And this is my husband's room

>and this is my husband's room
>he's quite the Nintendo aficionado

Attached: 1555360797967.webm (1200x675, 2.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:


>and heres our sons room
>we spent 400+ dollars on a ps4 for the lad but he just sits on that imageboard posting nintendo pictures...weird eh?

Where is the original? I refuse to believe something this pathetic is real

The original is him watching the Star Wars trailer.

Its him crying over Goy Wars actually

God I wish that was me

Rose of Skywalker

>separate beds
>wife “at the spa”
It has to be a fucking joke bros.


>And this is our daughter, Becky's room. Oh hi, Latrell, nice to see you. Are you staying for dinner?

Attached: nubstar321(1).webm (640x480, 1.87M)

It's real, his your average nintendo fan

Thank you white boys for being such betas, its amazing how easy it is to get sexy ass white girls as a black guy. We don't even have to try

Just look up “crying over Star Wars”

Me on the left

Meanwhile in reality

Attached: 1555062035385.webm (720x1280, 1.74M)

He looks like he just squeezed lemon juice into his eyes, what the fuck

Pussy on pussy crime is a real problem, this isn't a joke.

Yea Forums here. Get your own memes, Yea Forumsirgin.

Attached: 1554931787883.png (446x435, 82K)

>Visits this site
>Refuses to believe the truth
Did you not see the /fa/ meetup image?

This cat has the right idea
What if we trained lions to attack and kill basedboys