Games are now made in order to get us addicted and brainlessly play them
Games are now made in order to get us addicted and brainlessly play them
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what are arcades
Just like wojaks
they always were, zoomer
arcade games were addicting because they were fun not because wow I got a reward and it made my brain go :O
>to get us addicted
No they're made to exploit people who already have gambling addictions.
take the pink pill then~
All media is a distraction industry.
gacha games are addicting because they were fun not because wow I got a reward and it made my duck go 8=D
how do i know you're a pathetic zoomer?
Not really, they didnt give a shit how much you played. 5 minutes or 500 hundred hours. Game Corp got your $50 and that's all they cared about.
Stop playing shitty games, you do it to yourself you moron
I'm learning C# to make a videogame like the good old days
no 2d pixelshit, just 3d models, no "representation" thing, etc
wish me luck, I'm struggling with C#
I don't even touch games that aren't like Dark Souls or some Japanese cult classic
Western games are the biggest offenders.
lol C# is easy as fuck, you can't just make a game with C# though, video games are way more complicated than that
You're right!
I've wasted 30 years on this mind control shit
I'm going to dump all my energy into my second hobby which is orgasms. I think I'm going to just get right down with the butt stuff and find what a peak orgasm is.
Wish me luck bros.
See you on /gif/
woahhh... such insight wojack
distraction from what?
That's why I'll end up with 500 unopened crates on rocket league and a plain stock looking car. Miss me with that shit!
>no "representation" thing
Fault & won't make it
If you have to insert politics by going for "NO POLITICS HERE" angryincelgamer mode, you're going to burn out really fast because you don't actually want to make vidya, just "prove them wrong".
based and alpha
well its not working, most games are shit today
The Jews wants to enslave the white race by distracting us with fake news
>he plays vidya
Do like me.
>work 10 hours
>come home
>refresh Yea Forums for 6 hours
>wake up
distract us from what?
What you don't like third person cover shooters or character action games with extremely simple gameplay?
thanks for your cheers dum dum
the tutorials I'm finding are a complete mess, I'm figuring shit and trying to find a better info source
also what other languages do I need for a videogame?
I'm not going with the no politics here shit
it's just that everyone wants to be represented and have politics in their games in every game, aaa or indie or whatever
I just want to make a videogame that relies on you having fun
Then don't fucking fall for it.
From getting robbed blind by the jews all day every day.
Seems to work quite well
This cycle is worse than hell
From making white strong healthy babies and being good conservatives.
Well it's not working because I'm sitting here half asleep instead of playing anything.
Rent the frostbite engine from EA. I've heard it doesn't cost too much
you can only minimize user, it will always happen
>it's just that everyone wants to be represented and have politics in their games in every game
No, you're projecting and fighting against a boogieman.
How are we getting robbed by jews?
The banks. Every time you pay with your card the Jewish bank takes a slice of it.
How much do the Jews take exaclty?
okay sweatie
gacha games are not fun, they literally are made to make people pay for glorified pngs
arcade games had actual gameplay at least
So video games are distracting us from realizing that merchants incur a fee from credit card transactions?
Begone shitty wojak poster
They set the taxes, take all the interest, reduce your opportunities to make money, and entice you to spend what money you have on extravagances such as video games and "fine" food.
>Wojaks are now made in order to get us addicted to shitposting and brainlessly post them
Not just video games.
Everything you do is a carefully crafted experience so you won't go out and challenge somebody who has shit tons of money and wants to keep it that way.
Mine takes 0,10%
What products don't have Jews behind them?
They have any and all products
No, they are literally designed to be "only a little fun but not TOO fun" for maximum addiction.
old games were literally made more difficult to pad run time, and to sell guides.
Based retard
Once you have C# down and some concepts it's really not hard.
Don't let arrogant retards drag you down, however based that retard may be. Go for what you want and make it.
You may want to learn some Python or Lua to supplement your game. And it may not be the best to dive into game dev if you don't have the language down. I'd suggest going through some C# (or java, they're practically the same syntax) tutorials and THEN getting into game dev. Also remember that Google is your friend!
I'll be making a game too starting tomorrow, just wrapping up my last exams, so best of luck to both of us!
So if we get rid of all of these carefully crafted experiences and defeat the jew, what's left?
Lmao, it was already the case with Diablo2, reminder that they made Diablo2 to be addictive instead of a good game, they had psychologist working on the game
what is a representation thing?
anything that just requires physical labour
>Also remember that Google is your friend!
What about society?
No idea but he complained about 2D so he might just be annoying fag
God speed user
They’re turning people into conservatives? Whoa.
We get to advance society and live those video games for real without forced stagnation because we're currently at a prime money making point for them.
What about the products I made?
>itt: its 1979
nope, he's right.
Still jews, just only at the top
>Looters are addictive
No shit?
Landing gear for space travel, apparently.
>t. Has never done any programming
It's a necessary evil because Stack Overflow's search function is garbage
A jew run business making similar products but cheaper will open nearby to crush you.
unironically videogames
But I live on the moon.
