I was clearing out my old bedroom because my dad is going to an old folks home. Holy shit 15 year old me had good taste

I was clearing out my old bedroom because my dad is going to an old folks home. Holy shit 15 year old me had good taste

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>All that bargain bin tier shit

mate you probably like fucking katz for the nintendo ds lite

>urban reign
very nice

>all those games
>not because OP bought them recently to make himself look cool in front of Yea Forumsirgins

in a language next time u sperglord

>because my dad is going to an old folks home
is he also you're granpa?


To be fair i did trade in a lot of games when I was a kid

like what you faggot? Silent Hill 2? Killer 7? There is way more good shit there than bad shit.

Found another stack

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>King Kong
>Return of the King
>Sands of Time
Fuck yeah, that was my shit.

There's a lot of great games in there. My favorite being Shadow of Rome.

> lotr: the return of the king

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>Good taste
Pick one faggot.

Is that the limited edition of Silent Hill 2 (the one that includes the Maria's short)?

user I need your copy of Drakengard

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I don't remember it having 'birth from a wish', or whatever it's called. Pretty sure it's just a 'making of' DVD

i almost forgot about Black.

>no Okami
>no God Hand
>no Steambot Chronicles
>no Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

>Worse version of Killer 7
>Gran Turismo went it became boring
>Tekken 5

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That's some awesome games user. God, I wish I could just take a month off from work, just sit home, speak to noone, and just relax and play some of these games.

You must literally have single digit IQ to not understand what you replied to. Fucking dimwit.

Into the trash it goes.

Check mine.

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Why are all of those covers so boring?

You obviously just bought all these games and are fishing for compliments.

I like them, they're consistent and they look pretty on a shelf.

anyone else play The Suffering. it was meant to be horror but was more of a dumb action game. i remember thinking it was pretty cool back in the ps2 days.

How was my taste

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>pal versions
you are better softmodding your ps2 and loading the ntsc version of those games

I played through until I was unable to progress due to a bug, but the body horror aspect of it was pretty neat, along with the lore tidbits explaining how each monster came into being.

my ROTK nigga

>quidditch world cup
you're alright

the chad platinum labels & consistent font
virgin "greatest hits" vomit stain, complete with ugly ass fonts

here's the thing you flaming faggot, people only ever rate stacks when it's less than 20 games total.

pal versions have the superior artwork though, on the front that is
why is 60hz better if the average ps2 game hovers around 20fps?
I never understood this, does the game run faster on ntsc?

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>along with the lore tidbits explaining how each monster came into being

yeah. i appreciated those too. it was pretty edgy for a kids game with different enemies representing different ways of executing prisoners like the guys with syringes for arms and legs representing lethal injection.

pal version run slower and with black bars, though some first party and late games are optimized or have a 60hz/480p that removes those problems
surprisingly gran turismo 4 on pal lacks a 480p mode that ntsc has

Black, midnight club 3, shadow of rome, canis canem, the suffering
God there where a lot of distinct games back then

nice reddit thread

I see. it's nice when the game comes with a 60hz mode, or progressive scan, I usually go for that.
But the image seems slightly sharper in pal mode, at least on text

Midtown Madness was an awesome game, I had a friend who had it and played it round his house. Then Midtown Madness 3 was released for the Xbox so I bought it. And it was awesome. Played through the whole game so I could unlock the Koenigsegg. Driving around the streets of Paris was awesome.

Weeb shit. I think you should kill yourself.

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>Digital Devil Saga

Although since everyone is slating you, I will note that not all of your games are weeb shit. Nightfire was a great game. GTA is of course essential. I never played Gran Turismo 3, but 4 was really good, I remember thinking the graphics at the time were almost photorealistic. Max Payne is a great game. Hitman was quite a cool game, never played the second one though. And The Witcher looks alright although I've never played it. So yeah there are some good games in there, just too much weeb stuff for my tastes personally, but to each their own I guess.

a while ago it was actually freeware, not sure about now, but i saw it for like 5 dollars on GOG at some point

>mandatory post
I now have my collection on FHDB. You can use a ps3 controller via Bluetooth on PS2 phat now.

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why didnt you buy halo? dont you like good games?

i think i still have it on xbox and an old console somewhere (as well as a ps2) but i dont own a tv you can plug either into anymore.

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I just found my old PSP stuff. No PSP though (sold it and the camera when I moved out and needed a boost), so I kinda impulse bought one. I figure non Gamestop game stores need all the help they can get. Still had my memory stick and my Pandora battery, remember that shit?

Had dick picks of myself, dick picks of my friends, "HD" porn which makes no fucking sense considering its a 480x272 screen.

Playing Crisis Core now.

Stop squatting.

pretty good


Take care of your own dad like I do. My kids love having their nan and granddad around, old folks home are a pre-cemetery.

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I also like to place them alphabetically, but in my case it's from right to left lol
Why 2 FFX and FFX-2?

aside from drakengard that's pretty normie taste to be desu
not that there's anything wrong with that, you can enjoy consoles any way you like

It sucks, but here.

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One copy is mind the other is my GFs.

are you one of those legendary black samurai?

your dad will be absolutely miserable in an old folks home.

some good titles there. max payne 2, jade empire, battlefront 2. some of my favorites on the xbox.

The ps2 version of sonic heros is borderline unplayable and wasn't even the final build of the game.

>Midnight Club 3
Fuuck I should play that again.

>Le epic these games are all shit Yea Forums "shitposter"
It's all so tiresome

>I™ was™ clearing™ out™ my™ old™ bedroom™ because™ my™ dad™ is™ going™ to™ an™ old™ folks™ home™. Holy™ shit™ 15™ year™ old™ me™ had™ good™ taste™
