City of Heroes thread continued

Dump of current info on this controversy.

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Other urls found in this thread:

lets get mad together

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Bless this neckbeard and his guilt.

Hating on this leoandro faggot aside, the sentinel archetype looks cool.
Too bad we’ll never be able to play it

>His Name:
Leandro Pardini
>His City:
La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentin
>His Twitter:
>His Youtube:
>His Email
[email protected]

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Remember all those times you were bored and had nothing to play? You could've been playing a 100% emulated CoX with new content.

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Connections really are everything.

Im going to sleep. If i dont see news of the heads of people responsible on a pike tomorrow morning, im going to be upset. Keep up the good fight boys

here is a quick tldr for anyone missing the last thread

>game was revealed to be alive all this time
>all those talks of private servers being impossible have been bullshit
>the main moderator of the CoH subreddit was given the code + database to run the game
>game was at it's latest update, even had a new class and powersets added.
>instead of releasing it to the public, he only released it for a very small and select few
>impossible for the average joe to find, only can get in if you're known by one of the small few allowed in the club

don't talk like that, i'm going to start yelling really loudly!

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what's the tl;dr

were we going to get a new official city of heroes re-launch or a private server equivalent and one big faggot ruined it all?

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If I would have to play it with a cabal of children who want to keep their toy all to themselves I would've leaked everything too.

This is relevant to Yea Forumss interests as well. You can never have enough people in a lynch mob.

This writing style looks very similar to the archived post in the OP, might have been the same guy.

>City Of Hereos but no powers and the only thing you can do is chat



No, but these faggots are going to try and say they always meant to give it to us. Don't mind the six years of secrecy and the outright lies, they totally meant the best for everyone guys :D

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Did the private server software get leaked?

Who is Tony Vasquez? Did he corroborate with this guy? Can he get rolled up too?

City of Heroes has had a secret private server with everyone's account data for years. All talk of the game being impossible to get a private server for, all the people shutting down discussion of secret private servers, and all of the kickstarter CoH private server projects were people inside the clique playing on this private server fronting bullshit to keep it hidden and pay for its expenses. This has been going on for six years. The entire City of Heroes reddit moderation staff is in on it, and has admitted to having their bot specifically set up to automatically ban people talking about a private server.

Basically, you live in the worst timeline.

I miss it bros. I miss my stalker and being like the only stalker ever in Incarnate trials ;_;

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see and embrace anger

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Parties who are fucking shit
>city of titans staff who were running fraudulent kickstarters to pay for the emulator they ALREADY had running
Parties who did NOTHING wrong
>Positron, who was finally evolving the game after it languished under the ineptitude/intentional malice of Statesman
>the laid-off dev who handed all the source code over to hobbyist team under the presumption they'd use it to launch emulator for everyone to enjoy

>Called Lord Recluse
>No spider powers
This always irked me

wghat the fuck

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>we WERE going to give it to you but now we're not, neener neener
a likely story if I've ever seen one

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>Scams within fronts within scams
god damn

>lord recliner
>no chair powers

the boy got spider arms on he back


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>with everyone's account data

You are now feeling what conspiracy theory believers feel.

forgot link I'm gay

>tfw don't even like CoH but still want to see justice done

His web covered the Rogue Isles and he sat in the middle of it, like a big fat spider

Leandro is talking about Paragon Chat, but obviously they were using assets from the private server to set that shit up. The deleted tweet was probably someone outing the private server or hinting at it too obviously.

Nobody noticed because no one thought it existed, because these nerds were actively gaslighting everyone.

>broke his own nazi rule

>the final act of the devs of a shuttered game called City of Heroes is to entrust its future unwittingly to a complete villain

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So what the hell happens now? The super secret club these turbo faggots have been keeping for themselves has been exposed, the biggest perpetrators have been named, and the vitriol is starting to roil. We know heads will roll. We know possible legal shenanigans are definitely possible.

The hell does the average bloke get outta this? Unless ownership of the server changes hands or isn't deleted completely out of spite I can't imagine a positive outcome here.

It's been an experience watching this unfold. I'm absolutely amazed to watch Yea Forums actually lean on the side of justice by collectively agreeing it would be better to lose everything than to let one debased tyrant have it just for themselves. It's a real heartening moment even if it's born out of the seeds of vengeance.

Know in your heart that even if it's the greatest sacrifice you can make, it's worth it to ensure evil doesn't win.

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Holy fuck

That's what the neckbeard leaker says, and it's what Tony and Leandro would really want to deny, because if it's true that's a pretty big leak of private information.

>So what the hell happens now?
Realistically? Absolutely fucking nothing. Because that's how the real world works.

Maybe he wasnt a complete faggot back then, who knows.

Best possible outcome is someone other than Leondro has the game files, and uploads them all, but seeing as he's jealously guarded this shit for six years I really doubt he ever actually gave the whole thing to anyone else.

>So what happens now
Absolutely fucking nothing. Thats why its infuriating.

They definitely have everyone's account data. The big question is if the data is just account names and character data or if they have sensitive data like payment info and personal data.

We see it all crash and burn.

My guess is NCsoft will C&D and kill it for good

A better alternative then letting it fester among evil nerd villains

We had nothing to start with, we can only gain.

I'd rather it was truly gone for good than used by some motherfucker to manipulate people while fellating his own ego. It's like knowing a necrophile is fucking the corpse of a good friend that died. Even if someone could magically bring him back to life some day as long as the corpse isn't destroyed, is it worth letting him fuck it until it can be found?

Leo can't be blamed, he just never stopped RPing a villain. He's mentally unwell and needs our help.

>City of Heroes returns to kill WoW after WoW completely blew City of the Heroes out of the water when WoW launched a month or two after CoH did

Well we know who holds the server data. Best case scenario is someone hacks his PC and steals it.

The only amount of power and control they will ever have in their pathetic lives

We can only hope claims that they've been making money off of it are true. If that is the case then they are all in deep fucking shit.

CoH fans have been mad as fuck at ncsoft for being so scummy about it's closing and their treatment of the dev studio since it happened. The main thing that bonded all of those people together was the community and how "great" it all was.
Now that same community finds out that it was betrayed by a large number of its most prominent members. Not just the ones who've been named, but lots of other highly-recoginizable/public names are also "in the know", and without knowing who's who, anyone who's even been recoginized for a loud fart vageuly resembling a power SFX is gonna be suspect.
I mean, the fact itself is big on its own, but the complete and utter shattering of the community bond and trust is a whole other bag of wormy dicks. There's nothing they can do to fix this. The schism is permanent, and I guarantee you a lot of people are gonna pull a fade and re-handle soon to go underground and hide from the shit they'd be getting.

..who cares? Game was shit.

absolutely evil thread, i hate having learned everything involved with this

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Burn everything to the ground.

who the fuck made the google doc thing, it's been sabotaged by a retard

The fucking server owner has a stolen database of everyone's account info. He's already fucked.

>hacks his PC and steals it
>people actually believe this is how it works

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nobody is really upset about this, i'm sure if i just scream that you guys aren't upset then you will no longer be upset.

that's how it works, right?

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Meant for

Good thing there is a history of changes made and you can revert them

That.... isnt how hacking works user..

>stop making sh**t up
the absolute gahones on this lad

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Fucking Satanichia posters.

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Nothing. We are never going to play CoX again. Today is much like yesterday, except now we know we *could* have been playing it.

>specifically tries to throw the legitimate private server project under the bus while claiming nobody is REALLY upset

what a fucking scumbag

My friend, this wasn't "private server software". That clown shoe has been sitting on the retail server software and character database since CoX shut down, and making people twiddle his prostate to be allowed in all these years.

hacking some random pleb's PC to copy data is a lot easier than trying to hack into a server farm.

Is this retard serious?

I love how these guys always manage to make it worse than if they just kept their mouth shut.

>nothing in his past indicates
>nothing in his past
>in his past
You mean like the PAST SIX YEARS, motherfucker?

It would legitimately be easier to find his house, break into it, and physically steal his computer.

>nothing in his past indicates that was his intention

Considering the shit has been running six years I think we can safely say that's quite the damn contrary

Isn't it completely clear that if it hadn't been secret the private server would have been shut down immediately by the publisher?

The inside developer who leaked it probably had these terms to start with. I don't see how you can blame them aside from being peeved that you got left out. It's not like they could reach out to every player without effectively destroying the game again.

