When did it all go so horribly wrong?

When did it all go so horribly wrong?

Attached: blackface.png (709x624, 547K)

>Literally looks better than the real thing because of white features


Twitch was a mistake.

thats not blackface. where is the watermelon lips?

Racism is never fun. Every racist belongs in prison for at least 20 years.

How dumb is this bitch, serious question lol

I domt see a white boy, I see a damn FOO

every nigger should get shot instead

The fact that the streamer was racist enough to do this in the first place shows how prevalent racism is in gaming.


Why do Americans believe it's okay to force their cultural legacy onto other cultures?

we need another NGO to combat this, we don't have enough

shut the fuck up nigger

Yet you're too pussy to do it whitey.

could you get banned for "whiteface"?

I sell weapons to black people
They take care of it for me

Fuck off nigger

Solution: stop making so many black characters

How is this racism? She is cosplaying. It’s not like she’s holding an uzi and watermelon

>nigger cosplays white character
>white cosplays black character (without blackface)
>white cosplays black character (with blackface)

Attached: 1409610434104.jpg (1246x919, 179K)

Well she's a woman so.....

>Spend a couple of hours cosplay thotting it up
>Get banned for blackface

talks shit on anonymous site like a coward. Just another incel mad that we're fucking their moms while they're listening to the bed bounce up and down from her basement..

>cosplaying as a character you like is illegal when it's not of your own race
Burgers and their identity politics ruin everything.

I wish American niggers would all die.
They ruined so many things with they're whining about "racism".
Burgers are such fucking cuckolds for actually taking them seriously and not just telling them to go to the back of the bus and stfu

Why do E*ropoors believe it's okay to bring tons of barbarians that hate them into their countries?

I would if I could

it was horrifying, reports are that the streamer and her army forcibly held down innocent POCs and made them watch as she cosplayed a character from a lacklustre Battleroyale

_he's not wrong tho

To be fair it feels like it's mainly upperclass white liberals being outraged on behalf of niggers.

NPC's don't know what black face and Nazi is.

>implying we let niggers anywhere CLOSE to our neighbourhood
lmao, you couldn't even get past the fucking entry gate, niglet

you being born and paying attention to it or part on it

How can people can be triggered by a color?

>using twitch

Dunno dunno, why did burgers do the same but PAY for them to come too?

I'm no fan of black features, but if you think that thing looks better than anything you need to have your eyes checked.

I never understand American racists. Most of them are at least 50% black/chinese/arab. Are you guys not only fat, but also dumb asf?

Attached: Confused.jpg (500x500, 50K)

>dumb roastie separated from her source of betabux
Am I supposed to be opposed to this?

hello nigger
dont you have some drugs to sell?

>streamer banned
And that’s an excellent thing

maybe you should look up the character she's cosplaying, friendo.

dont they realize that by bringing attention to it they are the racists?

Where's the outrage? I mean, if she dressed up as the character but was white, people would rage. But she portrayed it accurately (by putting on black make up to portray a black character) and people are still mad?

And what, are they gonna tell her she isn't allowed to cosplay who she wants? That goes against their entire ethos of letting women/etc do anything they want.

These people are never happy.

I'm just a shitposting european, how would I know?

that's what happens when blacks enter public schools, they massively under performed so they had to dumb down education to their level which resulted in everybody intellectually suffering