What if the spanish cops from Resident Evil 4 survived? Missed opportunity to have some useful partners.
What if the spanish cops from Resident Evil 4 survived? Missed opportunity to have some useful partners
Is spain really this third world? As a kid I thought it took part in mexico.
My dad isn't Spanish but he did come from a small village and they're every bit as crazy and backward as you'd expect.
Given they are only local authorities, chances are they would have only stuck around until the end of the mass village attack before Leon would/their own methods send them to contact higher Spanish authorities.
Would have meant Leon might have gotten a lot more backup down the line though.
The portrayal of rural Spain in RE4 is about as accurate as the portrayal of the American South in RE7.
Why does he have a zombie hand
Its a white glove
Did you even play RE4? It's a zombie game, retard
So 100%?
It's actually pretty wrong since it plays somewhere around the coast in spain which is densely populated and there are no fucking castles there.
Some of you white imbeciles are probably so deep under a rock that you've probably never been outside your own homes, so I wouldn't be surprised if video games were your only exposure to other countries/cultures. Never stop being ignorant white boys Yea Forums.
>Capcom swears the game doesn't take place in Spain.
>Wesker's fucking spy satellite in Seperate Ways is homed in right on Spain.
Uh, you don't get to bring any friends
This, white bois will forever be mad because there brains are to small to understand foreign cultures
>everyone speaks Spanish
>not spain
How the fuck do they even think that works?
Maybe they think Europe is like America
Well, the fact that in the whole continent only 1 country speaks spanish was hard to believe for me too. In America everyone speaks spanish and/or english. In Europe too I bet many countries speak english... though.. thinking about it it's like every country there has its own language. Germans speak germanese, France french, Italy italian... but England has english and the United Kingdom too.
Alright I don't know much, but I understand Capcom.
Don't forget the currency you use ingame, that was Spain's money untill they swapped to euros
Only britain and ireland (AKA former britain) speak english. That's why they kept winning Eurovision back in the day. Pretty much no two countries share the same language.
>thinking about it it's like every country there has its own language
Are you fucking baiting user, or are you that dumb that this was a revelation to you?
>tfw live in based portugal
>tfw can shittalk niggers all day and no one gives a shit but the niggers
>can shittalk spain all day and all that happens is all the old people at the bars come out and join
Freedom comes in many flavours.
They seemed very unprofessional.
It's doubtful they would be much help.