City of Heroes Private Server Drama thread

Dump of current info on this controversy.

>leaker comes forward and reveals that for 6, almost 7 years, a private server for City of Heroes/Villains has been playable, but only to a select, exclusive few
>All involved have gone to EXTREME lengths to keep the public at large from finding out
>Admins/mods of major CoX community sites including the City of Heroes subreddit, many of whom have been invited to play under strictest confidence and under heavy NDA, were all complicit in helping to cover up the existence of the server and stop leaks from getting out (including setting up a bot to automatically scan for keywords related to the server and automatically delete posts with them before reaching public view)
>The owner is acting exactly like you'd expect (lying about covering it up and trying to downplay how much of an exclusive invite only circlejerk it is)
>anger, death threats, doxing, and sadness abound in the CoX community as they try to process this complete betrayal of major community members

If you're not fucking ANGERY after reading some of this, you aren't paying attention (or just didn't play CoH/CoV)

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Other urls found in this thread:

Didn’t play coh so no anger I just think it’s cool. Sucks for people that wanted to play but a secret club game in this day and age is impressive. How many people were playing anyway? We’re concurrent numbers high enough to make it fun as an mmo?

Also this sort of seems like a lot of people not caring instead of just not knowing. If any mention of a private server would be deleted on Reddit like people are saying, you’d think that would be easy enough to notice / document.

Anyone in Argentina get him Yet?

This faggot Leo better hide somewhere

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Why didn't they just use Twitter to talk About it or something

I for one am glad to tap in to my old resentment and anger towards NCSoft for their korean bullshit corporate office politics killing CoX, and redirect it onto the Titan community who for years claimed they were working on an emulator (which they had working already) and launching scummy donation scams to try to get an emulator running (which they already had running and YOU were paying the bills for, maybe if you donated $40,000 like your average Scam Citizen backer they'd let you into the secret club)

>make private server
>keep normies out
>control pop size
>make sure only the people who truly appreciate it get to play so it doesn't get turned into a trash fest like most WoW private servers

He did the right thing. How can you not see that? Or are you just mad you didn't get to play?

>Or are you just mad you didn't get to play?
It's most likley this.

And they're already here, hello damage control/disinfo team!

I will never not be mad at ncsoft for killing city of off

>>keep normies out
>City of Heroes subreddit

Try harder.

This. OP writes like they are obligated to have their private server open to the public.

?????? ??? ??? ??? ??? Free Server ??????? The City of Heroes Protest of 2019 ?????? The Notre Dame Burning ????? The Anti-Argentinean Struggle ????? NCSoft Leap Forward ????? The Great Leandro Cultural Revolution ?? Server Rights ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ??? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?? ??? ??? ??? ?? ???? ???? ???? ???? ????? ?????? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ???? ?? ???? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ?? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? Megamind ?????????

So from what I understand
>Some rando sets up a server for him and his buddies
>Invites his buddies but keeps it on the down low to avoid DMCA shit
>A bunch of redditors find out and demand access to a private server, owned and operated by someone else
>They post it on Yea Forums because they're buttmad about not being allowed into some other guys sekrit club

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No, the right thing would have been to release the source code out into the internet not long after receiving it so there could be more than ONE private server.

You could really replace all your posts with an image of a small crying child and it would be exactly the same.

I don't get it, if it's a private server why should they bend the knee to anyone and everyone?

Angry at what? That someone managed to run a private server without getting sued for almost 7 years? You know nobody owes you shit, right? If you want to play your super hero game so badly you can set up your own server and invite whoever you want to play with you.


That's not the right thing. That's just what you want. He doesn't have to do shit for you, diaper baby.

It's obviously not about their sekret club but the code they had that allowed them to do it in the first place

>make sure only the people who pay you for it get to play
Fixed that
>make sure that the source code dies with the server instead of releasing it

I don't even play these games and this is shocking. Its such a shame one guy screwed over that community so much. Imagine how much of a legend he could have been if he revived the game publicly for everyone...

Fucking kill yourself shill, its out and you cant stop it no matter how much damage control you do

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This thread is full of reddit/facebook/twitter normies that want to ruin great things once more.
Just ignore this thread, i hope mods will delete this thread for Global Rule 4 violation.

When good men see something that cannot be forgiven, the correct and only right response is a righteous anger and fury.

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It's funny to think that Leo is telling people on his server to spread misinformation and shitpost everywhere or else they get banned from his secret club

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It's more insidious than that. The people who made the private server have been doing donation drives for years in order to get the money to complete private servers, and it now turns out that they've had a running server for years and were just fleecing people who were never going to be invited in order to pay for their own server costs.

You realize that nigger is Holding the only copy of the game/database and he decided to Keep it to himself while getting Paid for it

Considering that CoH is for some reason beloved of you fucking nazi apes i'm not surprised they didn't want 'gamers' finding their way in.

Grrr I'm angry people aren't doing free work for me grrr

The real question is, why are you so fucking entitled?


Also here is me with Sara Jay.

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>Imagine how much of a legend he could have been

Its fucking clear to me that the dude is autistic and all he wants is to have fun with the game he love amongst the crowd he preferred.
Fuck all these self entitled faggots who think that they have as much right as him to play the game.

Write your own goddam private server you fucking communist hack.

looks like the defense force came out strong

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>If you're not fucking ANGERY after reading some of this
No, I'm not. Why in the fuck should I care? Go make your own private server if you want to play? That guy can do whatever he wants including not inviting obnoxious faggots like you.

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Shut up leo, we have your adress

When that one user said that they were here once, cleaning up the mess, I took it literally and thought that they left and never came back. I can see that they're doing cleanup here again.

Just because you want something and scream about it doesn't mean you deserve it. The opposite in fact.

Your secret club is out faggot
You can't hide it anymore

>guy sets CoX source code from employee to distribute it so the game can live on
>instead holds it hostage and bleeds money out of fans desperate to play
>recruits leaders and moderators from the entire CoX community to shut down other server attempts and gaslight leakers
>still can't understand shy people are mad at you

Because they scream loud enough.

Isn't that the reason for a private server? To keep other people out? Am I missing something here?

>Go make your own private server if you want to play
Literally impossible without the files leo stole

Are you a fucking idiot?

As long as he is over a mile away it's too far for your fat ass to waddle over to.

Nobody is entitled here
Also fuck off pajeet

Oh, but him getting Money and censoring everyone trying to talk about it even though he basically got that due to nepotism makes him deserving of it


Reminder they were here the entire time trying to disinfo and hide the server. Look at the third reply, passing off factual information as conspiracy.

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Yeah, just reminds me 2007

You're right, he didn't HAVE to do anything, did he? But then, this shitstorm has started because of that, hasn't it? And there are quite a few angry motherfuckers out there now. What happens after this is a direct result of that choice. Will NCSoft give a shit now that this is all out there? Will the fun now end for everyone rather than the majority? Will some autist do some crazy shit over a superhero game? Fuck if I know, but I do know the internet, and if I had been in his shoes and was a part of the community for so long, I'd like to think I'd have an idea of what I might have the potential of dealing with. By the way, never played CoH ever, just enjoying this implosion and wondering how a man can be so vastly retarded.

Good thing i have a car

Sounds pretty based, honestly. Ripping off idiots online is completely justified.

KYS Reddit shill

who caaaaaaaaares

this shit old as fuck move on fucking nerds

I still can hardly believe this. Like it's scummy enough to withhold this code from people for so many years, but to actually ride on the hopes of the original game's community of someday getting to play it again and skim money off of them just so you and your little cronies can have it all to yourself is cartoonishly, mustache-twirlingly evil. It doesn't even sound real.

Release the fucking source code. How can you people defend these scumbags keeping the game for themselves? They didn't make it, someone at NC Soft gave it to them. It's been 6 years. When were they ever going to release it? Other people want to fucking play it.


more like,
>game suddenly shut down out of the blue
>some dev gives hardware and software to dude
>dude has ability to leak it anonymously and allow everyone to be able to make their own private servers
>dude instead hoards code and started a super sekrit club where if you say anything about the server you and anyone you invited get banned and you get a strong talking to
>dude also ran donation drives for years in order to funnel money into private server upkeep

If anyone could make a private server nobody would give a shit, but it's impossible because of this asshole.

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There is no shit storm. It's just you angry on the internet. Nobody is scared of you.

>they're actually here trying to cover it up and frame it as just a private server issue
it's too late, we know everything

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No one will move on shill

idk all this shit seems kinda gay op

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Welcome to the real world, buddy. Nothing is "owed" to you.

it's weird how these people post that nobody cares and that nobody should get to play the game not once but again and again and again...

sure is weird how the post count never goes up

>make private server
>only invite people who you want to play with

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So he did what every major game company does?