>Not using DuckDuckGo
I shiggy diggy
>cy 2019
Dunno man, sounds like you can't even find games that are fun and look for something that you can get upset about
They're trying to get to you
Wait, so you're removing a distraction only to replace it with a distraction? I don't get it.
It's only useable because it doesn't filter so much piracy/copyright violations and even then it's still inferior to Google
I never owned a nintendo system in last 20 years except for the ds but i can't imagine a more accurate quote about video games.
It isn't about progression and gratification
It isn't about story
It isn't about graphic
It isn't about challenge
It isn't about music
All these things can be great in a game but it don't matter unless it is overall fun experience. We call it other names in these case: books,movies,tech demo...
It is just about fun. Anything in the game should be there for the fun.
If only all dev thought like this vidya industry would have stayed its golden age forever.
Why add realistic graphic if it makes some game more boring?
Why add a complex story if it means that you have to turn your game into a walking simulator?
Why put challenge for sake of it if it is going to make the game unnaturally frustrating and unfair?
Why put costly licenced music if some funky remix fit the game mood better.?
yeah, I'm starting with plain C# before starting with "videogame C#", it'll be easier to know what I'm doing
also I know the internet is full of angry people who hate everything so I'm okay with that, I'm making this videogame for me firstly and then for everyone who wants to enjoy it too
thanks user, and good luck with your game too
What was the point of your post retard? kys
No you don't because the distractions have clouded your judgement about distractions and therefore cannot see past the point that a distraction isn't always just a distraction.
You literally replaced playing video games with playing video games. Are video games a distraction or aren't they?
that your post was pointless, dumbfuck
>It is just about fun. Anything in the game should be there for the fun.
Fun is a meaningless descriptor.
You can't "work on making a game more fun", because fun is not an objective measurement, it's something that the player makes for himself when playing the game.
There are some consistent ways of decreasing fun, but even those aren't 100% consistent and you can't invert them to make consistent fun.
>I posted it again mom
>based retards, probably some of those are the same person, can't be sure tho
I'm the first two
damn I'm good
>You literally replaced playing video games with playing video games.
No I replaced them for playing them for real.
Like actually going into space and exploring and shit, yourself, without a console. You know like physical experiences? Like it's actually you who is out there in space and you're not doing it sat in a basement wearing nothing but some stained boxers and a sock half hanging off one foot.
Most pointless post itt
>I'm making this videogame for me firstly
That's how it should be. I'm making my game because I'm sick of none of the games today recapturing the same feeling of the games I loved, and if people like it as well as myself then it'll be worth it.
The pinball craze of the 70's was much, much, worse. You constantly had fights breaking out over machines.
>based retards, probably some of those are the same person, can't be sure tho
Yeah I'm the other two
Are you in space now, or are you just projecting from that basement?
>it's a zoomie thinks his pay to win to play / freemuim app is the first instance of this happening
What is arcades
What is casinos
from work user.
But what are you fighting for? You NEETs having nothing in your lives and you hate everything.
>take away work
>take away video games
>take away Yea Forums
>take away porn
>take away everything enjoyable
What's left after we've demonized everything?
gacha """(((games)))""" are just glorified virtual slot machines except you never get your money back
OP does have a point with the modern live service model. It's absolute bullshit and there's very few points to be made in defence of it except generic statements like 'they're fun with friends' or 'it gets you good playtime'
Games like The Division, Destiny, Assassin's Creed Origins/Odyssey, Anthem, Diablo III, Siege, GTAO etc are all designed to just keep you playing indefinitely whilst offering and tempting MTX the whole way through. It's not pro-consumer in any way, it's not trying to tell an interesting story via videogames, it's not giving you some cool fun gameplay to master, they're just games designed to make you play and hopefully spend. Easily the worst part of the industry.
Literally me
That's every product in capitalism. Why do you think there's sugar in a can of coup.
Not a NEET and I don't hate everything, don't mistakes memes for facts user. We need to conquer the world from the hands of well-off boomers who have nothing but materialist satisfaction to live for and will stop at nothing to protect their million dollar house and 60" flat screen living rooms blaring literal brainwashing programming all day long. And the way we do this is outliving them and enjoying what few things in this world are real, culture such as music and eachother's company and good food and videogames and having fun with each other while resigning their favorite things, cars and pointless consumerist traps, to the distant past where they belong. When pic related happens because the current farce is unsustainable and is about to collapse in a big way, people will regain a sense of control over their destiny and lives, and realize there's no point slaving away for a pension that you'll never get to enjoy because you'll be dead. We need to start living for the future, not the past.
The sad part about these NEETs is that if you just fixed this "problem" they have, they'd just find something new to be angry about because they're simpletons with no goals or direction in life.
How can I be in Space when the jews won't let me dumbass?
