>A new report from GPS World, has now suggested that detailed 3D maps such as the one in Assassin’s Creed: Unity will play a role in the restoring of Notre Dame to its former glory.

>While we might not have expected Assassin’s Creed to emerge as an unlikely hero in the rebuilding effort, it does make a lot of sense; Ubisoft tend not to mess around when it comes to recreating cities and landmarks in their games, and its version of Notre Dame may just be its finest work to date.

>Unity artist Caroline Miousse, told The Verge a while back that Ubisoft’s version of Notre Dame was easily the biggest building in the game, and that she spent ‘literally years fussing over the details of the building’.

>Miousse apparently obsessed over old photos to get everything just right, and even worked with texture artists to ensure that ‘each brick was as it should be’.

Attached: assassins_creed_unity_system_specs_argh-590x334.jpg (590x334, 37K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>no source


It's everywhere already

It says The Verge right there dude

Imagine being the guy forced to play through Unity just to get to the part where you're able to freely explore Notre Dame

Rise up, gamerz!

Ubisoft are nothing but lying cunts. This is 100% marketing spin and entirely baseless bullshit.


you're actually retarded

They're just looking for free money. Could they use blueprints, pictures, detailed specs? Of course they could, but that wouldn't get the tourist trap the money it didn't have before to complete the restoration. I'm sure the construction company is crying over its lost scaffolding and the fat insurance check they're getting.

why does anyone fucking care about this?

i bet if this wasn't in the news 99% of you wouldn't even know if it was a real building or if it was made up for a disney cartoon. you losers sicken me.

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the absolute state of zoomer

Unity's Notre-Dame is detailed but let's not kid ourselves saying that it's the best thing you can get for the reconstruction.

God you mutts have no culture.

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Please drown yourself

Are you retarded? They simply gonna upload the original undecimated, high quality 3D model of it. If we get lucky they might even leak it for the rest of us because ripping from Unity was a bitch. And I'd really like to render my naked loli OC getting fucked by a dog on the altar.

there are billions of pics, videos and data on the cathedral. Ubisoft is just spinning a marketing stunt

the only good thing to come out of unity

Legit, people who have never been to fucking Pairs are crying about this building. Like they don't know what art is in this building, and they're acting like it's 9/11. People are literally virtue signaling over some brick and mortar and pretending they care about its history.

Notre dame was laser scanned a while ago. Why would they use inferior ubisoft data?

yeah cause Ubi wouldn't just provide their model of the Notre Dame for restoring it

Lol okay Mohammed.

Ubi teams have taken a gorillions pictures in every angles of the monument

Please tell me why normies care about this building beyond "ITS PARIS AND I LOVE PARIS"

Probably a 20% off voucher for the game at least.

>trademarked art means they had to alter everything inside including the stained windows

Yeah that seems real fuckin useful compared to actual 3D scanning and whatnot. Phone photos are a better source than a shitty vidya recreation.

It's tall as fuck and nobody is climbing up to make some shitty photos.

It's ubisoft we're talking about
Even if they do provide the model, you'd probably still need uplay to open it


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It was probably done on purpose to make people give a shit. It was gonna fall down in about 20 years anyway without a SHITLOAD of funding, but they were never gonna get the funding. Now they probably will.

I really liked Unity

>trademarking an 800 year old building

>implying the quebec fucks would miss an opportunity to fuck over parisians

Buy the game goyim


>i bet if this wasn't in the news 99% of you wouldn't even know if it was a real building

Attached: 1549713603285.gif (195x229, 1.29M)

Unity is kindergarten tier, watch this!

I'm white and catholic. I literally couldn't care less. It's a cathedral that means nothing to me beyond it's value as a 'historical place' that has no cultural ties to me.

Some idiot is giving them $100 million when the catholic church owns billions and could afford it. They could spend it on French citizens who are homeless.


>implying a french based company wont bend over backwards to help restore Notre Dame

yeah okay.

>I literally couldn't care less. It's a cathedral that means nothing to me beyond it's value as a 'historical place' that has no cultural ties to me.

Attached: 02.gif (800x371, 193K)

>American education

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Hey buddy

Fuck your artistically uncultured zoomed ass

lmao fuck off marketing shill, shit like this will do infinitely more to help.

Why would I care about some french cathedral. I am not french. It's not the Vatican.

i'm not talking about tourist pictures you mongoloid

>using random 3-d model made by random neckbeards for a shit-tier videogame
>using laser scans, blueprints, and billions of high res pictures available

Hard decisions

Same, i'm white and agnostic and french, i don't give a shit about old stones, ashes to ashes, dust to dust.

