Why aren't there more fantasy videogames inspired by classical antiquity? The middle ages are boring

Why aren't there more fantasy videogames inspired by classical antiquity? The middle ages are boring.

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Ha ha butt :)

For the same reason there's so few games featuring the pre-islamic middle east. Because showing that the past wasn't all awful is politically incorrect.

I dunno user, how would antiquity based fantasy games be better? I mean it might be different I guess, in terms of architecture and some weapons.

Who's your godfu? Artemis is the goddess of hunting and virginity, so she fits me pretty well.

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because modern society is impotent and only produces things that have already proven to sell.

Mythical creatures from that era would receive more attention.

*sniiiiff sniff

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This was one of the biggest sellers of 2018.

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Eirene the godess/personification of peace sounds pretty comfy.

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The original muh soggy knee, kill all men who kidnapped underage girls and forced them into celibacy and turned them into trees/animals/killed them if they tried to escape. Worst goddess and shit taste.
Demeter > Athena > Iris > Aphrodite > most other goddesses > drunkenly thinking Dionysus is a woman > Artemis

Don't forget
>Great huntress can't tell the difference between random blob and own boyfriend
>Blames everyone but herself for her taking out her bow, knocking an arrow, aiming at Orion, releasing the arrow, and killing him
>All were done on her own accord
>Bitches and whines to daddy until he immortalizes Orion as not one but three constellations
>Hates her brother for her own stupidity
>Hates all men because her brother is a man and she is not, and she hates her brother but not herself, therefore all men are bad and all women are good

>tfw no Isis gf

>The middle ages are boring.

I hope the Inquisition burns you for buggery, you faggot.


Based and hellenicpilled

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I want a threeaome with her and her brother

Post the futa edit.

Always liked artemis Desu, even got a pendant of her. Good taste.

>inspired by classical antiquity?

Every game I've played like that has had the same boring fucking color palette. The few games with Egyptian theming also have the same boring color palette. It's as if color only exists after the middle ages and before then everything was grey, brown and whatever shade the local greenery was.

For me, it's Hermaphroditus

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The Middle ages cover over 1000 years of history, all of Europe, and most of Africa and Asia (and arguably parts of North and South America), and involve some if not all of the most dynamic events in history. All antiquity fags ever bring up is:
>muh statues
>muh columns
>muh sodomy

>The Middle ages cover over 1000 years of history, all of Europe, and most of Africa and Asia (and arguably parts of North and South America), and involve some if not all of the most dynamic events in history

Fuck off

When did I mention either of those, you faggot?

Daily reminder that Ishtar is based and more important than your waifu.


You don't even get to fight Scylla. So fucking boring.

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Literally Yea Forums but female

>the middle ages are boring

Only someone who doesn't know about the middle ages would say this.

Doesn't matter, that's all that medieval fantasy is.

>Aphrodite over anything

Unironically the most vile and retarded character throughout history.

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>I've only ever seen Game of Thrones

You could have just said so.


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Based and redpilled


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t. Roastie or virgin Hephaestus.
Where are my Areschads at?

Name a more chad constellation. Every time I see Orion, I'm like, fuck yeah.

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I'd be all for it as long as it's not based around Greek or Roman stuff. Those are even more boring and bland than the middle ages are.

I hope ya'll played the 2D Prince of Persia.


There isn't one bro

Athena won't let you, she'd sooner cut off your head

Antiquity is gay, bunch of homos in skirts with bronze weapons.

She's just a girl, just a girl



When Ishtar asked for Gilgamesh to be her husband he refused and called her a slut.

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Yup, that's Yea Forums alright.

>Stands with feet at a 90 degree angle to the rest of his body
Is he retarded?

>this faggot actually believes this

That's just because people who get involved with her always die in tragic or ironic ways. Much like how Gilgamesh's struggle to live and eventual quest for immortality became fruitless

the chad stance.

>Artemis, while sitting on the knee of her father Zeus

Not muh Zeus

He's covering up his filthy non-Roman toes.

