Why were the OST's of Sekiro so forgettable compared to the OST's of dark souls and bloodborne?
Why were the OST's of Sekiro so forgettable compared to the OST's of dark souls and bloodborne?
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start up itunes if you want to listen to music, video games are about gameplay
Because they realized that trying to top one of the best OSTs ever made when talking about ninja games is a losing battle from the start, so they didn't even try.
Probably because of fog gates
I don't remember a single track from BB. Or Sekiro.
DS1 has by far the best music in the series.
Because you are a pleb zoomer
>he doesnt remember ludwig ost
>or first hunter
user I think you might have hearing issues, better get that checked
>I don't remember a single track from BB
You must be retarded.
Fucking Ludwig?
The Cleric Beast?
Come the fuck on.
why are the run and jump so sluggish and delayed in this game?
I heard them alright, I just can't remember them.
They're all kind of blend together, with the deafening symphonic music and generic fantasy chorus chanting.
DS1 music had simpler, cleaner motif to them, if you know what I mean. You could easily hum the Bell Gargoyles theme, or Iron Golem's, but you can't exactly do that with any of the BB or DS3 tracks.
The only memorable themes for me in sekiro was Hirata Estate battle, fountain palace ambience and battle, corrupted monk battle and owl 1 fight. I like the ost is all the souls games but this one is pretty meh
Yuka isn't that good on her own, BB had like 4 great composers
Soulless synthetic orchestra vs live recording of full orchestra
She tried too hard to ground the OST in the setting, nothing stands out
What is wrong with you people? Sekiro's music is way more case sensitive than the rest of the souls series, it loops simplistic string portions and adds vocals and other instruments during events and actions. Its in sync with gameplay, where the rest of the series is nust nice normal music.
Have you managed not being a bitch going in with a bunch of aggression and listened to the music?
Only music I remember from Sekiro is the spoopy stringy whistling one
I don't know why people are talking about the cleric beast OST because yes that's kind of forgettable, but if you don't remember Gascoigne's theme kicking in, and go so far as to claim it can't be hummed
then there is genuinely something wrong with you
It was better than DeS, DaS2 and DaS3 soundtracks.
It's not memorable.
I don't give a single shit about dynamic or layered music in games in the sense that it's a big deal, because guess what, it's not.
I've been listening to dynamic and layered music in games since Soul Reaver.
And i'm sure it was a thing even before that game.
It's not new.
It's not something that automatically earns praise anymore just because it's there.
And no, it's not "good" just because it's simple, being simple doesn't automatically earn you brownie points either.
Simple shouldn't mean forgettable.
Soul Reaver was the first game to introduce dynamic music!
Based! Fuck OP for spamming the exact same headcannon without considering that Miyazaki put hints on his next project
Can you please direct me to a song in Sekiro that's better than youtube.com
Good to know.
And it was interesting for the time, but that's not the reason why people like SR's music.
It's because it had an actual professional musician that had extensive experience dealing with electronic music and synths working on the entire structure and how it had to sonically interconnect and layer.
Kurt Harland, the main guy from Information Society
So you take this guy that already knows what he's doing and let him make music for a video game, and he comes up with brilliant synth dungeoncore like this
Essentially my point is, great music in video games doesn't come from nowhere.
It's the result of experience and effort.
If it's not memorable, then it's useless.
DaS soundtrack is way worse than Sekiro and BB
>boring trumpet doots in the background
DaS soundtrack in a nutshell.
Meanwhile BB has plenty of cool string instruments and drums, and Sekiro has great rhythm from wood clappers.
>being this defensive
Whats wrong with having both? Bloodborne pulled that off.
Why do people insist that any of the games have good music?
It's all atmospheric background noise. Even in the rare, rare exceptions, there are so many glaring sound effects on top of the music that you can't even hear it and then it's gone.
I liked them more than others because it was a lot more ambient and subtle. Not just a loud and forgettable orchestral score.
Dude, dynamic music is amazing. I absolutely it. I think it can severely enhance the effect of music in some games. MGRR’s dynamic boss themes and the music being linked to your style meter in DMCV made those games much more enjoyable.
>summoning Nightmare as V and having the vocals blast “SAVIOUR! BLOODSTAINED!” as his meteor impact tips my Style above S-rank
In the case of Sekiro, though, I never even noticed it, outside of the battle music very awkwardly cutting into the regular level music whenever I would get spotted. Hell, that’s literally the only thing I remember about the OST, and that’s in spite of spending 5 fucking hours stuck on Saint Isshin. I don’t remember a single thing about the music playing during that fight. Nothing.