>user is salty an old building is more historically important than himself

Is the cathedral even an active place of worship. Or just a tourist attraction?

This is a actual representation of the most vocal majority of "Gamers" and people on this board wonder why people fucking hate "Gamers"

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So was it Muslims?

But does it make up for the time that they killed a qt?

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Why are americans like this?

It's about having a functional seamless 3D model, not looking at pictures.

>You don't play as Quasimodo the assassin


Gaming saved the day, pretty based

>And I'd really like to render my naked loli OC getting fucked by a dog on the altar.
Day of the rope soon for degenerates like you.

Too bad that bitch Vaughn didn't die instead

the "random 3-d model" is going to be of more use than "laser scans, blueprints, and billions of high res pictures"

>same city where nine Catholic priests were beheaded in public in their own church
I don't know you tell me

Jesus fucking christ, what an uncultured rube.

Notre Dame is shit m8. It was in such terrible disrepair that some guy had to write a story about it just to remind people that it even existed.

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I hope this is bait or you are one of the most retarded people i've ever seen.

Nobody died, it's fine there is no tragedy

I'm gonna die with like 20 people knowing who I was, I accept that. I hate that dumb people pretend they care about this, when people are dying every day and they do shit all about it but care when some billion dollar religion loses a precious building.

Lol nope it's for some state celebrations and tourism.

>Skier dies

Well yeah


Are you a psychopath? A solipsist? Do you not take into consideration others' feelings?

Imagine being this dumb

American education everyone!

Paris was literally founded in the isle of Notre-Dame
Time to educate yourself amerinsectoid

When did that happen?

As if anyone here plays games.

Are you stupid?

I am the biggest psychopath, I hope all stones die and people live

Notre Dame has mass literally every single week, it's a fucking cathedral.

How the hell can you peple not know this?

Serves those fucking frenchies right for scoffing at me for getting a to go box for my meal 6 years ago. Pretentious fucks. How about since I bought the meal ill choose to enjoy it however and wherever i want? Your chef can go fuck himself with a baguette. His shit wasnt even that great.

Tourist attraction as far as I know

Nobody cares about niggers, indians, paki's and chinese bugmen who die because they contribute nothing. Christendom has more worth than those four groups of people.


>nope it's for some state celebrations and tourism.

Why lie lad?

So did nu-frenchies, or as I like to call them, "sandniggers", do it?

>American education

Share some of those (You)s with me.

B8 or retarded. If not b8 please get diagnosed

>hurr why people care that 800 years of history just got burned up?
>you can only be sad when people die

fucking retard

>I hope all stones die

Go fuck yourself.

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I have a bunch of Christian friends who were, within hours of hearing the news, cracking unfunny jokes about one of the greatest idols of their religion being burnt to the ground at the likely hands of people who want them dead in the streets.
It's so surreal that I'm an atheist and I care more about this even than the people actually tied to the religion.

Don't expect much from Ameriburgers. They're the same who invented abominations like Disney theme parks.

>cafeteria """""""catholic""""""""
you're not fooling anyone, fuck off

>It was gonna fall down in about 20 years anyway without a SHITLOAD of funding, but they were never gonna get the funding.

They were already doing renovations on it when the fire started.

And I enjoy every minute of it. Actually it was the only thing making me pick up 3D design.

>Nobody died, it's fine there is no tragedy
what? i'm just saying nothing is eternal

No YOU dont care because youre racist in 2019, which is gonna be one yike from me senpai.

Here, thanks for taking the dumbest post of the thread from me

its ok user i thought your joke was funny

9/11 was a great day, because a lot of American pigs died and the monolith of capitalism was destroyed.
Notre Dame fire is a true tragedy.

Based and christpilled

>implying they don't have the plans of the original building
video game journalists are fucking stupid

They had scaffolding up that had been there for a while.


Tbh, people only care because it's "history" and not the reason why it's "history". The majority of foreigners pretending its a tragedy are clueless. Only French and historians have a right to care about this.

Fuck you, the Rock sucks.

death to america

>we gotta build some shit nigga
>aw shit all the stones is dead
>aw sheeeit

Yikes cringe blue pilled oof. It's a piece of culture and our history as a species and it's often cited as the finest example of French Gothic architecture grow up you fucking rube. You're not interesting just edgy.

They've been doing renovations for centuries, dumbass. That doesn't mean they're doing ENOUGH to stop it falling down.

you care because you're a racist and want a reason to hate brown people

I hope you study French Gothic architecture every month.

>it's 2019

Voice of reason, but the sheep gotta follow the herd.

