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Other urls found in this thread: [you] [win] [the] [game]

Everyone who has ever ran a blue deck is a huge faggot.

vampires are a fair and balanced archetype

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I play Nexus of Fates decks and Esper Control :)

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I am unironically running the strong independent black woman ozrow deck.
Basically its a Afterlife deck based around board clearing and placing artifacts and enchantments that make my troops stronger and the enemies troops weaker and all my cards are multi-color so once i play Tome of guild-pact and immortal sun i nearly always have a full hand.
And the planes-walker i use to stall the game till i can get my battlefield set up for dominance.

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Literally the gayest way to play

Is B/W the current strongest combination?

fuck off with your sjw garbage

magic is sjw now? epic.

I watched too many Alpha Investments videos and now I want to get into Magic.

Spoonfeed me.

Last time I played, vampires sucked.

No nigger, they scrape and lick

It can be fun if your LGS isn't full of faggots.
Start with draft, the best format
Standard is shit, decks sometimes cost even more than a decent modern deck but lose their value after rotation. Most modern decks cost a lot due to landcards

Vampires and Merfolk are pretty good in standard at the moment.

For me, it's UG Madness deck.

download MTGA and try it out. it'll simulate the experience of starting off a nocards without having to buy anything.

Why would you tell somebody starting to play draft? The format entirely based around your knowledge of the game?

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I just started recently, could you share any good vampire decks I can work towards building? Their aesthetic is the most appealing to me.

Just search on salvation.

kek I hope you're joking

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>tfw strictly play edh on fridays
Comfiest night of the week lads

>people actually still play mtg

Magic is cringe af

the one in the pic is the pre made one with this and that thrown in, it's pretty easy.

Because it teaches you everything.
How to build a deck, what's important for a deck and the card pool is limited.There is no netdecking

And that's also why it's terrible for a person just starting.

Draft also costs gold to participate in.
He will obviously spend more time in normal than draft.

Someone teach me how to play this game as a pleb who has only ever really played hearthstone at an entry level

It's not rocketscience. You play a few times, have fun and get better

It's like 10-15 bucks to play in a draft and depending on the store you get to keep the cards you picked except for the rares which are put into the prizepool

He's saying to playing draft at your lgs. So it'll cost actual money.

understanding the stack and responding to things on it is the most important skill there is

You're telling a person with literally no understanding of the games rules, how deck building or how to play to have their entry point be draft.
Do you also throw kids into the middle of the ocean as their first swimming lesson?

Does magic have any alternative/automatic win conditions like Exodia?

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Plenty. Search scryfall for "win the game" or "lose the game" without the quotes in advanced search. Restrict the search to standard if you want to play around in Arena with them.

He will learn by playing, of course he should know about the basic rules but it's not that complicated

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approach of the second sun is the most recent one that got attention

Like Exodia exactly where having "WVXYZ" Cards in hand gives you an auto win? I don't think so, but if you just mean alternative wins in general then yes.

There's even a few "You can't lose the game" cards, see platinum angel.

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There's usually one every other set or so. The only ones that have ever actually been relevant/feasible to win with are Laboratory Maniac and though. [you] [win] [the] [game]

>tfw no fkmt manga about some beginner who starts beating smug nerds at mtg with shitty decks using his 200+ IQ

The new official MTG manga has been pretty interesting at least.

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Huh, that looks neat.

So what does each color of deck in magic tend to do?

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Black draws, Red does damage, white protects, green does big stompy.

Blue just does everything senpai.

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>playing standard instead of kawaii legacy

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White is the cheap creature color. Small, efficient creatures that flood the board and oftentimes provide synergy or boost each other in some way. Also has some good removal and lifegain, which make it a secondary color for control decks. Has the most mass removal spells, as well.
Blue is the color of counterspells and card draw/filtering. Has the best draw spells and cantrips, is the only color that gets counterspells, and can return things to their owner's hand. In terms of threats, usually goes really low or really high mana in either tempo or control. THE control color.
Black is removal. A lot of aggressive stuff with drawbacks, as well. Tutors (grabbing a card from your library) are in-color but rarely used outside of certain formats. A good secondary color for control due to having the best kill spells.
Red is aggressive and about burning your face off. Has little in the way of card advantage, but aims to win before that really matters. Lots of cheap creatures, burn spells, and the occasional topend beater.
Green is the big creature color. Has the best costed creatures, but is lacking in ways to deal with other creatures. Gets mana ramp as well as some good card advantage engines.

