What are some kino moments in vidya?
What are some kino moments in vidya?
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You, a brainlet:
>oh that moment was so kino and beautifully shot and the location was wonderful and it thematically tied the whole game together in a climax and
Me, 100000000000 IQ:
>The little black thing coming out of Kos is a reference to a cut enemy from DeS.
Far more important than anything else going on in that area and the real element that Miya wanted players to pay attention to.
That element is there on purpose to definitively tie BB and DeS as one, and estabilish BB as the true spiritual successor to DeS, rather than having anything to do with DaS.
>orphan of cos introduction
>not the mid fight cutscene with ludwig
you were so close to being 100% right
>beat ludwig 1st try
>beat twin whale things on the well first try
>orphan is fucking kicking my ass and im running out of shit to sell to buy vials
God fucking damn it what the fuck do i do in his second phase? he just wailing around like a retarded freight train and eventually he gets me
I have literally no chance
Most i have done is get him to 20% but the lightning lands on top of my head and the fucker gets me with his combo right afterwards
im 97 using holy moonlight blade
His second phase is actually easier.
i can't really help with tips on fighting orphan because it also took a while for me, but i can tell you that you can farm the scholars in the lecture building for a good amount of echoes, so you don't need to worry about blood vials, they also drop quicksilver bullets.
came here to say this
That part in War for Cybertron where the aerialbots are escaping Trypticon as he's transforming and then fighting him as he's doing a freefall onto the planet.
This game.
The entire game.
Will Kinoborne ever be topped bros?
He's much more predictable and a lot of his moves will leave him vulnerable to a backstab -> visceral combo. The biggest thing is that you don't use lock on for this fight, since he's incredibly mobile and the lock on in this game is nothing short of terrible.
Sorry this is actually just a Bloodborne thread in disguise not an actual cool moments in games thread.
not even the best game of 2015 :)
this whole fight is the most kino thing miyazaki has done so far
At what point did you guys realize that Sekiro was better than every Souls game combined?
Context: Pudgy dude in glasses has your best friend for your whole life and one of the few who has always been on your side. This is the evil ending that will kill all non-power humans.
Unquestionably one of the best, most emotional scenes I've ever played in vidya. Still makes me tear up a bit.
I don't even own a PS4 or Bloodborne and I can say that Witcher 3 is fucking garbage compared to it.
But anyway, Sekiro is a better game than Bloodborne.
>deflects the thrust attack
The absolute madman.
never mind me, just posting cute emmas
that moment when the song syncs with the sword clashing.
when i got gud and stopped dying like a bitch
i think the genichiro fight was a bit too easy though, especially the way of tomoe phase. they should've given him more posture / health, or made lightning reversal less powerful.
yeah by itself the last phase may be a bit too easy. but at that point in the game you're "gud" level is lower and the first two phases are pretty exhausting so when you do get to tomoe phase and you don't understand how to do the lightning mechanic you just get pissed the fuck off
I love Emma!
Old hags aren’t cute
Elder Scrolls V is one of the most kino experiences in the world :^)
That was the coolest shit ever AND the music was hype
she just stress, of course gonna look older a bit
Isshin is always doing something
Sekiro pretends to ignore her most of the times
Geni with his muh search for immortality
Kuro too young
of course she feel frustrated a bit
She’s a nice woman, just don’t gwt the Shura ending
I'm not saying she must be, but nothing i see about her looks a bit asian.
dont know how Yea Forums feels about P&C games but to me this moment was pure kino
You jest, but Skyrim unironically has some kino moments.
I played vanilla wow at the time and I do not get this refference
She's Dutch.
flash game, pretty fun, never finished it myself
Shut the fuck up
low-iq brainlets, of course you wank your dicks to ludwig
deal with it and cope
This but unironically.
I used lead vials and rallied my health back during the second phase. None of his knock back attacks interrupt your swings so I just kept whittling him down and healing.
>illegal item
You got a loicense for that knoife?
TW3 isn't even the best Witcher
She has superior Jomon genes
That doesn't contradict what he said.
You see the arena where your were supposed to fight Kos in was the Great Lake of Mud (obscured now from sight).
You can fight the true final Moon Presence there and the area looks like thr final part of Demon Souls with the water and ruins in the background and such.
It was intended from thr start but Ludwig went supersaiyan 3 and stole all of Miyazakis budget to get Guidance 3. Then miyazaki hid guidance 3 inside of his unfinished MP 3rd phase as revenge against Ludwig
This is a picture of the event, colorized.
The helicopter scene from SR3
Kingdom Hearts should have ended after 2.
2nd phase is basically good luck or you're fucked
wayyyyyyyy harder to parry and some of his attacks like the lightning one into jumping on top of you and flinging his shit at you are basically guaranteed death
KH2's cutscenes are fucking horrid.
This is unironically the kinoest moment in video game History. And I'm not even a big fan of MGS.
>Used to be a huge fan of infamous
>forgot about it entirely
>see this post
>reminded of everything, the feels come flooding back
It's a bit of a normie tier game but I'm always the biggest sucker for bro-level characters. This scene right fucked me up. And the part that makes it most kino - Zeke wouldn't have been a true friend if he didn't try to do it
How the fuck did Kino even come to mean all this retarded shit anyway?
It's minimal budget films.
Pretty much any given moment in MGR
its a Yea Forums meme
Pretty much had the same problems until i got kinda lucky i guesscause after visceral-ing him to half his health (after all this time i could do it without even spending a vial) he would get up, try to do a 3-hit fast combo but i managed to parry him again so he pretty much had 1/3 of his health when he changed into the last part. Also for Christ's sake fight him in the water, the lightning always strikes near Kos' body so you have a lot of time to dodge it.
How are you guys not tired of this game yet?
Well this is my first playthrough so i am having fun. Although those Chalice dungeons make me wanna drop it desu.
Its surprisingly complex and replayable.
I landed the sweetest Delayed molotov stagger into a fully charged bowblade shot against a host last night.
Pretty good desu.
Then there is meta mechanics which influence invasions such as the spelunking invasion meta.
I also got a beast roar off against a church cannon blast barely saving me.
There is a fast guide to getting to the last dungeon in /bbg/ if you need.
I like the dungeons because I put on a playlist or podcast and roll through a few dungeons.
>There is a fast guide to getting to the last dungeon in /bbg/ if you need.
Yeah i remember some user posting them, thanks. I might just drop them for now and go through them in NG+ (they don't scale with NG+ right?).
chalices don't scale.
is kino just the western version of chuuni
it's not better, it's just good and different
Post the Vergil suplex webm please.
Make sure the fight is taking place pretty far out onto the water so you don't have to deal with elevation changes. Also the lightning attacks hits Kos' corpse, and goes out from there, so the further away you are from the body, the easier it is to dodge.
I haven't played BB but I've seen some videos of it and I'm curious what's that sun-like thing in the background in the Orphan area?
I don't have one unfortunately.
its the moon.
The reason it looks like that is because it was designed to look like an eye that has had its pupil collapsed (which is a symptom of blood drunkenness).
When you defeat orphan and kill the source of the nightmare the moon turns into a cloudy sunrise skybox.
its easy user, just augur his ass
Already killed him, shanked him to death with my trusty BoM. I was joking but he did give me a lot of trouble.
was thnking of snake vs the boss with the kino flower scene
>Ludwig took 17 fucking attempts
>Beat orphan first attempt only using 2 vials