Sony is going to win again

Where were you when sony won again? PS5 confirmed and it's a beast

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>weaker than my 3 year old PC
oh no no no

but what about streaming?
Streaming is the future google told me so

>$2000 PC vs. $499 console
mate, come on.

>weaker than Stadia
oh nonononon

Will it at least run Bloodborne in stable 30fps?

In your fucking dreams

I’ll still get it even though I hate current Sony censorship because I know it’s going to get exclusive fighting games and JRPGs. But I doubt it’s going to be Backwards compatible with ps1,ps2,ps3

sony will be dead if it's more than that. the japs are not that stupid.

Part of the problem
I never got a ps4 and was fine

Sony will be dead if its $499!

Sony always win.

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>Made for trannies
>Everything censored
Have fun buying all the same games remasters/remakes that you have already played.

I haven’t either but I think I’m going to just so I can play granblue versus and re:link

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we can only hope they have the balls to sell ps5 at $399.
worse comes to worst i'll give them $449.99

>because I know it’s going to get exclusive fighting games and JRPGs
Like fucking what?

>spend $800 on a 2060
>get outdone by a console half that

What movies will it launch with? :^)

>8k support
>ray tracing
dream on

After they said it will be more expensive I truly doubt it.

Worst case scenario thanks to California it will be above than 599.99. Like 699.99.

Also how many devs will stab them own their backs thanks to: Forcing censorship, no crossplay, put politics and SJW craps on their games, make fun of indies devs. That probably most of the reason they started developing games from China, they knew something will happening after the releasing

No , no cmon if they actually invested in I+D and make something different from a PC they could make a 500$ console than competes with +1000$ pcs but no lts ps4 fiasco all over again ,consoles died after the 360/ps3 era

>599.99. Like 699.99
sony is dead then

desu 360 was a fiasco in itself. red ring of death, anyone?
ps4 sort of did revive consoles. xbox one x seems competitive. consoles are alive. sure, barely, but alive.

I'll be laughing hard when it releases and nintendo will be left in the dust two generations behind
Sony always win baby

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