>Resident Evil 2 remake
>Mega Man 11
>Monster Hunter World
>Mega Man Legacy Collection 1+2
>Resident Evil 3 remake and Dragon's Dogma 2 all but confirmed

How did Capcom do a complete 180 and what can we do to stop them?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>RE3 Remake

being developed by another company not the one who made RE2 Remake.

Why would anyone want to stop based Capcom?

>being developed by another company not the one who made RE2 Remake.
Is this a good or bad thing? RE2 Remake felt unfinished

>gave up fighting game title to Arcsys/Namco by making 4 shitty fighting games in a row.

Well the gameplay is already made from 2 so 3 development should go smoother

Company who made RE2make had set a very high bar on what they did.

>Monster Hunter World
Yeah they made a complete 180 into being mediocre normie trash.

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Mega Man collection was released over a decade ago.

He probably means the second MMX collection, pt. 1 & 2.

BTFO Nintodler detected

I thought that had a collection on ps2 as well.

Note that I said "second."

I still haven't forgiven them for Dead Rising 4 and Lost Planet 3. Let's not forget SFV is a fucking mess and how underwhelming the current season is in terms of anything and that's not even going into how shit their fighting game division as a whole currently is. They're doing good things, but they need to do step it up a bit more before it can be said they've done a complete 180.

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>SFV and MvC Infinite exist
It's more like a 170. Next fighting game will either confirm or deny it theyre completely back

But DR4 was those scum sucking Canucks fault and they have been rightfully shutdown it's a shame though dr2 was good and 3 was passable

Yeah, made by Capcom Vancouver, which is/was technically Capcom no matter how you spin it.
No new fighting game, instead have a second compilation of arcade games since apparently the beat em up one did so well.

Even more baffling was the fact that DR2 Case West was clear proof that they could use a new setting, new mechanics, new enemy types and still provide a true, comprehensive and replayable Dead Rising experience in a $10 package.
How did they fumble the ball afterwards?

DR4 and LP3 was still Inafune

How about they stop being cunts and they give me a MMBN collection

>being developed by another company not the one who made RE2 Remake.
Confirmed to be shit not a day 1 buy.

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Not even close to true, DR4 released 6 months after MN9 which was in development for years.

Absolutely assblasted nintendoh nigger who probably posted that it would fail. Face it, monster hunter was held back by shitty handhelds. Not spam not spam

Who in the right mind would even buy a game that you can finish before lunch. Shit's only 3 hours long and mediocre.

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Absolutly ASSRAVAGED Nintentard.
Iceborne never, lol!

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except RE2make was another abortion for RE4 casuals and the RE Engine sucks. They still refuse to make/release MegaMan Legends 3 or a real sequel, no one asked for another classic game. also, no Rival schools 3.

>Dragon's Dogma 2 all but confirmed

Your embarrassing.

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No one wants legends. New X or Zero please.

>No one wants legends.
>New X or Zero please

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MHW is held back by its shitty online.
They somehow managed to make online worse than previous PS2(which came out like 13 years ago) or even shitty handhelds titles.
Even with all improvements it still bothers me a lot.

(((new project)))
I just hope the DMC5 team are doing DLCs for DMC5 too

DMCV and MHW are both casual trash though which cater to the wrong crowd. RE2 remake is fine since RE games were never really that hard or scary though and does the old game justice, Megaman 11 is decent too.

X and zero some of the best platformers of all time, or legends mediocre zeldaesque game.

Quit trying to fit in.

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I like SoS desu. I always just viewed people as bots anyway.

Fuck the DMC5 DLC.
I want Dragon's Dogma 2.


Casualized garbage that belongs in the trash along with SFV and Marvel Infinite. The rest is pretty good though.

I bet you're a tribab.

It's true though DMCV has turned from being a difficult action game with its novelty being crazy combos to a crazy comboboar game were the enemy barely attacks. MHW loses all appeal the minute it's easy, literally no point in playing the game.

Post dmd proof.

Why is MHW always in these "capcom is back guys" lists when MH has been their most stable and consistently good franchise since it began?

Why is this board so cucked by this company?
>Why is MHW always in these "capcom is back guys" lists when MH has been their most stable and consistently good franchise since it began?
Because Yea Forums is full of faggots that shill this company for free

>SFV has been less than mediocre since launch
>Just straight up abandoned MvCI less than a year after release

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They make the best games on the market right now if you like games and not movies.

If you actually played before Tri, then you'd know that Portable 3rd casualized a lot of the gameplay far more than Tri did. This does not excuse World for literally playing the game for you by any means.

SFV makes money off retards. Mahvel didn't.

This is what happens when your community is too cucked to drop a shit game.

I started with gen 1 you fuck. Tri removed trample and that remains the single biggest casualization in the series.

Capcom fired their CEO in I think it was 2016, then went through and basically revamped their entire creative pipeline from the ground up when the new guy came in. They trimmed the fat, worked out what they were doing wrong, and fixed it.
Western companies can't do this because if some of the fat happens to be female, you get sued for firing them.

Uhm sweetie try playing the original three

SFV still makes money thank to costumes and season pass
MvCI was a colossal failure plus Marvel was basically sabotaging the game, it's the reason why people speculate Capcom's next versus game won't be with Marvel