Goddamn Mugi and her +1000$ deck

Mugi isn't so crass as to play a budget deck

Attached: mugi deck.png (207x329, 67K)

>(blue) is the only color that gets counterspells
Not entirely true, There's a hilarious amount of off color "counter target blue spell" cards too.

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>posting a Planar Chaos card as an example of what cards can and can't get
Seriously, when was the last time we've had an off-color counterspell? The days of REB, Gutteral Response, and Mana Tithe are over.

Each colour has different tropes and creatures associated with them
White usually has a lot of counter or control spells whilst also featuring a lot of smaller creatures and tokens. Typical creatures are humans and angels.
Black is all about death and destruction. Has a lot of kill spells and effects when creatures die or are in the graveyard. Typical black creatures would be zombies.
Red is about chaos and fire. Lots of damage spells or spells that make creatures stronger. Goblins are common.
Green is all about nature lots of spells that allow you to make creatures stronger or obtain more lands. Elves are most common typically.
Blue is all counter spells and controlling what your opponent can do through them. Also a lot of play around tapping/untapping creatures. Typical creatures would be Merfolk or anything illusion based.

Blue sounds like fun desu
I like playing control decks in hearthstone. Shaman is my favorite class.
although to be fair I played shaman just because I like warcraft shamans being focused on the circle of elements. The fact that shaman can play control was just a bonus.

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You can technically play Repudiate on mono-green but yeah, non-blues counter spells are rare these days.

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Blue is great but I wouldn't recommend starting out with mono blue. Blue/Green or Blue/White are probably a better start.

Blue can be fun. There are two meta blue decks in Standard right now: Esper (blue/white/black) Control and MonoU (blue is U) Tempo. Esper relies on counters, boardwipes, and removal to just lock your opponent down until they just give up. U-Tempo focuses on you landing some little creatures and then just needling your opponent while protecting them until they get big and can close out the game. Check out some lists on mtgtop8 for standard to get a sort of baseline for what higher level play in Arena looks like. You get a Blue/Green Merfolk deck as a starter that's actually pretty decent, and I like playing Izzet (Blue/Red) Drakes with Arclight Phoenix in Arena.

That's a Stifle, which is a bit different.

Commander is pretty popular among casual play so it's important to note I think. They do pop up from time to time every few years.

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>There are two meta blue decks in Standard right now

You forgot Temur/Simic reclamation decks and Jeskai control also sees play.

Is the the u/b cards for the new ravnica stuff any good? Might consider grinding again in mtga

Heh, I played that card at my last FNM. Forgot about it.

Jeskai is a thing now?

if i start to play right now how long do i have to grind to get a competitive deck without spending a dime (im not a noob to tcg)

They're alright. B/W is significantly better.

Playing a Nexus or Counter-focused deck will get you jumped outside your LGS, real chads don't use Nexus or mono-counters.

>I played a 6 mana sorcery on turn 6 I deserve to win REEEE

Are there any control decks that focus on survival until you draw a set of extremely strong, practically game winning combination of cards?

In arena? Kinda depends on drops. Some of the decks they give you aren't terrible.
Actual playing you can build some decent competitively viable budget decks.

*Extremely* so. Not even kidding.

I have yet to see this card on Arena but it's neat

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There's heaps but will come down to format and intended win con from it.

That sounds like combo-control, which isn't that much of a thing. The Reclamation decks using Nexus of Fate are like that but are sorta faggy. You could also play a control deck with just some sort of good finisher, like Niv-Mizzet, Nezahal, or something else.

I have a Fuck Nexus deck that has the sole purpose of picking their hand apart and letting Angrath win the game, if he fails there's still Fell Specters and this combo of cards

It's fun watching faggot blue players scoop when they can't even jump-start Chemister's Insight

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>Jeskai is a thing now?

Jeskai Control was the main control in Guilds of Ravnica and it's still playable in Allegiance. It just tends to be overshadowed by Esper.

Half the meta is gay ass decks like that.

They're literally the exact same deck with 1 random wincon inserted into it. Basically get Teferi, a dozen boardwipes, some card draw and counter, search for azcanta, and insert 1 random wincon.

This is the sort of alternative win condition card that only works when you're already so far ahead you can win the game outright anyway. Even with the special event that gave you 1 free treasure every turn it didn't work.