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He lives in one of those countries where you can commit all the crimes you want.

Which is why you leak it to the public so that there's so many private servers that trying to shut them all down is a waste of time and money

haha what a silly suggestion, i would never personally fund and join something like that
where would we even meet to discuss it haha

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Yes, the servers needed to be secret, but he could've put all of that data up fucking anywhere anonymously and there'd be a lot more than fucking one

Retribution for everyone involved. That's all I ask.
This is absolutely disgusting behavior on their part and they absolutely must be punished.

It happens with lots of dead mmos and even other online games

Fans make their own servers and theres so much or so small that a lot of the times it's not worth their effort

But keeping one secret for your friends only especially one with such a big following

Its unheard of

there I made a version the faggot can't edit, copy it or whatever, spread it everywhere

Nigger. All he had to fucking do was disseminate it out anonymously using torrents. You think NcSoft is going to be able to do something not ever ActiBlizzard has been able to do? Any talk of "They had to keep it secret of the evil lawyers will get them" is fucking stupid. Hes a greedy, ego-maniacal, self absorbed twat who has been lying to the community he claims to care about for over 6 fucking years.

He deserves to fucking burn.


Bounties on computers and storage media from the guy's house. As paranoid as he sounds it's probably on a workstation in his closet rather than any sort of hosting service.

Godspeed, angry heroes.

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Holy fucking shit it's like finding out Tupac was actually alive the whole time but someone had him trapped in a gimp dungeon. Is it possible for the game to actually come back now or is that guy going to just kill everything out of spite?

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Whoever is making the google doc is a fucking retard all the links redirect to rickroll

He's got his finger on the big red button as far as everyone is concerned but also he's a known man

There are a lot of unwell people on the internet...

Whats this crock of shit about the leak hurting them or whatever, if they really cared they could release what they have now. But they're going to hold onto it until it gets deleted?

Send someone in to kill him. Let there be punishment for this shit.

use this one

I'm seriously impressed how they were able to keep this under wraps for 6 whole years.

If he keeps it secret he's dead. And if he deletes it he's going to be extra fucking dead.

CoH was a good enough game, I fully believe there are more than a few people out there who will be royally pissed about this and be successful or powerful enough to get involved.

It's all going to burn. This guy kept everything a secret with the reasoning that he was keeping a little part of the community alive, and might maybe give others the privilege of being so blessed one day (SIX FUCKING YEARS), and now the community is going to twist inside out and eat itself. He has single handedly destroyed it.

Well he must have been yearning for an entry in the Guinness Book then, because he set a land-speed record for going from 0 to Faggot instantly when he received the goods but didn't spread them.

>when discovering there was a long-kept city of heroes emulator secretly running helps you finally see and realize things are truly worse than you ever knew and that conspiracies ARE real--ALL of them.

No that's retarded.
Return of Reckoning operates and they aren't allowed to take any money at all, even just donating for server costs

the fact some random vandalized your shit in the first place is why you couldn't get an invite fag haa cant keep even a google doc organized

At this point, the character data is a wash. Whatever they've got, it's gonna be flushed. You're never gonna see that shit released.
The server itself, maybe, but someone's gonna have to get access and pull a dump-and-run on it. Lizardfag literally can't do it now even if he wanted to(which I'm sure he doesn't. He wants this to go away and everything back to normal.) - he's the name attached to it, and if it magically ends up in the public domain, he's the first guy under the gun.

i'm pretty sure it would be labelled as emotional abuse by a doctor

Who is this faggot?

I didn't make the original stupid

>conspiracies ARE real--ALL of them.
>it wasn't even the jews
>argentinians has been the illuminati masterminds of the global elite this entire time

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I hope this guy will delete all CoH data and shut down his private server.

That's the guy who runs the titan forums, the main and biggest COH community.

So we're going to track him down and get someone to steal the data, right? I'm more than willing to throw a couple thousand into a crowdfund to do this.

The guy in charge of Paragon Chat who totally did not know anything about this except the parts that he did and denies any involvement except the parts he was involved in

not even someone affilliated with it in some massive way, he hasn't been for years. he's just damage controlling for some guy he barely talks to anymore. the ultimate beta male lifestyle choice


Worst case scenario he gets away with it and nothing changes except now we know it exists

Yes, Argentinians.

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The question is who the fuck is willing to take the risk.

His steam profile says La Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

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Like anyone would admit that on fucking Yea Forums.

This is like a big super comic event wherr some meta cosmic evil has had all earths heroes trapped in stasis

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This could be the plot of the next avengers film.

Now I understand why hues hate Argies

So apparently the head shitbird is getting doxxed now. He /has/ to issue a personal statement about this soon--there's no way he'll be able to stand idly by and watch the community he has foolishly been trying to baby along eat itself, right?

activate windows

don't use this one use
I'm not going to manage or update it because I don't have the time so someone else please copy it and keep it updated

>that Tony guy writing books while claiming he's not involved that much

Nah. Everyone of us will talk a big game, but none of us will even lift a finger.
Except one guy who isn't actually posting about it, but is probably rooting through darknet for cheap B&E guys in argentina, who will then proceed to get ahold of leandro's collection of brie larson shop porn, but miss the portable with the server on it.

Oh god, her in porn would be a nightmare. Those feet would immediately turn away all forms of arousal. Bitch has fucking cryptwalker toes.

Stop. That sounds too realistic.

I still want to know why a CoX dev give him the source code and character database.

Yes, except everyone thought the evil was a hero all along. It'll make for a grand final issue, but the ending leaves us all a bit concerned.

Pahhhhhh, a secret server? I don't believe it.

Look at the picture of OP I bet he is a schizophrenic autistic delusion-haver.

Plus, I bet if the creator saw this thread, he'd want to delete your characters so that they're gone forever ;)

maybe we should stop talking for the sake of our characters

Disgruntled employee giving a last fuck you to his bosses

Nothing he can say will make this betrayal any less infuriating. This faggot has been lying to the entire community for 6 years while his dicksuckers and friends have been playing the game as if it never closed behind their backs the entire time. He'd be better of mocking them and neener neener-ing like they've probably wanted to do for years so the entire community implodes and dies a final death so they stop bothering him

wasn't there a porn star with a weird hoof foot? Didn't stop people from fapping to her.

maybe you should stop talking for the sake of all the cocks you're munching on

>“This last NDA breach has had some malicious elements to it, probably to inflate the claims and make it feel more dramatic than it is,” Leandro maintains.
lmao what the fuck. it's a private server built on stolen shit, what "NDA" covers that

This all sounds like some kind of Nemesis plot

>tfw said hero was head of a pyramid illuminati all along

What a fine revival it will be if everyone can just hop in with their creations again

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I was a serial alt maker who never got very far, I'd be able to remake my characters easily.

Of course we all fucking know this was never getting released in the first place.

Whats this playground bullshit. "Billy you suck you had candy the whole time!" "WOW I WAS GOING TO GIVE YOU SOME BUT NOW I NEVER WILL"

>you will never beat the shit out of Leo
Why live?

>for the sake of our characters
>tfw I always wanted to play
>tfw I bought the game and got a subscription but my computer broke down
>tfw every time I tried playing something came up in my life and distracted me from playing it

People care about CoH?

I know you're larping, but my characters were all shit because I was young then. I don't give a shit if he deletes everything. I just want to stop hearing about this, and for the little cocksucker to get fined more money than he can make in his life.

Are you seething? butt blasted that you got found out? Well argie there's nothing you can do. ;^)

I can't believe that this faggot was topped.

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>the laid-off dev who handed all the source code over to hobbyist team under the presumption they'd use it to launch emulator for everyone to enjoy

The fuck are you on about, that guy is part of the server and probably part of the ex-dev fake kickstarter

At lease we can still play starcraft 1.

I wonder if they rebalanced Stalkers any, that was one class in desperate need of being reviewed by Castle. One big spike of damage at the start of the fight and then they proceeded to slap like ghetto scrapper for the next minute.

Then become a Leo friend, not a foe.
I just don't understand all of these reddit tier hunting, since it's his choice to delete all data, make it private or make it public.
He chose 2nd option, and all worked fine until some faggot ruined everything. And after it everyone could just be happy and befriend him, but decided to curse him for his "wrong" choice.