Sekiro? On mine jump was really responsive, I only had issues running when suddenly changing directions rapidly. Are you using Blutooth or USB? PS4 controller or Xboner? Ds4 mapping tool or Steams native?
It's because they're not mentally deficient and can actually hear the music while playing, unlike you.
Since you were partially aborted while still half formed, you lack the mental capacity to play a game and also pay attention to the ost.
It's just like when you've tried in the past to read, and walk at the same time, you end up collapsing every 2 steps.
I kinda feel that way about all Soul's music honestly. It's all kinda samey to me. Blends together.
post the best sekiro song, I challenged some other guy earlier to and he wouldn't
Close to platinum and if you told me every boss had the same theme music I couldn't dispute you, it's all so samey. It's probably the worst Soundtrack FROM have ever done.
> wood clappers
It’s a drum, newfag.
The one that goes bwoing bwong click pon iyoooooooooo whe you fight that one samurai dude
That's going to be a cringe and yikespilled from me laddy.
Honestly wish they did some beatsaber shit with this game when you clanged swords together and shit.
Agreed, and honestly the bosses would have been much more hype if they had made the ost have more energy while keeping the jap style.
I remember some arcade machine at the Nickel Nickel I used to go to as a teen that had a samurai sword controller you flailed around like a jackass to do samurai shit. If only I could remember the name of that game.
>incredibly heavy orchestration, repeat x10
Every OST after Dark Souls 1 sucked, DeS and DS1 are by far the best. Music doesn't have to be super complex to be good, simple tracks work best.
I don't know why but I can never bring myself to like the Gwyn track, as much as others praise it
I think they could have done something that breaks the mould of "orchestral big crescendo boss fight track" but still managed not to seem like music from a preschool parent's introductory guide VHS tape
I want to fuck Floor Kitamura
for so long I thought this was intended to be read in a middle aged black man's voice
Not a single fromsoft track is super complex.
You mean like they did with Dark Souls 3?
In the actual doujin, it’s a Japanese teenager saying it.
fuck i don't want to spoil myself i haven't installed das3 yet
Nigga it's DaS3.
Who cares, it's shit, forgettable trash.
I'm not talking about the sheet music, I'm talking about the way the sound fucks my ears with all the layered and incredibly loud sounds at once.
If you didn't like Gwyn's theme it won't be a cool moment in the soundtrack for you anyway.
The ultimate best soundtrack in any soulsborne game. Holy shit it gave me chills first time hearing.
>the senpou temple background track that lightly accentuates the eerie chanting of the monks until you enter combat and the music starts to unnervingly incorporate the chanting as you increasingly wonder what the fuck is going on
You're a fucking meme
Ah yes, what a beautiful multilayered composition that truly blossoms to it's conclusion, elegant like a well structured haiku.
What next?
Want me to dress you like a girl and talk about feelings?
You little faggot.
Did anyone else love the Demon of Hatred theme? I love how the song continously builds on itself and the backround information surrounding the boss itself. It all makes for a very thematic boss fight.
>best BB tracks are down by a Westerner
Based, showing them how it's done.
There's like one track from each soulsekiborne game I remember. Except from DS2.
Why did Miyazaki have to pick Kitamura for Sekiro?
I think they're all equally forgettable.
I don't even remember any music from souls except for ds1 boss fight theme, ds2 majula's flute(the only one I beat) , and ds3 deacons boss fight
Can someone send something my way?
I mean, I love that song, but overall I prefer the style of Sekiro's soundtrack. It wouldn't be one song for me but most of the soundtrack that tops it.
Dude what? I said nothing about elegance or composition. Are you actually autistic or something like that?
It's a cacophony of bizarre environmental buddhist chanting, it's definitely a memorable atmospheric piece in the game by virtue of the fact that I literally remember it very vividly.
Why are all Soulsborne OSTs worse than MH ones?
Omen though
Because, to be honest, MH has a really tight ass OST but most importantly one of the best main themes in the history of video games and 60% of the best tracks from MH are variations on that theme.
Having a really strong main theme for an IP really helps.
DaSIII's soundtrack is the shit, shame it wasn't performed like BB's
Yuka is great, Sekiro's theme is just trash and super limiting.
I don't actively listen to any of the Souls music anyway.
>missing the best DS3 (boss) track
Shame about the fight itself.
>60% of the best tracks from MH are variations on that theme.
Seems pretty far from the truth.
Yhorm's fight could have been pure kino even if the area preceding him stayed garbage, give him a more vicious movset and remove the gimmick and it would have been great.
post the best example
better version of hail the nightamre
Monster Hunter tracks are boring as balls to me, some are great but most are just bleh.
t. someone who's been a fan of the series since FU.