Temur Reclamation basically plays like that. Use burn spells/counters to get rid of early threat, ramp into Wilderness Reclamation and then draw all the cards and kill your opponent with one huge Explosion or with Niv-Mizzet.

Have WotC mentioned adding other formats to arena? I'd love to play some pauper or edh on it.

Post lists

This list is 13-2-2 at my local store, Theater absolutely wrecks Esper and I haven't regretted the 4 Dragonskulls in the side at all, the mindgame keeps working

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thoughts on Izzet Drakes?

pauper appears occasionally as a temporary event

Pauper/singleton happens periodically. Multiplayer formats aren't happening and older formats will not be added anytime soon. The next thing to happen is Arena Standard when the next rotation happens (aka people get to keep playing with their current Arena cards after rotation).

I think they're going to announce a new format once this upcoming rotation happens

i played mostly hearthstone with its jewy f2p progression, i understand that i get i get to keep all the cards i get in draft mode? How long would it take to make a cheap aggro deck that could climb to top rank

Based since Amonkhet.

Not that long really but getting top rank is gonna take ages and you absolutely need a top tier deck

It was more fun in Amonkhet, the first time I ever cast Fling on one of my Enigma Drakes the guy just sat there reading the card and conceded

RDW is a cheap grinder deck that can get far. Yes you keep your draft picks in MTGA.

Being good at limited is one of the best ways to get cards, but it requires you to be able to win fairly consistently to earn back entry costs.

I'd say nowadays that MTGA is pretty stingy, not HS bad, but they made it much harder to be a f2p by lowering event rewards.

I played it a lot in Guilds. Currently it just feels too slow. Aggro lists tend to run you over while you're cantripping and Esper has way too much removal/hand disruption.

Phoenix is the more popular Drakes variant currently as it can have very explosive starts, though it's also inconsistent and relies on Electromancer living to have a good start.

I miss when you could get entire decks as a reward.

Why would you side those instead of maining them? Could mess you up a little, but 4 more SB slots could be good.

Fun as fuck. I love it. Threats are 2 Pteramander, 4 Crackling Drake, 4 Arclight in my list with 2 Electromancer.

As sjw stuff goes mtg is very much on the lower end.

There's few cheap decks, red burn decks don't use much in the way of rares and Mono Blue Tempo is almost completely commons/uncommons.

Why is MtG filled with so many trannies? YGO isn't like this.

those still exist, they're meant to give newbies different experiences and help choose what deck style suites them. they just utterly gutted gold rewards from events making it pointless to try and grind outside of dailies.

Once it stops working I'm moving to a Cindervines variant, if 4 Dragonskulls gets me $60-$80 every week and wins on Arena I'll just keep doing it, me and my friends just try to build meta killer decks based on what people at the store play

Should've been a tolarian academy deck with black lotus.

You could get decks as a daily previously. Was pretty helpful for getting cards I was missing.
And yeah there's no point grinding for gold at this point.

>You could get decks as a daily previously.

You still get those some decks as part of the revamped new player experience.

That's like the whole point of control

Ah okay, that's probably better than what it was previously.
Still don't want to put money into Arena as I've already spent far too much money on physical magic cards.

reminder that card games are all about deck building
actual gameplay is always rng shit like any weeab gatcha

T. thinks XCOM has no strategy

>arenababby has trouble with blue in standard
you aint seen nothing yet
is the grind still shitty or should i just stick to my paper cubes i print out for me and my friends to play with?

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Force only exists to stop turn 1 kills or to stop people from Storming off, Force would be terrible in Standard

there is a lot of differences between HS and MTG, most important are
>lands as mana resource mean you can combine colors/"classes" but the more you combine the more you risk lacking stability in color base to play cards in your hand OR you sacrifice speed using slow multicolor lands
>creatures regen all their health at the end of a turn, and attack all at once. blocking is declared by the defending player, so if you know the enemy might have lethal it might be wise to not attack and to keep your dudes untapped so they can block
>the stack and the concept of instant vs sorcery speeds aka the ability to play and summon most(but not all) of your spells and creatures strictly before or after combat on your turn, while being able to play some spells during the enemy turn or your combat step OR as a response to basically anything

What fucking retard store do you go to that you can't even keep your rare pulls without winning?

>Rare prizepool
Fuck that, I pulled a pack foil Magus of the Moon and a Flusterstorm once and told the table to give them back to me, no neckbeard is walking away with my pulls when I dropped $30 for the draft

What's it like compared to the other Romcom manga?

