Has a patch ever ruined a game for you?
Has a patch ever ruined a game for you?
Holy shit that's a really bad allergic reaction.
That's wild west tier snake oil shit.
What the fuck is in the paste?
ayy lmao
TF2 continuously patching fun items to make the game more "e-sport friendly". Also is that dude getting an allergic reaction or something the photo makes more questions than it gives answers.
>patch 4.3
>image search
>there are even more pics
>they are even worse
>guy's eyes are swollen to the point they can no longer open
Jesus Christ.
>IQ: Doubled
Star Wars Galaxies
All the patches.
From what i can understand researching, this used to be a really popular product but then the handling of the company that made it changed hands to the founder's wife and 2 daughters or something, and they relocated to Cali.
And now it does nothing at all, or shit like OP's pic.
post them
Can someone more awake than me make a filename for this?
post that shit nigga
it's 4am
"Patching" the Bee shield in Borderlands was uncalled for. The robotics expert perk in Fallout 4 was also extremely annoying and unnecessary.
Like, every other patch in Warframe.
The Phantom Pain kept adjusting parts of the single player game to redirect players into playing online FOB missions and spending money on micro-transactions. Didn't help that hacking was rampant on FOBs, so at any time an invincible teleporting invader can steal all of your personnel, resources, and nukes...unless you paid real money for insurance.
Here is the guy with his eyes stuck shut.
That's amazing my normie friend watched an interview on this guy and immediately tried getting me into his shit thinking it was real. Gonna save this and send next time because I knew this was bullshit.
>5 minutes in
>he pulls out a bottle
>the same company made an EYE WASH PRODUCT
Holy fuck. I don't want to think what their eye wash would do.
I can't tell what the fuck is before or after.
This is bullshit. These are just false allegations trying to tear down a BLACK company. I've seen the reports. It's clearly a chemical burn and if you watch the footage the plastic seal IS STILL ON THE BOTTLE.
Just people attacking a black company because they can't stand to see someone get ahead. Sad.
Go away nigger
I know you're joking but apparently the founder himself said to not buy this thing once he died because he was the only one making sure there was some form of quality control.
Then he died, and now it's doing this.
So basically all these idiots only have themselves to blame.
This isn't even a step above rubbing dog shit in your eyes to clear blindness.
nigga just wanted a smooth head he didn't deserve this shit
stuf nigger lover, i want my dead niggers and i want them NOW
Nah I just watched the video there. He addresses all your claims of being fake.
How about this? Need some eye wash brother?
are you 14
your eyes melt out of your head I bet
>His beliefs on the origin of disease denied germ theory and taught that HIV is not the cause of AIDS
>larping this hard
Can you really blame somebody for not finding the kind of info that the company itself has a vested interest in suppressing?
Going loud about it like this guy did after he got burned is a good move though.
>Cure for baldness invented in 1960 but not widely known today despite baldness being a huge industry
These guys must have been fucking desperate to use that shit
Feel sorry for them, but it's kinda obvious the stuff is snake oil
Herbal medicine and old timey cures don't work, that's why they're herbal medicine and old timey cures not mainstream modern medicine
Sure, believe more propaganda from the original claimant. That makes sense.
>not wanting dead niggers
>attempt to throw of suspicion by projecting
Goodbye :)
Look at this. They expect you to pour this in your eyes.
is that piss?
It's not to make it esports friendly you faggot, it's to stop having all servers full of one class because he has that one weapon that breaks everything for everyone
>Not using all the weird chemicals you can buy off
unwashed eyes/10
It's eye wash. You put it in your eyes.
>old timey
>phone address and www. address on the bottle
Why would you put piss in your eyes?
>Going loud about it like this guy did after he got burned is a good move though.
Well it was more like people on twitter making fun of him calling him MEGAMIND LOOKING MOTHERFUCKER cuz merciless black twitter humor, but i guess it works just as well.
around the time when DayZ Standalone came onto Steam, a mod was released for the DayZ mod for Arma 2 OA that added specific blood types for blood transfusions and a ton of junk items that vastly outnumbered the amount of useful items. this effectively killed the mod unless you were one of those people who enjoyed base building in one of the spinoffs of DayZmod
I really miss that game in its prime, even back when you could break your legs by walking over rough terrain, vehicles exploded for no reason, and placing too much barbed wire in one place made the graphics glitch out for everyone within a 5 mile radius
Yes, Overwatch.
Doomfist completely ruined the game for me.
How fitting for a nigger to ruin yet another thing enjoyed mostly by white people.
It says "since 1960"
If it hasn't made it into mainstream medicine by now, that means it's snake oil and doesn't work or is too dangerous
Sixty fucking years is a long time for people to take notice
thats the nigga you gotta kill to get the crystal skull
Chemical burns fucking suck. I tried that Nair For Men on my chest at one point just to try it out, followed the directions to the letter, and it still made my skin peel off. It felt like one of the worst sunburns I've ever had in my life, and ruined several shirts because of all the puss and blood soaking into them.