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Greek/Roman shit is the most overdone shit in existance except maybe WWII or Medieval stuff. Middle East stuff would be more interesting. Hell, maybe even a bible/Israel thing not done by some hack just trying to spread religion.
What the fuck is wrong with 2's feet?

Egyptian is the best
Greek can pass too

>not done by some hack just trying to spread religion.

All the greatest works of art in the world were made by bpeople trying to spread religion, you brainlet. Secular hacks make shit like AssCreed.

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That was just him inflating his ego, the guy was a real asshole.

>The few games with Egyptian theming also have the same boring color palette. It's as if color only exists after the middle ages and before then everything was grey, brown and whatever shade the local greenery was.
This was one of the biggest sellers of 2017.

A game doesn't have to be LOTR or DnD style to be fantasy. Game of Thrones is the most popular fantasy show right now and it's not much less realist than AC. Having a game/show mostly realist only amplifies the moments when it is not, while is in a complete fantasy experience you're desensitised by the endless magic.

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Name one.

>Nintendo version, not Sega

>that Celtic toenail

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Shut your whore mouth, Gilgy was based. The women should be thankful to sleep with him.

This is our closest to get a herm gf

The Divine Comedy
Handel's "Messiah"
The Sistine Chapel (the building and the fresco)
The complete works of Dostoevsky, Gogol, Balzac, etc...

Spoken like a true pseud. The commissioners of that pane would have their minds blown if an AC game was somehow sent back in time on a massive screen with a controller. Church art does not compare on a technological level at all.

Anything except Egyptian is awful what the fuck.

But the divine comedy is retarded fanfiction which completely and utterly bastardized its source material? Stupid.

Even back then art fags couldn’t draw feet facing foward. It was the easy way out

None of those were trying to "spread" their religion with those works, you fucking pseud. Did you even read the basic context summary on any of them?

So trash and hacks then.

>calls me a pseud
>compares two mediums

Let's see those fags at Jewbisoft try to build the Cathedral at Chartres.

it was also horrible

>sculpt a girl
>call it a boy

Name one good bible/religious based game that isn't by Kingdom Games. Pro tip, you can't.

>yeah well...art iz dum!

>These didactic religious works weren't trying to reinforce religious values in their audience

You're a bit slow, aren't you?

Terranigma. What do I win?

The Legend of Zelda.


The guy was a spoiled asshole and nobody liked him, he's famous only because he managed to win one war against a weakened enemy and died shortly after but everyone forgets how it was his third attempt and he got his ass kicked the the previous two times.

Haven: Call of the King

>That one buttblasted christfag

If you knew anything you'd realize the futility in your actions. Like Sisyphus.

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Careful with that edge, you've already chopped off most of your brain.

>That feel when I'm #2.
I thought I was all Celtic. I guess I'm just a mutt from 2 thousand years ago.

OK fair. Fine, what about video games that are made to spread Christianity specifically.
>a game where they later changed their mind and made everyone a fictional kind of pagan instead of Christian.

Hestia best girl but she’s pure so either Medusa (the goddess), Hecate, Bellona, or Nyx

If we’re talking vidya though, it’s Meridia

She killed my nigga Enkidu
Fucking whore

The Entire Castlevania franchise.

>Middle ages cover over 1000 years of history

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DoomFall of the Western Empire to the Reformation.

are you stupid?
>Early ages
>Middle ages
>Final ages

>thinks you can't compare mediums for God knows whatever arbitrary reason
>thinks he's not a pseud

>Let's see those fags at Jewbisoft try to build the Cathedral at Chartres
They aren't architects/builders, they are working in an even more technologically advanced medium. Furthermore, the Cathedral at Chartres isn't itself a work of art, it simply contains art. What makes art distinct from other sensory pleasures is that it crafts an illusion for the viewer to lose themselves within (e.g. in a painting, a movie scene, a game world). Whereas something like the Cathedral at Chartres isn't an illusion, the beauty of it is its literal structure, scale, and visual charm. Public structures like these are basically a city or civilisations equivalent of a body-builder's body, they spend lots of time and effort on creating a display of visual beauty that they can then show to all the others. Public monuments are status symbols demonstrating the taste and wealth of their creators, not illusions themselves.