>Uses one of the 15 available board wipes
Good deck you had there, bub.

what would be the best deck to fuck over w/b/u decks im seeing constantly

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Magic is easy as fuck to learn, especially when you already played a simplified clone of it. Just watch a 10min guide I guess.

Mono U tempo

I don't know of a game which has more alternative win conditions than Magic.
There are decks where you literally can't lose the game, as written in the rule, and get cards from outside the game - any card. Lot's of cheesy stuff you can do, even within the normal "make opponent's life = zero" there are plenty of weird ways to get there.

RDW/burn/whatever decks win cheap and fast

r8 my decklist idea for WAR

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lrn 2 crop ur images

Just 4 u user

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that's still 2 big
you could just copypaste the decklist into the post, too
stop being a dummy

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>RG having a boardwipe

Doesn't even fucking matter because the guy has Dawn of Hope and Ajani's Welcome on the board. What good does a boardwipe do?

>get cards from outside the game - any card

That card means you can get a card from your sideboard. Not from anywhere outside of the game.

I will take your lessons to heart

24 lands
2 shock
4 defiant strike
3 samut's sprint
3 integrity/intervention
4 lightning strike
4 tenth district legionaire
2 feather redeemed
1 risk factor
4 skewer the critics
2 gideon blackblade
2 aurelia
3 experimental frenzy
2 banefire

monoblue tempo/aggro

2-4 risk factors user
it's a very good card

Oh look, one of the 15 available boardwipes also kills your enchants, not to mention all the other 15 available enchant removals.

On which you can put any cards of your chosing, which if you play best of 1 like 99% of the MTGA population it doesn't affect you in any way since the sideboard doesn't come into play.

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How are you supposed to deal with that shit?
>Play cards as you have them
>everything you have gets countered
>Wait till youhave more mana to put your monsters down? So does he now and he's got board wipers, fog or has loaded up tefer

Elaborate? What bothers you?

>whitelet kills all my creatures
>I do 9 burn to his face in response

Counter the counterspells, hexproof, so much aggression they can't deal with it.

Pick one of the above and roll with it.

also i'd suggest you go to a prerelease, there is one coming up in like two weeks. there's usually enough newbies there for you to not feel intimidated, and the pros are happy to teach. plus the limited environment lets you learn deckbuilding rules hands-on.
however, the next prerelease will be planeswalker/amass/proliferate focused so it might be kinda cancer gameplay-wise.

that is not an RG boardwipe

I'm used to just running 1 since its clunky (gives you cards when you're threatening lethal, gives you damage if you're wanting cards) but i'll take it into consideration.

Gruul Spellbreaker, Rhythm of the Wild

I can't do it bro's I tryed to play things that where not mono blue control but I just can't if I see another spell perice... I just cant

No counterspells in mono green and aside from carnage tyrant hexproof gets countered, tyrant itself dies to boardwipe or gets fogged.

How exactly is this RG player gonna drop a cleansing nova?
And Cleansing Nova doesn't "also" kill enchants. It can kill enchants instead.

okay, fine, let me bring out my death and taxes deck.

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Isn't that Scars standard at the time it was written though? I thought Ritsu was running white wheeny artifact with tempered steel.

How come Protection from Blue doesn't protect against counterspell?

It should imo

>turn one plays 1/1 flyer
>rest of turns counters anything you play

Why is blue so gay. Time to start playing some cannot be countered creatures i guess. Do has protection from X also work against counters?

>When you trick a blue fag into countering a spell and using up there mana so you can freely fuck them over

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I mean, gift of paradise is in color for RG to enable it technically speaking but yeah that sounds terrible compared to just playing Naya anyway

In general, you want to apply pressure without dumping your entire hand into the face of a Kaya's Wrath. Try to force them to use their countermagic on turn 4 when they'd rather be casting Chemister's Insight. Play best of 3 instead of best of 1 so you get access to a strong sideboard plan.

Go under them with blistering fast decks like mono white aggro or mono blue tempo.

If you're playing a midrange deck, resolve a key spell that they have a hard time answering, typically something like a planeswalker or other card advantage engine. Do this with countermagic of your own, or discard spells to punch a hole in their hand.

Go over the top of them with something like Temur Reclamation, where your threat density is so high and so many of your cards win the game that they can't hope to counter them all.

