>By L4D team
>Good graphics
>Sweet gameplay
>Actually looks really good and plays well
>Reviews are very positive
>No threads on Yea Forums
World War Z
Other urls found in this thread:
Nice advertisement thread m8.
I'm not installing spyware for a zombie game.
>by l4d team
Is this the poor man's Back 4 Blood?
Looks interesting, will grab it later this year on sale.
Does the epic store have sales?
is that a pickle?
The movie sucked ass.
Yes but they only accepts chinese yen
mate it comes out tomorrow but yes it looks fun not exactly anything to talk about
>do you like zombies?
downloading now. been hyped for wwz for years now. i am so relieved it looks like its actually good. such a rarity for a zombie game
Because it had nothing to do with the actual book, and I'm assuming the game is the same
I've been playing L4D1/2 for ten years, and there's still servers up, so I'm not gonna buy a replacement just yet.
Nevermind the game is actually out
Turning the actual book into a game would be nearly impossible
non of that 60 dollar MP only shit, thanks cliffy.
The only WWZ game I'd accept is a city builder in which you defend yourselves from dumb, slow zombie hordes. Bonus points for Trooper blasting in combat
Desu it said tomorrow on the store page then magically unlocked
Its SP/Coop/PvPvE.
>slow zombies
>not fast
You have bad taste
doesn't the book have a bunch of mall ninja survival logic and really poorly thought out pseudo-medical explanations? I've never heard good things about the book.
Yes, the guy is an idiot.
Not really, it actually is more easy that make a movie or series, just make it single player and each story their own chapter with their own gameplay
>bunch of mall ninja survival logic
Nothing quite like ditching guns for spears and phalanxes because
Fast zombies are only canon in Brad Pitt's mind
Slow zombies are boring, in reality they would not be a threat at all
They kindof fucked up by alluding that this was related to the movie, and I guarantee that there are people that want nothing to do with this based soley on that.
It's a repetitive, pointless skinner box.
You have to be missing some sort of gene or be severely intellectually impaired to be amused doing the exact same thing, on the same few maps, a million times over and over again.
if we were overran with zombies
youd be the first one to die, bitch
What kind of retard actual expect realist from a zombie series?
>It's a repetitive, pointless skinner box.
>hasn't even played it
this post is so obviously a shill or shitpost it's insane
To be fair, I cant think of any multiplayer game where you arent doing this.
From the makers of RIPD: The Game, Battle: Los Angeles and Shaq Fu.
You'd rather face a couple of fast zombies than hundreds, or thousands of slow zombies in a creeping, unstoppable horde?
I hate the movie so much that its the only movie I've never been able to finish. but the book was even worse and i did finsih that somehow.
Yeah no, I can jog
Nobody is expecting it but Max Brooks brings it anyway and he does it poorly.
If you're going to shill then at least post SCREENSHOTS, CLIPS and WEBMS of the gameplay.
No twat the opposite, I would want to be against slow zombies because I could run away and they are no threat at all.
If you want zombies to be viable you have to make them fast
Yes, user did you even read the book? That is a plot point with the battle of yonkers
>that preorder dlc
No of course not it was shit
It's not that he is unrealistic, it's that he has opinions on things he knows literally nothing about and inserts them into his book, and then claims that it is in fact realistic.
Almost everything done by everyone in the book makes no sense both in the context of the real world and in the context of the world presented to us.
Ya but zombies will eventually catch up and you cant jog forever
>gold guns and a shovel
im kinda glad it isnt actually content thats important
By the time iv jogged for 5 minutes they cant even find me, and if it was any small number of them I would just kill them because they are slow and shitty
Go watch the old hollywood movies where they had slow zombies, every single time people die because they either
>dont know what zombies are
>do something stupid
>fall over and get eaten
Thats why fast zombies became so popular, it was actually scary.
It's really bad though. Thermobaric weapons aren't effective vs zombies actually literally nothing is because lmao explosions don't cause Shockwaves. Guns are basically worthless and the military is more inept then usual.
Care the post example? I don't remember anything like that, though it had been years since I read this shit
What if you jog into zombies tho......
I dunno, as much as playing a left for dead clone might be nice, it just misses some of the dumber/more memorable things from the book, like the idiot on rollerskates that died because a zombie grabbed onto his ponytail, or all the zombies buried and put into dormancy by the snow up north.