Give it up. He got the product, he can do whatever he wants with it. Stop fucking crying about it you fucking bitch.

As expected. They've already secured Twitter, Reddit and YouTube.

You burgers should bomb that place already.
There is oil and water what are you waiting for?.

There's nothing worse than being a rat, even if it's just a video game, you deserve to die for it

>42 posters
>64 replies

>muh entitlement argument
the shills are real.

Have other communities taken notice? I don't browse reddit, surely they have seen this as well by now yes?

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I think it's just because people are waking up and not reading the threads (as usual), they're trying their best to start "u jelly" arguments.

Mate, I saw a news story today that a woman pretended to have brain cancer and fleeced $10,000+ dollars off retards. People who are gullible morons deserve to lose their money.
Often it is the most stupid, mundane, retarded people who have more money than sense, it is fucking weird to me.

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Welcome to the modern world, where the highest class of scum are in so much control over you that they have conditioned you to think their level of evil is a fantasy cartoon.

>100 people gang up to tell you how retarded you are
>hmmm there are so many people here, this must be a cause worth fighting for!

This is a very stupid thread.

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try harder shills, you are done

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Holy FUCK they are actually swarming the thread now, like 90% of this thread is them. This is just fucking sad.

That's what you'd like us to believe but you left out
>the owner and others involved actively LIED to the community for years and tried to convince everyone a private server was impossible and never going to happen, all while they were enjoying a perfectly working version of the game in secret
>likely were responsible for getting most or all attempts at making a real private server shut down
>crowdfunded for their own private server project that never actually existed and in actuality was being used to pay the bills for hosting their secret club
>cultivated mod and admin positions across the entire CoX community so they could be in position to unmask any leakers and ban them and everyone they know, and silence and censor any info about their server from reaching the public (and where they couldn't just censor outright, they spread mountains of disinfo, misdirection and lies to keep people in the dark and still believing CoX was dead forever and would never come back)
>a whole litany of other bullshit regarding the community

Dunno, i see some retard spamming this thread over and over here

But lets see, its a PRIVATE server, that means admin can do whatever he wants to do. I see nothing about payments etc You're not forced to play on it. Its like private party and you retarded manchildren from plebbit demands free access to someone private house on tree? ARe you fucking retarded? Its not a wow private server scene, where fucking morons demand proffesional developers, community managment and communication from devs FOR FREE

Private means PRIVATE you dumb nigger, its not your mud hut where you broke in everytime you feel to do it. Oh, there's no second private server? Youd didnt get the source code? Its not the private server owner fault, its your fault to be too lazy/too dumb to get it yourself. Nobody owes you anything for free, you dumb retards


Too late Leo

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Oh shit, you caught me, man. All these threads have just been me replying to myself. On here and Reddit. Fuck, how could you see through my extensively crafted ploy? Good job, man. Now your troubles are all over. You can rest easy now, my failed joke is over.

He and his cronies have the only wild copy of the game's source code. People have been spending years trying to reverse engineer it with little to no progress. He has even fronted several of these attempts to smokescreen that he has them. If the source code was out there, no one would give a shit that he keeps his server private.

Yes, user. That's why other private MMO servers hide themselves and don't allow you to sign up without invites from the inside.

Yeah, a far cry from last night's thread.

The mods are in on it and delete threads on the CoH subreddit.


He didn't write shit you mongoloid. He's running the server off stolen code and data.

People who give up the money deserve to lose the money. People who take the money still deserve the axe and nothing more.

That's why we are going to kill him

Leo when you post the same thing every thread it gets obvious.

They've already shut down discussion of it on Reddit, the CoH sub (which they control) went private earlier, and they're working hard damage controlling everywhere else, including here


I don't get the big deal, CoX is trash and even more on the stupid list is making a small, private community for a fuckin mmo

NCSoft needs to drag his ass to court for profiting off of illegally stolen property of NCSoft. Now THAT'S entitlement. If NCSoft wanted a server up they'd still be running a server. The game as a service was NCSoft's to provide and all the assets were theirs, not his. Maybe he should've released it into the wild and then NOBODY would be able to shut it down, he could've put it on the blockchain.


except it's not, i know you guys feel like if you keep posting over and over again it may look like it but it doesn't.

What troubles do you expect me to have over you posting shit on the internet about a tiny coh private server?

Have some fucking self awareness you little goblin.

Listen here you half-functioning retard it's the fact that people were lied to for years that his whole debacle happend. People were told how it was impossible to re-create things like City Of Heroes only for those same people to have logged and played all by themselves.
Maybe read into this and stop acting like a retard next time

I fail to see the problem, they just run a private server which they wanted to keep secret.

The entire sub went private

>This is a very stupid thread.
As said it's a far cry from the other threads since you retards arrived here.

That is so exciting dedication towards keeping a private server private and below the radar for 6+ years. If the guy is willing to go through such lengths to keep the source code, you think complaining about it on a Chinese basket weaving board is going to accomplish anything?

>tfw you're too lazy to craft an imposter shill post for (you)s like the other anons here

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why are there always contrarian faggots on Yea Forums now
if you like games your supposed to think someone holding the keys to a dead game and not releasing them is a fag

>Play the same game for six fucking years in private with the same stagnate

Literally why. How much autism is needed to play with the same fucking people for six years?

the OP brings up that a normal City of Heroes private server doesn't exist, and that the higher ups of their little "reddit" community have had a server running even with mods for ages and have gone out their way to hide it from the public.
This is kinda gay I don't really care, never played City of heroes, but stop deflecting like a cuck.

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He didn't write shit you mong, a former NCsoft employee stole it and gave it to him, and he's lied all these years, and not only lied, but actively shut down discussions of people who even remotely mentioned the prospect of someday having private servers. Fuck him.

>this thread

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It got a bit of attention on r/games and none in r/gaming. Too many zoomers

So let me get this straight
>guy makes private server on dead game
>server is only for buddies he can trust(which are also big icons in CoH community by coincidence)
>somehow it gets leaked that there is a private server
>this triggers people
excuse my autism, but why are people mad again? if people didn't have sperg attacks maybe he would release a public one. or shouldn't people be happy there is still one?

if i Knew there was still a private server for a game i liked i would be happy

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what the fuck is city of heroes? sounds like one of those shitty mobile games where you build a fortress over the course of 12 hours

He doesn't own the product, he is legally not allowed to do whatever he wants with it.

He profited off of illegally stolen property and assets.

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You clearly don't have it straight since you left out half the facts.

>games must have easy mode
>games must be more inclusive
>private server should release it's source just to let me play
Literally same shit. Fuck off kiddo.

I behalf of this based retarded spic, if the server ever went public, wouldn't it be basically shut down and all involved sued in thousands of dollars? Isn't keeping it some illegal copyright infringement to keep a server of the game running, and even worse, making a profit of it?

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He is a fag, but that doesn't mean we have to sympathize with reddit cucks who got scammed out of money.

t. zoomer

No, please stop. You're really intimidating me here. I told you I'd stop. But shit, I just keep replying with all my other selves. I think I have a problem.

They never intended to release a public update

Also kill yourself shill and your other buddies

Read the fucking thread and try to keep up.

Yeah but a host is a massive faggot who deserves a severe punishment

No you moron. I do think he is a fag. I just realise me thinking he is a fag doesn't matter.


Doesn't work like that.

If I knew there was a private server for a game I liked and it was impossible to make any other private servers besides the one that was hidden for 6 years I would be fucking pissed.

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its his private server, he can have whoever he wants on it. make your own, and stop crying like a fag.

>it's a capeshit mmo but somehow i'm the zoomer for not playing this trash

Yeah, like every private server of any game ever. I don't see your point here because this has always been a thing.

You forgot
>is given only copy of game's source code and sets up multiple scam fronts pretending to be developing reverse engineering projects but actually using that money to run his secret cool kids club and lying about all this the entire time.

>if people didn't have sperg attacks maybe he would release a public one.
he's had the code for over 2000 days. surely he'd have done it tomorrow, though, if only we didnt antagonize him.


