The Announcement that broke Yea Forums

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But it hasn't been announced for the Vita you lying fuck.
P5 on the Vita would actually be cool. Fuck your thread and fuck your lies. Shit thread.

The 2 people that own a Vita must be really happy.

I will never own a Vita but that would be a pretty awesome swansong for the system.

Technically, they haven't deconfirmed Vita version yet so it's still possible

>P5 comes out for vita and not switch
switchniggers will be seething for literal months

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Geoff knows that unless he hires that crazy EA producer to host the entire show, he won't be able to top this year's surprise announcement.

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Why the fuck does everyone care so much about P5 when even P3P is a better game?
Vitafags especially, P4G is the apex of the series.

They haven’t deconfirmed a gamecube port either

Most likely because this generation had a lot of really mediocre JRPGs and Persona 5 was one of the overall best experiences. If they just released a PS4 port of Persona 4 Golden, people would see the light.

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P3P is probably the shittiest port I've played and is overall an inferior experience to FES.

This is objective fact

P5 is better then P4G stop replying to yourself

The answer is a literal waste of time and the over world in P3 is weak as best.
The VN style suits the game much more.
P4 on the other hand would be worse as a VN because inaba is maximum comfy.

I'm not joking

I feel bad for Switch owner but P5 port is most likely coming to Vita before Switch

Never expect anything from Atlus


if they only want sub 10k sales sure, that handheld is deader than the 3DS.

Im hoping its for the vita. Since theres an npc playing a vita while joker is on the train

>"people" still care for the vita

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What if it released exclusively on the PS Vita 2 which is Sony’s attempt to cash in on the Switch’s popularity

If it does get ported to Switch he'll be playing on a Switch instead.

>deader than the 3DS
funny you say that, it's still getting major releases while the 3DS is getting literally nothing.
nintendo is still shilling it with mario kart fucking 7 (2011 game)

snoy can't cash in on anything other than FIFA machines
Even if they had no idea what to do with this thing they could have just turned it into a port machine like the switch.
Imagine shit like DMC HD collection and KH 1.5 and 2.5 on a handheld that actually fucking fits in a pocket and doesn't require a gay purse to carry around.

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>its still getting major releases


that don't even break 10 thousand sales

What major releases is Vita getting?


You are very dumb user.

Just thought you should know that.

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>literally nothing
Shut up idiot, if anything they've finally stopped putting things on it. I wanted 2-player Luigi's Mansion on the Switch
When was the last notable release on the Vita that wasn't weeb/indie shit?

catherine isnt popular in nip land

refrain 2
Persona 5

So P3P is happened because Junpei playing PSP while in the hall?

Seething vitacuck

P5D port is sold much as PS4 Version and It wasn't major release

>tfw got a Vita so that I'd have something to play 13 Sentinels on
At least it's nice having Muramasa and Odin Sphere on it.

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p3p is based
who the fuck plays 80+ hour rpgs on a fucking tv, especially weebshit ones
>dad comes in

>dad comes in
>living with your parents
>having a dad


I mean literally the 30 best JRPGs of all time are console games, handhelds always get the low budget sloppy seconds.

Enjoy those hand cramps and eye cancer buddy.

P3 came out over 10 years ago, P3P is a 9 year old game user

like what?
I can bet you all the worthwhile ones got handheld ports.

Nah... The moment bloodborne comes to PC will be the moment Yea Forums breaks