Nigga the moment someone says 'zombie' im getting in a car and driving to the center of Australia. And if I have to run then ill just run out of the city and hike to a town to steal a car. I dont give a shit what your zombie logic is, nothing can survive burning sun for days at a time.
I have no idea why they even used the WWZ name for this game
It is literally just L4D but with classes and proper hordes. There is nothing WWZ about it.
His explanation that bombs are actually useless vs zombies basically is "you have to destroy their brain" which apparently an he round landing in a cluster wouldn't do it. Thermobaric weapons literally just sucks their lungs out and they are fine because lol wtf is a pressure wave? That certainly wouldn't fuck your brain up.
why cant i be excited for a game you jaded faggot?
Zombies already defy logic though, not needing to eat, nor sleep. Hell, their hearts no longer pump blood yet the blood doesn't pool and fatten up their lower extremities. "Surviving" the heat wouldn't be an issue for something that technically doesn't bother with the basics needed for survival.
It takes after the movie. The "zombie pyramids" make this plain and clear.
Getting tackled is enough force to cause micro tears in your brain
Getting hit by a grenade is going to turn your brain into jelly and/or bleed you out
>is a chinese shill
>hasn't even been payed yet
As much as I dislike Epics launcher Im not going to skip out on games because fuckwits from Yea Forums cant comprehend epic isnt a Chinese owned service.
>like the idiot on rollerskates that died because a zombie grabbed onto his ponytail
You left out the part where it was broadcast on tv and he was laughed at by a bunch of C-list celebrities hiding in their own private fortress
Gonna be a hard yikes from me
You are literally a Chinese owned service
Don't you have some borderlands threads to make
Point out how they are owned by the Chinese you absolute moron
Tencent also have agreements with Nintendo, does that make Nintendo Chinese spyware? This is rhetorical by the way you're an idiot.
No costumes is a bummer but at least you can customize guns; why 3rd person though?
Beyond that there is the whole gun and ammo thing with the US literally binning their entire military industrial complex and tactics to adopt a glorified mini-14 with magic bullets and walk in a straight line.
probably because if it was first person you would have no differences between this and L4D
every tuber is praising the game so far, based Saber Interactive made L4D3 before Valve did
Stop trying so hard you're making it obvious Chink
>epic store
no thanks, chink
its not even because i like steam, i would probably have picked it up if it was available on literally any other store than epic
it's fucking garbage
>>>Actually looks really good and plays well
would smash
>absolutely no game play footage or screenshots of people playing it in this thread
Thanks you made me hungry now
>no argument
such blatant shilling from epic fags that it's not even funny
pathetic is what it is
It came out like 2 hours ago
ps3 graphics
>never judge a game by its gameplay, only by the platform it comes out on
Bye bye console wars hello distributor wars
Why no local co-op though? L4D has it beat with just that.
game is shit larper
paid, ESL
>hates it only because its on epic and not on steam
Not him but seriously, 12 maps that you can make in less than 10 minutes each does not have a lot of replayability, higher difficulty just means getting more damage or more special zombies, but the same maps, the same objective, over and over and over again, it sucks.
Even if the weapons or classes level up, is the same shit. The only reason games like l4d or kf still have players, is the community maps and mods, and a game like this without that? Dead in 2 weeks or a month.
it Looks like BF3
That looks incredibly generic.
Any game can be fun with friends so that isn't a selling point but that just looks like the same tired formula we've dealt with for years with zombie games. It's why Days Gone looks so bad.
Game is actually trash, blind. kid also last (you)
Okay valve kiddie you keep ignoring good games because they are on X platform rather than Y platform, all that console wars shilling has taught you well
The game doesnt have to be L4D2, it looks fun and will last long enough. They've already said they are going to release more content and modes as time goes on.
>bugmen shills are awake
>It's why Days Gone looks so bad.
DG is a buggy fucking mess that has no clue what it is, it used to be a massive zombie horde game and now its some sort of shitty RPG game.
>By L4D team
No it isn't.
I miss 2007
there is nothing interesting or "fresh" about this dead on arrival shitfest
tech demo to showcase horde ai
Killing giant hordes is F U N. We need L4D3.