Well her brother was literally the biggest faggot in Greece, if I grew up with that as my brother I’d hate guys too


>>thinks you can't compare mediums for God knows whatever arbitrary reason

Because you can't, you dense faggot. You can't judge sculpture and verse by the same standards.

Isis is a shit tier egyptfu, she poisoned big daddy Ra and got cuckqueaned by based Nepythys

>what about video games that are made to spread Christianity specifically.

Eternal War
>a game where they later changed their mind and made everyone a fictional kind of pagan instead of Christian.

They didn't change their mind, NoA censored them.

thats cause everything was dust and shitty stone back then. the middle ages are cool because english countryside is vaguely interestin scenery, but the deserts of ancient egypt or the interesting parts of the roman empire are boring

what else is there?

You still didn't give a reason, you gave a strawman implying that I meant you would compare them solely on a metric that is only appropriate within one of them, rather than a metric that is fair to both.

It also seems the rest of the post was tl;dr for your little mind, or you would have seen why stuff like sculpture and monuments are not in the same category as the illusory arts.

Wrong. See:

They all knew they'd never be able to top this and didn't even try.

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>or you would have seen why stuff like sculpture and monuments are not in the same category as the illusory arts.

That was my point, you dumb faggot.


>Eternal War
Which is what?
>They didn't change their mind, NoA censored them
So they changed their minds. Also, sorry, forgot about all the Christian symbolism in the Japanese version of Ocarina of Time

That was Islamic symbolism

>biggest faggot
>when he literally had a harem of all nine Muses
>and also Cyrene, Evadne, Rhoeo, Ourea and Thero, plus other adulterous relationships
>and unlike Zeus he didn't go around raping women who rejected his advances
>and unlike nearly every Greek god/goddess, he didn't smite or curse women who didn't love him back
Apollo is the most based of the Olympians

>Which is what?
Quake source port with a cool story about battling depression demon's inside of some guy's soul.
>So they changed their minds
The designer's had Christianity in mind, but the American branch censored them. The creative party didn't change their mind.

>not understanding obvious sarcasm

Hestia is the only Olympian goddess worthy of worship and she isn’t even an Olympian anymore

He was the biggest faggot, but he still got pussy. I didn’t say he was the gayest man, only the biggest faggot. He was literally the god of gay men

He's a FAGGOT and Daphne is MINE

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My sister is named Daphne

Aight fellas leave this boss to me; I'll solo the fuckAAAAAAAAH MY HEEL

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Should have worn some fucking boots you overconfident asshole

Free my nigga Prometheus he dindu nuffin

I don't think your point was that sculptures and monuments are inferior works of art to AssCreed.

Dominions is all you need

That's late antiquity you retarded fuck.

Don't worry dude I got th-AAAAAAH MY HUBRIS

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he had every right to be overconfident desu

>Early ages
Nice try nigger, Early Ages is from 2000 BJC. (before jesus christ)

Serves you right for being a cunt desu. Hector did nothing wrong.

My point was that it's stupid to compare them, which is what the other guy did.

Anything after the Fall of Rome to the Reformation is medieval.

>invulnerable except from his heel
>doesn't cover it up
what a retarded pederast

>When Ishtar asked for Gilgamesh to be her husband he refused and called her a slut.
To be fair, she,s the Goddess of love, beauty, sex, desire, fertility, war, justice, and political power in the SUmerian religion. And her temple priestesses engaged in ceremonial prostitution. Imagine being the goddess of sluts, too.

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>Quake source port with a cool story about battling depression demon's inside of some guy's soul.
Cool. Okay, but I want a full game designed from the ground up by an actual studio, cause this sounds like a mod to me.
>The designer's had Christianity in mind, but the American branch censored them
How the hell does NOA stop Nintendo of Japan, who is in charge, from doing something with their games IN JAPAN? Nope, blatantly false, Link's Awakening did not have Christian themes in Japan either, and I seriously doubt the office in America mandated that to their bosses.

