>tfw Soccer Moms couldnt censor Mortal Kombat but SJWs did it
Tfw Soccer Moms couldnt censor Mortal Kombat but SJWs did it
Explain. I'm out of the loop
I dunno, classic Mortal Kombat was never really a titty fighter so the comparison's not really 1 to 1. If anything they've brought it closer in line with the level of sexiness of the first couple games.
But soccer moms DID censor Mortal Kombat. You're showing you're age. Both MK and MK2 were toned down in the early 90s compared to the arcade version. I'd bet MK3 was, as well, but I stopped caring about MK around that time.
Anons are angry that not every character is a same faced pornstar anymore
So they have to blame something that had no impact on the game at all
obviously saccer mams were never the issue
Whatever helps you sleep at night, nerd
no they didn't
if that was true Kitana would wear a leotard just like she did in the older games, not some fucking head to toe nu-marvel capeshit suit
Not to mention MK is the reason ESRB ratings exist
teenagers are weird
That sprite shows more skin than modern kitana.
The new Mortal Kombat game has women that, in previous games, wore very little clothing wearing much more clothing, with some of this looking like a woman wearing a burqa, while most men wear even less clothing than in previous games. When asked about this, the developers have stated that they don't like videogames, do not play videogames, and want to censor titties in videogames to prevent rape, as titties in videogames cause rape.
OP is making a reference to Jack Thompson, a (disbarred) attorney from Florida that made a name for himself campaigning against Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas, because he felt the game tempted children away from Jesus Christ and caused them to commit crimes such as murder, theft, assault, and stealing cars. OP is comparing the actions of evangelical Christians who wanted to censor videogames because they believe that seeing violence causes children to want to commit violence to Liberal Progressives who want to censor videogames because they believe that seeing a woman's skin causes men to rape them.
The difference between the two is that Liberal Progressives have made it a point to enter the videogame industry with the intention to censor it from the inside (games censored = no rape), whereas Evangelical Christians attempted to censor it by simply making videogames illegal (games illegal = no violence)
Anons are mad at a game they weren't going to play anyways.
If all you're interested in a fighting game is tits and ass, why did Dead or Alive 6 flop when that's all the game is about?
>Violence is good but cleavage is bad
I will never understand Americans jews and women
who are you quoting?
Remember when MK wasn't afraid to be controversial? Pepperidge farm remembers...
But it's being controversial right now.
I just wanna look at some tits, fuck off faggot.
No one complaining about this gives a fuck about MK.
what you'll learn from visiting this site is that there are a lot of """"controversies"""" that people get wrapped up in, not because they care, but because they want to be wrapped up in drama.
It's honestly annoying as fuck.
>not using "incel", for once
Okay, this is Steam.
There was no reason to get it over the superior DOA5, duh
Among gamers, as opposed to people who want it censored.
i love the fact all the anti-white racists were dancing around hollering and hooting when the rap trailer hit claiming the game is for blacks and not whites anymore.
how did that work out for you HAhahahahahahahaa
It is, humorously, for once not a problem caused by Jews: It's purely Puritanism. SAULs (Secular Ashkenazi Uinversalist Liberals), which make up the majority of Jews in the Anglosphere, didn't actually get this from their own culture, but rather cribbed it from the English Puritans in both England and the United States. It's a very weird strain of thought that is disturbingly prominent in America.
In essence, Puritanism's weird sexual hangups come from the fact that Puritans believe that women don't actually like sex; rather sexual desire is forced on them by men who have been impassioned by the devil. The only women who like sex are Whores, who are evil wicked creatures that need to be removed from society. All women are thus either Whores or perfect sexless waifs. Whereas all men are inherently wicked and fallen, as all men are afflicted with sexual desire, it is possible for a woman to not be evil and sinful, and in fact while men are born sinful creatures women are not; women have to be made sinful. Thus, sexuality needs to be TIGHTLY controlled, lest men lead poor innocent women into sin.
You can very easily see how taking Protestantism to its logical conclusion (the rationalizing away of Yahweh, prayer, church, etc) leads to Feminism, which believes that female genital mutilation and hiding women away is "empowering".
It's still controversy.
Ridiculous DLC and season pass, and the fact that DOA has always been a shit fighting game series. You can't sell a fighting game on sex appeal alone.
