Very easy

>very easy
>very hard
>european extreme

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What's european extreme?

Usually an extra hard mode made for the European version after the US version was released. See Zone of the Enders 2

Super hard mode in some kojima games

>european extreme
>every characters is a muslim

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Really? Well I'm from Germany and I've never heard anyone use the phrase "european extreme".

You must not be a gamer...

The world would be a better place if we all had a Senko-san to pamper us and cook dinner for us after a long day of work.



this is the part where you call me muhammad

Easy-Normal-Hard is the perfect trinity. Extreme is permissible in games that are skill based or when the setting introduces new rules that change the way you play. Anything more than that is convoluted and a waste, no exceptions.

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well you're probably under 18


She's not real, user.

but she's real in our hearts

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>"Hard" in DMC

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You forgot 'Korean' for SC2

Why do games have to be dumbed down for amerimutts? Is it because they are fat and stupid and microwave water?

>first game's normal mode is the japanese easy mode
>second game's normal mode is the japanese hard mode

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>no healing kitsune, no healing succubus
every day is a routine of suffering and depression

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Never heard of it ever, you sure you guys aren't larping?

It's an UK expression...

>My dick

I'd rather come home to pic related.

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It's not fair bros...

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>little girl
>little boy

> an UK
Pajeet, I...

Man wouldn't that be something

dude just b urself

Super Hexagon

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If I were a game developer I'd name the easiest difficulty "Game Journalist" and make it so that every enemy dies the moment they step on your screen.

shit taste

How would you guys feel about a game including an Untested difficulty? If they warned you beforehand that it might not actually be beatable by humans would you be upset that it was included?

Oh that'd show 'em! Luhmao! Bee tee eff oh!

Make sure all of the story is exposition during boss battles, and include a Boss Fight Skip button.

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I see.
You know, this diffuculty setting plays quite similar to the ones they have in the American version.

You never played Metal Gear Solid?

>Game tutorial starts
>Press W to move forward
>End credits roll

I wanna ____ Senko and start a family!

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Oh no, it's a patented family recipe

>american easy
>very easy
>very hard
>european extreme

For european extreme?


german videogame laws banned it 74 years ago