Will there ever be a fully realistic...

Will there ever be a fully realistic, 100% authentic military sim that allows you to experience the tension and horror of war without fear of death?

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If there's no fear of death or injury then it cannot be 100% authentic.

>without fear of death
>100% authentic

does not compute

> game takes a hardware fingerprint
> if you die in the game the game uninstalls itself and you can’t reinstall it ever

>here's a product that will selfdestruct on your wrong input
>please buy

War without fear of death is just a game dude.

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No because it would require too much work, not enough players for a decent match, or have to require bots in that case Arma is the game for you. We will never have awesome large scale battles. Forget the tension and horror, they can't even get the basics down. I just wanna have a massive battle between two armies. Unfortunately BF1 was the only thing closest to anything authentic and it was still off.

How about a game that's free to download but each 'life' you consume costs $5?

Too micro-transactiony. Make it 30$ at least.

What a splendid idea

Attached: I_want_yours.jpg (3284x3283, 1.14M)

And obviously you don’t get to keep your character/ progression

>BF1 was the only thing closest to anything authentic
Imagine unironically thinking that when RO2,Rising storm 1 and Forgotten hope 2 exists

not until neural interfaces are common

They could be reconcilable by having a simulation that you know to be a simulation as you're about to enter, but that suppresses your memory of being in one once you go in.

Anyhow, it seems like an AI-complete problem to me.

t. Peter Molyneux


We almost had one but no publisher was brave enough. Game was later scraped and assets used in a shitty f2p shooter.

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I think if you advertise it as being a money grabbing gimmick on purpose and promise to put 90% of profits back in to the game so that you eventually end up with the ultimate milsim it could work. If you try and act like its good value like most companies would then it would just piss people off, my whole pitch would be that the paywall makes you care about your life and when everyone cares about their lives real life tactics become much more relevant and emulatable in large scale pvp.

make you walk really far and make your legs tired and your knees wobbly

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Arma can get pretty close. VBS is probably closer though, but good luck getting a copy of that. I know that some combat veterans with ptsd play Arma to help them cope with what they went through.

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As someone who has been in the military I can tell you if you want to replicate a military sim you will get fucking board. It's literally just hours camping in one spot waiting for something to happen. And if you do get in a firefight the target is so far away that you will just camp again and fire off single rounds until the target stops firing back.

It would be garbage because, for the individual, 90% of war is just doing busywork while 10% is actually fighting.

Most gaming civilians that are interested in milsims would get fucking exhausted and miserable far before even a below average infantryman would. You put 100+ lbs on their back while they're at it, a few people are going to have some knee injuries.

I wanted to play arma 3 but I have no friends that want to play it with me
Is the solo content good?

Just join the military faget

Also, maybe you can earn in game currency being paid a little bit here and there for your performance, winning team gets more reward which incentivises teamwork and 'boring' roles like medic and driving logistics make substantially more reward points per hour. could also pay in game money for people to do community building shit like running bootcamps for new players

Wasn't there a russian fps on steam that tried to do that?

more like 0.1%

Not really. Assuming you only want combat and don't care about autistic Altis Life game modes, you should get Squad. Don't need friends to have fun because the game is actually balanced and isn't just an 80+ player LARP controlled by a dungeon master.

the entire idea of having to carry that much is a joke, i don't get it.

Horrors and fears are opinionated and biased. Psychopaths have no sense of fear, and they don't recognize the abstract concept of horror.

A game that allows you to experience true war would be just a war game. The opponent kills and fights the other with a weapon and various tactics. Having the game force unexpected moments would be unnatural; it would give a propaganda like feel to it. Even then, you would have to incorporate busy work; military also incorporates other duties.

yeah but what if you do something like have your battle buddy fart in the fox hole and it just doesnt rise up enough that it flows out and instead lingers for a long time, would a psychopath smell fear?

Can a fucking psycho even list in the military? I thought the Army was for sane people.

It'll be like that Onion video about the "new, realistic CoD" where you have the Wii SAW peripheral that weighs 15lbs and you cant put it down, and cant use it until given explicit permission. War is basically waiting around doing minor variations of odd jobs around your FOB or a base, riding in a humvee, and drinking gatoraide.

