Is this the most over-rated game ever? Travel/walking simulation mixed in with brain dead fetch quests, lame combat...

Is this the most over-rated game ever? Travel/walking simulation mixed in with brain dead fetch quests, lame combat, and aged graphics. What's there to like?

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Other urls found in this thread:

love it when we start these hidden generals with a shitpost.

retail? absolutely

classic? unironically the pinnacle of mmo gaming, and i literally cannot wait for summer.

ill finally get to go home...

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based homeposter

>the pinnacle of mmo gaming
if that's the case then it's no wonder the genre is dead.

retail and vanilla are both shitty, but they are shit in different ways. you have to be pretty autistic to give this game any sort of thought in the current year.

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We're going home bros.

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Everything post-MoP is overrated. Blizz just release garbage and journos always give 10/10

do you think its funny that over a million people play a narrow, limited version of a massive game.

over 1 million people. there are ENTIRE COMMUNITIES for other games that dont hit 1 million, and yet that many people would give their left nut just to play vanilla

it must be doing something right

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Yes, because its a shit game with no community
No, literally one of the best MMOs of all time because it has mechanics that foster a great community

i like the faerie dragons

It used to be something new, but it's not only stale as fuck now it's literally a rotting zombie by now.
Besides with great new games like Fortnite, Sekiro, Apex Legends, DotA, FFXIV and superior ways to socialise (Discord, Steam, Real life) there is literally no reason to play WoW anymore.

Was there ever any wonder? Vanilla WoW and the first two expansions were so successful every single mmo since has tried to copy it's systems.

MoP is the most overrated one. Cata is before MoP and it's one of the worst expansions save for BFA and outside of the first cata tier, it's on pace with what WoD was.

>Besides with great new games like Fortnite, Sekiro, Apex Legends, DotA, FFXIV
man, gaming today really is shit huh? What a horrible gen.

Cata was actually one of the best expansions. You know why it was so hated? Because the dungeons were too hard LMAO.


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MMORPGs are fundamentally trash. If you actually give a shit about gameplay you should stick to either single-player or competitive multiplayer, MMOs are a complete waste of time.

Beats FF14 anyway with its story crap
>"no trust me it gets good after 60 hours!"

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How? the dungeons were nerfed into oblivion a few weeks in.

>TFW you reaelize that the popularity of the LOTR movies set the stage for high fantasy media to be popular and WoW was the beneficiary of circumstantial "lightning in the bottle" effect

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>Literally thinking WoD and Legion are better than MoP...

>only one half decent tier
>the expansion that introduced looking for raid
it's one of the biggest offenders really.

>over 1 million people
keep dreaming, autismo-man.

seethe harder boomer, all of those games play better and are more popular than your shit classic server will ever be

Classic will flop so hard. You think you do but you don't.

That's not how it works. No one is overrating WoD, it's rightly regarded as shit. MoP has a small but loud fanbase who jerks off to pandas and only remember the last two patches of the expansion though, so it gets a lot of praise even though it was garbage for 80% of the expansion. This is why it is very overrated, but that does not say anything about it's actual value, only that people give it far too much credit.

And yet mouse clicker facerollers still couldn't handle 3 different buttons. I mean they even started shining gold telling you what to push and people were still fucking retarded.

based home poster

Well at least it beats every single mmo right now on the market. Especially FF14 which is such a boring slog after WoW how people can even stomach leveling in that game is beyond me fuck Yea Forums for tricking me into trying that piece of turd.

WoD metacritic score: 87
RE2 remake: 89.

Sure, not overrated at all....

Everything post fucking release was shit because you raid cunts ruined WoW.

Nope, Blizzard ruined WoW all on their own.

just because every single other mmorpg out there is a steaming pile of shit infested with mtx it doesn't make wow is, or ever was any good.

the only reason it was popular was because it was the first one of its kind on the market, and because normies made it "trendy". there's absolutely nothing special about wow, and there never was. the game was shit in 2006 and it's still shit today.