World tracks were kind of whatever. Earlier monster hunter was fucking fantastic though what are you on?
Hard disagree, Senpou battle theme is a great overwhelming and creepy tone setter for how fucked up the temple is, the chanting is fucked up as hell. The ministry invasion theme is fantastic for showcasing an army of shinobi crushing Ashina under heel, that nasty screeching string that drops halfway through captures how utterly fucked Ashina is. Fountainhead is gorgeous and ethereal, the overworld theme reflects that and i think captures a mystical China/Korea vibe too. Owl 1's phase two is a banger.
>Sekiro's theme is just trash and super limiting.
What do you mean by that?
Just not a fan of most of the monster themes, they sound boring to me and just blend into the background.
Some of the town themes are my jam though, instant nostalgia.
Actually like Stars At Our Backs more than Proof of a Hero desu, maybe I'm just tired of Proof after so many years though.
Sekiro is a great game but the music especially the boss battles were definitely the weakest FromSoftware has made. Only notably track that stood out for me was Lady Butterfly’s ost.
Maybe it's intentional, simply there to accentuate the fights or setting.
Or maybe it's because they chose Japanese themes for each piece so it all just blends into one another.
>mentions town themes
>but not Awakening
I like this one, really put chills
Having to make the music sound Japanese is limiting, Yuka said as much as claimed the Japanese setting was restricting as she didn't want to make it sound too Western.
Japanese orchestral music as a whole is just boring compared to Western orchestral music too but I guess that depends on taste.
I did say I started with FU baka
So you admit to being a deaf nostalgiafag.
Awakening is from MH1, I'm failing to see how that wouldn't be considered nostalgia in your eyes also.
I can hum the ludwig theme quite easily in fact
That sounds like a pretty lame excuse. And, to be honest, I don't like her previous work any better than Sekiro's OST, so I don't think I buy it.
Imagine thinking pic related is
'evil and nasty' and 'impure'
Shintoism sounds pretty gay
Yuka did okay for DS3 and excellent for Bloodborne.
The pattern seems to be, dont spread her out too much.
>chester foreshadows bloodborne
>yamamura foreshadows sekiro
Now Im looking forward to any Sekiro dlc
Is Sekiro even getting DLC? I remember being able to preorder the DS3 DLC before the game even launched.
how could you forget this?
MHs ost is bland just like the games imo
because you're a deaf faggot who can't appreciate Yuka-chans hard work and talent. Makes me sick to share a board with zoomers like you.
yuka's work is pretty good but generic
Why are you guys referring to her by her first name?
Be quiet weeb.
A woman composed it.
Because Sekiro's OST aimed at being more to serve as ambiance and reinforcing the nippon setting, which I think it did well. On that note, gonna list some good BB OSTs.
I'm pretty sure 80% of tracks are memorable and some like Divine Dragon, Owl Father, Genichiro, Strenth and Discipline, Guardian Ape, Hirata on fire are masterpieces.
None of the Souls games have good tracks. Why do you fags think this? Its all fucking ambient shit, sometimes with a choir. Ive played through all numerous times and I honestly cant remember a single track, because its not meant to stand out or be memorable. Its AMBIENT
Because Floor is a nice name. It reminds us of what we want to do to her.
All twelve Pokemon melodies
i think they are at BB lvl with ost. Guardian ape is probably the best. Other great ost are divine dragon and lady butterfly. DS3 has by far the best OSTs.
The way Sekiro synchs isn't even particularly novel, and at the same time half-assed compared to most other games that do this.
Fuck off edgy 10 yr old.
>Ozar Midrashim
Still one of the best pieces of music in any media to this day.
I agree DS1 has the best OST in the series, but it's sad you can't remember Gehrman's theme, if nothing else. Or Ludwig's, if you did the DLC.
She can’t compose catchy tunes for shit. She’s just a serviceable composer which for Sekiro is a travesty.
Sekiro had music?
your opinion is trash. I'm so glad she can't see this emabarassment.
des had the best music because the low quality midi orchestra is more distinct and doesnt blend together.
You can make midi not sound like low quality shit. DeS didn't do this, so it's bad.
sickest track by far
You know she's not going to suck your dick for defending her honour on the internet, right?
Yes. It just makes me sick when people come to a gallery and start pissing on paintings.
Retarded cunt
look at this fucking idiot
Gascoigne's track could fit almost any other boss in the game. It tells absoltely nothing about Gascoigne, it could have worked with any other 2 phase bosses.
I hate these cliché horror tracks.
well, it reinforces the theme of him rapidly progressing into a bloodthirsty beast
I also don't think that his OST would fit any other boss, desu
You are wrong. When the music gets faster when he smashes the fucking tombstones it's pure kino
Can we post good japanese soundtracks from other games?