But it's not stupid to compare them at all. They were both largely seeking to utilise the cutting-edge tech of their times, and vidya is the more cutting-edge and wins on that basis among others.



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Did he know about it?

did he know about the weakness? if so then you're absolutely right

No sex
Is a bitch
Blinded a dude for seeing her naked
Hestia is a better maiden goddess

wait... shit, let me rephrase that
Athena>>>All your faggot shit

>Everybody Fucks Odessius Over, by Homer

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Ultimate proof that Universe hates feetfags and will bring death to them one way or another

Yes I think his mom literally told him about it

Zeus is into brother - sister incest and not father daughter incest

The Western Empire fell on the 5th century, The East 1453.
Even then there is a distinct divide when Antiquity Ended and the Middle ages began.
The Middle ages ran from the 5th to 15th centuries. That's not a thousand years, you dumbass.

He wasn't invulnerable; he just happened to die after finally getting shot in the heel by everyone's favorite character Paris.

He did know that he was fated to die if he fought, though.

Also known as Don’t Fuck With Posideon

>cause this sounds like a mod to me.
It's not a mod, anyway, it's its own game based on the original code.
>How the hell does NOA stop Nintendo of Japan, who is in charge, from doing something with their games IN JAPAN?
They don't. They changed it when localizing.

Also Mother/Son
Remember his first wife aka his mom

You forgot about his bestiality fetish.

I ship Posideon x Athena pretty hard
They’ve got some tension between them, remember Athens?

Fall of the roman empire to the beginning of the renaissance (widely given to 1492) is the Middle Ages

>Son i dipped you in the ocean to receive invulnerability but i forgot your heels, be careful not to get hit there
>k mom, im gonno go fuck young boys now

Will we ever see it in its full glory?

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That sneaky little rat deserved it.

>The virgin Odysseus vs the CHAD Aeneas

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>They don't. They changed it when localizing.
But that's the thing, the themes aren't in the Japanese version either.

The real Chad is Jason
One of the only classical heroes who wasn’t a Demigod, also led the fucking Avengers of the Classical Era, the Argonauts.

that's funny cause Poseidon fuck anything without consent.

Only thing he did wrong was bait Posideon.

>leaves his qt brown waifu for a generic stacy

You can fuck Poseidon if he wants to, but don’t fuck WITH Posideon. He’s like the sea, he can go from a based, chill, and flat guy to a wrathful hellscape that’s impossibly vast in no time flat

Medea was a psycho bitch who killed her own children and was related to Circe, the queen of all psycho bitches

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Nobody compares to Diomedes. Wounded Aphrodite for shits and giggles. Then he straight up killed Ares. Literally just a regular mortal.

You can, and without the immersion-breaking tourists.

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Thats because the primary weapon of warefare was the spear at the time. It's a well known fact the casuals despise Spears. Their tiny -30 IQ raisin brains can't conceive of combat that isn't slashing muh sword/swinging muh crusher/shooting muh shortbow.

In AssCreed spears are pretty great.

Mortals who become gods don’t count. Otherwise this would just be Heracles wanking

Swords countered spears because phalanxes couldn't turn and basically got routed by anything more mobile without cavalry support.

10 centuries....10x100...

Why would a phalanx need to turn, it was a giant circle of spears and shields


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The Bible is a sub-weapon in the first game.

I’m a demigod son of Priapus if you catch my drift

Nah, it was all pointed forward. Their shields were linked together, so the only way to turn them was to turn the entire square around, which was impossible.

It's just one item, it wasn't until Link's Awakening that Miyamoto was trying to attach actual religion to Hyrule.

Man, even the Greeks were into futa.

Antiquity was full of faggotry.
The manliest thing you could go, according to Roman soldiers, was to mouth rape other men.

>Religious imagery in what was intended to be Christian setting doesn't count because Link doesn't recite the Summa Theologica

How did that become this?