>theres people that believe keeping the source code of a dead game private and going extremely autistic lengths to hide its existence from the public for years is a good thing

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There is nothing stopping him from making a private server after releasing the game files, is there? Then he can have fun is his circlejerk as much as he wants to - if anyone is willing to have fun with him, that is.

post top tier private server drama

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No its not the same retard
The game was closed by the developers, there are zero servers.
These guys had one secret server and the code this whole time

You aren't even trying

Is your strat to just keep calling yourself retarded? I'm not going to disagree with you, the only end game here is you eventually giving up and looking back on yourself with shame.

was city of heroes even that good? never heard about it before until this whole thing


WoW vanilla servers didnt have a developer give one person a fucking server

If you're so mad about it, report him to the IRS faggot, misappropriating charity funds (charity being any non-profit fundraising drive, not necessarily a registered charity organization) is a federal crime.
You know what won't get you sympathy? Whining about reddit drama on Yea Forums.

Absolutely lollin' at all the EU people waking up, seeing the news, and immediately flocking here to attack anyone bitching about the private server. Your clubhouse is compromised and you can never go back to the way things were, welcome to the future, dipshits, I hope NCSoft C&D's it so hard you can feel it in your shriveled nutsack.

> make your own
you cant
no one can, thats the whole point

Nope, dumb nigger, i actually saw similiar situation when nostalrius went down and other devs started to make vanilla/tbc/wotlk servers

Suddenly, dumbshit community demanded nearly daily update on development, betatest, showcasing of how scripts in dungeons/raids work, at least weekly update, stresstets before launch, adjustments in first hours of server online . After this demanding of proffesional community managers. A single medium/small bug/glitch was enough to turn whole community into burning rage. Some DCs or 1hr server downtime was also enough to suddenly shift whole community against devs. Also devs was force to be a proffesional coding monkeys instead of passionates who emulate wow servers for fun. And the most funny thing was, that this fucking retarded community demanded such actions for fucking free

And now i see similiar retarded monkeys coming there, feeling that they're entitled for FREE to someones work. Retards like you are the reason why wowscene is fucking dead with mostly scamers and RMTers present as server admins

private means private, you can fuck off and cry in your plebbit. And if you think you're entitled to something private, maybe try coming into someone house uninvited while getting food/watching their TV and see what happens after

They're shills. They're not trying for honest arguments here.

You can still have your own private invite only server AND release the source so other people can make their own server and play you fucking dumbass, the two aren't mutually exclusive.

And they are based.
Fuck off.

>faggot holds a game hostage for years
>people only get to know now
>shills keep saying he didnt do anything wrong

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>dude acts like a jew
>Yea Forums praises him for being a jew

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>they're already trying to go full damage control, posting the same shit ad nauseam
Cat's already out of the bag, faggot.

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Like what facts. Not that poster but I want to know.
From what it sounds like

>Dude gets code
>Dude uses it to set private server
>People find out
>People freak the fuck out

My main problems are as follows.

What is the difference between this and any wow private server
Why would he be obligated to open the servers to the public, the cost of running an mmo with a few friends does not equal an mmo of 1000 people. Private seems like the best bet.

Needs a reworded OP to point out the most important detail is that the developer's server software to host a working private server has been nowhere for several years due to NCSoft's mismanagement when abruptly shutting off the official game. This one guy happens to be the only one that had said code all this time and never anonymously shared it with the public so that he could put a paywall on his own secret server. He then claims he cares about the game and its longevity while ignoring other groups attempting to emulate and host the game themselves.

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You're a zoomer for not knowing one of the biggest MMORPGs that predated WoW

>generated gold, sold to chinks, banned people who bought it
fucking genius

>Share it anonimously
>Lots of private Servers start popping up
>Too many for ncsoft to care to shut them down

Not even blizzard has achieved this

You either have room temperature IQ or just one of Leo's bitches

Guys please stop with these threads I don't want to be banned in game. Stop. Please.

you realised you were wrong and didn't understand the situation

He's in Argentina you fucking retard. How is the IRS going to do anything to him

I don't think you got my point. Lemme say it again.

1. CoX is trash.
2. It takes some pure and heavy autism to play a fucking MMO with only a small community in the server for years
3. Who the fuck cares cause once again, CoX is trash.

trying what? someone made a private server, which is private and didnt invite people to their private server which again, is private and not public
whats there to get? If it's such a big deal make your own server and make it public

So what? They are still just as illegal as any other private server of any game. Many of them making a profit off of a other companies product and assets. Your argument would have merit if this was an uncommon thing.

But call him a shill and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

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Nope, i consider admins as another retards who amde muh serious bussines over a fucking private game server
But from what i see community is a double-retarded dumbfucks
The whole debate is about who's a bigger pile of steaming shit, while trying to get a support from various sites and spamming threads here for some time. And the anser is one
not your personal fucking army

So? Just keep your own private server and let other people make theirs, there's no benefit to being the only server out there other than ego stroking.

This. Threads around this time always suck dick. I guess for good reason.


>someone's work
The more you say it won't make it true.

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Easy (you)s. You probably gave the dude three of them jsut now. Best is to just ignore them I guess.

>private server
>with account data from every player from the official game
>actively tried hiding public knowledge of the server and the data they had while still playing the game in their isolated community
Everybody who has ever played CoH should be pissed whether they want to play on his server or not.

Actually from Argentina. Gonna need money to pay a lowlife to get him. How much can you guys gather?

you cant make your own server

Let this be a lesson to the OP. Put ALL the pertinent facts in your greentext summaries, especially in cases like this. Otherwise, lazy faggots will jump to the conclusions you set forth in your OP without reading the linked content and shills will gladly use it to spread disinfo and try to get aforementioned lazy faggots to cause a perceived shift in board opinion.

Kek, sounds like this "Shenna" was the root of it all. She pocketed $5k out of this. Should have known it would be girl drama.

He didn't make a private server.
He was given the source code then held it hostage and used it to shut down other server attempts and cultivating a cult of community leaders to help him to do and launder money from private server efforts into themselves.

The architecture used to set up a private server is the focus here, as that could be shared to let anyone make their own server. Nobody cares about their server in particular, just their shitty practices that I'm sure you know all about

Nobody believes they were entitled to anything however lying and covering up the truth is another thing.Half of the things you said in your posts are factually wrong aswell.

Argentina has an extradition treaty with the USA you fucking mong. Since 1997.

No, that's how you get shut down.

never heard of this game

This would blow up alot more if a gaming news site caught word of it. Has anyone sent this story out yet?

BOHOOOO Just fly over to Argentina and lynch the guy then. Crying on here is gonna do nothing.

Shit reddit thread. 5.

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I don't see the problem, it was a private server. They set it up themselves to play privately, and they're paying their own hosting costs. As an outsider it seems like everyone's salty because they didn't get invited to join in.

Let me simplify it for you
>keeping a secret server among a tight-knit community
>keeping secret that your server has access to a snapshot of the original server accounts
okay, this needs to remain secret for legal reasons
>and has access to completed versions of WIP updates that were never released live
I can kinda get why you would not make this public because it heavily implicates certain developers, but why not leak it anonymously over time?
>keeping secret the entire server info and ability to make any private server whatsoever
ur a faggt

>What is the difference between this and any wow private server

Imagine WoW was shut down

Now imagine no one is able to replicate the server code so private servers can't exist.

Now imagine that 7 years afterwards you find out that not only does a server code exist, but that a select few have been allowed to play it and it includes copies of your actual characters. All of this has been hidden from you because some dude wanted his playground preserved.

No you cant
Stop being retarded
Youre not entitled to a server
Youre not entitled to play the game
Fuck off

You missed a couple of little facts like
>No one else has the code to build servers
>He and his friends ran a massive disinformation campaign that it's very hard to make private servers because the code is too complicated
>He then runs several scams, gathering money for "reverse engineering" and and then using that money to fund his server
But I am sure you just missed them, it happens.

>game was revealed to be alive all this time
>all those talks of private servers being impossible have been bullshit
>the main moderator of the CoH subreddit was given the code + database to run the game
>game was at it's latest update, even had a new class and powersets added.
>instead of releasing it to the public, he only released it for a very small and select few
>impossible for the average joe to find, only can get in if you're known by one of the small few allowed in the club

Keep trying to damage control, faggot.

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>post after post rolls in trying to sweep it under the rug
>these posts are oddly enough already made by people who have posted in the thread
getting bored yet?

I honestly don’t recall the CoX community being this cunty back in the day.

People aren't mad that he had a secret private server, its that he has the code that allows anyone to make their own and they've kept it to themselves. People aren't banging on the doors to get into his server, they want the ability to make their own ones.

>sabotage efforts to set up public servers
>don't release the code so people who you don't like can play elsewhere
>play the victim
either you're a shitposter, Fagandro, or a moron. Either way your existence contributes nothing to society, kill yourself.