>User reviews: 5.9
Oh no no no
>0 screenshots
>0 video
0 chance
But it IS l4d with just more zombies. They gave ps4 codes to youtubers a few days ago, I have seen the first 2 levels played from start to finish.
It is EXACTLY left 4 dead mechanics, even the "we adapt the difficulty depending on the player skill" bullshit.
Go to point A, a few zombies on the way, press button, it will make loud sound and a zombie horde will come, defend for one or two minutes, continue, rinse and repeat.
Are you telling me that the first two maps having the same map mechanics as l4d is just coincidence and the other 10 will be totally different?
I don't hate the game, but don't try to make it something that it isn't. It's just l4d with more zombies and in third person.
I still replay Timeshift every couple years because of how great the gunplay and powers are. I hope to Satan someone buys the IP does something with it one day.
Platform does matter. If it didn’t then people here would have bought it and actually be playing it with each other.
How can you be killed by zombies nigga. Just run away, sleep running haha
>Barely any blood or gore
>Not that many enemies at once
>Zombie models look kind of meh
>Seem to have just one type of zombie
>Human characters don't have anything that makes them stick out personality wise
It doesn't look shit but unless they have massive waves of zombies that need massive co-operative amounts of high RoF firepower then I don't think it got much going at all.
Me and a buddy just got done playing a few levels. Honestly it's pretty fun nothing overly spectacular but fun. If you're wanting a good co op game get it. My biggest complaint is that the levels have 0 checkpoints. If you get matched up with some shitters then even the starting levels are frustrating.
>get millions of slow ass zombies following you
>drive/run to other side of forest
>start massive fire
>zombies cook themselves
numbers are no problem when faced with planning and ingenuity, speed takes the ability to think away and without time we got problems
of course vehicles, especially military, would still be the king, cos no matter if those zombies are all usian bolt on crack they cant run as fast as a car
The zombie craze died out awhile ago.
Its pretty meh, you can see a complete gamepay of a few levels already. There are special zombies, but they are EXACTLY the same special zombies l4d had, just with different skins, you have the boomer (now a guy with a hazmat suit), the charger (now a guy with a swat suit), the hunter (now a guy...well it's just a fucking guy that jumps on you behind a corner) and the zombie that shouts that I can't remember its fucking name.
The only different thing is, each campaign has its own characters, so on the russian campaign you play with russians, yada yada.
no thanks
I picked it up and I'm enjoying it. I've been wanting a L4D3 and this scratches that itch.
>zombies coming at you from the opposite direction
>now you either die to zombies or burn yourself in the fire you created
>no new ip
Nice try chink
>Muh yonkers
Fuck off, the first thing the military would do is set up lines of M2's and cut them the fuck down. He seems to think they'd try to be flashy rather than just shitting on all of them.
>It doesn't look shit but unless they have massive waves of zombies that need massive co-operative amounts of high RoF firepower then I don't think it got much going at all.
That is literally the main draw of the game, it has better hordes than any other zombie shooter. No one has played the highest difficulty yet, but people are dying left and right on the normal setting. They designed the engine to support upwards of 500 zombies on screen at once so im waiting to see that.
>ctl+f 'chin'
>10 results
Just a reminder this is why CIA niggers are constantly spamming muh china boogeyman. youtu.be
>but they are EXACTLY the same special zombies l4d had
They're not the same. The charger doesnt pull you away it starts slamming you into the ground instantly. The hazmat guys release poison clouds, they dont coat you in bile. The jumper is the same though. Then there is the screamer which brings in endless hordes until you kill him. There are other specials too but we havnt seem them yet.
you smell like soggy rice
Literally no one gives a fuck about China, Tencent and Epic. They just want an excuse to hate on a competitor to Steam.
I guess John Pilger is also a chink, huh? You dumb fucking faggot.
>t.ministry of state security
>Left 4 dead 2 looks better and has better gore
What a travesty.
>>Left 4 dead 2 looks better
I love L4D but please stop being so fucking moronic the game looks aged as shit
Ok I drive away
slow zombies need an associated restriction to be interesting, see dead rising and the mall location, or like dead rising on an island resort (though those weren't that slow)
in a completely open world with actual options its not particularly compelling because it stops making sense as to how these slow ass zombies are a big threat
>not a single zombie game where you have to survive long term in a mall
You can Play through all maps in around 3 hours.