>We're going to put the women in burqas so feminists don't get mad at us
Yeah, I guess. It'd probably be controversial either way. Still seems kind of like pussing out though doesn't it?
Watching SJWs and porn addicted nerds fight never gets old!
then go to pornhub u fucking autistic incel
>hehe no tits for you
>go to pornhub and get cucked
How is this game working out for you now that your tits are gone too
i already feel uncomfortably hot just by watching her run like that
skull girls is pretty good
This but unironically.
Interesting point.
>again anglos prove to be worse than jews
>if I keep repeating bullshit, it’ll come true.
Grow up
>women covered nearly from head to toe
>men underclothed by comparison
>implying doing things to satisfy a party or push your own beliefs isn't impactful
If it wasn't impactful, neither would it have happened as a result of political outcry nor would it be praised for doing it. It's funny that when people put in nice things for demographic it's awful and sexist and degrading to society etc. But when they take it away and people are upset about it, shitheads that worked to get the nice things taken away then take the opposite stance of
>lol it doesn't even matter anyway stop crying
It's the most up your own ass, hypocritical thing in the world. If it didn't matter you never would have stood against it. But now since it's what you prefer NOW others are just crying and it doesn't mean anything. If the shoe were on the other foot it would have been awful, embarrassing, disrespectful, etc. Don't pretend that isn't true.
It is. Not saying you can't have both, I'm saying you can't have just sex appeal without a good game behind it.
I know popcorn time
As opposed to jerking it to sprites. What a fucking loser.
hey when the game was made for anglos it had tits.
Now it has burkhas and rap.
You cucked yourself
Stupid communist fuck, you animals screeched about muh ebil conservatives censoring shit and now do this amount of damage control.
>Grow up
I got Core Fighters though
>tarnishing the soviet officer badge
would've punched him myself and took it off
>Now it has burkhas and rap.
implying that wasn't the plan from beginning
Homos with impotent rage looking for something to get mad about
>looking at potn is getting cucked
Were you dropped on your head
Why can't we have hot men AND women? Isn't this the opposite of equality?
Have sex, incel.
>he watches movies of men fucking women
>thinks he isnt a cuck
Are you retarded lol?
Because the SJW are the developers.
Women can't into logic
This. People forgot this decade how 90's MK didn't start going nuts with female sex appeal exaggeration until they introduced Sheeva in MK3 and even then it was only because Goro and Kintaro had been introduced as visual precedents prior to exemplify a muscle monster devoid of clothing.
MK used female characters in scantily clad outfits often from Deadly Alliance onwards and it was only because they just couldn't figure out how to make the character more interesting visually than just being lazy and showing tits and ass.
This really is more of a return to true form than it is a censorship thing.
When people talk about equality they don't mean equal treatment, they mean 'you oppressed us, now its our turn to oppress you'.
I want Sheeva to rape me
Some people are just more equal than others user.
this is the dream of many
It's censorship. They forgot they weren't making injustice.
if you dont like it just dont buy it.
The game isn't DOA so it is le sjw face
It's not censorship if the company did it themselves already by their own volition.
>It's not censorship if the censor does it willingly
No, it's still censorship.
>It's not censorship if the company did it themselves already by their own volition.
um yes it is
So going back to their old design style is censorship?
>is intentionally engaging in censorship censorship?
Yes, user. Censoring something is, by definition, censorship.
Absolute fucking retards.
If they had gone back to MK9 now and covered up the characters there then yes, it would be censorship. These are new costumes and models for a new game, made how NRS wants them to be made. It's not censorship you faggots.
look at this mental gymnastics.
>asking Yea Forums to explain anything
extremely DUMB aquaposter
You're the one doing mental gymnastics trying to say this shit is censorhip, user. Just because you don't like a redesign doesn't mean it's censored.
>fuck freedom ox expression, people shouldn't NOT masturbate, because they must want MY holes!
your hole is an infected wound, tranny, nobody's gonna touch it.
Can someone post some concrete comparison shots? I think the fairest way to do it would be "First appearance, most recent appearance, 11" and if the sentiment of it being gender based is accurate, then separating the men and women into two sections would be helpful.
