Some nugget patched snes mode 7 "to be hd"
The results are glorious, lads
Some nugget patched snes mode 7 "to be hd"
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I don't care because i'm not a zoomer
Call me when they HD the SuperFX.
looks annoying. i don't like it. pls don't post here again.
Nice. What does Terranigma look like?
>Muh Zoomers
>only boomers know the SNES
The dissonance on Yea Forums is worrying
Looks great. Don't mind the kids on here.
They are dumb.
Nice post, my fellow chad!
Onions BTFO!
Does it work with filters?
Looks neat, might try out F-Zero with that. Has it been released?
Sounds like a Britbong post to me.
Actually looks interesting. Those budget 3D snes games always looked fucking atrocious in my opinion
The dude is posting progress in real time
Why are all programmers degenerate furries?
Holy shiiiiiit. He's got the terranigma screenshots. This looks great. I never knew the crystal sprites were that detailed.
soul and no soul
Please tell me we can do this to GBA games
fukkin nice
That's actually pretty fucking impressive.
Because functional adults don't waste their time on pointless shit.
Literally soulless.
Wow, that is so soulless
He says it’s should be possible, but he doesn’t have his own gba emulator to add it to
oh baby baby
That's exciting
Mind status: blown
The tech was new and fancy at the time, dude.
Thats actually pretty cool in an autistic way
How would it look on a CRT though? Instead of 256x244 you could use the full resolution of the CRT you're using, right?
The mode 7 uses affine texture mapping to project a 128x128 image into a surface that is rotoscoped around to change perspective. This fixes the issue that affine texture mapping has of producing skewed lines and restores detail when the camera is zoomed out. The games that benefit the most are those that zoom either close in or far out, which is why FF6 doesn't show much improvement.
Unfortunately it exposes another problem of mode 7 which is the shaking geometry that PS1 users are familiar with. They will have to introduce another hack that stabilizes it as PS1 emulators have done
I like it a lot. It doesn't fuck up with the 2D, while 3D effects actually benefit from this.
Looks neat.
Yes I know it’s reeesetera, but here’s a good post wig pictures showing exactly what this hack is doing
And then I forget the link, whoops
This is good shit, this is very good shit.
Holy shit
This isn't anything. This is part of one of the RPG Maker tilesets.
Looks like gay indie nigger shit you'd see shilled by kike soiboiz on steam. No thanks.
that's from Dragon Quest 3, and by god it looks beautiful.
that's from his twitter and it's dragon quest 3
zsnes literately had this since forever, except it only doubled from 240 lines to 480
>tfw still using ZSNES because SOUL
That last post tho
>Sun Jun 03, 2007
>this is the kind of stuff that might be added in 10-15 years when people have nothing better to add to emulators.
based bsnes
A prophet and a legend.
Deepest lore
blur and no blur
guise look I can do it too
Why is your gif throbbi-ohhhh
Have sex.
Holy fucking shit. This is legitimately great.
CRTfags blown the fuck out.
So how does bsnes run on a Pentium II?
Based wordfilter dabbing on Yea Forums
what is this sorcery?
So it's only mode 7 games?
>wojak memes
>he says, while shitposting on Yea Forums
add some fucking anisotropy so it doesn't look like ass
I'd cream my pants. FUCK
>implying I can't play this on a CRT monitor
GenYoomer here, game?
Dragon Quest 3. That was already posted in the thread though. I'm going to be yelled at for spoon feeding you btw.
How about Star Fox and Doom? Those are games that would look interesting in HD.
Those don't use Mode 7
only games that use mode 7
Well you actually can't.
A CRT doesn't have the pixel density to fully support the filter's result.
Was hoping for this one, looks really fucking good.
The very same build of bsnes that allows the HD mode 7 lets you give the super fx up to an 800% overclock
That's amazing. I love it.
A CRT TV might not, my monitor certainly has the sync speeds and dot pitch for it.
Ah, my bad.
Time for me to replay terranigma
You're right, CRT doesn't have pixel density
>this fucking meme
No, "theoretically unfixed resolution" doesn't mean you can do whatever the fuck you want with the rgb spectrum.
CRT screens have an optimal "density" over which they start becoming inferior to the fixed-density screen you're trying to approximate.
Super Mario Kart looks off for some reason. Everything else looks great. Is it really as simple as a system tweak?
Who hurt you?
What other kinda job would an introverted autist who spends 100% of their time in front of a computer if not something in IT?
Funny how random people working on algorithms in their spare time will probably come up with better solutions for "remastered" versions of older games than corporations, who often just half-ass it.
Yeah, it's theoretically a pretty simple tweak in the rendering pipeline.
Looks cool but the effect definitely works better for some games than others, F-Zero looks great, Mario Kart looks good but a bit off perspective-wise, Pilotwings looks crisp as hell but loses the illusion of 3D, since you can now clearly see its flat textures, which hurts a game that relies on the illusion so heavily. Still nifty.
do you need to modify rom? Also BSNES still runs Super Mario World with frame rate issues and stuttering on a I3-6006u
Do I need to spend 600 dollars in a CPU to run SNES games?
I don't have cash to buy a CPU just to emulate SNES games
here are the source files of the bsnes mod
bsnes mod creator didn't do anything he is simply posting screenshots
How to create linux ports using those source files?
btw byuu is a very incompetent liberal furry programmer.
not going to let this die
>do you need to modify rom?
No, just use the latest bsnes 107
looks like you got hit hard, considering you can't counter with any point of it.Close that mouth now, you might eat another fly.
>caring this much
Seems like you're the faggot here.