Yeah, you're right. No one markets products as old world herbal remedies anymore. Clearly this product is a miracle of modern medicine. You can tell because it has a web address on the bottle!
This is why you can't trust companies to run their own quality control.
>leave for 7-10 days
For Honor Marching Fire
Putting this shit on his scalp caused temporary blindness. Imagine directly applying it to your eyes.
lol bethesda does fine.
Nah just retards lol
Happened over and over again.
konami is a disgusting company, I'm glad they don't make videogames
>"I had ordered some muhfuggin' eye wash, but I ain't usin' this muthafuckin' shit because I don't want my goddamn eyes burnt out."
>all those comments saying the owner was murdered and then his products made shitty because "WHITEY BRING BLACK MAN DOWN"
I thought everyone learned by the 90s that anything related to applying a liquid to your head to improve hair growth or follicles is absolute bullshit and has been for decades. That said, no one deserves this shit.
The last La-Mulana 2 patch made knockback like 10x worse. You'll get knocked into death traps and spikes far more often now.
Dumb fucking niggers
Do they really think Grandpa Coon's Old Timey Hair Tonic will work better than finastride or whatever baldies use these days?
Then when it doesn't work they blame white people... the same white people who tell them to use finastride
I got curious. Here straight from their website
Natural nourisher and cleanser for the eye.
Euphrasia (Eyebright) is used to treat an array of eye diseases. It reduces the inflammation of the eye caused by blepharitis and conjunctivitis.
>turns into yakub
the return of the kang
>Ingredients: Eyebright
Just checking in on my progress. You guys got memed pretty hard. I'm just a good sport, I thought I'd let you know now.
hurry up and order while they last!
Because I was still confused
fuck you now my head is all itchy
Don't know why you would even bother with this kinda shit if your black. Blacks can pull off a bald look way better than any other race, hell even black women can pull it off.
Insecurity is often irrational.
That article says it was traditionally used as a tea and drank to help with eye problems...not washed directly onto the eye.
>Last Spring
>My eyes suddenly start getting insanely sensitive to light, irritated, swollen, and bloodshot
>Think it's a pollen allergy, because I've had that before
>Try Allegra, Zertec, Benadryl, and just about every other allergy medication and eye drops I can think of, and nothing works
>Spend about three months in a living hell, because I'm in physical agony, and don't know how to fix it
>Run out of contact solution one day, and buy a new bottle
>My eyes are fine by the next day
I don't know what the deal was. I have been using that brand for years with no problem. I guess there was just something fucked up with that particular batch or something.
Uterine Wash & Oil
Cleanses and restores the natural flora and fauna of the vagina canal.
Red Clover (Trifolium Pratense) acts as a natural blood purifier, expectorant and improves circulation. Red Clover contains Flavonoids and isoflavones, which produces estrogen in the body. Red Clover is helpful treating several conditions associated with menopause.
Red Clover
Dr. Sebi’s Original and Unique formulas are proprietary of Dr. Sebi and may contain ingredients not listed here.
reminder that MLK Jr's family owns the rights to all of his speeches and they refuse to let them be distributed
"I have a dream" is only allowed to be played on the day of his holiday
"dr" Sebi was talked about by a big time mumble rapper that the "black community" saw as the second coming of tupac and MLK combined. He was shot and killed recently in a typical gang violence shooting.
Sibi was crazy snake oil salesman with an elementary school level knowledge of biology and chemistry. He claimed that bacteria, germs, and proteins do not exist. He recently died due to pneumonia, but conspiracy theorists have claimed the government have assassinated him because he discovered the cure for AIDs There are hundreds of crazy ridiculous claims that he has made, but for some reason the 'black community", conspiracy theorists, and the ignorant masses have gobbled up what this retarded ass dudes preachings, all thanks to this dumb fuck mumble rapper
is going bald really painful guys?
>may contain ingredients not listed here
nice, I too, like amphetamines in my medicine for my vagine
>may contain ingredients not listed here
oh boy
mystery tonics
What hurts is being alone in your 30s and realizing it's a race against time to find someone before your hair starts falling out.
>claimed the government have assassinated him because he discovered the cure for AID
So blacks admit that AIDS is a black thing now?
>may contain ingredients not listed here.
Aren't sage and clover spices? Wouldn't that burn a vagina?
Why? Just shave your head and grow a beard. Hit the gym too, or else you'll look like one of the boys of soi.
Something like that.
It's really interesting how willingly ignorant and absolutely gullible a lot of black people are.
