MK 11 Story

Frost and Kronika are the same person from different time periods. The cyber Lin Kuei are time cops. Geras is future Jax, well his soul in a golem/machine.
You get to make choices during the story.
1st choice is during chapter 3, you play as either Shao Khan or Kotal Khan and determine the ruler of Outworld.
2nd choice is in chapter 6 as young Liu & young Lao on who to give the keys of time to Kronika or Korrupted Raiden.
3rd choice is in chapter 9 as Hanzo & Kuai on whether to pursue Noob or stop Frost.
Final choice is 3 ways in chapter 12 as Jacqui & Cassie side with Young Raiden or Korrupt Raiden or Revenant Liu Kang.

Reptile killed by Erron Black
Ermac killed by Erron Black
Shao Khan killed by Kotal Khan (depending)
Kotal Khan killed by Shao Khan (depending)
Old Jax kills himself to erase Geras from time
Shinnok killed by Kronika
Kenshi/Takeda/Jin killed by Geras & Frost
Old Kuai Lang killed by Noob Saibot
Hanzo killed by Scorpion
D'Vorah killed by Jade

Li Mei

Attached: frost.jpg (3226x2419, 835K)

Other urls found in this thread:

MK died after 9 this shit sucks ass get over it

>Old Jax kills himself to erase Geras from time
Sounds legit (the plan, not if this is real or not, that's for debate) but...
>Geras is future Jax, well his soul in a golem/machine

If Jax kills himself, couldn't they just fish his soul out of the afterlife and cram him into Geras?

>waaaah why dont the women look like shemale bimbos with giant rock tits waaah

Attached: mira-a-sabrina-sabrok-y-la-nueva-retaguardia-que-se-carga-768x439.jpg (768x439, 58K)

Why another time travel shit? Why do they treat fucking Jacqui better than Mileena? Why do they insist on killing the only good new characters?

Not him but women with big boobs exist, tranny.

Jacqui is better than Mileena, deal with it

Yeah hence why I posted one, dumbass. It's the kind of women you want in MK 11.

Attached: sabrina-s-1024x600.jpg (1024x600, 62K)

Yasss resetera

Where's Stryker

>the only good Kombat Kid is killed off
>"beloved" character Jacqui gets to be playable

No, I like the faces in MK11 but I was thinking why do you think women with big boobs dont exist? Also all you talk in /mkg/ is about Kotal boobs.

Definitely not buying this shit now

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>Hanzo killed by Scorpion
yeah fucking dropped

Why, because she is black and ugly (not in the cool way)?


Attached: Gym.jpg!d.jpg (1600x1200, 324K)

those look gross as fuck

>mfw NRS added a tournament stage

It's really cool

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>Hanzo's whole development thrown off the window
>Fucking kill the only unique Kombat Kids while Jaquie gets to live.
>Ermac's story now will never get resolved, rendering it pointless
>Frost now elevated to important because...reasons?

There goes all my hopes for this thing.

t. ugly flat whale

You know what sucks.

The whole leak was right....except for the shaolin monks mode.

God dammit

Arent you offending women with big breasts? This generation of women have larger breasts, why are you so jealous?

No, I'm a fit muscular man actually, but nice try incel.

Attached: sonya.png (600x372, 874K)

>>Ermac's story now will never get resolved, rendering it pointless
I saw one pic of one of Shao Kahn hammers being made of Ermac's bones

>This generation of women have larger breasts

Fake shit don't count. Same fro their asses. Quit being a simp homie, catching feelins off some instagram thots n shit

>believing this shit with no proof

You should be thrown out a window

Attached: 15553865473101887790974.png (640x694, 634K)

Nah, you are an ugly woman.

Care to supply an user with that leak? For extra disappointment.

Attached: 1545245730267s.jpg (125x70, 2K)

>MK 11 Story
After the shitshow that was MKX, who cares?

Nobody gives a shit about the story in fighting games.

The girls are doing more exercise now and they consume more s.oy, 12 years old girls are more developed than 30 years old these days.

If I were a flat old hag like you I would also be jealous

MK fans do. Sorry that Japanese fighting games don't have any stories or characters anyone gives a fuck about anyway.

