You cheated not only the game, but yourself

You cheated not only the game, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't improve.
You took a shortcut and gained nothing.
You experienced a hollow victory.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad that you don't know the difference.

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>in game mechanic

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He's not wrong. Cheaters disgust me.

How about fuck you i play the way i enjoy it?

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>a mechanic that is literally referenced in the title

okay faggot

>mechanics game gives and does not discourage you from using
Next you'll tell me that I shouldn't use the prosthetics at all

Have you admitted you are a masochist yet?


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Have sex

You're allowed to use prosthetics as long as it's not
>sabimaru vs okami
>axe vs rats

>game literally allows you to come back to life
>journos still want an easy mode

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>People didn't play the flawless 2hard4u game the way I wanted them too.
Ah yes, the DMC affliction.

Does it make you feel good to be better than a shitter at video games?
You people seem to deliberately seek these nobodies out to "complain" about them.

But we're talking about sekiro here though?
Where did DMC suddenly come from?

gold orbs are a pretty smart way of doing easy modes since not everyone wants to challenge themselves to S rank every mission.
most people probably won't even notice or outright reject the idea that they've made the game easier by using them

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>losers think they """"""grow""""" by pressing buttons

I don't think most of Yea Forums cares. Just the spastic autists that make these kinds of threads and it's not even a multiplayer game.

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Haha what a funny copypasta my guy its so #epic for the lulz god I sure do love reading dope threads like these on's videogame board Yea Forums fucking based bro

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To this day I will never understand this boardwide single mindedness and inability to relate something to something else. It only seems to happen here.

t. guy that takes pride in beating a game that darksydephil can beat

Why is that respawn mechanic even there? Just so you have more time to learn the bosses? Or so that you'll get less dragonrot?