*puts a poison swamp area in your path*

*puts a poison swamp area in your path*

Attached: 1 MBk71-h06TJNCjdRqUGcew.jpg (480x319, 22K)

the sekiro one was acceptable

*grapples through swamp while never touching the ground*

is this Jason?


*optional boss rips out your prostate*

I wish more games had maps that are a pain and tricky to navigate through.

I wish more games had maps that were a straight line with a few bends in it.

Blighttown was the best level in 1. Prove me wrong.

I'm sure this is someone's fetish

I also loved pic related.

Attached: Untitled.png (1271x675, 1015K)

*optional boss rips out your prosthetic*

Fill up the place with treeeees jason...

You're gonna be a VIDEO GAME DESIGN STAR, Jay-san


He keeps throwing poison swamps at you so you learn to love them.


but what if oil swamp?

The one in sekiro was really fucking tame in comparison to souls.

None of the poison swamp areas are even bad. Not even in DS1. It's actually a welcome site after falling through blighttown. At least you have some relatively flat solid ground that you can't fall off of, and at least you can see shit.

indeed, it's tiny as fuck and you can spiderman around the place anyway