This video has 2.5 million views, all celebrating and loving this man that has no education, preaches garbage like what I stated above, and disturbingly enough claims that he is smarter than anyone with a medical degree.
And the black community defends him without any research. Literally everything this man says can be debunked with a simple google search.
Hundreds of years of scientific research is absolutely nothing to these people, because a well spoken black man told them they'll be cured of diseases if they switch to a vegan diet, and are claiming it works because they feel better when they eat better.
Give this a watch if you have time to waste at 4am. Even the comments are filled with embarrassing black people.
>black company
that's racist as fuck man, they need to get some quotas so it's 50% of each race and gender
Refined patch for ds3. Shit's fucking retarded now with people going 80 or sone shit. Granted it's still the best in the series but man pvp fags can be such a nuisance and I'm glad there will be less whining about nerfs in Sekiro because it's singleplayer. Also, fume nerf went way too far.
what are you even saying
Yea Forums - Video Games
>Those comments in the video
Holy shit.
Thats enough youtube comment sections for this week.
then it is your fault for getting your hopes up again and again. or your curse.
90 post thread on black hair care products and snake oil i love this board sometimes
Heart of the Swarm
WoD n BfA
Big Bang
FFXI Ranger nerf
Pretty much people were using the class as intended and SE didn't think people would actually mitigate the cost of crafting arrows.
They added some stupid distance calculations and made the damage ceiling like 30% of the previous values. It didn't ruin the game so much that I quit, but I did quit leveling ranger which I had just got to 40. Bullshit.
what the fuck are you babbling about?
senpai kys cuck onions
Star Wars Galaxies, single patch ruined the game for about 50% of epople playing so they doubled down to ruin it for another 50% of the people who stuck around.
>mfw they delisted the patch trailer from their YouTube channel
>neutral alice followed by fucking abyssal control blood
I quit Shadowverse cold turkey after that shit. I wonder if that game is still 'firstverse'.
>og minecraft was comfy
>just had to be careful of monsters
>patch adds hunger and removes comfy
For what purpose?
I quit it during neutral alice as well
>90% of decks are exactly the same
what the fuck were they thinking?
He's pointing out that niggers feel no need to contribute to the betterment of their community or mankind as a whole, even if they don't have fucking do any real work to make said difference
Welcome to the world of the black American. They can be this fucktarded.
Damn, nigga just wanted some hair.
War Thunder when they changed the battle ranking system from -0.7/+0.7 to -1.0/+1.0. Adding late cold war and modern vehicles didn't helped either.
I'm curious, as someone who's never played War Thunder, how does changing from -0.7/+0.7 to -1.0/+1.0 ruing a game? That doesn't sound like a very big change
>Item grants you psychokinesis
>americans think they are first world
>Yet they dont enforce any kind standards on health items
>Try out 2.2
>Brain-dead AI wont colonize anything that doesn't perfectly match their habitat.
>Blow pastevery other factions because I have like 3x as many planets as them despite being the same size on the map.
I don't even get how this happend, it wasn't even a problem when I last played it, now a fucking mod that fixes it is pretty much required to play.
>nigger shit being harmful
Surprises no one. Niggers in Namibia sell roasted clay in stores because it has healthy minerals.
You can develop allergies at any point in your life.
Theres a noticeable difference between a vehicle with a 0.3 br above another vehicle. Having it -.7/+.7 made matches closer to being balanced and fun. -1.0/±1.0 turned them into unbalanced shit shows if you were the lowest tier of the match.
>blacklight retribution
>animation cancelling in the mechsuit meant you could come booststrafing around the corner, drop someone with the railgun and instantly get back to boosting
>they patched it and made every aspect of the mechsuit slower on top of it
never uninstalled a game so fast
Conspiracy theorists are a hell of a drug.
Black conspiracies blame white people, white conspiracies blame jews, don't be surprised if the jewish community has idiots that think the Polynesians or some shit are secretly behind something.
I don't know if this counts, but does anyone remember Cortex Command? I bought this game for some reason way way back when it first came out. This was pre-2008 I think, sometime back then. I loved the game, but then the updates came. You didn't have to get the new version, but all the modders would only support the new one, and the physics were totally changed. It was such a different game I just stopped playing. I lost my mods and the game's entire playstyle changed. Last I heard, they were STILL working on the game, but I just wish I could find a way to download older versions. Probably out there somewhere, but the official devs don't have older versions for download, so it's sad.
>WW2 era tanks have to fight WW2 era tanks
>WW2 era tanks have to fight Cold War era tanks
nah, the jews blame other jews and rightfully so
>contact solution
you can only blame yourself not connecting the dots.
Ghost Recon Phantoms when they added premium ammo. Fuck off Ubisoft.
There are standards. This shit skates by by never outright claiming to be "medicine" (normally they call them "supplements") and marketing to retards.