GOW creator BTFO

GOW creator BTFO

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Quality thread. Based chick that's probably a guy

unironically based

What is it with Americans and cargoshorts/graphics tees/sandals?

Is this the contribution you want to make to the world? Hate, division and public shaming for expressing an interest in things you do not like? Really? This is what you want to put out there to make things great?

Help me understand what your goal is here. Genuinely curious.

this but unironically

forgot pic

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Stop people from being such massive faggots, it worked in the past and we reached the space age and found out the quantum realm thanks to german nazis.

based thot

Cory is a faggot

About fucking time girls turned against the numales too.
What a plague.

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Cory still made GoW 2 and that alone makes him based. He's just following the current flow so that they don't lynch him alive. If I'm not mistaken Jaffe is slowly becoming like that too only he's not as popular as Cory now

>The creator of God of War defended this kid

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Incels btfo

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My eyes hurt just by looking at his bloodshot eyes

I get that this is waaaaay too overblown but just imagine if a franchise you love so much and mean something to you revealed something new

Man fuck you lady, cargo pants are excellent for holding all the dumb crap I have to lug around. I don't understand how people can function without at least 4 pockets (ass pockets dont goddamn count)

>he is a hero for crying over a soulless sequel to a terrible movie that was a sequel to a soulless movie


i dont like this 'pretend this account isnt a sockpuppet' meme. i've seen multiple caps of this user's post on multiple boards

>i would date the hell out of him

>Reagan Quote

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there's also the fact that he was definitely faking it so he would get views for his shitty reaction video. He probably stabbed himself with a fork and cut onions before filming this

This is the "men" of this generation.

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I can make cargo shorts look good tho. Slighly below the knee


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Who fucking cares what kind of pants you wear? Unless they fucking blare a foghorn every time you take a step, what does it matter?

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Phone in front left pocket, keys in front right pocket, wallet in back left pocket.

This is the positive that constant war had, it prevented people from becoming fat manchildren and green haired feminists.

>just imagine if a franchise you love so much and mean something to you revealed something new
I can't imagine even liking something that much

Cargo pants are just about the ugliest trousers anyone can possibly wear.

>PS4 dominates this generation
>see a rise in trannies and numales
There is a direct correlation here and you can't prove me wrong
If Sony dies, everything will be all right

Is it just me who sees this as racism against whites? You don't see minorities being shit on due to their tastes. Fuck you, it's okay to be white.

The ultimate comfy is from gead to toes is
Sunglasses when outside
Plain singlet with a button t shirt left un buttoned to allow a breeze through
Briefs with boardies over them
Ultimate comft right there

>he says when the numale in this case is one of the most prominent devs at Sony right now


Nobody. It's just internet shit talk. Normies dont act like that.

Is this what having low test looks like?

Well, Darren isn't wrong. I mean, imagine walking up to a complete stranger and trying to bantz them out of nowhere over something you overheard them say. You'd look like a complete autist.

Women were always against numales, just more subtly. The numales are the ones who get upset when their posturing doesn't get the girl they want because they're already fucking chads.

I thought we hated war now?
Fuck, hold on
Let me check the Trumpkino Discord

That guy really needs to get his skincancer treated

>Is it just me who sees this as racism against whites?
Do stores stop black people from buying cargo pants?

>that tiny antony fantano
why did you include a far-right conservative fascist music reviewer in this?

Are you actually trying to make me feel jealous of someone for being a videogame developer?
I pity them.
One of the most tiring, crunching jobs ever only to deliver something that, if it isn't forgotten after a week, is because people are too busy making fun of it.

>The numales are the ones who get upset when their posturing doesn't get the girl they want because they're already fucking chads.
This. numales are the same as incels.

I don't care what kind of media people enjoy, but having this strong of a reaction to a movie trailer, any movie trailer, is just pathetic. It just shows how little you have going for you in your life. I don't hate the guy, just kinda pity him. And the woman is right, no woman wants to date a dude that she pities.


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my peenuis

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So since when do we defend literally who thots who are just basically saying "I am not attracted by this kind of dude" as if their selection criterias were supposed to be a standart for everyone else.

Smell to me like a salty thot who is mad she can't find her Chad prince she's been dreaming about since highschool who is both hot and reliable, but also just the right ammount of sensitive and open minded so she starts to lash at the sojamen because tgey are easy targets.

Do you guys sometimes take a step back to ask yourselves why you laugh and ridicule these people so much? Why do we give a shit about some manchildish stranger getting overexcited over Star Wars?

A failure of a human being.

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don't forget
>spend years of your life working on a game
>it gets canceled
>no you can't talk about it cause NDA

That’s such a low-test numale post.

says the liberal

>Smell to me like a salty thot who is mad she can't find her Chad prince she's been dreaming about since highschool who is both hot and reliable


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Not defending the basedboy capenigger, but attention whore "maga" nigger should get impaled with a spear

>yes i do disregard the opinion of all women and dont waste my time with them. how did you know?

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No you can't. Cargo shorts never look good. They are strictly work/outdoors trip pants.

This fag Cory obviously also craves attention what a cuck.


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To me there's nothing more utterly pathetic than living your life according to how thits perceive you. Live your goddamn existence for yourselves.

It's just culture way faggotry.