Oh believe me I'll jump off the window myself in joy if this is not the case.

But this whole thing sounds exactly the kind of shit NSR/WB would pull off, which makes it even scarier.

I'm a man, retard.

Attached: 461097_grande_LAIPUEE8.jpg (702x439, 64K)

You got hard to that Mileena pic didn't you? It's from 11 btw

wtf is this bitch a snake

They would advertise a Shaolin Monks mode

Have you ever went to a gym? a lot of teenager girls have pretty nice bodies and big boobies.

all MK fans care about when it comes to MK is everything but the actual game. Literally every other Fighting Game community cares about the actual games they play.

No she's a fucking Tarkatan you fuck!

it's not from 11

>Assuming I'm a Mileenafag just cause I hate this rumor story.

I couldn't give a single fuck what happens to Mileena. I was just hoping at least the story'd make up for the shitty roaster as a whole.

I dont get your point with that pic. It is true that women with large breasts exist, why so upset?

I don't look at underaged girls, and neither should you. Besides milfs are better in bed and their pussies are more loose which is better if you got a big dick like I do.

>Literally every other Fighting Game community cares about the actual games they play.

But the FGC plays shit like Shit Fighter V and Cuckken 7, so they don't care about good gameplay either lmfao

>frost and kronika are the same person
>jax and geras are the same person
l-fucking-mao this is terrible, nice try OP

Yes it is

I play fighting games to fight other players. Tekken, MK, Street fighter, doesn't matter. It doesn't mean I like "Japanese" games. I'm not a fat nerd or a loser that reads game books and gets into the lore like an idiot. I just play the game.

Gonna watch this on youtube and forget about it

what's this from? why does she look asian?

My point is the women in MK 9 had ugly fake rock tits and looked like shemale porn bitches. The incels crying about 11's girls always post MK 9 women as their examples of how the women should look. Not realizing the irony of them wanting fucking trannies.

it isn't, the pic is clearly trying to go for the Character Select style, but that image is clearly painted while the CSS uses 3D renders


>Reptile killed by Erron Black
fuck you Ed Boon

Mileena and Kitana were always asian

>Cuckken 7
>NRShills can't actually think of an insult for Tekken so they just use KEKken

Reptile sucks anyway so why not let a better character kill him? Lizardmen aren't cool anymore, that was a 90s thing dude.

no they weren't, the actress that played Kitana in the original game was Puerto Rican, and her models in earlier games are very clearly not asian

>Reptile killed by Erron Black. boy..

Attached: SadCena.jpg (480x360, 14K)

no it isn't, people keep trying to post it in every thread and every time it gets called out for the mistakes in the image. move on.

>that was a 90s thing dude
yeah, we should erase all the ninjas too

So the current timeline's Scorpion who now goes generally by his real name name of Hanzo since he's chilled out gets killed by Scorpion?

Why are the women ugly and why are leftists praising ugly women?

op is a faggot

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>implying fucking J Lo can do martial arts and would use a bladed fan

That's an asian woman thing, and kitana was always meant to be asian in her initial design. She was gonna be a kitsune originally.

yeah i was gonna ask, what's the point of making a fake leak if she isn't on the base roster?

>that much skin showing in MK11
not a chance buddy

>Frost and Kronika are the same person from different time periods.
Doubt but how? So how did frost get time powers?

I like MK11 faces a lot better, I was saying that voluptuous women existed. The problem with MK9 is that they were bad at translating it. The guys for example some of them shared the same face with different eyes

Do you think there will be a 300lb white male featured in this stage?

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Except people who are reading this thread, you autistic piece of shit who lives in a tiny bubble

Source fag. Shao Kahn is DLC why would he be playable in story

>Erron Black

>Her normal mouth is open THAT wide yet the monstrous teeth aren't separated at all.
So they aren't functional at all? What's the point then. This design looks fake as shit.

Not that user but the only evidence I could give to that is the fact that he shows up in one of the story trailers.
On-Disc DLC? Sure.
Could it be a possible "Catwoman/Arkham City" situation where if you bought it used you had to pay extra for story stuff? Who knows.

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He is in the story dingus, full on him talking to kronika fighting kotal have been out for months