Did they say anything about adding more maps?
>The charger doesnt pull you away it starts slamming you into the ground instantly
So you are really trying to sell is a different because it starts slamming you into the ground as soon it hits you instead of when you get to a wall? Even the it is the same animation?
Or the hazmat suit being cloud instead of bile? Come on dude, the are the SAME from a gameplay point.
From the screenshot you posted anyone can see the models are better in l4d, so trying to point someone wrong has backfired.
>What is I Have No Mouth And Must Scream?
desu I cheated for this one
>Or the hazmat suit being cloud instead of bile? Come on dude, the are the SAME from a gameplay point.
Except its literally not, firstly the charger in L4D2 is better and second the bile attracts zombies and the acid shit just kills you/area denials. Stop being a fucking moron.
>500 ai on screen
user, Asscreed 3’s engine supported 2000-3000 in 2012
>Asscreed 3’s engine supported 2000-3000 in 2012
What the fuck are you smoking no it doesnt.
all the fuddlore bullshit in that book pissed me off. he basically comes off as pierre sprey, decrying all technology
>Asscreed 3’s engine supported 2000-3000 in 2012
It 'supported' maybe 200 and those were ultra low quality shitshows.
I just marathoned black summer. Awful show, give me my 4 hours back.
Go watch Kingdoms, its good
>tfw gluten allergy
I need this.
They are traitors, they Meade a valve game and now they abandon valve. how fucking dare they.
not him, but if you mean this then yeah, its really good, they are making Season 2
Nigga learn how to spell.
>Joseon period with zombies
holy fuck, thanks!
Yeah. Fucking loved it. Actually had characters that weren't overdone or totally moronic.
>that cliffhanger though
You must binge watch it all right now, or I will annihilate your family.
Watch The Terror
you're a big pickle
Did you fucking PLAY the game? It was a complete fucking disaster. And no it NEVER had 2000 NPCs on screen at once.
>Actually believing marketing shilling from fucking Ubisoft, the kings of bullshots and lies
Iv met rocks smarter than you.
>posts marketing bullshit
Unlike you I played AC3, it never had thousands on screen at once but in the rare occasion it had a few hundred it tanked and died. AC3 was one of the worst received ACs ever because of how buggy and shitty its engine was, not that you would remember that since you never played it.
as i said. you are both retards
engine can handle 2000 AI on screen =/= game will have 2000AI on screen
this same engine on better hardware already proved that they didnt lie since AC Unity has locations with that many on screen
>epic store
You are literally a zombie.
Been playing it with my cousin on the hardest diff we could.
It's pretty fucking hard to be honest, feels like you need four people on harder difficulties. Guns feel good, zombies are threatening. Not as many specials as l4d so it's more getting overwhelmed rather than randomly attacked by a special and getting chipped down. Weapon customization is basic but good, classes are a good addition but not really that game changing. Iv mainly stuck with shotguns which are amazing in theq because you reload them 2 shells at a time so reloading isnt a breaking factor like it is in l4d.
It has a stealth mechanic sort of,going load attracts more hordes, its definitely noticeable on higher difficulties so we've been trying to keep quiet.
I like it and think it's worth it for $35. It scratches the l4d itch without being l4d. I tired a match of PvPvE and it was pretty good as well but I would want more zombies on the map normally rather than just as a random horde occurance.
>backpedaling to save face
>i-it totally can have 2000 I swear!
Pfthahaha. Okay kid you try and pretend you're not retarded and just got btfo.
The game cant support 2000 people. You were wrong. Discussion over.
i said engine you can literally read the posts back if you dare but nice try saving your ugly face after getting btfo hard ahahahaha
What’s with all the l4d style clones these days
Literally name 3 others from this year
this is the only one i know
Oh is it Epic only? Oh well, was about to look into it. Thanks for the warning.
>ask actual normal question about the game
>get ignored
>instead we're shitposting about asscreed now
is there a single piece of footage posted YET?
Yikes, no thanks!
I dislike Epic because of their retarded exclusivity deals with publishers, but I hate how the battle against Epic is being fought with blatant lies and misinformation. Ever heard the story of the boy who cried "wolf"?
