How u holdin up Yea Forumsros

How u holdin up Yea Forumsros

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shitposting at work for the entire day
It's bad.

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Love browsing this thread to see all the depressed poltards about to kill themselves. Kek- they deserve every bad thing that comes their way

debt deadline on 26.

Rent free, also depression isn’t real.

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Trying to get windows installed on my new rig. I get an error that says a media driver is missing, I googled it and apparently its either my BIOs or I have to change the usb during the process. But my mouse just essentially died on me so im unsure of what to do at the moment

Try bypassing the compressor

so sick of this semester desu

my name is miku

either you falseflagging or actually retarded enough to take the bait
do you really think people here are this retarded?

I'm bored as fuck. Cleared Sekiro and now there's no big new hyped up releases to look forward to.

i always feel sad for the dog because he looks worried, i want to pet him

What are you going to school for user?

one of my cats died this morning.

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English heh

Don't do it, user. Change majors while you still can.

I'm alright.

Pretty good actually.

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Doesn't matter anyway. I wanna work for the guberment and an English major with a foreign language minor will be perfectly fine


Sorry to hear that bro. He's in kitty heaven now, he'll remember you fondly.


thanks i'll need it.

I started a major in Philosophy to propel myself to Law School. I was able to get into a fairly prestigious college and I won't have to take a dollar of loan to pay it off.

Just tell me I'm not fucking it up.

i just had sex and it was bad, shes the only one who came.
i feel like i got raped or something

What school?

I'm wishing I had a masters in data science.

UC Santa Barbara

Shut the fuck up

I saw a nigger today in my rural town.

I'm losing my virginity next week.

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Well the anos dies to t hor before the opening credits, but he has already destroyed the stones. The rest of the movie centers around using the Quantum Universe to retrieve the stones from the past timeline.
Natasha and Clint go to retrieve the soul stone, with Clint sacrificing Natasha to access it.
Stark builds a gauntlet to wield the retrieved infinity stones to reverse the snap.
Banner has become Hulk permanently, but retains his intelligence and memories as Professor Hulk.
Captain America fights Captain America in the Quantum Universe
Captain America in the other universe wields the Mjolnir and shield, but Thor still has the Stormbreaker
Other universe Captain America wears the old comic suit

she want you to spend money for her and boyfriends diner man.

I hope I don't get laid off from my job, it's part time but there's still not much for me to do

Well now that I work night shift (im off tonight) my sleep schedule is super fuckin weird. So I fall asleep at like 9am and I wake up at 7pm and then I go to work a couple hours later. It feels weird doing my normal routines at night. But right now I'm taking a break from RE4 I'll hop back on it in another half hour or so

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1.Nobody cares about capeshit
2.Go to bed, you have school in the morning

How old are you?


No job for two months now and savings are slowly disappearing.

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Cant escape my existential crisis. Literally wake up every day past few weeks with suicidal thoughts and unbearable depression. Thinking of taking drugs to get my mood back up.

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How old?

>The reply

36 year old boomer

22, is that a decent age?

Damn... I thought you were just another angsty 21 year old loser. Well if it's any comfort I'm a 29 year old KHHV with a dead end job and no friends. And yet somehow, I haven't killed myself yet. You might want to look into St. John's wort, it helped me a little.