Remember kids - complaining about control is the hallmark of a scrub. Git gud ;)

I don't think so? Card effects aren't live in hand unless specifically stated IIRC

For monogreen, it's probably
Turn 1 Llanowar
Turn 2 Steel leaf

Then Turn 3 attack with Steel Leaf, if they kill it drop a Nullhide, otherwise don't do anything and pass the turn.

There's also something about Growth Chamber Guardians too as they auto replenish themselves.

In any case, you don't want to have more than one big creature on the board at any time to avoid a boardwipe. Make them use their mana then immediately drop something once their tapped out.

Consider splashing Red so you have Spellbreaker too

Having to play wide during midrange vs. control is incredibly frustrating though since the window to actually get things down is so small since eventually they have enough mana to just counter spell everything

Mono blue tempo is pretty lame and their win rate is through the fucking roof when they're on the play and have curious obsession. If you're looking to beat that deck specifically, try playing mono red. If you're in green, Kraul Harpooner fucks their day up. Black has plenty of cheap removal too. Hydroid Krasis has a cast trigger so you get to draw cards even if they counter it.

Protection from a color only stops damage, blocking, and targeting your guy with a spell once he has resolved. Protection doesn't do anything until the card is on the battlefield, so no, it doesn't stop counterspells. If a card can't be countered, it will say "this card cannot be countered" on it like Carnage Tyrant.

Yeah. Things gk alright when I can get that up but if they aren't in my opening hand or I have a slower opening (onlyndrawing 2 mana and no elves after a mulligan) I don't really know what I can do. Cant go late because Teferi just deletes my lands.

found the assmad scrubs who can't git gud

Control generally beats aggro and midrange but loses to combo and tempo. This is why best of 3 is so essential for midrange to be competitive. You need to be able to sideboard and after cutting your dead removal and bringing in specialized cards like Duress or Negates you'll have a much better shot.

how does it fair compared mono white aggro?

i absolutely love ambush cards, works every time.

Attached: turn 4 greatness.png (1592x1198, 3.26M)

Please can I have constructive suggestions for this list?

Someone already suggested Plaguecrafters in SB
and I have added Ajani W planeswalker.

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Quin- colour
>Im just fucking sick of seeing you constantly

Mono green aggro is always going to have a horrible matchup against control. The deck hasn't been playable for a while now and you should absolutely switch to something else. It beats like... mono red sometimes and that's about it.

I wouldn't be worried about planeswalkers (in fact most of them are pretty crappy), but about the crazy powerlevel of bomb mythics in this set. If you're staring down something like this on the other end of the table you might as well just save everyone some time and give up.

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>bringing in specialized cards like Duress or Negates you'll have a much better shot
But I play naya tho




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I mean if you can survive the turn it drops it doesn't seem too bad

Easy: Git gud
If you get to top3 you should be easily get your money back on draft.
I mean it's a draft for like 15€, the store probably doesn't make any money with it and people are cool and give tips how to improve

Get that fucking wrath out of your creature deck, turd.

-4 Imperious Oligarch
-3 Seraph of the Scales
-2 Revival//Revenge
-2 Final Payment
-1 Ritual of Soot

+4 Gutterbones
+4 Dusk Legion Zealot
+4 Priest of Forgotten Gods

Adanto Vanguard, History of Benalia, Knight of Autumn, Gruul Spellbreaker, Rhythm of the Wilds, Rekindling Phoenix, Vivien Reid, Carnage Tyrant, and that's just off the top of my head

You have plenty of tools in your color, no matter what style of build you play. Hell, any deck can add Karn to the sideboard if you want to get grindier.

how do I stop making unga bunga Red Green decks

You're not going to survive, that's the problem. Even crappy 2/2 draft chaff becomes a problem when its power is doubled. If someone drops Rhonas and swings with even two or three creatures, you're going to have to make horrible blocks just to survive, and then after that you still have a massive 5/5 to deal with that can't be permanently removed.

>Let me look at that card
>...put it back as is
My dick twitches a little everytime I do this. rip in piss ;_;7

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The gruul warriors deck is pretty good if that's the type of monkey magic you want to play

B/W/U is the better combination currently.

try making mono white or white/red aggro deck, it's the most similar to what your used to.

then once your familiar with white try and replace red with say black for a white/black deck, then replace white with black/blue ect

once your done you should have a good understanding of what makes each color good.