Imagine being so far gone that you actually get upset about not being able to see video game boobies, literally seething and calling people cuckolds and faggots and everything in a frothing, shaking rage just because you can no longer see cartoon jiggly bits in your toys
>add classic costumes
>look exactle the same on the males (half naked)
>looks completely different on the females (completely covered)
Kill yourself idiot
But then they couldn't shitpost effectively
Read this and then look on male costumes
If this is not a double standard then I dont know what is
fucking beran and his 1984 bullshit
In summer i went in swimsuit, but in winter i’m using my formal clothes. I’m censoring myself, by your logic?
It isn’t the same a man showing his chest than a woman doing it? You don’t like it? Then change society so we can accept topless in both genders
this is the posting of a hormonal woman (male)
Then search women fighting women. There are companies for that fetish
no one is saying the women should be topless
you're saying the women cant wear bikinis because hurr durr
but topless males are fine
Yea Forums, be real with yourself. You would have bought the game on his release if they had bikini armor and women showing tits?
funny because that company still managed to include a nigger in it
fuck you porn shill.
I already pre-ordered this for Jax.
yes, i like a lot about the game but that makes me not want to.
>why did Dead or Alive 6 flop
Because they tried to appeal to SJWs.
>sour grapes incels screech about muh degenerate women being roastie sluts showing too much skin
>women are covered up
>incels screech about women no longer having tits and ass on display
What do you retards even want
ask your girlfriend if I'm impotent, wait you don't have one cause I fucked her while you shill for nrs
Men showing muscles is not about the sexuality, it's about the physical power females lack.
Sexually arousing girls and extreme violence don't go well together unless you're just a guro fetish. In that case kys.
Women can choose wear bikini. And they can choose to not. The point if that she decided what to do. Just like men. If the developer decided to not putting bikini, then you must respet it
>Yea Forums
>buying games
What company
I will not acknowledge this until I see a complete comparison as stipulated
> Japanese game
> Appeal to SJW
They just wanted to be in e-sports. Is what gives money. Game still have bongos going boing
idiot tranny.
>"lesbianism as an insult"
It’s called justice
>I just want to see bikini girls get brutally murdered, why it's so hard for you to understand
sure the devs can do that
but dont pretend there's a good reason for it
see that's complete bullshit
Redpilled based maga!
>game is one of the most violent games on the market
>no boobies naughty little boys
I hate the gay tranny conspiracy.
What is wrong with his arms?
>if we remove the bikinis its ok!
What a nice pol bait thread
This is legit the most intelligent thing I've read in these threads since MK11 was announced and that depresses the fuck out of me.
I actually had it pre-ordered for a good few months before I realized the direction they were going in was one of selling out.
The violence is equal opportunity
lol infuriating when you realise all this censorship is just to make women feel less insecure.
Female characters can't show their womanhood but ripping off their faces and crushing their skulls is completely fine, encouraged even.
"stop catering your games to people who don't even play them"
Seems like we were the sjw's all along.
It's not really that intelligent because it assumes you must be for the highly sexualised characters or against them, I personally, and I imagine a lot of people feel the same, was never offended by how skimpy the outfits were in MK9 but I'm not so attached to them that I'm upset to see them gone. I don't intend to the MK11, at least not in release, but it's purely because I don't like the look of the gameplay. The female character designs aren't necessarily a non-factor because I think any fighting game should have good character designs, but that they are less sexualised doesn't bother me, and if they were more sexualised I'd probably have the exact same stance I have on the game right now.
Over the top gore has always been a trademark of the series whereas the sexy girl characters is more of an artifact of the 90s
the most insulting thing is there are people that think female bodies cant be appreciated in a nonsexual way.
the series was made in the 90s you retarded fuck
People want to tell the devs how to make their game, and if they go against their wishes it's censorship
>why did Dead or Alive 6 flop
because all the marketing was pushing for the SJW audience
it flopped because they drove away all the tit and ass fans
Yeah and I'm saying that sexy porn star girl characters was just how you designed girl characters in the 90s. Games have since grown past that
Ed Boon shitskin.
people need to learn to move on to new IPs if an franchise isnt doing it for you. Go to one that does.
