Why do you play games on hard?

Why do you play games on hard?
Isn't life hard enough already?

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Because fuck you big ass bosses who get melted in easy mode sucks and kill the heat of the moment.

small penis syndrome. just play normal mode you fucking losers

In my experience, normal models are usually just a gutted version of the game's intended 'hard mode'. They take out obstacles and game mechanics which makes the experience much less engaging.

Just the fact that 9S will never be my bf makes life already unbearable.

Apart from very specific series, I don't. I play fighting games so I get all my epeen points from there. Normal for most other genres.

I have something hard for 9s

because normal mode is literally just a movie, i wan't to actually press a few buttons.

>Just the fact that 9S will never be my bf makes life already unbearable.
Isn't he underage???

If you think even the hardest game on its hardest difficulty has any kind of semblance of "difficulty" when compared to real life, you really need to get off the internet for a while.

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Isn't that OP point?

>"normal" mode
>boss dies in literal seconds
>"white hot" mode
>thrilling fight, satisfaction upon winning

Kid Icarus Uprising's difficult settings were weird

>thrilling fight, satisfaction upon winning
Did you try copulating with a specimen of the opposite sex?

Why are you so homophopic?

>Why are you so homophopic?
I don't fear gays
I pity them

Yes, he's a three year old as is 2B. A2 is a four year old.

fuck off bigot

Yea Forums has nothing else going for them

get curbstomped homo

That's rude.

For some games, hard mode is required to get me into the "flow" state, that ideal balance where it's not so easy it's boring and it's not too difficult that it's frustrating, just ideal immersion in the activity.

Winning on a lesser difficulty won't satisfy my Gamer's Pride.

Fuck off Muhammad

Based and straightpilled

Wrong. I'm just a based Trump supporter. Although Muslims are B&R (based and redpilled).

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Trump supporter, Muslim, the same thing really.

Depends on the game. Some games, like bayonetta or ninja gaiden are designed to be replayed on higher difficulty levels. You are not getting the full experience otherwise.

Automata is funny in that regard. The game has fucked up difficulty balance. If you start on Hard, you'll be destroyed. But I did switch to Hard later in the game when I got overfarmed on side quests and the game became too easy.

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People really replay games?
My backlog is too big already

Some games are just too good. I'd rather replay ninja gaiden 2 or bayo than play a new mediocre release.

Isn't bayo just a button smasher like dmc

Not really.


Because I enjoy it, faggot

I get bored and don't finish on normal.

Life's hardness is unbeatable, no matter how hard I try.
Games on hard though, them I can beat.

A2's like a 100 years old tho

>Trump supporter


>t. 14 year old whitey

it lets me feel negative emotions without consequence and lets me feel positive emotions at all

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I like challenge and the rush/feeling of mastery I get from overcoming it

haha seething nog

I like the challenge, overcoming it means more to me

Because even on hard it's still easy.