Just started Dark Souls 2, what the fuck is wrong with the movement...

Just started Dark Souls 2, what the fuck is wrong with the movement? It feels so janky and completely detached from the first game.

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Another day, another ''let's shit on DaS 2'' thead from the same people with the same ''arguments''.
But at least (You) got this.

Its a sort of two pronged issue. The first is ADP, which effects your iframes while rolling, but not the animation. As such, if its too low, you will get hit by things that would have clearly passed as a dodge in any other FROM game. The next is that the animations are just sort of bad. The original had some janky animations, but they usually had weight to them. The issue with DaS2 is that many animations look very floaty and slow, and lack weight.

Attached: Hardhat.png (332x366, 199K)

Found you, the DaS2 faggot.
Reminder that the game is complete shit and so are you.
Kill yourself already, retard.
I'll keep reminding you every thread.

They used a completely different engine
The only reason you think it's "janky" is because you spent so long playing the first one and you were expecting a carbon copy of that

DS2 is a great game, only r*dditors who get their opinions from youtubers disagree.

Why do people autistically hate this game so much? Is it because it was made by western piggus and not "people shouldn't be looking down in our games!" Miyazaki?

Attached: 1555336589336.webm (840x472, 2.1M)

Dark Souls 2 is the worst game in the entire Miyazaki library.

Attached: flat,550x550,075,f.u1.jpg (550x550, 30K)

I don't know if I hate it I'm only like 20 minutes into it but it's not what I expected after the first game

Because it was bad, faggot. Also it's the weebest game in the series, retard.
>Those character creator hairstyles

>Why do people autistically hate this game so much?
It has something to do with the fact that it's trash.

>Those character creator hairstyles
Holy shit, yeah. I had to make a female character because all the male ones all look like they have an extra chromosome.

>2 was the weebest game
>Not 3 with literal 2-Kat weapon and Weapon Arts

Just wait until you see the soldiers waddling like they have shit in their pants

Well they're dead, so odds are there is some shit in their pants.


>complaining about hairstyles when every helmet/hood/hat blocks hair completely
Holy fucking cringe you weebs are unreal.

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Get ready for disappointment.

You know how the first one was relatively connected and you could take multiple paths through cerain sections?

Yeah it's all just random bullshit all over the place now with completely impossible environments to anyone with a slight sense of direction.
It truly is a complete clusterfuck of level design from beginning to end.

animations for hitboxes syncing up to the model are tied to a stat. it's fucking retarded.

>Darksouls 1
>Not jank
good joke

Movement in DaS2 doesn’t register small changes in direction. I don’t think it’s quite 8-way movement, but something like 16-way movement. This means that it’s not as smooth as the other games in the series in that regard. This is probably what you’re experiencing, OP.

Opinion discarded. It's a shit opinion anyway, so don't feel too bad.

>make a dark souls 2 thread of any sort
>guaranteed replies every time
Yea Forums is so boring

>This isn't weeb
>Infact if you dislike this, you're weeb
>No one mentioned DaS3 but they bring it up anyway

DaS2fags are this delusional.

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Maybe I used the wrong term. Floaty would describe it better, DS1's movement felt like it had weight behind it DS2 is the polar opposite.

DS2 is trash, skip and play 3.
Try kick - its not a kick just some kind of retarded delayed backhand. And female character have such broad shoulders ewwww. In 1 female char so stocky and nice.

Shit taste

The movement in DKS2 is not fluid/full 360 degree movement. You only move in 8 directions. Yes, you read that right. 8 directions. Slowly move your joystick around in a circle, you'll see what I mean.

>Just started Dark Souls 2, what the fuck is wrong with the movement? It feels so janky and completely detached from the first game.

B Team.

Also, if you just started Dark Souls 2, level up ADP to like 30 ASAP. ADP is the stat that determines how any iframes you have while rolling, NOT the type of roll you have.

Attached: DarkSouls2ADPisBad.webm (960x540, 2.16M)