'tis cold in my tent
'tis cold in my tent
get a blanket you worthless sow
d-do you want to borrow my blanket
why is she so perfect?
the only good thing about DA:I was her inclusion
Man, we could use a big fat dose of global warming!
It was the only great thing but I thought the exploration etc comfy enough
and? what do you want me to do about it?
Thot status: patrolled
>How to tell someone played as a male protagonist.
Obviously. Who would play as a woman?
Have sex, morrigan.
>female combatant of any worth
yeah it's high fantasy alright
Witcher has them too
>Being a man.
rejected her
fuck bitches, especially witches
kys trannies
You'll always be one so get used to it.
No, killing Hawke was the best part of DAI.
>being a thrall to a witch
suit yourself
>fuck bitches, especially witches
Damn straight bruv
Even though I liked my hawke protag it wasn't a hard choice for me to save the grey wardens over him
>watching Morrigan break down because she doesn't know how to handle loving you
How come no matter what, even in characters creations the nose tip is always hooked downwards and the nostrils are like *that*
Your best friend is fucking dead, lmao. Wanna hug?
Dragon Age 4 is going to be a pseudo MMORPG. Basically, single player overworld with multiplayer dungeon content. Think Dark Souls multiplayer, but in specific dungeon zones like the instances in the Bioware Star Wars MMO. There will be micro-transactions obviously, EA is very hard on the games as a service model.
It's also being developed using the Anthem code base, rather than the Inquisition code base, so expect awful RNG loot like Anthem.
These threads have been popping up so often because the marketing campaign has already begun.
>ended up doing the ritual because I wanted to duck Morrigan with hopes of knocking her up anyway
> "Oh, as an added bonus I won't HAVE to die? Cool."
Based Loghain.
And all sorceresses are backstabbing whores.
>Fallen Order succeeds
That ship has already sailed, the development has already commenced.
It has before and EA decided to kill it off so they can redo it with live elements
>live service shit
dead fucking franchise
What if it's optional Dark Souls style assists?
how does that even work with companions
One has to leave the party to be replaced by a player
You just get rid of companions.
Why was she doomed to be part of Dragon Cringe
What form of studying is that
Meh. I'm gonna buy it anyway.
I couldn't care less about Anthem but I'll pay for another Dragon Age or Mass Effect even if they'll turn it into Clash Royale clone for iOS
I get your energy but
>turn it into Clash Royale clone for iOS
I don't quite think I would at that point
She is analyzing how well he prepared his chocolate donut
>Blue eyes
>Manlet unable to handle a goth girl
No surprises here
>choosing dindu swamp thot over based Zevran
>taking knife-ears up your ass
gay imo
I dunno user, he seems to be HANDeling her pretty good.
She's trying to, don't bully!
Hey guys what's going on in here?
Anybody got a ladder?
Bad day?
Isn't Merill the opposite of a bimbo? She's a stick that nobody really pays attention to and who can't be social outside of about four people.
I-Is he good at baking?
>Claudia Black
No thank you.
Don't you have sheep to shag?
How the fuck was Dragon Age ruined so?
The first game had genuine potential and was pretty neat. Then it all just fell off a cliff hard. Fuck.
Said no one ever
fuck off bitch!
2 had to be rushed and DA:I had to be made in Frostbite under cancerous conditions
That said BW doomed themselves to EA-Hell so they are responsible for it
DA2 had way too much story for such a small map.
DA3 had way too much map for such a small story.
But either is bearable.
>Implying biotrash will survived long enough to make Dragon Age 4
anons pls
Morrigan approves +5
> Implying EA have another developer to milk rpg audience.
Till EA buys CD Project Bioware is safe.
>Till EA buys CD Project
they already were told by them to fuck off
>Tells EA to fuck off
>Tells the original author of The Witcher to fuck off
How can they be this based