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Too busy playing vidya

Be honest with me OP, do you?

I got 0 matches on tinder

I haven't seen or talked with the girl I like for 2 years and I don't have interest in any other woman. Everytime I wake up I kiss my pillow thinking it's her.
Scum gang.

Because I love Mokou

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I'm gay

I don't want nor need one, why?

Girl dont like me. Such is life of men from pakistan. I prefer white girls too.

Uzuki is my girlfriend though

I'm a manlet.

will you be my gf?

I do, I miss my free time and pussy is not what its cracked up to be

I'm not an interesting person.
I worry a lot about nothing.
I have anxiety issues.
I hate myself.
I am quick to anger
I don't connect with people well, and struggle to make friends

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Too autistic.

Hello there, me.

I don't want a relationship

I have a gf op
I want to die

because im gay

and dont have a boyfriend because no one likes twinks it seems

My mom aside, I've never even talked to a woman, I'm ugly, fat, boring and will probably go bald in the next two years, might as well accept I will never be loved.

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manlet that prefers being alone most of the time anyway

Have you thought about killing yourself yet? I can't remember a time where the thought wasn't too far away.

>no one likes twinks

this getting too real. delete this post

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Extremely fat and never socialised until I was 25.
I'm now 27, fixed the fatness but still don't socialise.

No way for a relationship to develop because of that.

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Are you offering?

because my mom divorced my dad and ruined his life and I don't want the same thing to happen to me in this political climate

Because I'm married and she doesn't like the idea of me having a gf as well.


Me on the right

every girl i can tolerate lives too far away

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It ain't cheap.

I do. She lights up my life. We make each other better. We help each other through our flaws, our demons. Also we play vidya together.

There is someone out there for everyone. You just have to find them. No matter how unappealing you may think you are, you will find someone who you love and loves you.

I aint ready.

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because they treat me like a piece of meat

Because I am so ugly that a woman would rather pick a pedophile or serial killer over me as long as his height and looks were average.

Just started searching in tinder. How many likes is average for a guy? Any tips? I wanna cuddle with gf so bad..

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Plus, what's the point?

The candyslut anime got a second season?

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I have a waifu.

maintaining relationships with people is so strenuous
i can just about keep a single friend having something romantic seems impossible

>No matter how unappealing you may think you are, you will find someone who you love and loves you.
Yeah, my mother.

She's sleeping with her head on my chest and I'm stroking her hair right now why do you ask?

Because I'm too busy with school, I can worry about dating once I've moved out of my parents when I get hired by this summer.

I'm human trash, i don't deserve a girlfriend.

Who let my clone out of the vats again

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go fuck yourself

tinder is for attractive people i.e. not you

I never got a like on tender the whole 4 years I was on there

>Yea Forums is for exclusively shitposting
>this board is too far gone
>if I post an anime girl no one will call me out for being stinky dumb newfag redditor scum
Literally kys you troglodyte

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dick too big


>quick to anger
kys my friend

post dick

I have 9 likes now and I'm kinda average

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Hello my fellow clone


This is more like it

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im to busy trying to get a job so i can sustain the relationship since im not interesting enough.

>i just make 3d porn and get the once in awhile commission and play games

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someone is still in their honeymoon phase lol

one day you'll know

Why are "gays" so obsessed with anime girls?

shit I didn't realize we were on /r9k/

i have no interest woman of my age (24) have alredy over 5 ex-boyfriends,many std's or a spawn

>I'm not an interesting person.
>I worry a lot about nothing.
>I have anxiety issues.
>I hate myself.
>I am quick to anger
>I don't connect with people well, and struggle to make friends

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50 bucks says he looks like a goblin and thinks that means twink since he isn't fat.

actual trannies or mental trannies that are too lazy to become trannies

because anime is gay

I already told you, you fucking bitch. I am ugly as sin.

I'm not looking for your modern definition of romantic companionship, I value other things in life and would rather pursue those than spend my free time chasing someone else's definition of happiness

She just started her career last week as (a Union electrician). In 5 years, she'll be making more than enough for both of us to live comfortably. She's already told me she wants to support me, and give me the gift of financial security, since she only got as far as she is because she had it her whole life. I already love the shit out of her, and have for the last 2 years. When we're together, all we do is watch anime/cartoons, play vidya, fuck and eat.

Should i marry her? I've always been against it and she knows it, but i really feel like fucking proposing lately. Someone help me regain my senses

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I have no balls
I went to a club 2 mnths ago and I spent the night walking around and browsing Yea Forums, didn't talk to anyone
Also I never go outside

2D doesnt exist and 3D is ugly

says you

because I like cute pictures and anime

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I don't have relationships and I only have sex with women in relationships.

They're not. He's memeing with my wife, Satania like a retard.

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Why aren't you a billionaire? It would be nice but it's just nearly impossible.

Hello darkness, my old friend

nice blog bro

>Getting this accurate
Okay I think I've had enough of this board for today.

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I’m scared of women

I'm not quick to anger, but these.

Don't go down the path of degeneracy, user. You can still be saved.

I'm pretty fucking bad with people

Yep. I enjoyed it but some people weren't fans of the artstyle change

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hey man, i'm drinking my morning cuppa soda and getting ready to play some vidya. lay off me

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>He's memeing with my wife,
i'm not, i just think Satania is a cute fun character

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>I am quick to anger
women get beaten up by their boyfriends all the time and still stay together
you have nothing to worry about

now theres a band i was glad to forget. what a fucking dumb name

>go out and look good enough to get laid
>friends who dont mind cuddling with you
>hippy life of earning enough for home food and bed, gambling my way to any accessories

Why would I need someone in my life who would be expecting half of my drugs?

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I'm ugly and a negro, terrible combination.

Noice I might pick it up. I watched it mostly for the anorexic chick with the piercings desu.

I dumped her so I could play more games without her bothering me. We're both better off for it

>morning cuppa soda
>drinking soda in the morning