>Only French and historians have a right to care about this.
cringe retard

>having abstract care for human effort, work, and history, as well as empathy towards your fellow man and what he holds dear (in this case a non-political building) as well as empathy towars the literal generations of people to whom this building is familiar with from a historical standpoint is virtue signalling

yeah lmao such moralfags amirite lets just burn every book ebin lmao

Fuck yourself. A few douchecanoes virtue-signalling isn't reason enough to assume anyone who's upset at it is one of them.
But I guess "literally who" on tumblr saying "I'M LITERALLY SCREAMING RN" is enough to trigger your fuckin' jimmies and assume that everyone is as cold and dead inside as you are, huh?

user, people care about buildings in motherfucking CHERNOBYL, how is it even remotely uprising to you that people might be upset over Paris' most visited motherfucking monument? What the fuck?

I care because it's another portent of rising anti-Christian sentiment and the arsonists responsible are going to be held to no account by the French government who doesn't want to anger their mudslime overlords.

>Only French and historians have a right to care about this.
That's the most retarded thing I've ever heard.
If the Mona Lisa burns, do only Italians and art critics have the right to grieve about that?

They're not stupid, they're just aiming at people who play videogames (low-IQ subhumans).

>Fuck you, the Rock sucks.

Consume dicks.

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you realize an English king was crowned in Notre Dame aswell, Its part of English history too.

high iq post

>needing a reason to hate brown people

The building in Unity is intentionally different from the real one to avoid paying the French royalties on the game

Blessed Vin Diesel poster

>have a right to care about this.

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The Rock is a bit of a cunt tho just sayin

The Mona Lisa is an overrated piece of art. Wow a girl who may or not be smiling, so inspiring.

>non political
>crowns 2 foreign kings and a revolutionary

Getting worked into a ding dong didily shoot

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Brown "people" give us plenty of reasons to become racist.
Fuck niggers.

Got em

>implying Notre Dame will be rebuilt exactly like it was, using quality materials and expert carpentry
You may be a bit too optimistic there

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I may be a racist, but at least I'm not RUDE???

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Doesn't mean the devs don't have the original model on hand too.

>some people did things in a building, the building is now inherently political years later

well shit user, a guy got murdered in that house, the house is inherently criminal

some dudes spoke spanish and made refried beans in that building, it's a spanish building now!

Just because political people used the building doesn't make the building itself political.

>people are too dumb to understand or value one of humanity's cultural monuments
this is why we can't have nice things

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Odds on it being rebuilt as a Mosque?

Unity tool laser scans too that's what they're providing


Wait, so did Disney predict this?

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Nigger have you seen white trash?

>political people using the building to gain political power doesn't mean the building is political
I guess parliament isn't political then

no, the burning of notre dame is one of the mythological events that heralds the end of days
victor hugo (writer of the work the disney's movie is based on) predicted it.

Yes but they're not a reason to import more and worse kind of trash.

kek what a ridiculous comparison
is that your best comeback?

Are you actually retarded?

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Who started the fire?

>rebuild project is Uplay-restricted and always online

How long do we have left?

The sad truth is that Europe doesn't have any nice old buildings because we spent the last 2000 years killing the shit out of each other. The only reason notre dame was there at all is because the french lost all their wars so quickly and easily that there was no need for any serious bombings. Same with the colosseum and tower of pisa in italy.

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>Old Building gets demolished
>Ubisoft removes any non-PC elements of the building
>Building is rebuilt in a PC fashion.

I hope you guys like that Ubisoft also made the Cathedral a Synagogue and a Mosque.

Not gonna happen 3rd worlder. Lol.

High. Kikes are still waiting for the budget reason to claim that the restoration is only possible if Saudis dip in and build mosque.

>White Trash
Not an excuse for you.

>Everyone is a neckbeard
You've been spending too much time here kid.

imagine if that's how it worked

>write "Fuck niggers, spics, beaners, charlies, chinks, etc" on a wall

>they remove it from the wall, but it's TOO LATE, THE BUILDING IS NOW RACIST

>germany is full of buildings that are antisemetic

>britain is full of buildings that don't like to be hit with bombs

>there's a building in russia that loves coca-cola

False equivilance.

The main designated function of a parliamentary building is to house Parliament.

A fucking gothic church wasn't built with the intention of crowing people, nor has that been its assigned purpose for any reasonable amount of time.

If I serve waffles in a house three fucking times, does it become a waffle house?
Fuck no.
If I do it constantly, every single weekend, does it become a waffle house?
Yeah, that's reasonable.
>food analogy
shut the fuck up, replace the word waffle with "Ass-Kicking", same idea

Its worrying how little people seem to care about history that is before World War 2 nowadays.

