What are some good examples of inverse difficulty?

What are some good examples of inverse difficulty?

>haha bro pontiff sulyvahn is easy
>took me 7 tries
>haha bro soul of cinder is the easiest boss in the whole game it's a complete joke
>took me 13 tries

Everything else in DS3 is a cakewalk compared to these two supposedly easy faggots

Attached: 20190331222410_1.jpg (1920x1080, 556K)

Logarius in BB. Everyone seems to have the most trouble with him out of the base game bosses but he took me 2 tries max every time.

Why do you keep creating these threads?

Pound for pound Sulyvahn was the hardest for me.

I'm Australian and only just bothered fucking with DNS settings to post here. You really are a dumb cunt.

I don't understand, is the implication here that these bosses are supposed to be easy and you found them hard?

Okay but why are you shitposting the same stupid type of threads?

You worked it out, little bud.

Link me to them so I at least have some idea of what the fuck you're on about.

everything in the “soulsborne” franchise is a cakewalk once you memorize the attack patterns. it gets quite repetitive after that

Seems like you're shit at video honestly.

Crystal Sage can be a real pain sometimes. And Wolnir if he summons Carthus Warriors.

I bet your family is real proud of you for not being shit at games.

Nah. I found gascoigne hardest really. Maybe abhorrent beast, in the chalice i cheesed him.

Is your family proud of you for being shit at them and everything else?


I just can't figure out why you keep shitposting the same type of thread over and over.
Did you not get the response you were looking for the first time?

Attached: souls threads.jpg (1627x932, 460K)

>deflecting this hard
small dick non-loved loser fuck off

No boss in a souls game is impossible, most are easy, why the fuck would i post like that?

The ol' Ponty was the first real wall in that game, a boss that forced me to learn his patterns. I don't think I really struggled all that much with anything after him. Not nearly as much I did with him anyway. Cinder was like 3 tries since his patterns are simple and there's a lot of room to dodge shit.

I'm BDE though. Maybe you shouldn't be shit at videogames and life, you seem pretty upset.

what's a BDE

Dancer is pretty easy. I reckon most beat her without resting from the previous fight. Probably gets her reputation from people taking her on before the dog

Big Dick Energy

That's what I'm asking you.
Why do you keep making these shitpost threads?

hola reddit