I hope you CoH fags miraculously get a playable server out of this, you have my condolences

This is my exact story too.

what if someone kidnapped his dog and demanded the server files for its safe return? that would be really funny haha

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>sole person entrusted with the last surviving server software and previous account/character database (yes, even yours)
>doesn't anonymously spread it via the web for all to collectively enjoy
>instead secretly keeps it to himself for a singular private server run by him
>only lets in people who will "donate" money to him for access
>players not allowed to tell other people about it unless they have his personal blessing
>threatens to use botted moderation to ban you and delete your characters if you so much as tell your dick about it
>historically used coverups to deny it exists
>used funding from kickstarter to cheat people who wanted the game to come back
>now exposed for all to see
>calls everyone else snitches
>claims he was going to make public events possible, but didn't do shit for several years
>continues his charade by saying he'll never make it public because of this
>even though he always could and still can
Is that about right? I don't think I can stomach anymore of this.

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Hi Leo

What scum.

>and all worked fine
this is fine? a little clique of retards threatening each other is a healthy community for a dead game? the life of that game teetering on one guy having EVERYTHING is good? nah, fuck him.

>befriend him
Befriending someone for the sole purpose of using something they own is not friendship. It's shallow and faggoty. It's a thing that can and will end poorly as soon as you don't bend to the faggots wish.

>account database
>spread it

Kill this faggot. Kill this faggot. Kill this faggot. Kill this faggot.

It's both a good and sad feeling. And both for the same reason of being right.

If there was one game i always wanted to play it was this, and i had the chance too for the last 6 years?

Please tell me it is.

How can any of you fuckers defend this?

Fuckers stole all the data related to the game and instead of leaking it, used it to play with their friends on a private server for years. Doing that while banning, berating, mocking, and silencing anyone who claimed they had a private server.

And that's just what we know as an absolute fact. All the rest of this isn't totally proven yet but you don't even need it for this to situation to reek.

He's going to take his ball home and burn everything, you know it, I know it. He was never going to share this and he'll make sure that if he and his clique can't have it, no one will.

But would you suck fat Argentinean cock and give him loads of money to do so?

Literally no one is defending this. People are actually trying to find out his address.

you're getting Tony mixed up with Leo in there, and the kickstarter stuff is all unconfirmed, but yeah, pretty much

If you actually played MMOs, you'd know that you can still grind out everything you've done with the same looks and abilities. Let my 15 year old characters wither away, I just want a chance to play this with other fans of the game without having to bootlick an insane person to even try.

Larpers mostly

what a shitty day

The folks defending this are probably in on it, or part of the cabal itself

This is fine.
He literally tried to protect his project from plebs. Everyone knew the rules. When you vouching for someone, be ready to be fucked up.

what is the problem with this
wasn't it not functioning in the first place? can't you just swap the original hardware back in?

South American anons can deliver. Just compile the info and they'll turn him into glue.

Pretty sure the kid was serious, and went “i was pretending to be retarded” when he got his sorry ass flamed

Argentina isn't Brazil man

>he thinks Argentina is white

You either have to be in on it, or retarded, but probably both. The game is going to die forever now because only one person had it, and Leo is going to get sued. RIP CoH

I had to look at a map because you made me second guess.

Stop being retarded.

>protect his project
You're a fucking moron. His "project" was keeping a beloved game from the community purely to fellate his own ego.

Also all these responses on this thread same tier of whining like easy mode crybabies.
>waaaah i can't play it so let's witchhunt this guy for it

I added these to the copy of the google doc and links to the threads but that's about all I can do since I'm not familiar with keeping these up to date.

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>on this thread

ESL get ye gone

There he is! Get him!

I hope he enjoys penis since its criminal him having the database, also all those fake kickstarters.

Sup Max. You ever figured out the difference between Columbia and Brazil?
Passos was fucking based man, but I understand making Max go solo.

>this guy

>guy has something
>gives it to friends only for retarded reasons
>people flip shit because it's worse when someone else has something rather than no one having it
i'm strongly reminded of the MMD community

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>Notre Dame burned down
>CoH secret private server revealed
What a fucking day.

People on here tried to leak a government simulation on the basis that it would be a fun multiplayer school shooter scenario. Do not underestimate this board.

>keep it secret for 6 years
>somehow indicates that he wanted to make it public in the future
I can't even get angry anymore, I just laugh.

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Yeh but the HDD was fine, he reformatted it to use in his new rig. The HDD was only 120gb iirc and likely had extremely rare xbox dev files for emulation.

>that 'sentence'
holy shit leandro get off Yea Forums you need to hide from the paid thugs/legal teams coming for you

We need proof now and fast

The point is that *everyone* could have had it, goofball.

At least with mmds its a " I personally made this model after 100 hours of work and deserve the right to say who can and can't use it" instead of "someone gave me this model and now I'm only allowed to use it and u can too if u suck my cock"

>twist: the Notre Dame arson was ordered by Leandro to divert attention away from the CoX server leak

>guy has something illegally
>never intends on actually releasing it to the public but promises to do so for years, profiting off of it
>people want his head on a stake once his facade is broken by some fat neckbeard
its almost like being a piece of shit on the internet isn't a great idea when you've made your name public

No you fucking moron, the reason people are fucking upset is because the person who has been running the server has been one of the biggest names in the community since the shut down of the original game.
Hes has the code for the game for 7 fucking years while continually going around the community telling people it was impossible to emulate the game in any way shape or form and that the only hope of getting the game back was to rebuild is from scratch(SEGS) or wait for NcSoft to release it.
And while hes been telling us all this he secretly hosted the actual fucking code for the game and all our account data with all of our old characters for himself and his clique just so he can stroke his tiny dick and scam money of people.

8 month old post in tune with shit that is getting dropped now

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Oh god the MMD community is fucking western privatefag mentality and Japanese anti-gaijin modder mentality all wrapped up into a big old bundle of super autism

Trying to find ANYTHING MMD is a fucking sisyphean ordeal especially if a jap modder made it
>dl keys to which the answer is behind some obtuse japanese riddle that only a native speaker can get the answer to

Someone needs to stop that mad man.

I'd like a chance to play it at all in the same way, friend. I was an EQfag for a long time and never got the chance to try this out before dropping out of MMOs completely. Yea Forums threads made it seem like a really fun game just to mess about in, rather than the strict numbers game every other game turned out to be.


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I didn't want to get mad today so I'm going to be fucking furious all month instead.

third reply is a guy giving out details about the private server while jokingly saying it's all a lie, very unconvincingly

find more

Well we dont have any proof that the server isn't used by (((them))) to communicate their plans and run simulations.
Clown world so all of these situations are possible also highly plausible.

I wonder if he got banned for this post

I fucking remember that post, I didnt fucking believe him. I didnt want to fucking believe him. now Im just angry.

>waaaah i want to parasite on someone else efforts but i can't waaaaaah
Once again: People are free to do things. It's literally bad to curse someone because he did something you don't like.

>but it's all a load of bullshit.
i would love to see the reaction of this low iq user on the current situation

Who the fuck goes through this much work to hide a fucking private server of all things?

Oh it was fun as fuck, character creation was top notch, running around the Hollows stomping Trolls was comfy as fuck

Look a the third reply, it's the same kind of gaslighting cover up shit Leandro's faggot clique has been doing this whole time

that reply was one of the disinfo agents

Sloppy job, Nemesis.

You are free to hire yourself some bodyguards.

God damn, the damage control brigade is out in full. Jigs up fuckers, i hope you guys have a plan before this story blows up

im well aware, they most likely are going to see this thread, or that screencap in another one and realize it didn't work

I was a huge fan of City of Heroes... I never thought I'd ever get to play it again, ever.
I had no idea that there were fan servers up and running and that the game was completely playable.
Having said all that, even with my longing to play the game again, this guy is a fucking retard.
Secrecy is safety you fucktard, and don't just take unilateral action because you're too dumb to understand that.

If you faggots from the private server are in this thread, you're not gonna cover up this fire anytime soon; You can at least tell us if you honestly expected this to go on forever?



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>People are free to do things
No. People have a duty to do the right thing. The right thing to do when you have a precious thing you could give to everyone at no cost to yourself is to do it. I would say kys, but you probably don't need convincing from me.

We didn't listen.
We could've been investigating this for months, if not years, and probably have it completely leaked by now if we just believed them.