Everything old today is treated and obsolete and outdated even though that is not always the case.

>The sad truth is that Europe doesn't have any nice old buildings

Are you like actually retarded?

Youre missing the point, but youre racist so ofc you would be a brainlet.

You sound like a giant faggot. Try to not shoot up your school

>Just checked PSN
>AC: Unity on sale
>Literally the only way to experience Notre Dame

Why are they not selling it for full price? Prime capitalist opportunity missed there.

>Europe doesn't have any nice old buildings
>because the french lost all their wars so quickly and easily
Are you retarded? What is the Napoleonic Wars you fucking moron.

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ow the edge

Too bad the french fucks at ubicuck dont give a shit about americans and wont give their work away for free anyways

meant for

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He's right

I'm 40 y/o and I never even heard of this building until today

>And I'd really like to render my naked loli OC getting fucked by a dog on the altar.

people are doing
>american education
at this when the burgers are either at work or at school. this has to be a late night aussy.

wait is this the cathedral in france or america? I thought it was the french one that burned so ofcoursr they would help their own country

He's right to call you a degenerate, not making her a catgirl is a serious sin.

>There are approximately 45,000 Catholic places of worship in France.

Wow, how will they ever recover? This is like when Nintendo loses an exclusive.

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Christianity and churches are cringe.

Maybe you would have heard about it if you weren't some fucking smelly unwashed 40 year old NEET whose main hobby is playing children's video games and browsing an imageboard for edgelord teenagers

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I know Unity was a buggy piece of shit when it launched but didn't they patched a lot of it already?

Is this a Yea Forums, /pol/, /his/ or Yea Forums thread?

They are not true christians then.

two seconds after you read this post, you will instantanially combust

Sure, the only good thing about Unity was the visuals when they didn't bug out.

That's not how it works, user. They commission Ubisoft for the model and design plans.

t. nigger


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>all humans get credit for Notre Dame
Yikes, humanism is cringy af

This has NOT been France's decade, has it?

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But Unity was one of the best in the whole series

>only the roof was damaged

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Wait Ubisoft, did Notre Dame had all these islamic stuff before?

>trips of inferno

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>Holy shit they stuck an islamic prophet in there!
>No sir that's just Jesus
>That's what I said!

0, it would actually cause a civil war which would be a good thing therefore it will not happen

do the french even have the balls to pull something like that now?

Blame the amerilards for making a big deal out of crumbling buildings. Meanwhile the waters are so contaminated with plastic that literally all humans on earth have plastic in their bodies. But who cares about something that's actually important, right?

I'd play this game only to "see" Paris, yeah.

outrage culture

Of course not. It will be sunnis vs shia while those cheese-eating pussies surrender to both sides.

She has a leash and collar already, I'd rather make her a doggirl.

Yeah I'm sure we're sorely lacking in pictures representing the full details in every corner of one of the most famous monuments in human history.
Thank god Ubisoft saved us, don't forget my review copies !

Notre Dame was a inside job to pull a ubisoft PR stunt.

In a way yes, every culture has contributed in some way to the building of Notre Dame. The hard work of those that mined the brick, cut the wood, laid the foundation. The ones who planned and designed the structure. Even outside of that, those who had even the smallest interaction with the French that created the psychological environment that drove those people to make the cathedral. We are all connected and have contributed to it in someway and it’s beautiful.

Everything happening is too subtle for the masses so they stay divided. Notre Dames being turned into a mosque is not subtle. Even the dumb masses would get mad and start throwing feces at the other side.

you speak like a fag

Fuck yourself with a rusty pipe. Don’t ever mutter Jesus’s name in the same sentence as that sandnigger religion.


Never thought I would manage to lay eyes on the fabled 40 year old zoomer.

Unity is one of the best AC games since the first one. The rest are garbage and you all have terrible taste and murdered video games

It actually was in its best state it had been for a while, in the late 1800, the whole building was missing its spire and was about to collapse, it took up to the end of the first quarter of the 1900 to bring it back to its former glory.

Lately they were doing restorations on the base of the spire and completely remade parts of the organ. Both being mostly accessories to the main structure exactly because the structure was in such a good shape that they didn't have to care about it. And they where right, despite having the whole roof fall on the ceiling, tons upon tons of water being thrown at stones with parts of them held together with a mortar that really doesn't like water, the only part where the ceiling really fell hard is where the spire pierced through the building, there was no domino effect.

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They're both sandnigger religions though? Jesus is the penultimate prophet in Islam.