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I blame the Romans

Hellenism is cooler than Odinism

I blame the Carthaginians

Basically the same shit. They're both ripoffs.

I blame the mongols

What ever happened to Pandora and Epimetheus? You think Ol’ Hindsight is out there somewhere, fucking up important shit with his wife? Maybe him and Prometheus have a Bokke and Tsukkomi comedy act on the side

I blame the Ethiopians

There is barely any games that show an Islamic setting to begin with, and pre-Islamic Arabia was shit, but wasn't all shit even Islamic scholars agree, since there were those who aided their prophet and joined him

how did she make my dick diamonds

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edgelord nerd

Glad I'm not the only one who recognizes the sheer amount of untapped potential with fantasy ancient Greece/Rome

Imagine it given the Dark Souls treatment, the creative monsters and enemies they could come up with, and the megalithic and grand greek/roman temples, and architecture to explore...

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Yeah it would be really gay like everything ancient Greek

I believe the turks to be the cause

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Greek here, naaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
Like almost all public endeavors in my country, it's fucked.

It's not gay if he hasn't reached puberty

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A favor to mankind if you ask me

Perfect place for a boss fight with an ancient Greek god

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>Consult the oracle of delphi
>She says everyone ITT will die a virgin

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I want to make a big sci-fi action/RPG based on Greek myth, kind of like Odin Sphere but with more of a giant overworld across the Aegean. All of the tools and weapons of various heroes and gods would be like stylized power armor equipment with different classes (Hunters, Hoplites, etc) and players would be descendants of each of the main Olympic Gods determining their abilities and general playstyle.

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Roman chads roll out

There is a 1:1 replica of the Parthenon here in the middle of Tennessee, it's actually incredible.

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Wish it didn't run like trash.

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Must be the work of Python the Obscurer

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>unpainted and unadorned
Neoclassicalism and the idea of austere Antiquity is LARP

Did he really do anything wrong?
>father of all monsters, including monstergirls
>one of the only Greek deities with a loving marriage and no infidelity (that fanfic with Hercules doesn’t count)
>has traits of every monster
>is the son of Mother Earth and Hell/the Jailer of the Gods itself
>rightfully hates Zeus and the gods for being cunts

Fuck forgot my image

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All of the Hellenic gods are unmitigated assholes

Good thing Typhon isn’t a god
His only sin is looking ugly. If humans and monsters got along that would be the perfect world

Still the best tummy ever

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Are you okay user?

>Based Romans knew the true way to manliness all along
Totally based. You see, it's a nuanced topic determining what is logically the most manly thing a person can do but in the end the only logical answer is indeed to shove your dick down another man's throat and make him swallow your seed.

The unparralelled manliness of this act comes from the convergence of two major factors of manliness.
1. Getting a blowjob is the ultimate form of sexual dominance and is therefore the manliest sexual act. The reason for this is that a person must CHOOSE to take your dick in their mouth without biting you, it can't be forced with nothing but physical strength like normal sex. This means that in order to get someone to take your dick in their mouth you must dominate them not just physically, but psychologically to the point that they basically belong to you.
2. Sexually dominating a straight man is harder than sexually dominating a woman.

Thus, it is true, the manliest and most powerful sexual act that any man can perform is to dominate another straight man to such a degree that they can rape his mouth without fear of retribution through biting or other attacks on his privates.

I blame the donuts.

this is why I love futa, its like femdom + extra

very gay

I want a game based on african wilderness and plains. Feels like a completely underused fantasy setting. Instead of armor like medieval settings you get tatoos and piercings. You can throw some animal gods in for lore. Have muh wakanda rip off for the "empire." I think it has potential

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based bellybro

Only for the guy who's mouth you're using.
You're manly for raping a mouth and dominating another human being into submission. However you're still straight for never having a penis inside you.
They're gay for having penis in their mouth though.

its not gay if its a feminine penis

Don't you try to sully the Roman's manliness with your gay shit faggot.
Penis inside you = gay
That's why it's only manly and not gay if it's your penis inside a man's mouth and never the other way around.

nah thats gay too cause its still inside another man, don't try to worm your way out of this one

But if it’s a feminine penis it isn’t manly

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Reminder that Hades did nothing wrong and Zeus is a cunt.