Attached: sadsnail.png (1600x900, 1.9M)

well whatever happens, make sure to spread this like wildfire around the internet to make sure they can never cover it up again

I never played this game, but I've been following along in this thread. I hope you bros get your justice. God speed anons

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This is exactly the type of shit Yong Yea likes to talk about.

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>I hope you bros get your justice
We won't. Time to sleep. Hopefully in the morning the all of this has burned to the ground.

>dl keys to which the answer is behind some obtuse japanese riddle that only a native speaker can get the answer to
I have no idea what you're talking about but using ancient riddles as some sort of bootleg ethnicity DRM is based.

This is why you never give anything to a non-white person. Bunch of fucking delusions of grandeur sub-humans that get power tripped the moment they are given ANYTHING.

>keep your secret server still secret
>distribute the files so if anyone wants to make a public server and ncsoft takes it down, it's their fault
>your SECRET server only is known by the few you want, like a fucking PRIVATE server with friends
>no one will take it down because it's fucking SECRET

Makes you really think how much other shit that is being rumored about is actually true and just kept secret for the sake of it.

shut the fuck up you shill

so how did he get it in the first place?

I always thought /pol/ was talking shit but this ordeal has got me thinking they might be on to something about South Americans.

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Fuck. And I have my own private EQ server I can boot up if I ever want to go back and muck around the world. Shit is messed up, man. I think every game pre-WoW that was semi-popular got private server software by now.

Since you're clearly here damage controlling, know this: You better watch your spic ass and hope none of the people you've pissed off royally today live anywhere near you. People are literally calling for your death right now. I can only hope when or if they do the deed they spread the server files far and wide so we can enjoy CoX again, WITHOUT YOU, or your faggot clique.

I have no doubt all the gaming news channels will jump on this story come morning in the US. Only a matter of time

>Oi, shut it down
>O-of course, I already did
Also Leo
>heh heh heh

This isn't true, the worst that would happen is they wouldn't be able to take money from people.
Tons of dead MMOs operate on a private server

*yawn* I'm feeling awfully sleepy as well bro. Let's just all forget about everything and get a good night's rest, huh?

This thread proves why humanity and forced utilitarianism is a mistake.

The only thing I'm shilling for is the complete annihilation of everything and everyone involved, but don't worry I'm sure you fit in now.

Attached: deadinside.jpg (253x253, 45K)

Anonymous Sun 07 Oct 2018 09:04:04 No.434293991 ViewReport
Quoted By: No, you picked the worst example you could have.

CoH handled a great degree of its data on the server side of things. The way the game is built makes it pretty much impossible to create a private server. At the time of its closure, not many games at all were built like that.

When they gave the shutdown notice, there was not enough time for people to document and capture it all. Maybe they could have but the community spent most of its time trying to petition NCSoft to keep the game running. Wildstar already has some private projects aiming to be playable at some point.

that's why City of Heroes doesn't have private servers.

I'd screenshot it but I'm a lazy fucker, we have to go back further

One of you fine white Argentinans better burn this niggers house to the ground

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/pol/ is (99%) of the time right. Why do you think people in governments are talking about it as a "hate group" and want it shut down?

Activate the faggot signal!

>being realistic is being a shill

>muslims burn Notre Dame to the ground and effectively declare war on the civilized west for the nth time this year

>a city of heroes conspiracy thread is somehow ten times more enraging and captivating
this argentina buttfucker is going to cause world war three

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Lol, it seems we have them scared boys

>white Argentinans

At this point I don't believe anyone could make a Wildstar emu because it was an utter shitshow even with paid professionals.
>see that bug? we can't fix it for another 9-12 months because our management are utterly fucking incompetent.
actually, wait, maybe wildstar COULD be fixed if they didn't have the retards in charge!

Imagine actively playing a dead mmo for 6 years after it died.

Attached: D3qmvOWWAAEPf3M.png (386x386, 84K)

yes, but if they do things just to spite people for no reason it's a sign of bad character and lack of morality.

the crazy thing is that doesn't even have to be one of his cronies. that's literally what everyone was fed and believed for an extremely long time. people could have been unkowingly doing his job for him, i'm sure i ha

it was impossible without any real solid evidence. nobody could prove anything

because anyone who ever expressed interest before segs were adopted by SCORE, the cabal of people working for the argie megamind. there probably would have been one up if leandros wasn't so hell bent on keeping a lid on it

>Ruskies, chinks and poles host a million WoW classic servers.
Most Blizzard (an actual multi-billion dollar company) does is send a C&D.

>An Arg*ntinian gets given the code and database, if a cmangos dev could get hold of that it would be the holy grail, and makes a super secret server.

What the fuck was NCSoft ever gonna do that Blizzard wouldn't, actual fucking turbo faggot. It's literal power tripping, nothing more.

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> Been in the CoH Survivors FB group for years
> Mostly to watch Boomers make conspiracy theories and endlessly cry about their old giant titty characters
> mfw this ends up being real for once

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 14K)

It's a legit better game than most other active MMOs.

>it's impossible to hide secrets even with support of whole government
>one SA white nigger is capable of hiding a private server for globally sought game for 7 years

Anonymous Sun 25 Oct 2015 15:02:43 No.314232136 ViewReport
Yeah. City of Heroes servers are still up too.

>6 years
It's amazing that this wasn't reviled until recently. Was the argie a mastermind?

Attached: 54cb5fb1479bc_-_megamind_1110-md.jpg (300x300, 18K)

"Grandpa, what started the Third Great War?"

"Gamers finally rose up."

It wasn't hidden it's just that no one wanted to believe it was true

Apparently he hasn't been doing a good job of it.

Someone at NCsoft wanted to say "fuck you" one last time and just straight up gave shit to him.

the question is how, he's fucking retarded apparently

It's a lot easier when you only let your friends and family play and also actively have a bot that silences and shadowbans people that talk about it.

I never played CoH, but I hope you bros get to. And if you dont, I hope this shit-stabber loses everything in a HDD failure and kills himself as a result. Fuck this fucking fuck.

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Hire Venezuelans to go over to Argentina to find Leandro and break his legs and force him to release all the game files publicly

If public reacts to truth like it is a lie then it is successful.
Especially for that small operation for THIS LONG.

if you want that to happen, share this info EVERYWHERE you possibly can. Discord servers, forums, skype, etc.

The walls are closing in on this little shit. Will he irrevocably destroy the code before killing himself?

hes the megamind of psychological warfare, organised on a scale of a few thousand people

bring your friends and i will use their freedom against you


Attached: COH Dev.jpg (620x368, 185K)

If I was him, I'd probably do this too

but how does all this tie to the Notre Dame burnination?

neck yourself

Good idea we can probably hire them for about $100

>kill himself
>delete the code and destroy all evidence

Better to have really comfy local server than sharing with turboagressive bad part of humanity.

The servers were in Notre Dame

Are you also a subhuman from argentina?

the servers were powered by jewish electric that also ran through the dame

Attached: keyed in.png (1772x526, 150K)

Why is everyone so buttmad
It's just a bunch of faggy circlejerkers wanting to keep their faggy circlejerk faggy
Do you truly care about a game that's been dead for six years?

>Do you truly care about a game that's been dead for six years?
what do you think?

>the cityofheroes subreddit is now restricted, you need to be approved to post
>its a subreddit with only 3k subscribers and only 100 active users...

Attached: 6918545a946f30d4a191aeade88144e8.500x200x22.gif (500x200, 1.42M)

No one could've seen this coming. Bureaucratic nonsense from big publishers is practically a norm nowadays, but a single individual withholding something in such strong demand as this for several years? I still can't wrap my head around how someone can claim to be supporting the CoH community while simultaneously keeping everything for himself and his personal paytoll. How deluded does one have to be?

Attached: 1364186012788.gif (150x113, 2.32M)

nope, there have only been more than 1200 posts to fool you into making the post you did now. you lost.

>Original members were forum faggots
Explains everything to be honest

Because he could do the right thing and release it for the masses but instead is profiteering from holding it ransom

>Do you truly care about a game that's been dead for six years?

Yeah you're right, I forgot that all video games before 2013 were worthless trash that should never be capable of being played ever again.

Janitors please delete this thread. It's raiding and doxxing and harrassment and contains no nintendo characters or digital waifus.

