Favorite animal companion in a video game?
Favorite animal companion in a video game?
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Preston Garvey
What sound does this image make?
Dog,Falcon,Bear/Panda or any sorts of Dinosaur would do.
Good taste
ummmm sweetie
komodo dragons forever
a tegu is fine too
>any game with companions
>avoid using them completely
It's so rare that a companion is actually useful that I just avoid them completely.
It's not always about raw numbers and utility, user. Sometimes you just wanna immerse yourself or have something cute follow you around.
bad taste
bears > kanines > felines > reptiles > birds
Why? They're ugly and annoying.
High damage berseker builds work very well.
Based necrobro
skeletons are not a species
do you mean lizard skeletons?
the black guy in left for dead 2
Boomer from far cry 5