He kidnapped Persephone

its mainly niggers that find that attractive.

Granted it was kidnapping, but considering how other rapetastics most of the Gods were, Hades treated her pretty damn well by "just" retaining her against her will.

its not kidnapping if she likes it.

She didn’t tho
She does get jealous when other women talk to Hades though, like that one girl that got turned into a plant and also that ghost goddess so I don’t know

Fuck off

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Color in these is COMPLETELY dependent on local or reasonably tradable materials. That doesn’t bright colors weren’t around, just expensive as hell. When you make blue pigment out of lapis lazuli its gonna be more rare.

1000 years little of little cultural change do to slow spread of information, little leasure time to improve in non-essential skills, lack of education, early death and disease and the power of church doctrine/monopoly on literacy. These fuckers wouldn’t let themselves get beyond homophony for 1000 years.

Sorry I meant monophony.

My god. Imagine degenerating this much.

No fuck you

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>Having a game/show mostly realist only amplifies the moments when it is not, while is in a complete fantasy experience you're desensitised by the endless magic.

holy shit this, well explained user, it goes for sci-fi too in a way

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>tfw these two queers future relatives seppuku themselves at Thapsus

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Same but i'm no hunter

>while is in a complete fantasy experience you're desensitised by the endless magic.
If it's handled very shittily, sure. If this were actually true then anything with exaggerated animation would instantly fail to suspend audience disbelief but that very obviously doesn't happen. As long as the medium's intrinsic logic isn't broken, disbelief can continue to be suspended.

There is no difference between the middle east today and the middle east a thousand+ years ago.

>The foulest Babylonian custom is that which compels every woman of the land to sit in the temple ofAphroditeand have intercourse with some stranger at least once in her life. Many women who are rich and proud and disdain to mingle with the rest, drive to the temple in covered carriages drawn by teams, and stand there with a great retinue of attendants. But most sit down in the sacred plot of Aphrodite, with crowns of cord on their heads; there is a great multitude of women coming and going; passages marked by line run every way through the crowd, by which the men pass and make their choice. Once a woman has taken her place there, she does not go away to her home before some stranger has cast money into her lap, and had intercourse with her outside the temple; but while he casts the money, he must say, "I invite you in the name ofMylitta". It does not matter what sum the money is; the woman will never refuse, for that would be a sin, the money being by this act made sacred. So she follows the first man who casts it and rejects no one. After their intercourse, having discharged her sacred duty to the goddess, she goes away to her home; and thereafter there is no bribe however great that will get her. So then the women that are fair and tall are soon free to depart, but the uncomely have long to wait because they cannot fulfil the law; for some of them remain for three years, or four. There is a custom like this in some parts of Cyprus.

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Fucking slut goddess

I want a game based on the epic of gilgamesh

there is a huge difference.

I blame the murricans

>but the uncomely have long to wait because they cannot fulfil the law; for some of them remain for three years, or four.

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Unironically a lie. Herodotus embellished most of the shit he wrote and ceremonial or "sacred" prostitution never happened. It's literally a mistranslation in Gilgamesh that got propagated. Just think of how retarded that custom would be irl.
t. studied this shit in uni for a credit

How did the Greeks get the female gender so right? They nailed it


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Degenerate as fuck. Hope they got all killed

hope you get killed. shave your face, lose weight and take shower, you anime loving retard.

Seething pagan larper, lol.

Worse than Hestia
Probably rubbed her musty old pussy to Posideon and Medusa fucking in her temple

Goddess pussy is ever lasting

Not Athena’s
Artemis destroys it with her futa cock

>tfw no futa goddess to powerfuck me senseless

Go worship hermaphroditus you fag

will do

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They wanted to keep the Christianity but (((Nintento of America))) forced them to change it