It's got nothing to do with sexuality though, the issue is the fact they've made an issue about this and taken actions when none were needed then paraded around messages of being progressive and respectful under a banner of realism when it's anything but if you look at any female contact sport while insulting the people who were fine with how the games were and supporting those shitting on the people who speak out against this shit. If the costumes were well designed and they didn't pretend they were so woke then I doubt anyone would have given a fuck but they, by their own admission, have gone out of their way to cover up female fighters while strip down male ones which is absurd to me.
How do you know it wasn't simply the artists visions? As far as I know there were no complaints for MKX character designs
low test does that to a man.
Actually only the first one got censored on the SNES and there was a blood code for the Genesis version. MKII was not cencored on both plataforms and since then not a single MK was censored ever again.
i remember that mkx fridgified them on purpose the artists work was revised to make them look less attractive.
They also threw away some pretty fun and amazing concepts.
Why do people want to have high testosterone? It just makes you go bald faster :/
The look and over the top gore seem fun as hell still and the game looks great in those aspects, and I wouldn't have an issue with them doing what they're doing if they weren't virtue signaling so hard. Make your women look however you want, just don't lie about why you're doing it. Boon saying "We've just matured alot" is bullshit when you see someone kicked in the balls and their skeleton pops out the top of their body. The real reason is they want journos and blue check marks to write good things about them and they want MK to be center stage for Evo. That's it. Period. If things were different, Boon would have these women wearing floss again.
Because they're already bald and want that baldmuscle look
Is there something more ridiculous than the concept of a sport burka?
Exactly. I want no part of that shit.
It's up there, maybe a single step below trans athletes in gender segregated sports. I'm beginning to think the clownposters have the right idea.
Horse shit I grew up playing Mk3 on pc and even it was more risque then this mk11 shit.
I can't stand fighters now it's al autistic mlg tourney try hard moveset crap
That CANT be real.
>mk11 trailer has rap
>they shill a gay furry nig as the spokesperson for the game
>women in the game are all sanitized
Really makes you thunk.
There's still plenty of games for mashing retards
Try smash
I think that's a bit disingenuous. If that's why you care about it that's fair, and I don't doubt that you're not alone in that, but the whole argument began the moment people saw Skarlet's new design, before the developers actually talked about how they approached making the girls in this game. A lot of people are very clear in just wanting the girls to be sexy for the sake of it, and I imagine there would almost certainly be as much argument about it if the developers were less pretentious about why they're designed this way and suggesting it's because fighters shouldn't be showing a lot of skin but then having the men show skin and all this. It really seems like a good chunk of people who are upset about it just want there to be sexy girls because they like sexy girls, which they're allowed to be upset by, but I still think for a lot of people it's just not that big a deal whether the character's are sexualised or not.
yes, feeling the need to wear one to please an imaginary boss that watches everything you do and judges you
And what about sexy men?
>As far as I know there were no complaints for MKX character designs
There definitely were, though not to the degree that 11 has had so far.
>Men showing muscles is not about the sexuality,
Speak for yourself
>it's about the physical power females lack.
Are you saying women cant be physically powerful? That's sexist.
>respectful and mature
>rips spine out
I distinctly remember a thread about the girls in C being thickened up around the waste, arms, legs etc and outrage.
As the first models shown were more athletic.
Just switch to koikatsu then. Stop mk muslim spreading.
Can't stand Nintendo fans playing the same gay game for 3 decades
>button mash
Kys zoomer scum arcade era fighters are the only good ones go back to your laggy cinematic trash
It's not ridiculous, it sounds like it could be a good way of terrorizing the idiots into obeying hard to enforce rules.
What's silly about all of this is it could be solved instantly with alt costumes. Parade around your esports friendly outfits for months then also show that everyone has more MK friendly attire for those who want it, this actually would have been a good situation to use an Injustice 2 style gear system (without stats because fuck that) where each part of the costume could be customized. give the players the choice instead of deciding for them
But some of these women are aliens with thousands of years, what are you smoking?
What about them? The only one I can think of is MAYBE Liu Kang but he's more a Bruce Lee reference than anything. Where are the sexy male characters?
>Devs and gamers have been fighting against censorship for decades.
>Some lady with a goblin nose says things are bad.
>Suddenly tripping over themselves to censor or defend censorship.