Sounds good to me
No normies allowed

How about the guy collecting money to set up private servers and potential buy the IP from NCSoft when it turns out he was already secretly running them? That ok in your mind?


Nobody cares about the private server per se. It's about the source code that would allow the game to live on forever or at least up until people stop giving a fuck about it.

Because he didn't make the thing, you fucking idiot. He was handed the source code by one of the Devs, source code he has jealousy guarded from multiple, open source projects.

kill yourself sexless NEET

Tons of other MMO managed to create multiple server from scratch.
You don't need this one super sekrit code to start working on it.
Just face it, CoX is a trash MMO with not enough community behind it to write a server from scratch.

Fuck off and contain your drama in the leddit you fucking lazy trash community.

Not saying its a good thing or a bad thing. He was neither obligated/allowed to post the source code since he does not own it. He is also not obligated or allowed to host private servers. What he did was his decision and his own to make with it. If people want the code released to the public then they have no right to be mad at this man because they are asking him to do the same thing they want to do. Benefit of a product that is not theirs. Of course people in this sense is a broad sense in the terms of an mmo. This isn't a single player that can be played and enjoyed. It requires servers/hosts etc etc. I don't know I never had a problem with people making private servers before and this just seems the same.


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There's a lot of info that got lost while making this new thread. Did someone compile their whole funneling scheme?

why do people do these mental gymnastics when its not something they care about

> if people didn't have sperg attacks maybe he would release a public one
what does that even mean? this went on for 7 years and he made a lot of money, he was never going to release a public one

>if i Knew there was still a private server for a game i liked i would be happy
1 server existing for a game you like, and you couldn't play on it. That would make you happy?
Lying retard

Low quality bait, unironically neck yourself.

Using your example, nobody would give a fuck because WoW private servers run on a completely different code base to the live game. It is an emulation using wholly original, wholly fan-mase server code.
Let me put then in simpler terms: If that happened with WoW, it would make zero difference to the private servers because the MANGOS code used in WoW Private Servers 100% fan made.

But he somehow is? and also his Group of Friends?

He actively sabotaged efforts of other communities to prevent a scratch build. Kill yourself you fucking nigger.

So this is how I understand it
>The only private server is run by a secret in-group whose been hiding its existence for years
My question is, how many people were playing it? Wouldn't it be boring playing with only a handful of people?

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someone post the image "how do we solve this problem" "more beatings" some islam image

is OP a shill too? Seems like he made this thread and invited his buddies here to twist the info


too obvious

>impossible for the average joe to find, only can get in if you're known by one of the small few allowed in the club
Literally best thing about this story.
Leo is based.

#1 City of Heroes is a gay shitty noob MMO and always has been

#2 if you know ANYTHING about the private mmo serve scene you know how badly publishers go after them.

#3 City of Heroes is a gay shitty noob MMO and always has been

#4 publishers will literally send lawyer goons after you if it involves stolen/discovered server software (many such cases)

#5 City of Heroes is a gay shitty noob MMO and always has been

#6 OP is a fag

#7 City of Heroes is a gay shitty noob MMO and always has been

#8 being salty over a private City of Heroes you can't access makes you gay IRL

#9 City of Heroes is a gay shitty noob MMO and always has been

#10 Toon Town Rewritten should be right up your alley/gay poopshoot.
I have no interest in this but can tell you wahts going on with the "accepting donations to develop a private server while having access to real server code" because I have seen this exact situation with other games: they were given/stole the server software and are keeping that on the down low and using it to reverse engineer replicated server code that uses none of the official code to avoid lawsuits/dmca/shutdown. Its taken 7+ years(and maybe never) for them to get anywhere because no one in the secret community is competent enough to pull it off and/or the secret community gave up and is just playing their 'illegal' server quietly hoping to avoid the INEVITABLE shutdown.

reddit fags revealing the secret server will get it killed AND any hopes of a public emulated server cause reddit fags are gay retards who don't know anything about anything.

also: City of Heroes is a gay shitty noob MMO and always has been

pic related: superior emulated mmo server re-built using stolen official dev code that has survived thanks to a better, non-gay, community.

Attached: superiormmo.jpg (676x696, 182K)

>210 replies and 87 posters

only he knows the numbers, but there had to be a substantial amount of People involved

Explain how the fuck can he do that?
Is it that fucking easy to stop somebody doing shit on the internet?

Apparently not seeing it has a 6 year run.

At first I didn't understand what the issue was because I just assumed there were tons of private servers for CoH and this dude just made some super secret no girls allowed club that was ultra-filtered. It turns out this is literally THE ONLY server available though and this asshole, who was the only one with the code to get it up and running, was basically keeping it all to himself in order to have some kind of power over people. That's just shitty. If you want your own little private server, that's fine, but to not share the method to create one with others was a super selfish and shitty thing to do when so many other people want to play the game. It doesn't matter how he got the code or how much work he put in, that's the kinda thing you share with people. It's like having the cure to cancer and choosing to keep it for yourself or charge billions of dollars for it. It destroys any goodwill you could've possibly had.

>actively scammed people into making a spiritual successor while also shutting down any attempts to make CoX private servers, claiming it was impossible
>all while keeping his own functional server private by bullying users with bans
Oh there's plenty to be mad about.

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Thread was made by a faggot shitposter who has nothing better to do than shitpost Yea Forums
old thread

Based city.

Attached: 1555075901808.png (1080x1080, 627K)

>>leaker comes forward and reveals that for 6, almost 7 years, a private server for City of Heroes/Villains has been playable, but only to a select, exclusive few
literally who gives a shit


No one is entitled to leak anything faggot. Its their code they got it somehow. Stop sounding like a fucking child.

>hurr some guy in Argentina scammed me out of 100 dollars please extradite him to the U.S to face trial
The IRS cant do shit and you know it stop being a faggot.

like 2000 apparently

but the dude who leaked it said it was boring because you couldnt talk about it anywhere else

Who? It's just a bunch of kids complaining that they weren't invited to a superhero birthday party even though they love playing superheroes. I can't believe there are adults genuinely angry over this.

Yea Forums isn't even bothering to hide it's faggot knee-jerk contrarianism now.

Fan made server code was tried and failed with the CoH code, it's pretty much spaghetti. The only progress made with fan code was a virtual chat room without any of the combat and character build mechanics.

>reddit spacing
>defending the argie
wow I wonder who could this be?

Must have not been very large if they managed to keep it a secret for so long. A large population would have leaked it way earlier.

City of Heroes more like playable by Zeroes

Attached: Mung_Daal.png (310x489, 71K)

I believe they are here in force, there was another thread too with perhaps too flashy of an OP

As someone who has played a waaay deader private server before, if you like the game enough it doesn't matter, and CoH is very popular.

>durr there's no shitstorm, it's just you
>as two 500 post threads sit in the archives in which there was no defending of this faggot until the very end of the second thread
Sorry friend, you were the retard the whole time.

A couple of thousand in total, I believe. There was a very impressive cover-up campaign going that stopped the leaks/ridiculed them into irrelevancy.

leaker said about 3 thousand accounts were registered but only had a peak of around 100~ on the weekend with an average being around 20-50 every night.

that's his supposed reason for also blowing the whistle, the game was a dead husk with so few people. and he knew nothing was going to be done about it.

>meanwhile hundreds of WoW servers still exist

Still, they somehow got a hands on source code and players database, and then hosting/developing a functional server while other didnt managed to do so. They kept it a private club making a big fuss over it? Sure, they're fucking retards, as expected from plebbitors. Community outrage? Maybe justified, but from 90% what i see it a double retarded redditors. Getting other peopel involded and trying to get a people to your cause on /v? its tripple retarded and expected from newfags who come here for le memes and shill. The game is long time dead, going here to get a support> I'll repeat - not your fucking personal army and retards from various games tries it everytime
Funfact, that crocc guy remained making elysium server, and lighthope is from stolen elysium code, owned by another scammer and rmter. Two biggest vanilla private servers are fucking owned by shady figures known for rmt acc selling and scaming

He used words and their is efforts were defeated.

Also that chat mode was used to log into their private server as well and moderated by them.