Blizzard was run by raidfags so im still right

wait until you see console games

Western MMOs are shit games for ESL (man)children ever since Everquest

They can't even hope to have half as skilled and deep combat like many of their Asian contemporaries, and westerners struggle to grasp the nuance and majesty of the excellent storytelling experience in any Japanese game due to their low intellect.

pretty much.

the game completely stopped being an mmo to turn into a raiding game with a few mmo elements in it on the side.

There are almost 8 billion humans on this planet. It would
not be weird if 1 or 2 million were retarded with shitty taste.

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>there's absolutely nothing special about wow
Thats what makes it special

Its not filled with all the shit that ruins modern MMOs
>Cash shop
>Dungeon Finder
>Easy mounts
>Purchasing max level
>Homogenized classes
>Raid/instance focused

Stripping away all the shit MMO developers thinks are 'necessary' or 'convenient' in an MMO and just leaving its bare bones leaves you with the best MMO on the market.

Classic is so simple, you pick a race/class, you level, you join other players, you dungeon, you level, you add more and more people you recognize and you enjoy your characters development. Thats it.

Personally my biggest gripe is that i hated the class reworks for washing out much of the FLAVOUR in favour of streamilining, but they are technically Pre-Patch rather then Cata-proper.

Also that my COMFY zones got blown up and over-reliance on phasing, MoP does much of the same but with better environments and did add a new Class that got a lot of love when it was relevant, but it is something, even if it is something subjective.

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>brain dead fetch quests
Even if you blindly follow a leveling guide, it is apparent that this is not the case. Thank you for revealing that you didn't play the game.

While i admit expansions completely ruined its core gameplay, denying that the game was absolutely SHIT back in the day is disingenuous at best and straight out dishonest at worst. I'm not talking about bugs, lag, or graphics here, I'm talking about the game itself. The game was a fucking idiotic grindfest littered with useless garbage all over the place, and "side activities" that never went anywhere, but then again, what mmorpg out there doesn't revolve around repetitive autistic shit.

I'm so hyped to gank cunts again. Ambush, gouge, restealth, cheap shot backstab if needed, cold blood, evis, ded.

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how is that wrong? the game revolves around killing boars and collecting trash since its inception.

Itt: a bunch of faggots who suck at video games, have no ability to make friends shit on one of the most successful gaming titles in the history of gaming.
You understand the game could crash and burn tomorrow and it will still be regarded as a huge success that dominated an entire genre of gaming. An MMO comes out. What title is it going to be compared to? Fucking warcraft.

I get it if your brains have been bouncing off the inside of your skulls like a lonely jarred pickle. But you people shitting on a 15 year old game thats still bringing in profit are fucking retarded.

Just because you dont enjoy the fucking game doesnt make it bad.

The problem here is you have no friends and made no friends while playing, all that 'shit' gave you chances to meet and play with people.

If you dont have at least 30 people on your friends list by the time you hit 60 you didn't play WoW.

>Don't be shy
>You come get da voodoo
Surely my dick is not the only one activated by their voices alone?

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t. autismo

See you in Stranglethorn.

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This time around I'm going to play on a PvE server for comfy questing and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

Draenei wern't a part of home but I'll still accept your post

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Enjoy classic releasing on the dishonorable kills patch :^)

I will get my Home ready for my wives.

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As much as I love Draenei, them staying out means belves stay out of the horde, so it's a worthy sacrifice

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>dishonorable kills having anything to do with ganking
Retail babs are really desperate.

nobody plays retail, you fucking moron.

I hate how Thrall looks like a nu male on this art.

Yet you are shit posting about things you have no clue about. If you are not seething retail bab, then what are you? Just another drive by faggot?

>I don't understand how hype works
>I'm honestly so fucking stupid I believe and old flawed game is going to save the genre
1 int is still more than your zero int.