Explain, please. She's not even hot.
there never was a censorship issue until now.
I'm buying it on release, anyway. Even with this bullshit design philosophy they're pushing, Mortal Kombat is Mortal Kombat. Honestly, I just want to have a good time with the game, talk about lore, and bitch about how broken day-1 characters are. Is that so much to ask?
>When asked about this, the developers have stated that they don't like videogames, do not play videogames, and want to censor titties in videogames to prevent rape, as titties in videogames cause rape.
I'd like a little bit of sources here? I'm not being pedantic about the hyperbole here, I know they probably didn't literally say this, but I do find it a tad odd that a game known for characters ripping out spines would do this.
Have you seen mkg threads? all about Kano and Kotal being daddies. Geras shows his pecs too, same as the other costume of Johnny meanwhile Cassie, who has the same personality, is more covered in the alternate costumes.
I'd rather see bikini/bathing suit fighters get finished than see a father turn her daughter into a puppet.
One of my biggest disappointments is Kano actually. He looked great in MKX, old but tough as leather but in 11 he's all smooth and soft. The fuck.
>enter the videogame industry with the intention to censor it from the inside (games censored = no rape)
Because games became the strongest competition of movies
Dumb Aqua poster
Exactly. The female character designs are harmless on their own, but the intent behind them is preachy bullshit.
is this the new overwatch character?
This guy is a daddy?
When they were showing off Kano, they named his variation "Black Dragon Beefcake." Someone on the team obviously finds him hot.
Instantly reminded me of Tracer when I first saw her. It's kinda cool looking I guess.
I don't know about that dude Frost's design is legit the worst one yet. It's ripped from Avengers: Endgame.
christian conservative closeted homos thinking they need more hormones to cure their "disease".
The mask is cool but the rest of it looks like something from Mass Effect.
You know that's bullshit right user?
t. so.i boy
based and informedpill
Agreed it dosn't fit MK at all on any level. There's zero Lin Kuei or cage fighter in her look and that fucking hair what were they thinking.
Are you actually retarded?
>why did Dead or Alive 6 flop
Literally because people are fucking mongoloids and bad PR. Also DOA6 is not normalfag core nor does it have a legion of paid shills like MK and Namco. The quality of a game has nothing to do with it's success, SC6 is a perfect example of a game that only got it's sales numbers through corporate shilling. Big sales numbers, community down 80% after 3 weeks.
>QA Analyst
You literally never played DOA NR mong
>There's zero Lin Kuei or cage fighter in her look
She's a Kronika goon, now. All of them look like that.
Muslim Kombat
And it's shit. It looked like the MKX comic was setting her up as a rival for Cassie but now they've gone straight back to making her a generic bad guy again.
Nah, I still think worst design goes to Jacqui. That fucking character can never catch a break.
Well, we haven't seen story mode, yet, so I'm hoping for a bit depth. Maybe some master-pupil kino with Sub-Zero, if we're lucky.
Comic is tenuously canon, it's a bunch of background shit that never actually mattered to X, what makes you think it would matter to 11?
Well with this different timeline my personal hope was that Sub Zero wouldn't fail her this time that way Cassie gets a rival, and she's basically becomes next gen Sub-Zero compared to Scorpions Takeda.
The writer for the comic is doing the plot for 11?
>The writer for the comic is doing the plot for 11?
And? He's being forced to only care about what happened in X, not his dumb little comic.
>Mortal Kombat
>Evo Japan
Even if it was a violent waifu fighter with girls that barley wore anything, it wouldn't be on there.
We get it you hate the comic.
Blind rage is a hell of a thing
No? I liked the comic, but it is completely unimportant to the games.
It shouldn't be as its plot was way, way, better than MKX's shit show.
Can we have one MK11 thread that isn't pointless bitching about outfits when we don't even know what all the cosmetics look like yet?
But there was an user leaking shit yesterday and there's no alts that change anything, it's all bullshit all of the time so naturally the threads reflect that.
The guy who leaked Frost also showed off a bunch, they're mostly trash.
They're almost certainly saving the classic appearances for specific events like they did with Injustice, and the dude that leaked stuff said he hadn't unlocked much of anything yet.