>Almost 7 years
Was CoH really that good? I couldn't imagine playing the same game with no new content for 7 years

Aw fuck. If user is my persona I got gypped. I wanted someone cool for my persona. Like DIO.

nope, it was leaked plenty of times, but anytime anything was posted about it on coh forums or plebbit it was instantly deleted and the poster and whoever invited them to the private server was permanently banned

Wouldn't that involve him putting his ass on the line for random people who don't give a shit about him?
Pretty sure the reason this was kept so secret is because NCsoft are koreaniggerkikes who will try milk as much money and litigation as they can out of people who try to revive their dead product without paying them royalties
I feel bad for the guys, they just wanna have fun playing an MMO without having to worry about shit infesting it but now they're going to see a wave of invasive species because some guy couldn't not talk about it on instabook

You fags literally could make reasonable arguments to Leo so someday he rethinked all this leaking stuff.
But you didn't. You tried to take it by force.
And this is why both you and Leo will lose. He will lose his private servers, you will gain nothing.
You are most faggy faggots. You literally killing this server in same way as Yea Forums died.

ITT: Find the damage control
Hi joe :^}

>while ignoring other groups attempting to emulate and host the game themselves.
if only he did
him and his merry band of faggots have been sabotaging attempts to get one off the ground for years, and take advantage of the community's desire for one by crowdfunding to try and make one happen, only for all that money to be funneled back into running his secret club

It goes further than that. Being the community head, he actively shut down discussion regarding private servers. He set up a patreon for a spiritual successor to the game, which went no where. He hasn't just been "safe guarding" the functional source code, but fucking over any attempts to at least kickstart something similar. The fucking CoX reddit is on lockdown right now, fucker could not be anymore transparent.

Attached: 1540741608492.jpg (387x704, 55K)

The server runner has the source code. He can and probably has already added new content

Well, the stuff he got had a lot of code from the upcoming expansion that never got released, so they did get some new powersets and content no one else has ever seen.

>2000 players online
>"muh absolute secret club"

Didn't mean to ping the other post, Sorry user #2

According to one of the leaks they had access to content that was made before the shutdown and with them having the source code they could eaisly make new content


>if you like games your supposed to think someone holding the keys to a dead game and not releasing them is a fag

You should but thats not a private server operator its the devs and companies that killed the game in the first place.

gtfo you discord tranny transplant

>Being this illiterate in tech

>CoH community is a bunch of cuck that cannot diverse their platform

On top being a bunch of whiny cunts, they deserve everything that is shat on them.

this is the most obvious post in the thread from a nigger who actually plays on the server, just sad.

They don't have to, but they're a massive fucking selfish faggot for choosing not to. What point was there to keep it to themselves other than to just feel special? They could've been gods to everyone who gives a shit about the game, but instead they took the dictator route and kept it to themselves. This story could've ended with them being praised for years to come online, and instead now everyone hates their fucking guts.

2000 accounts made, not active players online.

>If you want your own little private server, that's fine, but to not share the method to create one with others was a super selfish and shitty thing to do when so many other people want to play the game.
this this and all this
i can't tell if it's legit retards replying or censorship brigades, but this isn't just a simple private server. it's perfectly fine to host your own server for your niche group... but this nigga has been holding the only feasible means to host a private server hostage for no reason but pure greed, then lies to the community by saying he cares.

>People getting upset that others are calling OP a faggot and not responding or caring about his personal army requests
It's always hilarious seeing how mad people get when they post a sob story to Yea Forums and get a
>nobody cares

Attached: Great Point.gif (421x384, 2.18M)

gee maybe if he wasn't such a faggot and leaked it anonymously nobody would lose.

Played CoX for years and occasionally checked to see if anybody had found the server code

It's not something to get mad over, it's an old video game that kinda got ruined with updates, but the people keeping it to themselves are unquestionably a batch of cunts and I get why dedicated community members would be pissed.

Release when?

Attached: 5pgsgmrwsg221.png (640x732, 584K)

Nothing wrong with that though.
What do people do not understand in "private"?
The owner gets to pick who he wants to play with.
Make your own.

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>Runs MUH SEKRIT CLUB for years with stolen source code
If it had just been this then whatever, but extorting money, hiding all information about it, and actively fucking over fan made private server projects makes it grade-a cunty no matter how much you spew deflection/contrarianism.

This, absolutely based. Although I'm surprised there were chinese sites selling it, or that he told the chinese about it, or that the players thought they could buy gold considering how secretive it was

Who gets shut down? The hundreds of servers that pop up after the fact? Do you not know what "releasing the source code" means? Or do you just not care?

The nigga is not giving up the code. NCSoft is not going to do shit in Argentina.

Honestly, I wouldn't mind losing the game forever if it mean you and your secret club faggots lost it too

>get wrecked
>resort to discord meme

Sure, you know where you should go back with your personal drama

it was like a 100 online average with a max of 200 for server events

Even that, it's too much for "absolute secret" thing that kept secret for 6 years(also considering it was literally who tier mmo)
More likely you fag just didn't get invitation.

>make your own
>private owner is the only person with the tools necessary to create it

The other thread got deleted. Beware, friends.

Somehow I doubt that a fucker that ran an Orwellian secret club for six years was going to release the code anytime soon. And that's even discounting the fact that people outside couldn't make reasonable arguments when they didn't even knew the server existed.

If I ever decided to host a private server I'd probably keep it fairly private as well instead of making it public for every retard to join

How long until the Leo shills get a Yea Forums mod to delete these threads?

>to keep the public at large from finding out
But I've known about this for years, just never cared. You could find enough basic info through Googling about it to know it exists.

>get code and information and instructions for free
>look at all muh work

Fuck off, shill. There's nothing you can do that will stop this. Go play your game while it's still online.

Attached: HK-416-FuckYou.png (600x600, 303K)

Go to bed Joe.

Based retard

Other thread with complete evidence was deleted. Either the mods want Yea Forums to reclaim this thread since there's no point in having 2 of them, or they've got inside jannies.

So here it is, you really don't care about this game, you just want to play it because right now you can't.

From what you make it sound like someone was able to re-create the code for the game/obtained it in some way. Which would make it theirs, the pitfall their being that they really don't own it since its a dead property so you have no right to do with it what you want.

Of course they did and they made a server. and not people are mad. Sure I can get that. But what I don't get is why people are now demanding the code be leaked. The Server hosts have no right to that code and they have no right to leak it either.

So if the code was leaked and the community sets up a new private server are they not doing the same thing they are where mad about this guy doing. they have no right to the code either.

I don't understand how any one could be upseted by this.

>OP doesn't mention any of the actual rageworthy shit related to this
>thread endlessly flooded with new people saying it doesn't matter because it doesn't from what they read
No you idiots, you just made a shit OP

>posters: 104
>Replies: 274

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>be guy
>make a private server for a dead MMO
>decide that you don't want random people to spill the beans since it would probably be a legal nightmare (and you want to keep idiots from your server)
>keep it a secret and tell other to do that too or there will be consequences
>this is somehow bad
Now call me a neoliberal capitalist who doesn't care about the common people but if I make a private server I can decide myself who I want on that server and set the rules. I am under no obligation to share that server with people I don't like.

time to dilate tranny

The other ones just got deleted.

I never played it, just here reading the thread. 2000 accounts over 6 years is hardly that many really, especially given how quickly a lot of them stopped playing apparently.

Everyone always knew they were supporting the chinks and selling accounts.

Make them or get in contact with former devs, whatever.
Point is, he has every right to do what he does.

>go make your own server
Stop trying to make yourself look good Leo. You have the all the code.

Just make your own, you don’t need the source code for anything

Other MMO can do it with nothing to begin with.
Just face it, this community that you belong too is not as passionate as you think it is.

How does that change what Leo did

How do I dilate my tranny?

private server codex broken, just like the archerage fucks hoarding faggots.

I'd like to signal boost this post frens

Attached: 1528883396171.png (923x713, 392K)


>Release when?
never, he's either going to pretend to delete it and then go deeper underground while cutting off anyone he can't explicitly trust. or he's actually going to delete it out of spite
These kinds of people are like rare game/beta collectors, they will never share their good fortune with anyone unless they get their ego stroked by getting to lord it over everyone. They would sooner destroy what they have than share.

All these people defending them because "it's their code to do whatever the fuck they want with". Well yeah, it is, you're completely right. But it doesn't change the fact that they were monumentally massive cunts for not sharing the code with anyone who maybe didn't care so much about having a utopia server. People have a right to be pissed off over that.

he didn't make anything, he was handed it
he even has everyone's live accounts with their characters still

Me? Doing something?
Nah, i will better to cry about it in internet to get it for free.

That's less than 3 posts per person though.
Are you new here?

he has no Right to charge Money for letting People Play this


The claim, I think, is that this guy was soliciting donations to get a private server running when he actually already had one running, and had no intention of opening it up to the people donating.

Wat dis?