I think this vid was the straw that broke the camels back. Women finally have enough

Imagine crying over a fucking movie trailer like a fucking numale cuck.

Pretty sure that's faked. Even on R*ddit everyone was shitting on the trailer and talking about how the trilogy had been ruined.

He's just playing it up for epic reaction views, but he's picked the wrong series to try.

Not an excuse for Cory to be a complete spineless dick on social media, it's beyond embarassing and he doesn't need that.

desu I wish I could get this happy over things again.

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okay so im not wearing cargo shorts or basketball shorts, only option left is those khaki shorts (that come in multiple colors) that end at the top of your kneecap that don't look good unless you have the muscles on your legs, and then you want to wear pants? TOUGH SHIT turns out baggy pants also don't look good apparently unless you're black
i mean i try to look fashionable but its like there is no winning

that post you replied to is just Balrog's reply to OP's tweet copy pasted over

I use a bag of holding to increase my carry capacity w/out looking like a retard.

>haha look, chad. I did the based thing! can I suck your cock now?!

Because all the people going on about chads and "thots" and all that shit are newfags and insecure betas?
Who the fuck talked about this back in, say, 2010?
Meanwhile, we've been making fun of white knights, betas and fedora tippers since forever.
That shit is just another part of the autistic millennial culture "war", something that is already breaking down because after 10 years of nothing happening, no ones buying anymore the logic of the autists who "fought" this shit.
Millennials are being pushed into irrelevancy, finally.

>God of War


Enjoying things is fine but it is weird to show it to the world and it seems to lack honesty

This. You wear cargo shorts when you're building a house or something, so you can have pockets full of nails and shit.

Then what's the point in wasting all this time mocking people she don't even know?

100 bucks says you're a fat loser. Cargo pants went out of style like 20 years ago. Only cargo shorts are acceptable and that's if you're fishing or walking the boardwalk.

>oh so positive you're beatiful, you're perfect just be urself bro Is what got us into this fucking mess.

Woaht the shit.

>cargo pants
What's wrong with them?



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So theres time travel antics now?

Is she arab jew or just anglo latino?


it's fine being excited for something but current star wars fanaticism reeks of overly consumerist people attaching their personality to the products they consume.
>but the actions figures and EU in the 80s/90s/00s, star wars was always consumerist
>huur communist, media franchises exist to make money
fair point but my issue isn't so much with consumerism itself just more fans of a product not holding the product to a higher standard, and only liking said product if it's a similarly digestible mound of filmmaking as the rest of the disney wars movie. TLJ was a misfire but at least it tried something new, retardedly new but still

The point is that nobody say any shit to them because of it.

Says the channer in the morning of a weekday. Don't you have a work? Faggot.

Because this trend of overraction to pop culture needs to be mocked. It's fucking stupid.

putting losers in their place one step at a time

That just proves my point. The thot has no personality of her own.


Yes, they travel through time throughout all timelines.
In fact, the Thanos from the current timeline dies within the first 5 minutes of the movie.
Thor just goes to this planet and beheads him with the Stormbreaker.

she's just jealous she needs a giant portable ballsack to carry anything around
cargo pants have given me more in 10 years of my life than any woman could in a hundred and they know that

>cant be a chad so you act like a bitch to get on women's good side and get some attention
>women who always felt repulsed start being open about it
>soys cry in despair
just look at the hate she's getting lmao

Based chick

what a disgusting guy

oh it's time travel

Thank god i have ever watched a single one of these flicks

I wear khaki shorts and and cargo shorts, because the only other real options shorts wise are jean shorts, shit that's way too short, and like athletic shorts. I think cargo shorts and khakis are more boomer than numale.

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>you can't have fun

t. every conservashit ever.

Fashion doesn't change poor baseline aesthetics unfortunately.

can cargo pants give you this?

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Every day we stray further from God's light.


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>No one's ever really gone - Star Wars trailer quote

I'm done w/ this shitty MCU after Endgame desu

I'm not saying he should change his life because of what she said. I'm saying the reaction to the trailer shows that there's something wrong/missing from his life and he should work on that. The woman is just pointing out the same thing I see, she's just too dumb to actually put it into words.

They don't look good. That's whats wrong with them. Blue jeans for blue collar work and casual scenarios, slacks for working in an office.

I wonder if people looked at skilled bards hundreds of years ago in the same way as they performed.

>All the women defending him on twitter as if they wouldn’t be absolutely repulsed if they saw him irl

>Yea Forums pretending that they're chads who aren't fat incel losers
i miss when Yea Forums had self-awareness

>tfw I kept joking with my marvel superfan apartment-mate saying something like that would happen
god damn it Disney this shit is becoming predictable

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>The point is that nobody say any shit to them because of it.
If there's a black dude wearing cargo pants, her tweet was also addressed to him.

to be fair it really was a good trailer. I surely didn't expect palpatine to return. and Rise of Skywalker is such a badass title

im not fat or an incel

I'm a fat loser but have sex frequently

>dumb slut says something on twitter
I hate social media so fucking much. Every dumb motherfucker thinks their opinion is so important and must be heard. Everyone trying to be a bantz master or drop their shitty hot take on anything and everything. Worst of all, people in power think these faggots matter. Just burn it all down already.

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