Only hours of it on youtube and in this thread shitposter
A zombie horde shoot an game is exactly what I couldn't anticipate less right now. And I garner many people share my sentiments, there's a reason why no one talks about that dad's gone game, many people are burned out on zombie games.
Played lfd2 like a month ago,though, was good fun to run through a few campaigns but that's enough of that for a while.
My guy, the game is literally out. There's tons of footage. Reviews are coming out as we speak. Have you heard of google?
>black summer
whats the deal with the zombie shows making a comeback?
nice try chang
Someone give me a link. Can't find this shit on any trackers due to the generic name + it sharing name with the movie.
i thought black summer was ok
not great but ok
Just heard about it, looks like surprisingly not shit. However
dropped sorry
>many people are burned out on zombie games.
Show me the trends of zombie games losing interest
I think the Walking Dead IP has lost momentum though
>World War Z-CODEX
>Yet another Zombie game.
Give me one good reason to give a shit.
I actually was interested in it, but I'm not dealing with that Epic shit. Too bad, I guess.
Thanks my dude.
Not this year but
Overkill The Walking Dead
What's even the point of pirating a multiplayer game?
It's not like any of us have friends anyway.
Didn’t dead rising in 2006 support 600 an on screen? Then the sequels(which have coop) upped that to the thousands?
True, but that's why I don't really get excited for multiplayer games that require team play in the first place.
>check out some gameplay footage
>it's just a reskin of L4D, even the specials have pretty much the same abilities only instead of being horribly deformed they just wear a different outfit
>better with friends
one thing about the book and many other zombie stories that completely baffles me is that tanks are somehow useless against the zombies
it's even clearly stated that the zombies are unable to break through a diving hardsuit let alone a tank and the reason given for tanks being useless is "not enough ammo"
why don't you just button up and run over the zombies, they don't have any way to damage your tank and you can run over a practically unlimited number of them until you run out fuel. get 3 or 4 dozen tanks together taking it in turns to go back and refuel and you could mow entire city sized hordes flat in a few days
The zombies in Dead Rising are pretty static though. They only react to you when you're a couple meters away from them, and the rest of them can run a really basic idle loop. If there are hundreds of zombies aware of you at once, the load from that becomes very heavy.
Ah, he called you a faggot, that proves he's not a shill :^)
just pirate some friend bro
Anyone that mentions “l4d itch” is a shill.
>its fun with friends
so sorry
Because then your tank is a giant rolling biohazard
>Does the epic store have sales?
>lies and misinformation
since when are insects allowed to post on this board
Lies and misinformation indeed, you mouth-breathing autismo. Try thinking for yourself instead of eating up Yea Forums shitposting.
not made by l4d team stop lying
hang yourself chang. The day I install Epic china store on my computer is when Tim Sweeny outs himself as pedophile.
There is plenty of evidence how Epic is literal spyware, you don't like follow my advice you fucking insect.
Looks like L4D but worse.
Also apparently FF is still a thing, I sure love getting randomly killed by some epic le trolle.
>By L4D team
>Tiananmen square massacre of 1989
is this 2010?
yeah but you still just turned 1 million walking biohazards into a single rolling one
You know what's crazy? Dead Rising came out in 2006, THIRTEEN years ago, and still looks pretty good and has impressive numbers of zombies with extremely subtle LoD. What the fuck happened?
No, but competition is healthy for the consumer, incel.
>videogame tie-in of a completely awful movie
>epic store
>epic store
hah, nice try
The Epic store barely has a functioning store. Sales are on the roadmap though, sweetie :)
Looks like utter dogshit. Anyone who cares about this game is a paid epic shill.
>Epic Gay Store
Nice one, Sweeney
Actually it's because most people who shill for Epic store literally can't even comprehend that there are other storefronts than Steam who are much better alternatives.
This was the point where it got hard for me to finish the book. It's understandable that people might crack under pressure at the beginning of a zombie outbreak, but somehow the Army organizes a big defense for the Yorktown chapter and proceeds to choose the exact opposite tactics or strategies of what should be done about a dozen times, not because they're incompetent or unprepared, but merely for the sake of the plot / the author's ego.
Name some
>No Plane Level
wtf were they thinking
Jesus darksiders 3 really did flop bad, sad we'll never get to play as Strife
Steam is better than GOG
GOG hasn't been actual competition to Steam on top of that
>Platform choice doesn't matter on a non-f2p multiplayer only game
People typically want to have an active playerbase to play with friend.
