Star Citizen

Its been five years so its definitely a scam right?

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No, it's coming out

It's a scam and it's coming out. The finished product is going to be a joke.

Post those pics of Chris Roberts sailing on a yacht

No, it's not a scam but it's not coming out. The game will actually be really good but will never be released.

5 years is not uncommon, but considering they barely have a game.

I mean Beyond Good and Evil 2 has better space exploration.

it's the long con of sitting comfortably in your office with your industry buttbuddies, compensating any dev progress with feature creep while ignoring core tech and getting paid a gold standard salary on top of it for years to come

Just buy another 20k dollar ship pack goy so we can afford more spaceship duturistic doors at our office.

We really need them to help us release this game!

Its not a scam, but it is a bad game. Had they gone and made what they promised in the KS campaign, everything would have been fine. That and not using the worse engine of all time for this type of game.

I actually work on it and it's not a scam, but we are indirectly told "not to rush it" so some days barely anything gets done or people go home early

How come there is less content than a broken slav game?

I dont believe you

even if it does come out its still going to be p2w trash

>le tricky hook reddit meimei

They need to stop adding more fucking features.

The whole MMO part really fucked this game from the start. If they had just done a SP/Coop game but where you could get lots of players in coop (16+) then it would have been fine.

>5 years later
>The game is coming out
>10 years later
>The game is coming out
>50 years later
>The game is coming out

I blame the Dads for this travesty

>150 years later
>ftl travel discovered
>cyborg Chris order total ftl rework to match reality

silly user, if you want to win in pvp all you have to do is buy a top-tier pvp ship
and if you don't have the money for it you can just grind rocks in your peasant ship for all eternity while Whale McWhale and his friends outmine you 100:1 in their multi-crew mining barge

At least this Scam artist actually released something.

Attached: tim-schafer.png (858x476, 322K)

finishing the game would mean cutting down the insane cashflow from mentally handicapped whales buying 10k$ jpegs

Scam Shitizen is a disgusting techdemo with literally zero content and horrible optimization. Still the best space game.

Actually it's been 9 years.

>take people's money in exchange for working on the project
>people don't do work on the project

sounds like a scam to me desu

Attached: yote.png (385x607, 423K)

Attached: final-7.png (962x687, 1.37M)

>both of the main characters are black
Ewwwyuuk. This game is going to flop.

Why is everyone excited for this game over 30?

the dad meme exists for a reson

According to their financial report the burn rate is pretty insane. The second people stop putting more money into this the company will collapse. I doubt they will be able to ship at this point, the gameplay and "MMO" feature is pretty much non existant and they just made fancy CG. That in itself will scare investors away.

To be fair they were 20 when development started

we don't need epic funny maymays to enjoy a game
don't get me wrong, space sims are a scam or just plain trash, but I kinda enjoy some of them

also there are a lot of retards who pay money for ships in the star citizen general in /vg/

Can't believe how this game looks both good and shit at the same time.

>posts pictures of low res non textured ships on website listed $2k+
>people buy them
>never release them

Attached: 1548362890683.png (632x632, 30K)

They plan to pass down the (digital) keys to their ships to their kids on their deathbeds and telling them to do the same until the game is released

spacesim is a dad genre.

It’s arguably still a scam but there’s so much disinformation about it, I think a lot of people dismissing the game would be surprised at what you can do now. It’s disjointed and bland but still, I think people just don’t know much about what the game is at this point.

Remember people talking shit about No Man's Sky and saying Star Citizen would be better? Now Star Citizen is still vaporware and No Man's Sky is an actual space game. Yea Forums wrong as usual, unfortunately.

Attached: HOOOOOOOO.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

zoomers have shit taste and dont like space sims

It's been a while since I've played the first BG&E but I miss the cartoony design it had. Why everything must have realistic look?

people that were kids when the original star wars came out will always be spacesluts

see for yourself


Beyond Good and Evil 2 is not a BG&E at all, which automatically makes it a 1/10.

The devs LITERALLY lied about it also being single player. Now it's just a cash grab game.