>not on mobile
Why would I play this?

I could only imagine how fucking much of a mess this game would be on a tiny ass phone screen

Yea i thought so. I guess i just gotta find this card cannot be countered, or effects like hydroid, tho hydroid seems like a really late game drop and i never had much success taking it late with them pecking at me with those fucking 1/1s with curious obsession. Legit fuck that deck. Its control that can be played by someone with 0 iq. Since you just counter literally any spell the enemy plays.

I had games where they 2 for 1d my cards severall turns in a row just because they could. So even casting 2 kill spells with mana open did fuck all.

You either go below them (aggro their shit like no tomorrow) or out value them. The first one is easier to do just don't over commit to avoid giving value to a board wipe. And use creatures that demand expesific answers.

Esper control still absolutely destroys 90% of the current standard meta decks assuming something retarded doesn't happen like them having to mulligan 3 times or anything like that.

Fuck Planeswalkers and fuck boardwipes for not affecting them.

I think you've made some good suggestions but can you explain why you chose to take those parts out? I ask only because the wipes have triggered wy win con a huge number of times, or helped me survive until i got it.

Also, Seraphs afterlife double triggering feeds me a ton of tokens.

look up "The Elderspell" from the new set.

I thought that was Sseth in that picture for a second.

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Did they put Nissa back in? I want my waifu back.

black lol

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they even made her playable.

Attached: war-169-nissa-who-shakes-the-world.jpg (672x936, 108K)

I feel uncomfortable with disgusting tranny beasts on my cards

*blocks your path*

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the uninstall deck

[Boycott] Wizards of the Coasts self.



There's too many to list. The Trump Derangement Syndrome are high with this company and fandom.

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same here, lol

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>fuck boardwipes for not affecting them
The new set has tons of shit that destroy planeswalkers

So are these new plainswalkers just I win buttons if they stay on the board 3 turns?
I almost dont want her back if it means dealing with that cancer.

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that's like every planeswalker, ignoring that they'll take damage

most of the new walkers are uncommon trash with no + abilities.

These new planeswalkers aren't even that powerful. Just be glad they didn't print another broken Teferi.

>Just be glad they didn't print another broken Teferi.
>he doesn't know.

Attached: war-221-teferi-time-raveler.jpg (672x936, 110K)

Meant for

>Actually playing P2W trash card games

Attached: Fag Enabler.jpg (252x244, 10K)

Planeswalkers have always been "Deal with this immediately or lose", the new planeswalkers are actually relatively tame.

You have way too many 4 drops in your deck for playing 22 lands, and while Seraph is a great card, it doesn't really fit with what the deck is trying to do (an aristocrats build). Those other cards aren't particularly strong, and Priest gives you recurring removal so you shouldn't need a one-of wrath.

bruh what the fuck is this

I'm so sick of planeswalker, I want them all gone.

you didn't think they'd print wilderness rec without a vedalken orrery effect to abuse it with did you? Bant arkbow reclamation the new meta.

It's not very good. Hero of Dominaria is good because, provides a source of continuous card advantage with his plus ability and can actually threaten to end the game by himself. This card does neither.

Post your best clusterfucks

Attached: mtga.png (1368x769, 2.14M)

Attached: mtga2.png (1368x768, 2.12M)

>play creature
>counter spell
>paly creature again
>gets exiled
>play creature again
>ok let try to play a plainswalker
>0 cards in hand
>opponents play a big creature and fucks my shit up

thanks for reminding me that i hate MTG

>opponent can no longer play counterspells is bad for a deck running blue
you might be retarded.

Gotta learn to only play when they're tapped out. Also just remember that rule of thumb, creature counterspell only starts at 2 cmc and nonspecific counterspell starts at 3 cmc

>Gave magic a try with arena
>Most fun I've had with shit for a while, wouldnt mind playing IRL
>keep seeing this shit and stuff even jewier than what made me quit 40K
Why didn't I know about this 20 years ago back when all the shit was fun? Why are my only options now playing or getting in on the dump?

Attached: tmp_3277-1554731046940400699148.jpg (655x509, 53K)

WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T ANYONE TELL ME LIGHTNING MARE WAS A THING. Seriously, makes my life so much easier vs esperfags

It's sideboard material at best. You're not going to run a card with such a narrow purpose in your maindeck, specially when blue control decks don't rely as much on counterspells with Thought Erasure being a card.