Maybe if you're a wojak-posting normalnigger who plays trash AAA and multiplayer games. Playing single player and local co-op games is the only way to go. I can put 100s of hours into these and not spend another dime on them beyond the sticker price.
>can of coup
So you can take down the gov't with just a can opener?
Projecting it is!
Almost no one has a real direction in life.
NEETs are just unhappy about their lack of direction.
>complains about the powers that be holding back technology
>technology to enter space literally exists because of them
>user throws a tantrum in his basement that the jews won't let him go to space
>doesn't have the knowledge, money or motivation to put himself in space but demands others allow him to
NEETs are literally a waste of everything they consume.
hire this man
They have enough idea guys already
>Games are now made in order to get us addicted and brainlessly play them
There are games that do not aim to do this, but they also don't have the GREATEST GRAFX or SEXY SCHOOLGIRLS, or CINEMA-GRADE STORIES, so most Anons and people in general are not that interested.
Games are art, the art of games does not manifest itself like paintings or books.
It's not a foreign idea, from what I've heard. I just hope with this Megaman revival Capcom has in the works, they give us a Battle Network MMO rather than just a standalone game (as lore-wise that'd be impossible).
Imagine 9 man raids on a Hubstyle Bass with Gospel and Life Virus on a super huge grid (like 11x11 or something).
what a sad life
>tfw enjoy indie games so I'm living the dream currently
This guy gets it.
The best games are by people who like games.
thats subjective. there were plenty of design decisions made just to make you put more money in the machine. people just learned to like the challenge, the same way people like whatever the new techniques are for getting people to fork over their cash
video games are way more complicated than...a programming language? what are you trying to say?
you can make a game in almost any language, you just need to make sure it has libraries for what you need. ie: 3D rendering, physics, whatever else. you should focus on just learning programming generally if you dont already have a good base knowledge
open world games are designed to have endless content where you're running around filling procedurally generated or copy-pasted checklists
multiplayer games are designed to have you fighting other player with enough randomness where any fool can win once in a while, but not enough that you can tell your choices don't matter much
mobile games are designed around slowly pushing you into having a free-to-play allowance you spend on them
the only games worth playing these days are hand-crafted niche/genre indies and AA games
>enjoy indie games
>don't give a fuck about m-muh race or the evil transgender boogieman menace, enjoy weird characters
>don't care about grafix, so consoles slowing down vidya grafix development only means I don't need to buy a new GPU as often
Was it me who learned or the world that did?
Only thing I'd change would be the multiplayer/social/transaction focus of many new games.
>the only games worth playing these days are hand-crafted niche/genre indies and AA games
Why? You've trashed everything else, so what's so great about indie games? If I go on Steam and search the "indie" tag, sort by reviews, there are 1000 pages of literal garbage shovelware indie games with horrible ratings/reviews.
because you don't play the crap, you play the good stuff, like Hollow Knight, Don't Starve, Rain World, Risk of Rain, Slay the Spire, Hotline Miami 1/2, Baba Is You, Cultist Simulator and so on
they're not perfect games, but you always get something different, you're engaged with something someone made that feels like an original idea
I don't have to pay $60 for Khimera: Destroy All Monster Girls, so if I don't like it, I can put it down and go on with my life.
Likewise, if I don't like The Desolate Hope, the damage and investment is minimal, so I can just put it down and go look for something I do like.
Anthem not being good means I have to get my feelings hurt.
One more thing to consider with investment is that having a machine that can play the lastest/greatest stuff is very expensive.
Consoles are are $300, with games at $60.
PCs can range from $500 to $800 for a solid, long lasting rig.
Your shiny, polished, space-age tech game being boring after all that investment is going to sting A LOT more.
nah yours is
fun is a buzzword, don't use it.
Commercially available video games have always been like that; you've become self-aware you're retarded.
So the reasoning for playing shitty indie games is cost? Why not just pirate good games then?
>Generalizing this hard
Speak for yourself
Found the NEET whom the post applies to
yeah it's you :^)
I play games that I like. Just because bad games exist, doesn't mean I have to play them, or pay them any mind.
Also, Piracy is theft, and I am not a thief.
Okay, but what's actually good about indie games? So far it sounds a lot like sour grapes since cost seems to be a barrier to people who are claiming they're the only games worth playing.
They tend to be simple, straightforward, focus heavily on mechanics over presentation, Don't have a EULA plastered on the title screen, are open to innovation because they're low risk, are open to covering niche genres because the people who make them like video games, etc.
I just find them fun. You won't find a game like Dustforce of Umihara Kawase in the AAA space. You especially won't find a CRPG like GearHead Arena there either. If you like SHMUPs, indies are effectively your only option outside of CAVE.
Distraction from other forms of media, they're all clamoring to be your sole source of entertainment.
You won't survive the collapse, user...
I bet you couldn't deepthroat a baby, club a puppy, or flay the flesh off a man's skull.
Never gonna make it
But seriously, bad as diversionary entertainment might be, the feedback loop surrounding social media and networking is far more detrimental
Projection 101