>specific events
I heard a bunch of shit in IJ2 was time locked and never came back, how true is that? Because I slept on it for a good year or so.
Literally everyone is just assuming their intent from their retarded PR statements. That's not the same as their actual intent, which I still don't think was influenced by SJW culture. Saying their designs are "more mature" now is dumb, but it's not necessarily a result of bowing to SJWs.
Gotta be mature and respectful, OP!
Thank god for SCVI.
It's true. Kinda dumb if you ask me.
>I heard a bunch of shit in IJ2 was time locked and never came back
It's legit. They had special events for things like tie-in's for Justice League with unique outfits that if you didn't get it there and then you were forever fucked.
You mean that game that no one is really talking about or playing anymore?
Any idea where I could find a list of what I missed? It's just gear, right?
>Literally everyone is just assuming their intent from their retarded PR statements. That's not the same as their actual intent
You can't be this dick suckingly delusional.
don't piss on my leg and try to tell me it's raining
I don't understand this complain. I would be behind you if this was doa or a new rumble roses, but does anyone really play MK for the girls? Isn't violence and gore the real attraction.
Isn't it supposed to be your head?
But that's one of the pillars on which this board was built
That's what I thought at first, but apparently MK girls looked better in the past. My heart goes out to fans that got fucked over now.
They didn't look better, they were just more sexualised. NRS have been notorious for their man-faced women for a good while now.
It's not censorship, it's progress shitlords.
How does it feel to know you incels are going to be on the wrong side of history?
Shirtless muscular men is a male power fantasy not sexualization idiot. Not the same thing at all.
except that's not what they said
Not even a good fighting game anymore. MK is casual and story driven. Not a loss.
It's the developers telling the old fans that they don't want THEM anymore. They want the carpet-munching, BBC-watching, goat-fugging, women's marching, blue-haired, problem-glasses wearing assholes instead.
>We've grown up since we made those games you like. Now we know that you are problematic shitlords and we're not going to do that anymore.
The costumes are just a message, bro.
Apparently only the women are fighting for their lives. The men are just there to have a good time.
better be a day 1 free classic pack or I'm gonna fatality my refund button.
These designs are UGLY. At least killer instinct got that right.
>new Rumble Roses
one can only dream
All we got was a slot game. But only the first game was good anyways. XX sucked balls. Whever engine they put it on was ass compared to the here comes the pain one.
Isn't respecting developers intent the whole argument behind not giving sekiro an easy mode? So why not respect developers on this issue too? And they would only tell old fans that they are not wanted anymore if violence was removed. Lets be honest you didn't play MK on the genesis because it looked better you did because it had blood.
>y-you're delusional
Nice argument.
That doesn't make them wrong, it makes NRS's PR team retards.
Just make an alternate classic/nostalgia costume design so everyone can pick whatever they want and everyone is happy
Literally every single fighting game from street fighter to killer instinct to tekken to doa to kof has done this
There's no excuse not to if you are using 3d models and and already have customization in your game anyway
I don't argue with retards, I pity them.
Did they finally show switch gameplay?
We know what the developer's intent is. We saw it with Mortal Kombat 1 - 11
This is the intent of an infection.
I will DO it motherfucker. But not before doing a couple of fatalities on frost.
So you have no argument to give? That's fine, I figured as much.
>developer intent can't change over the course of 20 years
i'm gonna do it Yea Forums
He's a QA Analyst? This has little to nothing to do with the game's art direction.
You won't, pussy.
>preordering games in 2019
Nothing wrong with sexy designs or nonsexy designs, but acting like you're more mature now for not liking the former is actually causing you to exclude real women who still like the sexy designs too, and you're putting them down by doing this for no reason.
Holy fuck what the niggerfuck happened to vidya
This is why I'm forced to pirate
1) the girls in MK11 are way better designed than the girls in MKX, this is a fact.
2) if you can't masturbate to fully clothed woman what are you doing on this website?
poor zoomer doesn't know how good he has it, I payed $80 for vanilla MK3 on Genesis
also censored and made by SJW faggots
fuck off shilling your shitty game Kike Z
You realize it works backwards as well you mong?
>WAAAAAHHH women should wear what they want even if means baring their tits or wearing skin tight yoga pants that allows everyone to see their gut cunt
>WAAAAAHHH video games sexualise women by showing them in revealing clothing, cover them up!