People get internet outraged about stuff they don't really care about all the time
like, is obviously a shitty thing to do, but it's not even interesting enough to be "1,200 posts omg drama!"-tier shitty IMO.

The only people I could see caring that much are ultra die-hard fans who've been pining over the game for, well, six whole years.

Games are serious business you faggot.

You would think that you fucking shill

It's 6am Leo. Got an early wake-up to do some damage-control?

This. Leo is going to fake its death and then purge most of the players and start anew.

>leandro manages to get one of his goons hired as a Yea Forums janitor
>the last bastion of truth about city of heroes is snuffed like a dying flame

how deep does this GO

Attached: 1361635654922.jpg (502x520, 33K)

now those are the words of a dead man walking.
hes definitely getting some bitcoin assassins on his ass.

So someone want to drop server IP info that you point tequila client at?

>sharing the source code means sharing your private server with everyone
i don't think you quite thought this one through.

So it is indeed people looking for things to get self-righteous about. Gotcha.

>The servers were in Notre Dame

Attached: 11111.gif (216x216, 2.44M)

You lost. Get over it faggot, you have no pwoer here.

You find some weird shit in the past.

Anonymous Sun 03 Jan 2016 13:37:20 No.322415616 ViewReport
All of these are wrong. City of Heroes was not terminated because they needed the servers for GW2, or that they needed funding for Wildstar. City of Heroes was turning a higher profit annually than Aion and Lineage II combined, yet those products are still going. (Though mostly due to Korean pride; NCSOFT HQ was livid when NC West decided to close Lineage I)

The real truth is that nobody knows the truth. Most employees at Paragon Studios didn't know until the day of. The server team in TX didn't know until the day of. NC West didn't know until the day of; everyone there was too busy planning for the Aion PAX party that day, and all of a sudden a studio was just fucking gone. Prevailing theory about what happened, though, and you'll never read this in any interview, is that TH Kim (brother of NCSOFT CEO TJ Kim) was trying to undermine TJ's wife, Dr. Yoon, who has pretty much been the driving factor in running NC West. It was a decision that made absolutely no financial sense and conferred no real benefit; City of Heroes was more than supporting itself, and had content planned out far in advance.

The server farm wasn't aware, ArenaNet wasn't in need of server space, and Carbine employees were just as stunned--and afraid for their own job security--when the news hit.

tl;dr, family drama is the likeliest culprit of killing City of Heroes, not other games, nor the game's financials.

Niggerbitch, I am the lord of pwoer.

I hope you CoHfags get your justice. Truth is I'm jealous and wish my favourite MMO was as beloved.

Daily reminder most people are just want to force drama for a sake of dramas and some hunting because it's fun.
Also this.

i'm writing my congressmen to tell him i'm damned mad and demand we invade Argentina. We just have to pretend there's oil to be plundered, but what our elite Yea Forums team will be doing will be securing the CoH emulator server.

I think you should probably be damage controlling the subleddit instead. Might have a marginally Higher success rate.

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I'd hate it. I play MMOs for the community. Currently playing on Lights Hope in anticipation for classic WoW. Questing areas are full of players, I'm constantly getting into groups and making friends. This faggot was running the game on life support, who the hell would want an empty world? Only 100 players on at peak hours? Horseshit.

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>looking for things to get self-righteous

Attached: ironymeter2.gif (314x192, 34K)

I wanted to fuck Ghost Widow

I pray to any and all gods that this is not true.

>Remember hearing about City of Heroes in my senior year of high school
>Wait months and months for information about it
>Gets delayed and delayed
>Finally gets revealed as an MMO
>lose all interest
Fuck MMOs.


I'm not getting self-righteous, I was seeing if there was any more to this story than "I have the source code for a long-dead game and I'm keeping it all for myself, mwahahaha!". But there isn't. And I don't believe there's 100 guys in this thread who all played and loved CoH so much they've been desperately hoping there'd be private servers, so...

>too much of a sperg to socialize even in a video game

Daily reminder that there are 1000+ sycophants who are invested in keeping this business under wraps and who have been proven to shill and lie here before.

Have you ever been in a CoX thread before, friend?

>best case scenario
Everything released, everyone and their mum can make their own private server Yea Forums or /vg/ server for maximum comfy and shitposts
>What'll probably happen (if it gets released at all)
server tool released to select community members only, because "reasons"
>worst case scenario
C&D, servers burn, we lose it all
>God is dead
NC Soft make a CoH 2, and it's a f2p mobile game

okay but where's the fucking proof show me some fucking footage, screenshot, anything you're telling me not one person has leaked this in 7 fucking years yeah fucking right you're all getting rused

Do we know how many players it averages?

Nope. I've never even seen one.

>the CoH emulator server.
this isn't an emulator server
it's the exact fucking hardware and software that the game was operating from while officially in-studio

Attached: 1347468704674.gif (200x220, 16K)

it's also been proven time and time again marketers and possibly fbi agents post here

We all did brother

you are just coming at it from the wrong angle, try not entering a thread and immediately attempting to discredit posters feelings just because you aren't a big fan of the posting material. maybe just ignore it and move on with your life. or don't and accept your one of those people who constantly need validation because you think the world revolves around you and keep posting

Nice gaslight, the cat is out of the bag

No, he only browses on his subreddit.

>And I don't believe there's 100 guys in this thread who all played and loved CoH so much they've been desperately hoping there'd be private servers, so...

Attached: Retarded+or+trolling_6c67a1_3158593.jpg (300x392, 33K)

Reddit literally ruins everything

The shill team has woken up, huh


Attached: FuckLeandro.jpg (503x633, 267K)

Well, I've been in multiple, and I can tell you that you don't really know what you're talking about. People love this game, dude.

I am discrediting your feelings though. Unless you're one of the few who've genuinely been missing this game for six years, you're just hopping on an outrage bandwagon. And you should be discredited for that.
You should know better by now not to give anons the benefit of the doubt.

go enjoy the game while you can leandrone

MMOs are shit, user. For all the attempts to make in-game NPCs try to talk to you personally and make you feel like the quests you accept have consequences, my immersion is immediately fucking broken when I see dozens of other players standing around talking to the same NPC at the same time and seeing the enemies and bosses I just killed respawn. There's no permanence, the NPCs will repeat their requests to everyone else because nothing you do matters.

>"no one cares about CoX"
this is how you spot a zoomer

>it's morning in argentinia
>all of a sudden shill posts pop up
Guess Leo needed a good nights sleep before working again. too bad that all his posts read so similar that iot's easy to see him in it.


Ok this is as much as I'm gonna update this because it's larte as fuck. Keep everyone informed, make copies of this, make copies of the copies.
Do whatever it takes.

Attached: panic.gif (100x47, 4K)


we literally see a modded character skin in the video, there's no way it's footage from the live game 7 years ago.

>mfw i found out where he lives but i dont want to get some dude killed over a video game

Attached: 1509976449935.jpg (882x731, 124K)

This thread is reddit, so i totally agree.

you don't know stupid frogposter

When will reddit pay for its crimes?

when it gets shut down

Petition to launch redditors out of the solar system fucking WHEN?

post it or you're lying

>telling lies on the internet

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Anonymous Thu 21 Jan 2016 18:54:36 No.324708163 ViewReport
Quoted By: >City of Heroes was killed off by NCSoft
>They re-purposed the servers for Guild Wars 2
>Devs confirmed CoH was still making good money, had decent playerbase
>Devs were also ramping up and hiring for CoH2 production at the time

Anonymous Thu 21 Jan 2016 07:31:10 No.324644216 ViewReport
I'd say City of Heroes, but NCSoft shut it down out of the blue for absolutely no reason when it was making them tremendous profits.

I'm starting to think the code and server was stolen on the day it went down.

Anonymous Wed 20 Jan 2016 12:48:37 No.324561005 ViewReport
the way they killed City of Heroes? yeah, they're assholes

the funny thing is how all their games keep on being such flops.I guess they probably are just trying to localize the garbo cheap and wring what they can out of them.

meanwhile ol' CoH was actually profitable, but they weren't jewwy enough with the Cash Shop so they had to be shut down and their server hardware handed over to Anet for GW2.

Anonymous Wed 20 Jan 2016 05:41:44 No.324517394 ViewReport
City of Heroes got Shut Down and a few die-hard fan revive it, to an extend, with the Paragon Chat. CO is still up.


