Why the fuck aren't there any modern historical games set in the states? and i don't mean action cowboy games. It's always the same fucking UK/Fr*nch/Roman shit.
Why the fuck aren't there any modern historical games set in the states? and i don't mean action cowboy games...
Your history isn't worth remembering
Fuck america
Did you miss all the Assassin's Creed games last gen?
There are craploads of Civil War games. Zoomers don't know about this.
Every euroshit is obsessed with American politics but don't care about the history, fucking teens.
Cowboy games count?
>Every euroshit is obsessed with American politics
Exactly the opposite is true.
cowboys are the only interesting thing about burgerland
Because your country is only 300 years old, not much you can do that. Especially when most of it is pretty uninteresting.
laughing at something != caring about it
Because politics are topical and every faggot the world round has an opinion, Yuros can't be bothered remembering American history outside of slavery though
Cause making a game set in the US about slaughtering Native's for their land and importing black people as slaves from Africa won't make for a great sell. Cowboys and the Civil War are all you're gonna get.
What history?
>American history
Survive the twin towers game inbound.
>reddit frog
>dumb american politics
>obvious bait
This is the reason why Yea Forums is so shit.
It's because those games are either crap (asscreed 3) or some boring strategy game from a literally-who company.
The US isn't interesting. More interesting than Canada, but that's easy to beat.
When has any American citizen (not the goverment) cared about politics in europe? not even Brexit caused any commotion in the US. Go to any political forums that aren't even exclusive to US politics and it'll be 200 threads about how Bernie can still win.
The most interesting thing about Canada is when the leafs burnt down the white house
>American history outside of slavery
There hardly is one outside of slavery. We built this country, honkey, while your lazy ass ancestors were sitting on their fat white asses. Now pay reperations.
Nobody wants to play a retard simulator.
America has two periods of history that are actually interesting, cowboy shit and the Revolutionary War, and most people don't want to play games where you have to use a musket
Trying too hard user.
We aren't obsessed with it your whole political landscape just becomes a bigger and bigger lolcow each election.
>role playing
but most of the western games are american history: kill the weak and take their stuff
No nigger says honkey, white boy
As a trans-black individual, I agree.
You have AC3 and the Red Dead Redemption series. Both with very good story.
Every time they whine about muslims
>Go to any political forums
No thanks