allows you to level up, unlock new gear, and perks while can be played on a computer?

no thats retarded just like its retarded to call elder scrolls a crpg. theres a reason people think baulders gate, icewind dale, wasteland, etc when talking about crpgs

The Patriarchy built human civilization.

Zahua > Durance

Can't be metood if you are gay

ask Kevin Spacey

bryan singer

Doesn't mean it's needed, though.
Also doesn't mean there aren't better ways.

That was a dumb thing to say

He wrote so many good companions
Instead of cheap romance we got proper development of stories

then they shit the bed in 2
>basically everyone in number 1 had poor development in number 2
>too many playersexuals
>can have sex with everyone and a focking fish but eder? noooooo
>the new companions were less their own characters that you influenced a little and more kids you looked after

Attached: antonio.gif (331x197, 1.87M)

>no matriarchy that's ever known to have ever existed in our species
>don't worry bro it's a good system I promise

other way around. its only with the appeal to a higher authority like God that everything is permitted.

Discord is the saddest shit

England did pretty well with Victoria and Elizabeth I

he didn't write most of what you listed, he wrote Durance and Greaving mother

>fire bad, no ancestor ever use fire, grug better piss at fire than use it


>if you have a queen then you're a matriarchy
Seems like the more power you give to women, the weaker the country gets and less likely to survive.

Ironic, considering matriarchy only existed in primitive tribes.

Doesn't mean patriarchy is the only way out.
Patriarchy vs matriarchy is a like conservaboomer vs BLM zoomer - just because one sucks, doesn't mean the other one is great.

that makes no sense.
belief in absolute truth is narrow i.e. this is right and that is wrong to all actions.
belief in subjective morality means that anything can be right or wrong on an individual interpretive level; which can change on a whim. It the moral relativism that everyone rails against these days.

>t. grandma from l*ddit

Attached: 1532152048574.png (944x4013, 662K)

So why do trump cucks call themselves centipedes again?

No, it's more like only one has existed so far and the other is purely hypothetical.

I think these videos were the origin.

>trusting obsidian after the joke that was poe2 and how shitty outer worlds looks

Tim "beargay" Cain ruined it, he's too gay(happy) boyarsky needs to give him depression

>leigh alexander
Yo, what happened to that bitch?

He's right you know.

>a mercenary
I guess the prophecy of Fallout 1 came true. He’s Chris Avellone, and you’re meat.

today I will remind them

Attached: b74.jpg (900x900, 1.13M)

All you need to do is post a few screenshots from the terrible gameplay demo they did recently to convince everyone Outer Worlds will be bad.

>people do things for money in a market economy
really makes you think

belief in a truth permits one to do anything in its service. obvious example is having permission to kill however many innocent people for a cause. Ends justifying means.

what a relativist of any flavor, libertarian(like chris incidentally), or gender deconstructionist would say is that the only consistent position is that in the absence of any grounded(true) "right or wrong", the only ethical stance is will to power. To assert your position independently of morality, because thats all everyone else is doing, even if they deny it. Societal language games and power struggles.

This is wrong, and also fascist if you couldn't tell. But the answer isn't to simply retreat and bury your head in the sand like they don't make a good philosophical point.

>people think rpgcodex is where you go for insider information with badgame dot net is the true source of dev drama

LMAO what the h*Ck? This is some soap opera shit. Did he tell Avellonehe dragged his unconcious body out of a housefire or what?

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that gameplay vid was so fucking boring they had to randomly start killing, and spawning shit just to keep it entertainig

dont know why anyone is surprised its a game made by trannies banking on a few people who made fallout 1,2,NV are on this team as its only selling point

Sir, you just went full dodecahedral-giga-nuclear-fusion-reactor-retarded.
You just went 648 kinds of retarded.
You have split the retard atom and propelled yourself 299,792,458 retards-per-second straight into a retardhole.

You have gone quantum-retard sir.
So retarded, in fact, that even in the universes where you DIDN'T say that retarded thing - its STILL retarded.

I feel bad for Tim Cain and Leonard Boyarsky for getting caught in this mess.

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nice reddit post, upvoted

>feeling bad for tim cain

Attached: obsidiots.png (755x638, 222K)

holy SHIT< a fucking FAGGOT?

I feel bad for Tim Cain, yes

gaming was a lot better when I hadn't a clue about the developers.

>"journalist" known for sucking corporate cock continues to suck corporate cock
who would thunk?

he took a pretty big dump on EA just recently

Are you an idiot? Bioware is a massively more powerful and moneyed corporation than Obsidian and he just finished writing an investigation into them that destroyed their credibility. Why would he deign to not do the same to Obsidian?

Much more Bioware than EA, EA did not have too much involvement with Anthem until toward the end where they started setting hard deadlines (and you have to admit that after 7 years of fucking around with a project anyone is gonna want to start seeing results)

the second tweet is actually right

>This is wrong, and also fascist
great, fuck off to resetera


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where did you find this? are you his husband?

It was on his facebook page before he deleted it

nice dog

No, he was a founder. There's a difference.

Is Tim Cain a top or a bottom?


I enjoyed both PoE and PoE2 more than DivOS. Haven't played DivOS2 though.

That means you are going to like DivOS2 even less

>people who do things to get paid are mercenaries
>if he promotes a product he directly helped create, he's shilling
ha ha, no!

Attached: ocho.png (630x674, 134K)

I'd shed a tear but eh. Obsidian turned over to Epic and since then I stopped affectionately caring about them.