Didn't this guy use to make game reviews? Why is all his content now some H3H3 2.0?

Didn't this guy use to make game reviews? Why is all his content now some H3H3 2.0?

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he should make videos about fbi crime statistics

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>this mutt sees himself as white
I am truly baffled

It was good move since 'annoyed nerd reviews video games' is over saturated, meanwhile there are only two or three other channels that do what he does now.

gotta move where the YouTube money's at

Pediepie does this like this at least once a week.

Well pop music is more popular than metal music, but it would be lame if every metal musician started to make pop

You let him do what he wants to do. It's not like he owes you certain type of content.

Because like H3H3, he realized pandering to the alt-right gets him views and strokes his bigoted ego

whiter than you mohammed

He was exposed as an alt-right reactionary retard. He's not really welcome in the gaming community anymore, so he tries to mix it up with unfunny MDE-type sketches. Fuck him and anyone that still supports him.

This will never get a thread removed. Mods/Janitors are the same type of people that unironically watch lets plays and anime music videos.

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Pewdiepie is following the meme train too. Basically they see that their monopoly over Let's Plays and reviews are over because a ton of more skilled and more charismatic players are entering the scene, so they hopped on over to whoring out memes they copypasted from reddit, twitter, and here. Even when they get called out their fans protect them because meme videos are the hot new thing.

>alt right pandering

H3h3 isn't alt-right. Far from it. He worships AOC for fucks sakes.

and people wonder why guys can't get laid?

Went down the Redlettermedia pit and like everyone else on youtube he thought:
>"They're fun! I should talk about movies too!"

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Is it just me or does Jon look different? Does he have makeup on or something?

At least Pewdiepie makes other content too, heck he basically makes whatever he wants. Also he uploads everyday, Jontron only like couple of times a year

> lol replies are just like my /r/The_Donald upboats XD

You need to go back

So you agree with him.

Isn't it funny how quoting usa.gov/statistics makes you a "bigot"?

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Well sure, angry game nerd videos aren't as popular anymore, but these "others videos or channel reviews" are just fucking cancer killing youtube. They take no skill to make and only pretentious "holier than thou" dickheads think they can make them anyhow

>you need to go back
>BTW don't question why I know what the_drumpf is or how subreddits are categorised
Played yourself lmao

He couldn't stick to the same formula forever, it would have quickly worn him out.
Still does game stuff, just not very often because there's not much left to talk about after the market completely oversaturated itself; even gamegrumps, which could feasably sustain itself through lengthy lets play serieses, has branched out because at some point people decided they wanted to watch streams instead
It isn't just Yea Forums doomsaying, video games really are changing in weird ways

I just think it's funny how iDubz does nothing but card reviews and food related shit now.

Using these statistics in an attempt to justify your racial pseduscience does make you a bigot, yes. Maybe look at other reasons why the black crime rate is so disproportionate.

Hint: they're subjected to discrimination on a daily basis in very submerse ways.

This isn't reddit, bud. Take your seething trailer-dwelling ass back to plebbit if you unironically think replies are like your upvotes.

>hehe this epic strawman greentext and 4-letter zinger will show them!

How to spot a reddit reactionary newfag 101.

Imagine not even qualifying for a 4channel janny.


triggered reddit nigger

delete this thread

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How much longer are you going to do this SJW larp? You got your replies.

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Why doesn't /pol/ stay on their containment board?

die tranny

>BTW don't question why I know what the_drumpf is or how subreddits are categorised
They helped us win an election, of course we know them
You have now been marked by the Trumpkino Discord
Prepare yourself, loser

>meanwhile there are only two or three other channels that do what he does now.
His presentation style, commentary and approach, is trendy right now. And there are a thousand channels doing a variation of what he does.

As long as you retards feed him (You)s.

Everyone dies

cause games are shit now