If you're "lucky" you'll have someone shoot at you, and you'll shoot back at them but theres a good chance they'll quit and run away. But because they are 400m away you wont know that so you'll spend the next 20 minutes creeping forward trying not to get sniped only to discover the other guy got bored or ran out of ammo and left

Ammo, weapons and equipment are heavy, especially when you're carrying them all at once

t. have done rucksack marches

Unfortunately not.

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Maybe when they make VR real advanced they can fuck with your brain to make you forget it's just a game and actually make you fear for your life..that'd be FUCKING hella epic bro.

i have scavenger pro i will get that off the enemy

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How do you know we aren’t in one of those simulations right now?

>Thinks there aren’t self aware psychopaths that know how to bypass these filters
Oh man

I don't, but then again, there's no practical difference anyhow.

>ammo and equipment

Fucking this. This is a perfect example of how fucking retarded are Pentagon based red-tape munchers in uniforms who were put in charge planning.
First, they ditched 7.62mm and frags because "we don't need that kind of firepower in post cold war world and it stuff too heavy anyway" giving grunts 5.56 and M203 instead. Then they fucking realise that this shit 40mm is unreliable as fuck because fucked fuses and that with widespread balistic wests and kevlar plates that every fucking haji can buy in volumes from China you need 3times more ammo to fucking kill a single sandnigger than you need to kill a fucking charlie in vietnam. So they order your average grunt to carry more of it to compensate low firepower with higher fire saturation. But this creates a new problem, because now grunts dont have cargo space to carry all that extra bullits.
So they got new, bigger backpacks, tacti vests, camel packs, duffel bags, etc. However, all this shit weight sonething and now grunts are exhausting their stamina quicker, so they need to carry more water, food, meds... Which also took space and weight. Which make them even more sluggish in combat. But don't worry, GI Joe, your pentagon armchair generals are thinking of you. You will get support from air force on demand. All you need is to carry this extra radio, laser target designator plus spare batteries, flares, repair kits - all in extra bags and pouches. Oh, and because hajis are still using 7.62mm rounds that can fuck a human target from 1km and frag grenades that deliver deadly shrapnels in 200 meter radius you need to carry your own ballistic vest, helmet, reinforced gloves and boots.

No because Israel will never let gamedevs make them the antagonist.

It could work if the game had extensive penalties for dying and would arguably also have to be an MMO style game in a semi-open world (like big open levels that aren't too huge but are packed with content in the zones, thing STALKER like).

You have to make a character, join a unit or clan, specialize in a skill (engineer, marksman, etc), you'd have to train and shit. Death would mean restarting all over, or maybe like RuneScape where you lose most of your shit but can keep something.

Gameplay would have to be mostly milsim but with some "arcade"yness to it to make it fun and not just pure realism. I'd play it.

In terms of atmosphere I'd argue I'm correct. So you are actually right and I just used the wrong words

click on the magical "steam workshop" button.
you can waste 5000+ hours of your life there
squad is complete trash even with friends (which are mandatory)

>tfw schizo
>tfw want to be airforce
>tfw can only shoot at paper in my backyard

Fuck that give me 265 player chaos with AI players too, mix of Battlefield and Arma, no fucking milsim autism with muh ROE and muh squad, and just let it be chaotic as fuck like no real war ever could be

I've got enough of a taste of full realism and authenticity attempt with SQUAD and its fucking boring.

Attached: Realistic new ‘Counterinsurgency’ video game lets you watch troops fuck up until you’re fired. (758x569, 113K)

There was a vest you could wear that made you feel bullet impacts.


uuhhhhhhh isn't that the entire point of a psycho, that you can't actually tell them apart until actually caught doing... stuff? or was that a sociopath?

They get weeded out in boot camp because their usually so narcissistic, they cant stand being talked down to and working with others.

So they feign suicidal thoughts to get out. Cause they're too good.
>t. Worked in a military hospital psych ward where they kept washouts.

squad is fun

Attached: Squad_2017-04-11_02-22-33-081_9JLTSc3.jpg (1000x562, 136K)

Navy fag here. Surprised they DQ autism considering our autistic standards and regulations.

so a psycho needs to aim for an officer position?