Every time a CoH thread rolls around I reinstall Champions Online but it's just not the same.

>Dump of current info on this controversy.
>this controversy
I don't even know what this is about and i never even heard of city of heroes, but all you retarded ass faggots gets played like a fiddle.
you stupid gorilla niggers flock to "controversy" like middle age women.
please unironically end yourselves.

It's not like he had an obligation to leak it or anything. Sounds like a bunch of whiny babies mad because they weren't in on the secret club.

COH became a heavily instanced game very quickly, so that stuff wasn't an issue nearly as often as you'd think.
More and more contacts were becoming character-private, and towards the end they were even implimenting mud-style Realm technology to fracture up the world itself and produce permanent alterations you'd cause that were persistent for the rest of that character's existence, but they didn't get the chance to use it in too many places.
Breaking immersion in an MMO is largely the fault of lazy and uncreative devs, not an inheriant problem with the genre.

you first



i made the original thread after a really long poop on the toilet. i'm so happy people didn't forget and have so much love for this game

one day bros

Attached: 1534546042658.jpg (386x386, 16K)

Koreans have an entirely different outlook on MMOs, all their korean MMOs are shallow shit that's all flash no substance so they don't comprehend growing attachment to them. The game will probably be dead and uninstalled off the cybercafe's PCs in a few months anyway, after vanity lingerie outfits on the cash shop stopped selling. The only one they REFUSE to let die is Lineage for god knows what reason it's a shitty soulless PvP grinder like all the lineage clones that followed it. Must be the WoW phenomenon the only thing that can kill Lineage is NCSoft itself
meanwhile CoH was, like, an actual fun little game and not a WoWclone and didn't turbojew so the Koreans were baffled and confused by it.

COH was fucking huge for a time, it had 180k subscribers and had a steady content stream with a stable playerbase. This faggot kept sabotaging any attempt to make a pub server and did so for 6 years, while having a sekrit club server for the less than 2k who would suck his dick vigorously enough to play it.

Don't fucking tell me there's not enough interest for this game.

B-b-but he must! I want to play! Waaaaaaaaaah!
It's not fair, we need to kill him...

>i never even heard of city of heroes
You need to be at least 18 years old to post here.

I hate this cunt like any other, but let me play doubles advocate for a moment.
Was this faggot scared he could face legal actions if he released this stolen game to the public? Or he could have been an anonymous hero?

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Anonymous Thu 18 Feb 2016 01:06:14 No.327865798 ViewReport
>I thought Wildstar had essentially been guaranteed an incoming shutdown notice since it's still not showing any profit even under the free2play model.
Only reason why it hasn't so far is because the game is probably running on skeleton crew and it's really obvious.

>NCSoft killed City of Heroes, who was earning and had long paid itself off.
CoX was supposedly killed for its server blades. Which went to GW2. But then again they also refused to sell the property when actual development team wanted to buy it so fuck if I know what's going on there.

Doesn't samefagging get boring after a while?

nice under&

he could have been anonymous but he chose to fellate himself instead

Nobody knew he had it. He could've uploaded it at any time.

There have been several potential methods posted in these threads.
He did none of them.

>. Which went to GW2. But then again they also refused to sell the property when actual development team wanted to buy it so fuck if I know what's going on there.
Did it really come down toa guy stealing all the files because he didn't trust koreans only to put his faith into somebody worse? Did NCsoft not have the files all this time and it was this dumb nigger who did?

Hardware i doubt it, unless some type of mission impossible was made to take the computers and send them to argentina, it was probably just the software and data.

You are a redditor or you have no fucking idea. CoH graphics were dated even when it was released, the missions were the same shit over and over again, but that game...that game had a spirit not even WoW could get in a million years.

I hate p2p mmos, I usually try one mmo for a week or month and ditch it because it's a fucking chore to play.

CoX was the ONLY MMO that made me keep playing, and paying, without any remorse.

>it's afraid!
Better hire a bodyguard, bucko

Oh boy

Anonymous Tue 01 Mar 2016 17:52:40 No.329317351 ViewReport
I played a lot of City of Heroes/Villains. Probably my longest played MMO.

There's a private server floating around but it's pretty tough to get into.

He probably would face legal actions. Keep in mind this game was owned by the same company who implemented the Statesman in their short-lived MOBA solely to keep the rights to CoH.

Fuck NCsoft.

I love all these apologists are flooding into this thread only now. It's very obvious that somebody in the secret club got wind of this thread and now they're sending in their goons to try and downplay it. No one's fooled.

Attached: yksatdns6923.png (500x395, 109K)

>The game will probably be dead and uninstalled off the cybercafe's PCs in a few months anyway
Plenty of ancient shitty and dead korean mmos are still kept on life support for no reason, even in the west, Aion, Tera, Vindictus, etc are all still running even though they're all dead as fucking shit.

>doubles advocate

>Leo still keeps on trying

Well here is the big question. In the six years this has been going on do you think this person and his gaggle of friends could have figured out a way to leak the files they started with anonymously without getting backtraced? Not even the version they have supposedly been working on, the original files just so there was a public backup that would never go away. Do you think that is possible to do?

Not one person in this entire supposedly program savvy friend group could upload a torrent from within a country with little to new laws concerning doing so, or dropped it through a USB at an internet cafe or something?

You know the fucking answer.

Fuck man this shit isnt right and I wont be silenced. I will never ever forget this and that fucking argentine cunt will burn.

He could have distributed it around the world and had flawless private servers everywhere almost as soon as the official servers went down.
Instead he chose to keep it hostage to fellate himself, and at this point it is known he is the only one with it so even if it got out everyone would know where it came from.

I haven't seen this much shilling since the original Borderlands release. It's almost like there is a group of thousands of known liars desperate to keep this quiet. Really fucking weird.

Right, so you're one of the few people who isn't flocking to controversy like said, obviously.

>CoH graphics were dated even when it was released, the missions were the same shit over and over again,
I never had the game myself, I always wanted to play it, graphically it looked better than WOW at the time, and had cool combat, I waited for years to get a pc to be able to play it, and it shut down when I finally got one. But I always admired how good it looked for the timeframe, especially compared to it's contemporaries.


It's worth noting, as someone on the massivelyop article comments points out, that there are plenty of Lineage 2 private servers, which is also an NCSoft game. I'm pretty sure they could have easily spread CoH around.

Don't worry, most people itt won't leak it either being too pussy. Also probably tried to capitalize on this too.
Most people are hypocrites, thats why they want to do bad things instead of looking for peaceful methods to get server data.

is it true that software stuff got leaked? Yea Forums server when?

A true hero.

This is some serious shit. IRS is coming for that ass now.

Anonymous Sat 12 Mar 2016 09:40:51 No.330483315 ViewReport
>City of Heroes
Small niche game taken down to pave the way for Wildshit. Funny story about this one, there was an expansion on the way right before it was taken down. NC refused to sell the rights of the game to Paragon, so the expansion never saw the light of day.

The monthly cost to maintain the server appears to be around $1000, the current playerbase of around 1500-2000 account holders donate abit of $3000 quarterly to maintain the server and pay for its upkeep

How the hell do you get 2k people and not a single whistleblower until now?

Never ever unless we have the perfect autist or one of these serverfags does something right for once

From what I've heard, most if not all attempts to start a CoH private server quickly got C&D'd by NCsoft. Was that just a rumor to keep this under wraps, or...?

The only possible excuses I can imagine is that he had no idea how or where to pass on said assets (which goes out the window because he's a community leader for one of the ONLY CoH projects - on top of the fact that he's had opprotunities to communicate with indie devs recreating the game from scratch), or that he was worried the employee handing him everything was actually a plant to get him sued (which also seems bullshit since he still ended up hosting a private server for profit for years). Everything just points to him being a selfish asshole on a major power trip.

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the whole costume creator was amazing. It blows DCUO out of the water, that game obviously ran into technical limitations on the kind of costumes they could create in the engine. Or maybe the graphic artist guys just sucked I dunno

Before I would have said it was real, but now, I'm not so sure.

When someone raids his house to get the files he got from the former employee, as far as anyone knows he is the only one with the original data.

Absolutely nobody on earth except an insane argentinean has it. Not even the original devs.
This is why we're mad.

according to the leaker most attempts were shut down by this faggot, wouldn't be surprised if he was the one tipping them off.

