>pre fag reveal skins are old and grizzled
>post fag reveals skins are twink slutty fanservice
Blizzard is turning him into a cumdumpster bimbo. What the fuck are they thinking?
>pre fag reveal skins are old and grizzled
>post fag reveals skins are twink slutty fanservice
Blizzard is turning him into a cumdumpster bimbo. What the fuck are they thinking?
Nigga why are you still playing Blizzard Games?
Is this Nero from DMC?
>still playing overwatch
>turning him into a cumdumpster bimbo
That's pretty hot t b h
What? One of his first skins was his young commander skin for the 60$ version
you finding him in armor hot says more about you than the skin user
the fag here.... is u
>giving a fuck about a sjw game
>b-but muh fan service
Just wait for Subverse. Literally improved Overwatch heroes but you can fuck them uncensored in space.
which is easily one of his best skins ever
his gun with that skin is SEXY as fuck
>muh sjw boogyman
The game's bad for a plethora of reasons. Amounting it all to being "sjw" is basically excusing its actual issues.
no men
no play/buy
Is overwatch for homosexuals now?
The skin is obvious fanservice for fags who want to ravish his anus.
it was always for homosexuals
It's almost like the only people playing this game are fujoshis.
>"we didn't release First Strike because we didn't want to limit what the character can be, and want to let our fans make their own canon"
>"also the two main white characters are gay but the one part of the hugely popular lesbian 'ship' is for crippled asian man only"
What are you implying
Whites procreating is literally genocide
You think Blizzard is smart enough to plan this
Oh boy
He looks very heterosexual in this as opposed to OP's. In the OP image he reminds me of Raidenovitch from MGS3 and he's coincidentally a fag too.
people still play this garbage game?
nothing is ever new
You're fucking pathetically deluded dude. Hating gay people is one thing, making shit up so you can hate them more is just, again, absolutely fucking pathetic. Go put even a single percent of the effort you put into those mental gymnastics into literally anything else.
He would make twitch roasties look tame in comparison in OP’s picture. I don’t hate gay people, Blizzard hates gay people if they think because they’re character is a homo they can make him into complete brainless cum slurping whore.
It should've been reinhardt
Are you surprised after they banned pepe and the "okay" hand from their OWL cash cow?
But Torburn has a canon wh*te wife and playable child.
>decorated war hero is slutty fanservice
? ? ? ? ? ? ?
>still playing overwatch after blizzard abandoned it for their failing esports meme
>where the only updates are more skins, a new map, or at the very rarest a temporary PvE mode
Back to tf2 I guess.
>make a police skin, like tracer and Dva has.
>somehow that makes him a complete brainless cum slurping whore.
I don't want to say you're proyecting, but it looks like you're proyecting.
homosexual people don't look different from heterosexual people
>OW beta launches
>give it a go because why the fuck not
>pick junkrat
>obliterate the opposing team
>20/0 K/D ratio in half a match
>get bored
>never touch again
Why people play this literal baby's game in the first place is beyond me.
op is just baiting because he want porn of soldier
Why would you lie?
While stealthfags do exist, they're an exception.
>man in military dress uniform is gay because I'm such a flaming faggot that a well groomed man turns me on
Fuck off degenerate, you're not taking uniforms from us.
He's right though.
There's also 2 types of fags, the girly/feminine type and the type that acts and appears completely normal/straight.
That "straight" gym buddy of yours who's been slapping you on the ass is probably a flaming faggot.
Well is there any?
20/0 with (hide like a pussy) rat isnt hard to do especially while in bronze like him
>gym buddy of yours who's been slapping you on the ass
Such behaviour is immediately seen as homosexual and would most likely result in the slapper getting decked in the face in my country.
>He isn't casually gay with his bros
Imagine being so much of a faggot you can't give your friend a playful slap on the ass.
>make police skin like two complete brainless cum slurping whores
>somehow that doesn't make him a complete brainless cum slurping whore
I bet you think sleeping in the same bed with a man is gay too.
We're "casually gay" in our conscription service when we're sexually frustrated due to lack of women. Slap on the ass is still a call to fight.
its only gay if you don't sleep with head to feet