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Jesus is literally a prophet in Islam though

I kinda wish it was discovered that the fire was started by muslims like the conspiracy theorists beleive
just purely because it would cause widespread hate towards them as a whole and further the path to the entire world burning

>it would cause widespread hate towards them as a whole
How can you be so naive? All that will happen is there will be a #PrayForFrance hashtag and people will talk about how w-well not ALL muslims are like this and how Islam is actually a religion of peace.

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>just purely because it would cause widespread hate towards them as a whole and further the path to the entire world burning
There is no doubt that everything will turn to shit but don't expect it to be something worthy of popcorn though. Its going to be more comparable to a slow burn rather then a spectacular blaze of glory.

just let me live in my fantasies of civilization tearing itself apart via war/hatred in peace

>that literally all humans on earth have plastic in their bodies
Life in plastic, it's fantastic!

Joaquin pls

Based collapse cult

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Fuck off kike. The catholic-muslim coalition will hunt you down.

>Muslims attacking probably the 2nd most Catholic place in the world wouldn't wouldn't bring up some religious frictions

there is a reason they haven't been targeting major Christian sites and its the reason I don't think this is a terrorist attack.

>because it would cause widespread hate towards them as a whole
Even if it did, that wouldn't matter. French politicians are already reverse-annexing northern africa at a rate that ensures that no native frenchman will be around in a few generations.

Religious friction, yes. Widespread hatred, no.

Yea Forums is really the dumbest board.

>they're acting like it's 9/11
But this is worse.

Cringe. You haven’t even read the bible, larper.

So where is the call to war then?

you know, this does bring up a cool concept
like imagine a hypothetical scenario where Muslim/catholic tensions rose to the point where it ended up causing a modern day crusade/Holy war

None of the terrorist groups have taken credit yet, so we'll have to wait.

Congratulations Ubi. Might wanna lay low for a while, unless you want muslims to jihad you and the rest of France.

>modern day crusade
I'll never understand the deus vult xDD LARPers
Crusades were a fucking stupid idea and destroyed the wall that stopped Islamic expansion into Europe

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>pre-arab expansion middle-east
That's like saying that America was always 56% white.

The building has more historical value than your 9/11 where just some wagies croaked. It's 3 times older than the US itself.

But Unity is the best AC gameplay wise.


Are you fucking retarded?

the building itself is political tho.

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The ape-people inhabiting jerusalem at that time were no better.

that's a lot of fucking horse shit

this post contains words and an image saved from the internet. how can any of you assume anything about this person's identity aside from the fact that they can use a computer. anyone getting mad at this person for being "young" or " american" have absolutly no idea about how the internet works and can be easily manipulated. Get yourselves educated on the realities of anonymous posting on the internet.

I don't recall white trash causing most of the crimes in the US despite being a small minority.

Seething Amerimong

Spot the butthurt amerimutt.

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But is this worse than Nineveh?

So you're saying they can make light of a situation while you're too stuck up your own ass to be unable to handle anything that isn't accordant with your perspective? Lighten up, buddy.


I'm a fag, but this post is even gayer

Either the worst bait ever or a legit brainlet.

>one butthurth jew that may have been made up by /pol/ and who cares about some old forgotten symbolism make a building political

Unironically based and comfy.

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The Titanic was just a movie too amirite ameribro?

The game isn't bad but you are also retarded for thinking that this is how it will work

That's nice and all, but aren't the buildings in ass creed not in scale and have simplified geometry?

fucking based upload the video somewhere too famalam

Even if that is the case in game boobie soft probably started with creating an autistic correct version before fine tuning it in the name of game design and adding a bunch of handlebars for climbing n shit.

Boobiesoft just has to send over the initial version.

It's moments like these where I'm proud to be a #GAMER.

Wait a little, people are already gathering tons of photos of the restoration workers and most are either blacks or arabs.

>Books are written about Notre Dame
>Can't do shit to help with restoration
>Plays are made about Notre Dame
>Can't do shit to help with restoration
>Musicals are made about Notre Dame
>Can't do shit to help with restoration
>Movies are made about Notre Dame
>Can't do shit to help with restoration
>Game is made that simply features Notre Dame at one point
>Will allow for a perfect restoration

How can ANY other medium compare to ours?

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fuck off mohamad

>that's right goyim it was the muzzies

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By not being shallow garbage made for wojak-posting retards and redditor manbabies, I imagine

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>he thinks the construction firms that regularly handle maintenance and repairs of buildings like Notre Dame don't already have this information.
>detailed 3D maps ---SUCH AS---

Stop projecting your lacking education