>"Fuck you I've got mine"
Reminder Assange got arrested because he was about to blow the lid on this whole conspiracy.

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> Guy running the private server has always talked about how we will never have private servers
> Encourages the SEGS team on making progress on an emulator everyone knows will never be complete

This is the scummiest part. The dude wasn't some nobody, he was one of the biggest people in the community constantly commenting on this subject as a smoke screen.

WoW has a huge private server community and that shit was put together from scratch. This dude has been sitting on the latest retail version of official software for 6 fucking years.

I hope it burns.


These guys have been deeply involved with the CoX community since it went down.
They have worked from inside to shut down and delay every other attempt to get working servers.

Damn, how deep does the rabbit hole go???

>first Reddit killed Ace of Spades by bullying the dev into removing all the complexity from the game, making it more and more into Minecraft, then tricking him to sell it off to a shit company who shat on it more
>then they destroyed a perfectly good Xbox 360 devkit to make one of those bullshit sleeper pcs, even wiping the hard drive
>then they had a free easy master copy of Starcraft's source code dropped on their laps which they turned in to Blizzard for like $20 of Overbitch tat
>Now it's revealed that Reddit took City of Heroes for themselves and turned it into a super sekrit club for only the biggest upboats that went under everyone's noses for over half a decade
And they have the gall to call US a cancer to gaming?

>no EDGE FRS 2.0 leak
>no CoH leak

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Shit is dramatic. The only redemption arc for him is to release it all now anyway and face the potential legal firestorm head-on. Unfortunately, this time in history is not known for its courageous men.

> How the hell do you get 2k people and not a single whistleblower until now?

They did have whistleblowers. A lot of them. Admins in all the major CoH communities (reddit, titan network, etc) were fucking IN ON IT and would gaslight the shit out of anyone trying to leak.

I've never even played it, but I would personally wrench this Leoandro guy's eyes out of their socket and jam them up his urethra. What a disgusting excuse for a human.

Thank you for scrutinizing the purity of every poster in this thread's love for COH, to chase away "controversy chasers". What a completely natural activity for someone who supposedly doesn't give a shit about the game. You couldn't possibly have an ulterior motive could you?


I never played City of Heroes because back when it was out i was a lil' shit kid with no way of getting my parents to pay for a MMO subscription, however, i still remember having a gaming magazine that talked about the sequel or expansion where you could play as a villain, and i remember thinking "the bad guy looks really cool, i wish i could play this".
So, my condolences, thanks for reading my blog.

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Ok but why? Why the secrets? Are they scared that it will shut down and everything lost forever? I don't think I can believe a bunch of reddit mods have just been keeping the whole thing a secret out of pure greed and exclusivity.

Yes, you're right, I'm a Jew, and I wish to destroy your fun because you're white.

*ruins your game*

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Jesus, the more I read and the more of their responses I read these guys sounds like Saturday morning cartoon villains.
I don't think I've ever seen something so devious from people that claim to love a game and community.

Fuck leo and his goonies. I only played coh once in my life for about an hour but I can see the passion you all have for it. Ive been spreading this information everywhere I can because I know how it feels to have your dreams crushed in front of you by the person who could have saved them.
Fuck Argentina.

>I read these guys sounds like Saturday morning cartoon villains.
They take CoH roleplaying to an extreme.

>I don't think I can believe a bunch of reddit mods have just been keeping the whole thing a secret out of pure greed and exclusivity

DCUO's character creator is genuinely embarrassing.

I love democracy, i love this community.

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You know he's going to delete all of it when the pressure gets too much. These kinds of people will never share their good fortune with others unless they get the ego boosting that comes with it being available to a select exclusive few. He's either going to pretend to delete it and go deep underground while cutting off anyone he doesn't explicitly trust, or he's actually going to delete it and make this entire fiasco worse, probably netting him a shitton more death threats than he's getting right now.

That's the thing, there were whistleblowers, they just had almost total control of the entire collective CoX community and with admins in all the major places, including Reddit, they were able to silence and censor anyone who talked about it and spread mountains of disinfo to keep people off the scent.

how so?

> I don't think I can believe a bunch of reddit mods have just been keeping the whole thing a secret out of pure greed and exclusivity.

Its pretty much turning out to be exactly that. Although replace Reddit with Titan Network.

They were crying about muh sekrit club for years here, and yet it was them ho had real one

> they just had almost total control of the entire collective CoX community and with admins in all the major places
> this sounds like a conspiracy theory
> mfw its all true

This is the craziest gaming drama I have ever seen.

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I hope he will delete it, this thread deserve this end.

The villains WERE cool. Brutes unleashed assbeating, Corrupters were offenders on crack, Masterminds were fucking FUN summoner class, and dominators were...well, actually, controllers were damned powerful too so dominators were just on-par with their heroic counterpart.
Except for stalkers, their backstab gimmick was quickly eclipsed by everybody else's AoE damage output and they got relegated to just being the guy who can ghost to the final room and TP everyone to save time. Maaaaaybe you could be useful against factions with one really important enemy to KO immediately, like Malta and their sappers.

In addition to that, they also had a chainban in place saying if you say a fucking thing not only will we ban you, but we'll ban the nigger who invited you, every nigger you invited, everyone we can confirm you know, and the nigger to the left just for good measure.

You guys think you reached the bottom of the rabbit hole? Think again.


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I think this and are the biggest examples of why a hugbox like reddit and forums are fucking shit

>invites are kept extremely secret
>only trustworthy people get invited
>these people also control big hubs of communication regarding the game franchise
>they control the flow of information

It's not about greed and exclusivity, at least I don't think it started that way. I think they did it because they didn't want their precious little toy to be taken away by someone at first. But now? It feels like jewery to the max.

Leonardo is known to be an egoistical spastic fuck. plebbit-mods are powerhungry retards who would sell their own mom to gain any kind of power. So yes, it's basically just them being egoistical poewrhungry tards who don't give a crap about anyone or anything else.

>a sad argentinian playing the only remaining server copy of CoH with 4 other people who he constantly second-guesses and accuses of various shadowy shenanigans until the day his HDD finally craps out in disgust and puts the game out of its misery
What an ending. I cri evrytim.

Doms were broken as fuck once the IO system came in and you could do shit like double, or even in absolute madman cases triple stack permadomination state.
Plant/psi was the craziest shit I ever saw in an MMO until shieldie AOE rapists took over the game.

God I hope someone pulls off a heist soon.

That's amazing. Made me think of this

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How would he even keep it up once he bans the whales keeping him afloat?

>these guys sounds like Saturday morning cartoon villains
They don't play the game. They LIVE it.

>they just had almost total control of the CoX community
That's the one aspect that makes this so scummy to me. He knows the demand for such a beloved MMO is so high that the players, themselves, are willing to censor each other just so they can have the chance to play it. This shit would even make Recluse go "dude, that's low".

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Someone is gonna die soon aren't they?

Sounds a bit tin foil hat, and NCSoft would still need to get some actual evidence.They still have to prove it beforehand. Like conduct a search under a warrant, at which point he is probably done disposing of servers and data
Unless they get some circumstantial evidence, like messages? Maybe Reddits main administration will give them access under a warrant to their backups?.They still need proofs. They need to actually find that data

>I don't think I can believe a bunch of reddit mods have just been keeping the whole thing a secret out of pure greed and exclusivity

You wot?

Report the dude to the IRS or some shit. He's probably getting massive "donations" aka bribes to get in and maintainence fees to run this from people and I doubt he's filing it in his taxes as income.

>claimed himself to be based and chad
>apparently proud of grade school tier internet vandalism
Absolutely the least based and un-chad thing you can do. Disgraceful, user.

I can't believe this event will make reddit spacing posts real holy shit, based gaslight impersonator

Extremely low number of parts compared to CoH/CO, not as many options (like, less areas you can actually place parts - think armour parts in Morrowind vs armour parts in Skyrim), you can only have about 3 different colours on your character at one time....
There's also an insanely extensive wordfilter on names that I have never been able to figure out the rules of so you're really limited in what kind of name you can have. I'm pretty sure it couldn't have spaces in it either. And obviously most good names were taken - Champions Online avoided this by having your full character name be "[character]@[account]", e.g. Batman@user, so multiple people could have the same character name. They just hid the account name part.