Check out "they are billions"
Left 4 dead wasnt that great :^)
I hate EGS since they snag Metro off Steam
it has nothing to go with competitor
now fuck off
I have 1000+ hours in L4D2 and agree with you; they're trash games and anyone that thinks they're good you have my seal of approval for thinking they're retards
And it was stupid. The battle of Yonkers was something even the author had admitted he had to flub since he knew the military wouldn't have lost that battle in the first place.
>God Mode
that was kind of fun but had no online coop. Wasted opportunity
>Bro, they would be a threat in the real world. Didn't you read about this fictional battle that didn't happen, dude?
>looks worse than l4d
>3rd person shooter
>minimal amounts of gore
>stiff shitty animations
>shit gun sounds
>lastgen graphics
>shit voiceacting
Yeah, no thanks.
Look, it was one of those necessary evils here. Can't write a book about zombie survival if there's no survival part. The US winning and with its military intact would have stomped all over the remaining zombies afterward. It would have turned into a 'America, Fuck Yeah!' book.
>>By L4D team
I had it for xbox 360
Have 200 hours in it but the game is genuinely trash
Sometimes it goes on sale
Will I be able to play as a zombie and invade Israel?
>EPIC store
FUCK why
This game looked kinda fun too...
>hordes of zombies keep spawning
>kill them
>body dispawn in less than a second
immersion is ruined
would had been pretty neat if the bodies would end up mounting up.... kinda like in the movie.
also the hardest difficulty is shit.
all it does is spawn even more horde of zombies and they just hit hard.
i would pay $15 for this
wait for the holiday sale.
Thanks for reminding me to pirate this shit OP.
>online only
Pirates are pretty stupid huh
>Not knowing about player.me, evolve, and tunngle
>bodies disappear
But that directly opposes the 'climbing walls on piled bodies' visual premise of the literal fucking cover, why are developers so incompetent
Looks crap desu not even as good as l4d2 il hard pass
>epic launcher
haha no thank you zhou fei
>player.me, evolve, and tunngle
I hate Tencent because they've actively ruined tons of genuinely good games with their chink cash shop bullshit. Anything owned by Tencent deserves to go under
>hur dur if teh games r gud it's totes worth raping ourselves by enabling epic's business practices
Watched some Let's Plays and either everyone's become leftist overnight or there are no white player models in story mode.
Congrats, America, you lost another customer.
Hmm i guess it did have online for 360 too. I must be confusing it with some warhammer game i also played.
fuck off shill
>open up random twitch stream
>2 white males, a mexican male and a white female
They're also the very definition of Chinese knock off and unoriginality. They own and create several games that are just shitty Chinese knock offs of successful brands because they know people will eat it up. I fucking despise Tencent
The gunplay looks so fucking boring. Third person shooting with bloom recoil never feels satisfying.
Thanks OP, I almost forgot this came out.
guess it's time to bring out the ole pirate hat again, old friend
Tiananmen square 04.15.1989 - 06.04.1989, you fucker.
>roasty screams
no thank you
>not made by asians
>doesn't have anime young girls softcore porn
That's why no one is talking about it.
Spears and phalanxes make sense if you don't have any firearms to begin with. But yeah, getting into melee range of a horde while you have firearms is suicidal.
>those bullshit explanations on why explosions don't work on zombies
Don't get me wrong. I don't want to buy it from the Epic Store either, but how do you intend to play this with friends without online functionality?
El goblinos del americanos dios mios
The fact that there is a place called "Yonkers" and everyone who lives there is ok with it makes me wish for a real apocalypse.
It's P2P shit m8, that can easily be emulated over VLAN.
Every character in the US campaign is literally a nigger. Bravo.
Oh shit sweet. Didn't know that. Thank you.
No, it's a brined cucumber
>mediocre book
>lukewarm movie
>decent game
Im suprised each adaptation of this bullshit is slightly less garbage but it just goes to show how awful a writer Max Brooks is
I will play it when epic eventually gifts it to keep the appearance of a successful shop
It's Matilda Scorpion Time!
no give me evolve 2
Looks okay but even if I had no issue with the epic store I wouldn't buy it. Why? Because the
epic store probably has fuck all for a playerbase, meaning you buy this game, you enjoy it for a week or two and then after that it's a ghost town.