Now this could be a reasonable fear. If NCSoft somehow found out that this dude was the one who ended up getting the source code from the ex-dev, then yes, maybe it could have been traced back to him. Unfortunately, he still decided to start up a private server that around 3k people knew about, which would still put him at risk of getting whatever the Argentinian version of v& is. And I'm only assuming there, as I don't know shit about Argie law nor do we know what's really going to come of all this.

>Be guy
>Get given source code by dev to keep game alive
>Don't spread it, instead hoard it to become cult leader of secret club

You aren't fooling anyone, Joe.

Delete this shit right now

You're just gonna get banned or get this thread deleted.

probably because this one came first

>at all the EU people waking up,
its 13:03 or 14:03 for most of us. We've been awake for hours.
Do Americans wake up at 13:00 or something? If so, based.

You don't use averages, doofus

Read the fucking thread retard, nobody cares about getting into his server, he holds the code that would allow people to make their own servers and kept it hidden for years, that's what people want.

>And this is why both you and Leo will lose. He will lose his private servers, you will gain nothing.

lol you actually think NCSoft is gonna do shit in some south american shithole country?

Attached: 1330617156040.gif (300x225, 306K)

>just maake youre own!
>hee is da owner of codez
>you just made!

Attached: 1553315691185.gif (615x548, 18K)

>Man does something privately for the benefit of a few people, rather than trying to wage a fucking war (that he would fail) for the benefit of all
Nothing. If you're mad about it, whatever, be mad. Facts are facts and NCSoft are Jews.

Nobody cares about muh sekrit club
Just release the source and let people do their servers

Probably because this one existed, too.

I'm OP
That was my bad, i thought that shit was already in the google doc so I figured the stuff in the OP of the last thread was redundant

And you can't share the code so everyone else can make their own servers however they like them because?

Who gives a shit? Nobody cares about that game, this is the sad reality even if you really liked it. If he wanted to make it private, there is literally nothing you can do about it so why bitch about it? Unless you want to perpetuate the entiteld gamer meme, in which case good job?

This. If the community was strong enough, private servers would already be a thing regardless of what someone tells them is impossible. This is just the cries of weak willed idiots wanting a free handout because they realized to achieve what they want would require real elbow grease.


>Be guy
>Get source code from dev
>Leak it
>Get sued into the fucking stone age if it's ever traced back to you

Sexo Masculino

Attached: 1466195770227.gif (352x240, 460K)

dont bother

they're just contrarian faggots with nothing to live for besides shitposting on Yea Forums

>secret gets leaked
>'lol, we were planning on going public soon, but now no way.'
>literally been up for six years, and now they 'are about to go public'
No. No one is happy about it except for leo and his buttbuddies.

i wouldn't be surprised if the only reason SEGS has begun to get off the ground was because the main server was feature complete and they no longer needed to sap people who were willing to work on reverse engineering.

Well it's already traced back to him, you might as well leak it.

Multiple threads up at once, only newest under bump limit is kept. Rest are either merged in or deleted depending on how lazy mods feel at the time.

I wish I didn't find out about this cause now I'm too upset about never being able to ay CoX again to play other Vidya and now I'm considering paying $30 for a Champions Online freeform slot

he didn't just do that you illiterate moron, he sabotaged fan builds of the game and blackmailed people who played on the server, he could've distributed the code anonymously like dozens of other mmos that got revived, but he chose ot be a faggot like you.

Yeah so the only Option left is to open up my own scheme to earn Money from this Code i totally didn't make

Boy, if only it took zero fucking effort to upload files onto hosting or torrent site through a VPN. IF ONLY.

>actively sabotaged other attempts at making private servers
>stifled discussion regarding private servers as a community leader
>started a fucking kick starter for a spiritual successor while keeping the source code for the real deal secret
Try harder faggots.

Attached: 1397162385858.jpg (542x530, 125K)

what part of
>Actively sabotaged efforts to make a real private server and spread disinfo and FUD to dissuade people from trying
don't you get

>guy slaves away on coss
>guy makes a private server
>commies find out it exist and get angry because he isn’t inviting normies to ruin it
This is some next level entitledment.

Even if he was handed the code on a silver platter he's under no obligation to share it with anybody. Not to mention if he got the code by some shady means it could result in a legal nightmare if he published it.

It's his property. He can do whatever he wants with it. Maybe he thinks people are dicks and don't deserve the code. Maybe he just doesn't feel like it

I'm reporting to NCSoft so none of you can play it again. Faggot.

>Nobody cares about that game
You're a retard who probably never heard about MMORPGs until WoW came out.

>If the community was strong enough, private servers would already be a thing regardless of what someone tells them is impossible.
wtf is a shonen protagonist doing on Yea Forums, get outta here

Maybe game been unfinished

This is retarded, if it was out in the open it'd be very hard to trace back to the origin.
But since he hoarded it it's very easy to.

tick tock leo

What’s wrong with making money, commietard?

>we can't do it
>this one guy said it was IMPOSSIBLE so we shut down all effort

Cuck of Heroes community ladies and gentlemen.

>when the OP only says that he had a private server and was deleting references to it
I can see why so many anons in this thread are calling the people upset over this faggots. You guys sure are acting like one.

He didn't make it, dumb ass, he was given the source code.

Attached: I made this.png (680x1483, 180K)

>Even if he was handed the code on a silver platter he's under no obligation to share it with anybody.
He's under no obligation to make his own server or to raise funds for it either. In fact, his legal obligation is to return the stolen property to its rightful owners.

>Run a private server
>Don't want it getting too big
>Keep invites private and make sure it stays secret
>This is a bad thing
So what's the problem?

>It's his property
Literally retarded

>Man scams and lies to a community he's a part of to maintain a sever that 10 people play

This. Why shouldn't they get to have a private server?

>no you cant
Literally, yes you can. What do you lose by releasing the game code out into the internet anonymously? Tick tock Leo, tick fucking TOCK.


Nice damage control, Pardini.

read the thread nigger, I'm not reading an illiterate's replies

>It's his property. He can do whatever he wants with it.

Just because someone else gives you stolen property doesn't stop it from being stolen property, it still isn't yours.

Just so you know. I'm under no obligation to not dox or harass you for hoarding the code.

why haven't you killed yourself yet?

>can keep this shit hidden for six years
>but suddenly it's fucking impossible to leak a build
>entitlement suddenly getting thrown around harder than when gaming journalists were pushing the term
Could you fuckers be anymore obvious?

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kek I'm pretty sure it's not his property, dingus.

any lawyers itt? can he go to jail for this? (keep in mind he lives in argentina)

How many post do you think in this thread is Joe damage controlling?

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>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
I'm sorry you posted a thread on Yea Forums expecting sympathy.

City of Cucks?
City of Cuckolds?

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>syphons funds from kickstarter projects to keep his server running
>Constantly tells everyone else that it is impossible to make a private server
>Meanwhile holds the source code and the only server in existance

Is the problem


>goalpost shifting

He was the only fag with a server and had crucial code for other people to make their own. This has nothing to do with his retarded private server.

>mfw people post without reading the thread
How about you fags lurk moar?

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im going to fucking kill Leandro

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So uhh are we getting a playable COH private server then or is this just an isolated incident?

I'll make my own server if he makes his own first.

He was under legal obligation to return it to the rightful owner and not use it himself.

Like a good 80% or so
they are swarming it and they swarmed the other before it was deleted
they do it for free

Good try Pardini.

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It's mostly just chaotic drama loving shitposters with a sprinkle of genuine retards, notice how they're simply repeating "who cares" and "make your own" without reading any of the posts talking about the other shady things they've been doing behind the scenes and why people haven't simply made another.

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>These kinds of people are like rare game/beta collectors, they will never share their good fortune with anyone unless they get their ego stroked by getting to lord it over everyone. They would sooner destroy what they have than share.

The only chance they have is to fly to Argentina and kill the guy unironically.

Bitching on here is gonna do nothing.

Dude this was like a year of my childhood playing Mario Poker.

please do

I don't know man. Harassment is a criminal offense.
Hoarding code is not.

Even if it wasn't his property he doesn't have to share it on the internet.

kill yourself

What the hell? I'm now angry at those guys. I never played or discovered the game, but I love trying out mmos, and hearing of a private server with devs involved makes me really angry.

How could they do it?

According to what I see, the private server is not avaliable for the moment.

what's probably going to happen is that he will delete everything

Why reddit crybabies that bloodlust?