>spend 3 weeks staring at sand waiting to get shot in the face
>firefight starts
>spend 30 hours shooting at sand hoping you shot someone in the face
>rinse, repeat

That explains a lot tbqh

maybe in the future games will be connected to our brains and will be able to invoke emotions, physical pain, and even distort our sensation of time. in this case, a game death could punish you with 5 years of anguish / pain, which will actually just be 5 seconds irl.

it will be scary af though, risking a bug that will torture you for centuries and drive you insane.

>Wanting to go harder and harder into realism.
This is why videogames suck these days.

>takes minimum of 18 years to install

Arma 3 and LSD

Squad is the best mix of realism, dynamic gameplay mechanics in a match based team shooter yet. It does compromise realism where necessary, but you can tell that some of the devs have been in a military and everything is modeled around modern combat.

It's the best you're going to get without joining an autism group in Arma 3 with a 50gb+ modpack

Attached: TOW.webm (1280x720, 2.91M)

Attached: jihadi bois.webm (1066x600, 2.72M)

Attached: smoke screen.webm (1066x600, 2.97M)

Attached: sandstorm.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Faggot mutts

Attached: cookoff.webm (1280x720, 2.41M)

Former TOW gunner here. That missile's going way, WAY too slow, but that webm is still a lot more accurate than I would have guessed.

Realism: where video games go to die.

I have in Squad and Arma. Particularly the feeling of being pinned down under supressing fire by some asshole vic you can do fuck all about. That and emplacements.

Seriously? I would have thought it was too fast from all the TOW missile footage I've seen where it feels like the missile is crawling through the air to get to a target 2km away.

A game where you die in one shot maybe?

It's called call of duty 2

It would be 90% boredom and 10% adrenaline surging hectic with, intermittent random and sudden death.

War is no fun.

Eerily enough came here to say this
because of that guy on /k/ who said that he subjected himself to artificial combat horror on LSD to dissassociate fear from combat

that must have been a blast

>without fear of death
wht's the fucking point then

Im an armyfag and no, because being a soldier is mostly boredom and doing gay bullshit. It's rarely fun and thats why ultra realistic games simulating military life are rare. If you want to experience being a soldier you should just join the army.


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No, because the purpose of milsims is not to teach soldiers to shit their pants, it's to teach them what to do in real situations by exposing them to decision-making in a controlled environment.
"Muh realism" is a buzzword for extremely low IQ individuals who don't grasp the purpose behind any portrayal of the world that isn't digital photography.

>gun loving, warmongering americans thread

>hypocritical euro poster

>gun loving
you just described a healthy human male

What an idiot. Mastery of natural form allows for undetectable manipulation or rearrangement of the subject to obtain perfect composition and invoke whatever emotion the artist wishes because of the perceived authenticity of the natural setting. Fuck this fat, dead, proto-shamalan.

Realistic games suck. If a game was 1.1 realistic why even play it?

You sound like a massive, pretentious fop.

you sound like a gay cunt

This is the most naive shit I’ve ever heard. The army is a den for psychos that want to play out their desires while having a socially acceptable cover.

>"I took art appreciation 101 in college and I like big words"
Hey retard, guess what, composition is entirely controlled and artificial across all mediums including real-life landscaping and it's that control of a work that gives it emotional weight and resonance, not accurate depictions of the growth patterns of tree leaves you troglodyte.

Yes, ignore the double digit IQ posters that think what some 20x edited piece of paper says reflects reality.

I don't know if you're a clever troll or actually this stupid and willing to believe hollywood tropes represent reality. 99% of people in every military are average to below-average joes who spend most of their time fucking around in Daycare Camp and the rest of their time bored out of their minds, with about a .0001% share of unintelligible horror during combat.

Psychopath: doesn't process emotions correctly or at all
Sociopath: doesn't relate societal norms to emotions correctly or at all
Psychos and Sociopaths aren't necessarily schizoid, meaning they aren't always going to be dissociated to the point that nobody notices how fucking crazy they are, that's just the popular portrayal.


No one would play it because you would be standing around doing nothing 99% of the time.

What game?

sounds comfy af

Technically speaking they can, if they bypass the all the psych evaluations.

But realistically? Fuck no, they wouldn't last a month into basic.

As someone who served, I can say with confidence that no actual psychopath/sociopath would make it past basic training because they can't stand being talked down to and belittled by the Drill Instructors and would hate being forced to work with dumbasses all the time.