Figure this is the best thread to say that I hated DS3's ost. It felt too overproduced.
Not him, but what is better when it comes to input lag? InputMapper/DS4Windows or Steam?
No they aren't. You're just gay.
Came in late, but you're still an idiot.
Wait, are there people who actually like the music in Souls games?
What music? There is almost none, outside of boss battles, which just launches into incredibly generic over the top bombastic orchestral scores that are the musical equivalent of being hit over the head with a sledgehammer.
That woman they hired to replace Sakuraba sucks. Compare Maria's theme (composed by her) to Ludwig or Orphan's theme from The Old Hunters soundtrack and it just sounds like incoherent wailing. Her DS3 tracks also suffer from the same issue. People only vehemently defend her here because they have the yellow fever. Her work in Sekiro was better about this though, I'll admit.
>Soul Reaver was the first game to introduce dynamic music!
It wasn't. Ultima Underworld and System Shock came out in th eerly 90's, and they had a far more elaborate implementation of dynamic music than Soul Reaver.
DeS',some of DaS1's tracks, and BB's tracks are great.
What you accurately depicted was DaS2's or 3's overtly bombastic boss themes.
garbage post
because the monsters that get their own soundtracks they tend to get REALLY fucking good ones and the long, repeated natures of the fights ingrain them in your head more, especially when the fight has a good rhythm like zingore (my personal favorite)
you forgot about amelias which is reused multiple times? gerhmans?
I like Sekiro's ambience and battle theme. Only song I really remember from Souls or Bloodborne is Gwyn, Lord of Cinder.
Oh I remember
>violin stabs
>ascending chanting
It just doesn't really stand out as a song in my mind in all honestly
>can't remember Micolash's theme
Real talk
I don't remember a single song in any fromsoft game and i beat all of them. music isn't a draw here and my focus is attuned to the game such that i don't notice the audio
>he actually likes unfitting music loudly blaring up every time a lizard notices you
Found the child.
Pretty much the only song I cared for in Sekiro was this and the 1st Owl theme. I forgot which track it was in game but found it hilarious hearing what sounded like stock sound effects incorporated into the music.
Battle music sucks and the detected noise is very unpleasant
You only remember that track because it's one of the few track with unique stuff in it, like the spooky ghost track from Headless and Shichimen Warrior.
Most other tracks are very similar to each other so people have a harder time remembering them.
DS1 is by far the best game in the series but you are fucking wrong.
Loud music catching your attention is good for getting into a pitched fight. It does overplay a bit but I like the composition.
It's one of my favourite modern game music tracks.
Goddamn bloodborne had great music.
Fuck I love that game.
The moment when Divine Dragon's phase 2 theme kicked in was magical
this track is amazing but would be better if it had a little bit less random chanting
I don't remember a single DS tune.
Butterfly's theme is really good and also I have no qualms about the main battle music
Gwyn's theme?
It just isn't the same with Mico's ramblings and his occasional "AWWOOOOOOOOO".
actually monkey island 2 with its imuse music system came year earlier than ultima underworld
bb has one of the best scores a video game ever had. I listen to it from time to time and I usually ignore video game music.
How the fuck do you get to the other half of the Fountainhead palace, just past the Shichimen Warrior? I cannot for the life of me find any grapple points or places to climb
Tfw you dive for the first time in the Ashina moat wondering what manner of a fish boss is awaiting, only to be met with that screeching violin.
>He didn't appreciate all the Holst references in the Great One boss tracks
>He didn't appreciate Mergo
It’s definitely overstated, someone posted vordt’s theme in this thread and I think it’s a perfect example of what you’re talking about. It feels soulless
Temple grounds idol, walk through the building (side with the gourd seed chest) and turn around and you can grapple on the building then you’ll jump to a tree or some shit
I agree The only soulsbourne track I remember is Firelink Shrine.
>can't remember Sif or Gwyn
I only remember cleric beast, ebrietas and the bloodletting beast really, and the bloodletting beast isn’t even that good, it’s only because I run into him every ihyll root chalice.
Has anyone got the pic comparing Sekiro to Tenchu? I saw it once and forgot to save it
Fuck off. Those games had like 4 pieces of music maximum and was all generic orchestra trash. 90% of soulsborne games is spent in dead silence
Who are the two animu girls?
Please, forgive my autism, but Gatsu's metal hand seems dis-proportionally small.
No idea
it's basically a single piece cut in smaller loops
Soul ost is fucking boring as fuck
DeS has the best OST because it's not as generic.