Man this is hilarious. Regardless of whether people think this dude is right or wrong, he's going to have to create an online alias or forever be told to fuck off any time he even looks at this community. Not to mention people are going to do everything in their power now to sabotage his server. Fucking hilarious.

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>make your own server
>have to reverse engineer everything because the guy who has the source code won't leak it like how WoW private servers did.

>this angry
Have sex

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Yeah and if you developed the cure for the common cold you're not obligated to share it with anyone but you'd still be an enormous cunt if you didn't

Joe Vasquez or whoever that passive aggressive mexican community nigger was in the article? 100%

>make a shitty OP
>people respond to shitty OP
>get upset
I get that this is your first day away from your CoH subreddit, but you really should put more effort into an OP as that is what most people respond to.

Explain why all the kickstarters are fake to fund money for this private server

One guy and his clique that controlled all sites community inhabited, but sure.

Not a lawyer or from Argentina, so I would hope someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the legal recourse for something like this is for the offending party to be thrown naked into the jungle where they will be beset upon by howler monkeys, raped and devoured.

>haha /pol/ is so crazy with their conspiracy cults, its not like the government agencies could keep a secret for 20 years despite thousands of powerful public community figures all knowing the truth
apologize now, Yea Forums

nice try esl-kun

>he's under no obligation to share with anybody
Actually he's under obligation to delete it and notify NCSoft, we're not talking about legal obligations.

The guy got much sought-after source for a defunct game and hoarded it for personal gain instead of sharing it so more private servers could be created. He's a cunt.

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>If I call people reddit, maybe I can hide that I'm being a samefagging, dicksucking, shill!

Sorry for bothering you

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>>meanwhile hundreds of WoW servers still exist

you know nothing about the mmo emulation scene, please read:

>Using your example, nobody would give a fuck because WoW private servers run on a completely different code base to the live game. It is an emulation using wholly original, wholly fan-mase server code.
>Let me put then in simpler terms: If that happened with WoW, it would make zero difference to the private servers because the MANGOS code used in WoW Private Servers 100% fan made.

wow private servers run off public code, not stolen code, if they did, they'd get shut down.

>>reddit spacing
>>defending the argie
>wow I wonder who could this be?

someone who doesnt play CoH cause its gay and doesnt post on reddit but posts on Yea Forums, also pic related, reddit spacing is just Yea Forums spacing but REDDITFAGS who think *everything* originated on reddit(ie: you redditfaggots coming from shitty reddit COH board to Yea Forums to cry about not getting to play gay COH)

protip: you cant call people reddit fags when you're in a thread crying about shit going on in your "reddit community", reddit/COH fag.

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>based retard hides a beloved game from millions and now exposes himself to rabid fanbase and possibly aggressive outsiders now that his shit is getting doxxed
That sure was worth all the trouble of hiding your shitty server

lol you first

Not only that but the guy has all the account information for ALL active characters before NCsoft shutdown the game too

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He has stolen code which breaks copyright laws. If NCsoft wanted to they could sue him for millions. Especially since he is making a profit off it.
So I guess your defense of "lawful obligation" goes out the window.

Yup, he looks like the kinda dude who would get off on bossing nerds around and keeping shit to himself to feel special.


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>have the possibility to revive a dead game
>keep it dead just to spite people
sounds to me like he's the one at fault right now

Sounds a lot like your problem. He did it perfectly fine, why can't you?

Its also illegal to have other peoples accounts that aren't legally his, he isn't the original company

Sorry Pardini, I didn't realize I offended you.


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>'Are we getting a playable COH private server'
The answer is No. This Leo guy seems like a giant argentine nigger faggot, so in his narcissistic power trip he'll probably delete everything to spite people. Then, hopefully someone will lynch him.

Fuck off. This is literally cancer mentality.
If you develop something, you are a based. Thats all.
Doesn't matter if you share it or not.
Commie "share it or you cunt curse you" thing is literally kills any advanced hobbyist since you can't really create something great without getting your things stolen by "moral laws" at some point by dead weight.

>He did it perfectly fine
He did nothing you retard. Some disgruntled dev gave him everything.

>comparing the cure for a disease to a video game

>he even scammed Kickstarter fags
I like this guy more and more.

Reminds me of the xbox dev kit guy. I don't think that idiot can even post on Reddit with that account anymore without everyone bullying him.

WoW server emulators were pretty much made from scratch. Even back in the early days of WoWemu, it was all packet sniffing and going off what Thotbot and other sites had for mob/quest data + plain old guess work

this is b8

Is this private server put up by NCSoft or people associated with them? Or just some people who were sad the game died? I never played the shit, but I know it was important to a lot of people. If the devs killed the game, but secretly propped up a private server for special people, that's fucked up. If random fans created a private server and decided they only wanted their closest friends and people who loved the game as much as them, I genuinely don't understand the issue. Are there no other private servers for the game?

*huff huff*

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Your not getting invited

what are you talking about? he couldn't develop anything but a chatroom

The guy pretended it didn't exist, solicited donations, and policed the server for six years. He's not releasing the code, he sees it as his property. In fact he'll probably just delete it out of spite rather than risk someone cloning his server

He didn't develop shit, he got handed the whole thing and decided to keep it to himself like a cunt.

why are you lying

>Commie "share it or you cunt curse you" thing is literally kills any advanced hobbyist since you can't really create something great without getting your things stolen by "moral laws" at some point by dead weight.
It's not commie shit you dishonest fuck. Why even show off something if you won't show people how to duplicate it, or want to sell it. You're just doing it for attention at that point and are contemptible.

Wait so did he have everyone's billing information too?

>He COULD be redeemed if he just released the source code
>He won't

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This nonsense only works if people using the source code to set up their own private servers affects his own in any way, which it doesn't.

He didn't develop shit, he received everything from an ex-employee

it's not only just him either. he has admitted that just about every well known CoX community member has used it at one point or another. his actions have not only shattered his own image but everyone that was complicit alongside him.

>develop something
hahaha this is gold now.

It was part of the servers and code he got from the ncsoft employee.

>you can't really create something great without getting your things stolen by "moral laws" at some point by dead weight
Could you reach any further? Please keep going. You guys do a fantastic job at outing yourself.

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there is still no accurate wow emulation
the strides came from huge open source collabs like mangos

>37-year old lanky virgin
No wonder he’s powertripping so hard. Fag must still get bullied on a regular basis.

First WoW private servers we're as your described and ran like shit. All the newer and popular private servers are running off leaked source code.

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The only thing he'll redeem is the gifts and money his cult followers sent to his online payment accounts. And then he'll push the delete button to spite the rest of the world and stroke his ego.

There is no redemption for his kind

That's illegal, you should sue them

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Don't kid your self. It's funnier this way anyway.

There's a chance now that
A) someone steals the code from leo and releases it
B) the dev who gave the code to leo wanted it to be public, didnt realize the shit leo was doing, and after the leaks does a full public release
C) enough news about the game makes someone else with access to old game servers realize exactly how important the code it, and they release it

for people who don't see the issue about this thing:

imagine if thanos snaped and made all starcraft disk dissapear. the entire communities, all custom maps, all esport activities cease and slowly die out because game is dead. then 10 years later people find out there are bunch of guys playing the game in their basement the only existing copy of starcraft source code and they don't want to upload it or share it with anyone

people are rightfully mad that bunch of cucks that stole the source of game servers get to play game which is being denied for 99% of people interested in playing it

this entire thing is also a proof that conspiracies do exists - you can't just make a private server of highly sought of dead game and run it for years with thousands of people playing without the info leaking for that long.

My favorite part of this thread is thanks to all the shills and faggots, it's got a whole lot of exposure. Thanks, friends!

you're such a fucking retard
you realize blizzard doesn't have their own source code right? they literally begged for a charity auction winner of their old server to return it for classic.

Look at this fucking jew rat

>relies on free commie handout to "create" a private server
>in stead of sharing the free server code he got, he hoards it like a cunt and makes people worship his dick to play on it
>people find out just how massive of a cunt he is
>gets his defense force to call the kettle black

>Mega nerd
>Ugly as shit
>Tries to live a chad life despite not actually being a chad in order to fill that hole in his heart because no irl woman would ever fuck him for free
>It a condescending prick irl and his co-workers hate him, so he takes it out on internet nerds at home

Go play your CoH private server

>B) the dev who gave the code to leo wanted it to be public, didnt realize the shit leo was doing, and after the leaks does a full public release

Not a chance, he's probably on that Ship of Heroes team and its rumored he's a member of the server.

B is possible, A is also possible going by the salty south american anons from the last few threads.