Hopefully a blood sacrifice will right the wrongs of humanity.
if you guys think this is bad remember how many potential cures for cancer have come up over the years then suddenly disappeared, or more fuel efficient vehicles, etc.

oh no no no

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oh no, i cant play some 15 year old mmo?

what is wrong with you people

> A few years from now we will be playing on CoH private server software someone was murdered for

An ethical dilemma

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someone needs to get into his house and steal the sourcecode ss13 style

IRS cant touch him.

Now I didn't play COH at the time apart from trying it out once and I know that leaking it would have been the morally right choice, but 90% of the people in this thread would have done exactly the same if they had the chance to make money from it

It's a testimony, I doubt it will hold in court as sole evidence

I feel like we should just tell NCSoft out of spite

Considering his crimes, it would be justified.

The wrong will never be righted. But blood will flow.
Time for a "Killing me won't make the world better" and "We can't know unless we try"

You are neither good guy to asking for someone else to be good. While you want to take moral ground, you can't, since you just justify any type of taking researches by force if someone don't want to publicly it.

They probably already knew

As a SWG fan, I stand with you brothers, I hope you get to finally play your MMO again and these fucks burn.

IIRC, with the change of their passive to S T A C K S mode, Stalkers could actually be better scrappers than Scrappers were, more or less.
Also, you completely forgot to mention how batshit absurd the VEATs could get, especially if you stacked multiple onto the same team. They also didn't even have to deal with dedicated FUCK YOUR SHIT enemies like Kheldians did.

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what was the drama with SWG?

it's not a dilemma when it's ran by an egomaniac

Man just how did they manage to keep it secret for so long.

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No drama, just it's dead but slowly being brought back to life with a dedicated team, eventually I'll get to play the SWG I remember, and I want the same for other older MMO fans.

Some of the players were CIA and KGB agents.

Am I in the wrong for wanting all the things that could benefit others to be freely shared?

They didn't, it was never a secret. All they did was make it into a conspiracy. Once it's something that people accept only crazy people believe you don't need to keep that tight a lid on it. Sounds familiar yaknow.

We dox leo

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It's explained in the thread. Mods throughout the community were in on it and everyone that attempted to come clean had their friends and family banned as well.

By actively silencing any attempted leaks

Someone here in Mar 2016 knew about it


They had eyes everywhere protecting the secret.

>tfw my favorite mmo is still "alive" as a zombified husk
I'm so sorry Mabinogi you deserved better.

>doesn't do anything himself

Is there a screenshot or anything of the subreddit mods admitting they were banning people who spilled the beans?

Read the thread
but basically they had people in high places on most of the community sites (including the CoX subreddit where they also have a bot for detecting and banning leaks of the server), and they had people seeding mountains of disinfo and lies to keep people from finding out about the server and still believing that it would never be possible.

People who did leak also risked getting their sponsors, friends and anyone those friends knew banned. There was real threat of fucking over their friends keeping people in line.

CoH Survivors facebook group has some guy who has posted about this for years who was made out to just be a crazy attention whore.

I watch the facebook for the odd cringe stuff people post and it sort of blended right in.

We have a Google doc with tons of info but we're never gonna get his servers. All we can pray for is retribution

Almost every single mod and community leader for CoX across the internet played on the server and gaslit any possible whistle blowing immediately.
They also picked up and changed the addresses for everything at the drop of a hat and threaten bans on everyone in the entire chain of invites from a leaker along with any friends they may have had on the server.

>BattleForge is back before CoH

No, they're trying to play it off as lies when it's plainly obvious they not only have people on the mod team watching for leaks but also a bot for automated keyword based bans

oh shit that's because i forgot about the arachnos soldier/widows
i had one of those mega-leadership spiders who brought the grenades and the softcaps, shit was funny

I don't know the specifics of how the CoH server operates, but in the case of a private EQ server, I could run mine off of a regular PC with my small handful of friends. Keep playercount +1 zoneservers up and running at any one time, and the performance was fine.

You can't force someone else to make something free. Yet you can be that man who make something (yours) free.
You just a parasite wanting for something good in this case. See at imageboards, that got less and less content over years because of pretty much same mentality.
Everyone wants content, but not everyone want to share for free something their. And it's totally ok. Just don't be a bad person.

Theres a few in here
as well as the vid in the op.
Also we're going to need another thread soon someone hurry.

What are private servers? Yea Forums played on MabiPro for a while but fizzled out. I kept playing and even saw 8gag Yea Forums join shortly after, but even they quit once the retards the staff hired started their powertripping namely patoots and jade. I quit as well since I'd be the next one on the chopping block for sure. You're welcome to try it out user, but you've been warned.

>t. Argentina poster

>all the people that were meant to help you and protect you were working together against you
How many Comicbooks are there for these feels?

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I know about mabipro. Its just not the same and power trips like you said.
I still log onto the official servers once in a blue moon but get sad.

>Secret Cabal of Reverse Engineers
next step is to reveal that THE Patriots are real


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10/10 holy fuck

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>he doesn't know

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It's genuinely upsetting how much of a joke Mabi's become. I actually came back today to try the new gen stuff.

The Balrog fight is fucking disgusting.

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The bot deletion only makes it better.

There are no copies and the servers and HDs are being taken by law enforcement as we speak. The drives will be destroyed and so will the game for the rest of time. All because of one dumb Redditfag.


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>like you said
It hurts even more when every other pserver is discord only too. Why couldn't they just hire mentally sane individuals.


imagine being that guy who tried to tell everyone the truth but just got writen off as crazy tinfoil hat

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>he didn't changed chinese part
CoH players are brainlets.

yeah should've made some characters Spanish instead of chinese

With absolute power comes absolute corruption.
This thread is living proof.

What the fuck is this game even? is it even good? Are guys just getting mad over le reddit? Why is this even a controversy? Game is so fucking old I dont understand why anyone would bother with being upset over it.

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Fuck off shill

holy shit, the perfect result for that post. THE ARGENTINIANS ARE HERE AND THEY'VE PAID OFF HIRO. EVERYONE PANIC.

I just wanna play bros, niggerhat

Get the fuck out cunt

Shut the fuck up zoomer

Just ignore this thread, it's full of reddit/facebook crybabies.
>muh accessibility

What exactly are you asking? If you didn't play it yeah you wont know why anyone would be upset over it, you didn't play it.

Imagine your favorite game being taken away forever out of the blue while you're still playing. Theres no explanation and nobody knows where it went.
Years later you find out some chinaman and his friends have been playing it for the last 6 years in secret and hiding the game from the world.

I'm sorry your childhood of the month MMO is shit but I'm genuinely curious as to why retards are flinging shit over nothing



>Im retarded please explain to me why am I retarded
Nobody can help you

Epic dude

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Is it possible they didn't make it public as not to risk it being taken down?

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Holy shit no way, someone involved in this is a mod or a janny on Yea Forums

remove argies


I have to wage slave user, ill help when i get home

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New thread where faggots

That's the line they'll go with, but if they had shared shit then everyone would have had the ability to set up private servers, so one going down would have been no problem. It's just nerds wanting to keep shiny thing for themselves.


Yeah sure, they are just being cautious

yep not even surprised at this point.

For six years? With a ton of players? While other private server mmos figured it out?


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holy shit, it hit the archive, too. WE ARE NOW AT DEFCON 2.

>gay porn stripclub

better back it up before it gets deleted

Not possible at all no, if it was disseminated when he received it it would have been impossible to remove and servers would have been everywhere.
Also since it was the actual original data, these would have been nearly flawless servers instead of cobbled together emulation.

>It's just nerds wanting to keep shiny thing for themselves

>it's bad when reddit invades Yea Forums favorite game
>it's fine when someone else tries to not let neither reddit or Yea Forums play this game
Fuck off nigger.

Save it on your pc

Can someone confirm


Its real

Seriously someone make another thread
I can't

Well that's obvious. The idiot was so selfish that he wanted to be the only living CoX server ever. He didn't want to deal with the consequences of his decisions, so he projects his blame onto the people he let down. It's not like every other MMO has multiple reoccuring iterations of private communities that breed like rabbits when given the proper means. He decided it's better if he forced a known market to pay him for sole access to it instead.

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Yeah just like how Blizzard took down every WoW private server.

looks like a residential neighborhood to me, so right now, it seems legitimate.

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IF this is true, this is the one and only time a frogposter can be called based.


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