He's lying they aren't involved, but they are developing their own l4d clone.
no thanks
seems to give a fairly positive impression
too bad I won't buy it because I have no friends
So guys is it cracked yet?
does the crack have multiplayer?
Just mod the game (will crash on 32p versus with million plugins garbage randomly) just make sure you don't have incompatibility or conflicting stuff
>watching forsen play it
>bullets go straight through zombies sometimes
into the trash it goes
Valve was too busy developing artifact
>It is EXACTLY left 4 dead mechanics, even the "we adapt the difficulty depending on the player skill" bullshit.
L4D's "Director AI" is a lot more complex than that though.
Oh man Valve is so original they must own the copyright on zombie games
It's not that the game has zombies you mongoloid, it's that it's using the exact same gameplay formula as Left 4 Dead.
>Valve invented zombie co-op games with random elements
the vaulting and players jumping towards targets so the melee animations match are big red flags for me.
Wow this seems pretty neat! Gonna put my American Express card into my Epic Store account and purchase this video game!
>Then there is the screamer which brings in endless hordes until you kill him.
reminder that if you played through the commentary mode of L4D (or L4D2 I forget), they talk about also having that enemy, but during playtesting they found it was too hard to track it down in hordes while it was fleeing & just caused annoying situations
>1% discussion of zombie games
>99% butthurt valvekiddies who cant handle games being on a platform that isnt steam
Jesus Christ I would hope the days of Valve drones infesting Yea Forums was over by now since they stopped making games. Anyway, game looks fun. Epic is shit though these download speeds are slow as balls.
just watched a stream of it, its complete garbage
>looks worse than l4d2, less gore because lol pegi 16
>hamfisted multiplayer is just a team deathmatch
>no versus
>no boss encounters
>special zombies are just a hazmat boomer who runs intead of puking and literal charger and hunter clones
>there are people ITT right now who missed Sunday's 32-player L4D2 server fun
the game is trash, deal with it
Hey guys I just came back from Gamestop
based & valvepilled
>tfw was asked to help test it but wasn't invited
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa you fucking niggers
That's epic's strategy user, stealing the fun games from you. Don't give in, pirate, boycott, whatever, but don't install their shitware. Don't let them win
>tfw people found out people can take over your account by claiming it was stolen and verifying it by sending a passport
EGS is a joke, I don't feel comfortable using a client where someone can steal your account so easily
>epic exclusive
no thankjs
>epic store exclusive
Not memeing. I was going to buy it but now... What's the problem about releasing the game on BOTH stores?
no exclusivity money, so the game could bomb and the publisher will still make good money
i want this to be remade already, i played this online mode habitually.
The communication system was trash though
Why is everything about money and not passion?
Aw shit that is incredibly generic looking.
What a shame.
>What's the problem about releasing the game on BOTH stores?
then you wouldn't get epic's money
There's no real reason to release on EGS in addition to other platforms
I can't imagine any scenario would want to buy a game on any store other than steam, a key reseller (g2gay, kinguin, whatever), bundle sites (like humbun/indiegala) or a DRM free store (like GOG)
EGS offers nothing those four options don't
>that FOV
>complete lack of ultrawide support
>cant make private matches so forced to play with randoms
>special infected are complete copies of L4D2
>epic client
pic related is the first chink stream i saw, look at that FOV
Passion is for Japs, Slavs, and a handful of indie devs, the rest of the industry doesn't care about that gay shit.
Consoles, you can modify the cfg file to make the bodies last longer. Its intensive on physics thats why and consoles are shit.
Yeah I noticed that all the protagonists are SJW and the zombies are all white males.. Really makes ya think, that plus its Epic exclusive.. F it I'll just run though Left 4 Dead theres still content there I havent even finished.
>tfw was asked to help test it but wasn't invited
Here's the thread for reference should happen again next sunday (or maybe saturday). Was great fun despite some amicable TK'ing and occasionally having to reconnect, we even got wiped a few times.
>no argument AND chinese
Look at the other recent games by the devs
chinks fuck off my channel reee etc
yeah as expected, that's the server I was asked to help test
leaving me behind after making me test fuck you
I know where you live & I'm coming to shit in your mailbox