Because unlike Ragnarok Online which had its actual server backend software Aegis leaked, WoW did not have any such leak of server backend software. Those who developed the earliest WoW emulators did so from scratch by reverse engineering the game and analyzing network data.

A guy got a database and code from one of the devs, and then not only not shared them, making it practically impossible to develop private servers, but used his clique to run an active campaign to stop the development of private servers, including shit like launching fake campaigns that would go nowhere.

I will when you release the code you didn't make, Pardini.

cc atlas park 10 mins

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kids literally get beat to death in the streets of argentina for petty theft
let's get some good ol spic justice

D) he deletes it all out of fear or spite and the whole thing ends just as pitifully as it began

sorry CoHbros, you deserved better.

Which is bullshit because those server blades they auctioned off were zeroed out completely

1) devs kill game
2) dev gives server source and account data to cuntface
3) cuntface uses source to put up private server, pretends source doesn't exist, and asks for donations for a clearly unnecessary and nonexistent reverse engineering effort
4) 6 years later cuntface's server is revealed because he banned the wrong guy

Considering how fucking nuts mmo fans get I'd be worried if I were him

So many shills in this thread, this place really has been invaded by Reddit.

new thread

An ex-ncsoft employee gave the code to the guy the guy then proceeded to
>Make a private server and hog the code to himself instead of leaking it online so that it would basically be impossible for NCsoft to shut it all down
>Invited the communities most prominent members and mods and had them shutdown any discussion involving private servers
>Made a kick-starter and told the community he was going to make a spiritual successor to the game that everyone can enjoy
>Actually just used that money to support his own private server and never had intentions to make the game
>Used his power to sabotage other private servers that people were trying to make so his would be the only one

Leandro and his circlejerk cronies know about this thread and are trying to damage control with "hurr make your own server".

Don't bother responding to them.

It's not official. This server is the only server that exists because the admin is the only person that has the means (given to him by a dev when the game suddenly died) to host a private server. He's also sabotaged groups who were trying to replicate the ability to host other servers while siphoning donated funds for those projects to his own server. It's the scummiest kind of admin for a fan favorite MMO no longer in service.

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A lot of those anons are actually from Brazil or Mexico. It seems that our resident Argentinian shitposters took a break and never saw this thread. B might be iffy, but it all depends on how much exposure this gets. So far only forums know about this shit, but it's only a matter of time before e-celebs and game journalists get wind of this.

I checked reddit after the news broke that it was a redditor and the owner of the sub for the game. That place is blowing up also from begging for the release to anger.

People who were clearly shills inside the server are brigading every thread on Reddit about this.

Thanks for (You)s, but i was triggered by
>Yeah and if you developed the cure for the common cold you're not obligated to share it with anyone but you'd still be an enormous cunt if you didn't
I don't care about some dead mmo drama.

Less then 3000 people had access. On average could be as low as 10-20 players on server at a time. Not really mmo numbers, letting in more people would’ve helped.

This stuff is why I don't play mmorpg games

>So many shills in this thread, this place really has been invaded by Reddit.

literally the OP himself and everyone who is salty about this is openly from some gay 'reddit community' thinking if they astroturf it on Yea Forums they'll get sympathy. so yeah. this whole thread/whinefest of threads is reddit spillover.

if Yea Forums community wanted to play coh we would have stolen the code/blackmailed this faggot 6-7 years ago after infiltrating it day one, except, Yea Forums isnt gay and we dont care about CoH.

>merely pretending
stay mad kid

Honestly scenario A seems unlikely, based on what we've seen from that fag I wouldn't be surprised if he tries just going dark and not trusting any of his sekrit club faggots

But its fun watching them squirm as they try to avoid jailtime

> he's a member of the server
So he doesn't even mind about this server.
What the problem again?

But they're so pleasantly stupid, user. Can't i just ruffle their heads and call them scamps?

>I don't care about some dead mmo drama.
then why are you on Yea Forums and why even respond you massive attention whoring cunt. Kill yourself you passive aggressive excuse of a boy.

There is no redeeming this. Even if he was a literal chad.

If he deletes the code than the community is still better off than t was before. Plebs like us will never sniff the game again, but at least our glorious "community managers" will suffer with the rest of us. Honestly, even if the servers do go public, I hope the new servers come together to ban members of the sercet club on sight for 6.8 years.

>EPIC Yea Forums ARMY

nobody even knew this was a Thing, stop being a moron

You are right, so I am going to head to Argentina myself to take the sc. Already bought tickets for this Friday. Ill be back by Monday. Any requests?

Okay, I get why people are asshurt now. The guy sounds like a gigantic cunt.

I saw one literally begging someone not to crosspost about it lmao

>If you're not fucking ANGERY after reading some of this, you aren't paying attention (or just didn't play CoH/CoV)

Why the fuck would I be angry? Do you not understand what the word "private" means?

anyone leaked the server IPs yet?

New thread.

He's the thief that stole the server/database in the first place

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You clearly don't.
This guy was the only one who had the source code to the game and wouldn't release it so that other people could make their own private servers.
If he released it then he could keep his pathetic little circlejerk.

>Argentinian degenerate is given CoH server files illegally

>hosts it in a secret club, stifles attempts in the entire CoH community to make their own, and all the while makes money off his wonderland

>entire internet fails to grasp what's wrong here and thinks gamers are just entitled

We don't deserve video games anymore.

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Is Argentinian food good? Bring back something tasty. No monkey meat, plz.

>he fucked up the OP again
why do you do this

If a CoX private server does ever end up getting made I know what I'm naming my first villan

At first this thread told me he was true commie at gave sources to let everyone play this game.
This thread is really stupid. If he stole it, it doesn't mean he need to be a Robin Hood just because peasants want so.

So people don't see

This is probably how all of the gaming websites are going to report this once it blows up. Maybe toss in GG for old times sake.

you have a hard time following pronouns
it's ok, it's a common sign of low iq

>tfw my mom remarried someone she met on Asheron's Call
it was actually a pretty sick game.

neither of you refute the point that this whole salty campaign against this secret private server is reddit fags whinging about "reddit community" drama shit.

if u want a private server, go build your own, programming isnt magic, its been done countless times before, expecting someone else to hand it to you on a silver platter is child like entitlement. every emulator scene has arguements and debates over stolen code, non-public code, private/closed servers. this is nothing new. no one is stopping you even though you 'think' they are, just because some reddit mod fags are in on it doesnt mean you cant go make a community on discord or host your own private forum to get the ball rolling. only thing holding you back is your sub 80 IQ and complete lack of programming knowledge/being too gay to function.

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That's funny since if you weren't such a newfag you'd have been around for the CoH threads we had when the game was running.

>if u want a private server, go build your own
This cunt was the only one with the source code. Go back to your reddit circlejerk.

you fail to realize there are projects that have been reverse engineering this game for 7 years, and they've barely made any progress
it's not a simple thing

It's not surprising they made little progress when this guy was the head of them.

>ran a 10k so poorly hes stuck in the fucking fat and old section

>there are projects that have been reverse engineering this game for 7 years, and they've barely made any progress
The scary part is that this guy has been extremely active in all of these projects and he very well could have spent the last 7 years sabotaging them to make sure his secret server is the only server

>>tfw my mom remarried someone she met on Asheron's Call
>it was actually a pretty sick game.

asherons call was best mmo. private server community for it is pretty big, google "gdleac".

i started playing AC in elementary school thanks to a friend's computer scientist father introducing us. had a 40 year old female patron into bondage roleplay (and apparently with underage boys like me and my friends) who sent us our first noodz and gave loads of phat loot. they dont build mmos like that anymore.

>nooooo having source code only way to make private server

>This cunt was the only one with the source code. Go back to your reddit circlejerk.

nigger, most emulated mmos have to write the code themselves from the ground up, just cause one group was able to get the actual server code doesnt mean its impossible for you to write your own emulated code as has been down with WOW, AC, EQ, etc.

>you fail to realize there are projects that have been reverse engineering this game for 7 years

nigger i am literally part of a dev team that wrote our own server code for asherons call, an older, more obtuse mmo than CoH

>The scary part is that this guy has been extremely active in all of these projects and he very well could have spent the last 7 years sabotaging them to make sure his secret server is the only server

ya okay redditfag, sounds like a pathetic unskilled community ya got there.

>reddit spacing
gee I wonder who could be behind this post

Yuck, reeks of reddit

Its over shills, you lost

yup every game is the same, and this amateur garage project isn't a complete mess of spaghetti

Post your Asheron's Call private server with a timestamp and your opened butthole to prove it.