"lives" are a relic of the arcade past, when game lives costed coins.
There is absolutely no reason to still have lives in 2019 videogames.
People should just be able to try and retry and have savestates not to walk 30min back to a boss
"lives" are a relic of the arcade past, when game lives costed coins
>30 minutes
You mean 30 seconds.
Also git gud.
Depends on the game
From has actually really neatly tied respawning into its lore. That's more ludo than whatever trash passes for games these days.
Finally finished Downwell last night. What a nice feeling. Last time I felt this way was when Hotline Miami came out. I think it's great that there's a AAA dev that aims to give you this feeling too. You should try a hard game sometime, OP
Cringe bro
>People should just be able to try and retry and have savestates not to walk 30min back to a boss
So all games should be like Souls?
Just use the flame vent on him OP, he's not that hard
>There is absolutely no reason to still have lives in 2019 videogames
You are absolutely right OP. In fact, from now on all video games should send you back to the main menu upon death with no auto save. Thays how it should be done.
play a different game if you don't like this one.
>In fact, from now on all video games should send you back to the main menu upon death with no auto save. Thays how it should be done.
I almost gave up playing Nier Automata because you had to redo the whole tutorial every time you died.
So which boss is raping you so hard that you made this thread?
We can help you user
>posts a game with infinite lifes
>play a different game if you don't like this one.
It's not (just) about sekiro
>We can help you user
You can tell me what strategy to use
You can't give me better reflexes
this probably
And you use Sekiro as an example that is the kost forgiving From gamewith checkpoints, with a statue always nearby any boss battle.
You are a baby and you would die if you ever died against Nito in DS1 and had to trek all the way over
Took me at least 20+ tries trying to finish the damn intro in hard
>And you use Sekiro as an example
Picture unrelated
Good thing Nito's a joke boss
play a different game if you dont like those ones.
if your reflexes aren't good enough, find another game or another hobby, you don't see 600lb. mountain climbers or geriatric Rubik's cube champs.
>play a different game if you dont like those ones.
But I will miss on the memes
What's the other reason to play?
>if your reflexes aren't good enough, find another game or another hobby
DSP beat owl2
>But I will miss on the memes
Good, fuck off.
Great Lords in DS1 are all jokes, except maybe 4Kangz if you don't have the DPS
They have rather long walk backs that OP would bitch forever about. DeS is even worse, thank god I barely died to any of the bosses in that game
Lives and repeating levels are fine, it's a limited resource that you must complete a challenge without expending. No different than a healthbar and a bossfight.