>m-maybe the whole art team just turned gay and converted to Islam?!?!
the developer intent HAS changed. It changed from violent fighter to hammy violent fighter to hammy magic violent fighter. Locking down on the "sexy" designs of the women is a decision derived from outside influences. The target market (me) is also an outside influence, and I'm telling them to fuck off with the new target demographic that has no interest in purchasing a fucking fighting game.
>imaginary boss
choose a side you cuck, you can't be a liberal and mock muslims at the same time
That looks cool as fuck, I'd wear it just to terrify people. Set up my own militia where this is the uniform.
I wouldn't mind this, but they just went half way with the design. They're eluding to sexiness that isn't there, this is just a ninja lady.
>5 SJW People told the devs how to make their game, they caved so tumblerverse didn't shame them on social media outlets, and if you point that out you will get banned and called bad names
you shouldn't be paying for digital copies anyway. the technology is there to make free copies and distribute them to everyone, and the only thing stopping us from taking advantage of it is government overreach.
You forgot that they said it was to be "mature" I usually hate the violence good sex bad argument but you can't call your game mature when it's about excessivly gory finishing moves.
I do support devs who make shit I like, though.
If they don't get paid, they will stop making shit I like.
The new dead or alive is also censored though.
that's not necessarily true. i don't pay for digital copies of music unless i can't find a torrent/download, but i'll still buy it if they include a t shirt or something physical that i like.
you have to be able to adapt to the changing market, forcing people to continue to pay for digital copies instead of figuring out a new way to continue making money isn't the fault of the pirate. also, with things like kickstarter, there probably isn't much reason for games to not be freely available anymore since they could do a campaign to raise all the development funds then just let the game be considered public domain.
I don't give a fuck about physical shit, though.
I treat it as a donation: I enjoyed this shit and want more like it. Digital media is perfect for this, except when it has a tax on it, like steam tax.
I just want to point out that even though the girls are all covered up, they're covered up in skin-tight clothing (except for Kassie's Anthem costume)
You need to understand men and women are physically and mentally different, so for men the idea is to emphazise their wide shoulders while on women it's wide hips. Showing skin on those areas are just a bonus. That being said there is no bonus on women and it's still a double standard to have Johnny, Kano, Geras, Liu Kang, Kotal and Baraka fighting naked while the women get overdesigned armors.
tl:dr wait for the PC mods and the SJW outrage that PCfags are playing with naked costumes.
Thatd a nice picture of (you)
Killer Instinct and Samurai Shodown taught me this with Darkstalkers to begin with. Darkstalkers 3 was a massive shitshow.
Yea Forums doesn’t buy games let alone fighting games which are artificial difficulty
What you don't understand is that even that outfit in your gif would be too problematic to have in MK11.
/vpol/ is literally the modern soccer mom. they don't make games, they don't play games, they just leech on topics to whine about.
>all these people saying they’re gonna pirate a fighting game
How are you gonna get blown up online?
literally every male fighter in mortal kombat has a topless skin and are super buff.
literally all the female characters meanwhile only have outifts which show zero skin let alone cleavage and all female characters have small breasts.
the studio has already stated that this was done on purpose and don´t seem to care about their double standard
i didn´t buy dead on arrival because they removed sexy costumes and drastically reduced breast size
Back to resetera with you.
People who hold serious conviction or beliefs are fucking retards, what's your point?
soccer moms loved mortal kombat
>I treat it as a donation
That's fine too. Piracy still allows for more freedom of what to do with your money, and ensure you don't get taken advantage of. I'm not totally against that. I'm just mostly against being forced to pay for a digital copy.
because soccer moms didnt operate within the same industry and were just consumers, sjws run reviews and are a sizable demographic within game development.
Wait a minute, so you prefer women to be sluts in real-life and for fictional women to have self-control, instead of the other way around?
What the fuck kind of quote is that when you admit you agree? And no this doesn't necessarily point to internal or external influences. You can assume that, but you can't back up either claim.
Might be better there than here at this point.
Not really, at least here you can have and share an opinion of your own, no matter how controversial it is.
>Asking for source in an 8ch colony thread