>idiots keep thinking the game is going to be perfect
>so many have no clue of the old problems
>so many will quickly turn around and drop classic since it's just FoTM
It's going to be fun to see the honeymoon phase flop after a couple weeks.
Just another fad.

good question. why the fuck am i wasting my time with some autistic virgin who white knights for a shit tier game that has been irrelevant for more than ten years?
it's not like you have common sense or anything, given the type of games you play.

Because you are retarded, feel free to leave.

Remember the absolute sadist debuffs creatures would apply to players? Yetis that freeze you for three second half the time you hit them, murlocs that reduce your chance to hit by 70% for ten seconds, spiders that apply a two minute poison dot, silithids that increase your damage taken by 40% for half a fucking hour, stacking attack speed debuffs that spread to party members when hit so they never go away.

Even more insulting than the absolute 'fuck you' of a debuff is the fact that they have cast bars but aren't spells so the absolute only way to interrupt them is to manage to stun them.

Don't forget the web/net/root that lasts fifteen seconds even if the mob dies two seconds after using it.

Yeah and its fucking awesome

Fucking casuals ruining my fun

>want to go fishing in Azshara
>remember the cliffs and naga
>have to get past at least ten naga that have both frost nova and frost shot (a ten second slowing debuff that can be instantly recast) to get back out
>basically only ever go fishing there if you can hearth back out

fucking kek you can easily spot the belf mains in this thread.

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>getting fucked in the ass is less painful if you have friends to suffer along with you

>World of Warcraft
>high fantasy
Shit's straight up science fiction, retarded frogposter

>Just because you dont enjoy the fucking game doesnt make it bad.
The inverse is true also, just because you enjoyed the game doesn't make it good.

The setting of WoW is really weird in the sense that you have all these technological advancements especially from gnomes but in certain events characters still use the medieval age siege weaponry and so on.

Just because BfA is shit doesn't mean classic is good. Everyone who isn't a mage, rogue or warrior is horribly gimped.

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The absolute voracity of the cuckold virgins who's greatest accomplishment in life was their WoW character.

Have sex.

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>literally cannot wait for summer.
Spoken like a true newfag

Yes brother we are going home. It's going to be glorious.

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Imagine, thinking the shit they listed is good let alone better than WoW vanilla. Kill yourself

>Imagine thinking vanilla is good
>Imagine thinking Nostalrius was anything close to the real awful vanilla experience

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>An MMO comes out. What title is it going to be compared to? Fucking warcraft
That doesn't mean much when MMOs are a dinosaur from the past, like RTS.

So what is going to change? Enlighten us, user.

You, after about 2-3 weeks of vanilla

So I haven't quit Nost but I will quit Classic? Why would that happen?

Because Nost introduced a bunch of quality of life changes that you got used to, but thought was legit

Such as?

>What's there to like?
Zandalari Troll Paladins.

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indoor plumbing and doors with locks on them

Something for you to figure out instead of spamming me with (you)'s, also, you outed yourself as a underage who wasn't born when vanilla was out

>a weeb who has had sex
Well I never.

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No arguments, how unexpected. Oh well.

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I'm not here to spoonfeed underageb&

You had to be there, mang.

You are here to get (You)s with shitty baits and I am here to provide you with some since I am bored at work and you are clearly starving.

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Believe what you want, nostalrius was babby first mmo made with Quality of Life changes that would make current day Blizzard blush


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You still haven't provided any sources or proofs to your claims.

>implying we can go back in time
It'll never be the same, private servers are already full of massive faggots, can't wait to have to pay gold for pre-raid DM runs


This information is wellknown to people who played vanilla, and if you followed any news at all that's related to Classic then you'd know

It's compulsive behavior- the game

I am closely follow Classic news and there hasn't been any QoL changes. Loot trading hardly counts as one and it was not on Nost. So, got anything else?

Kek fuck pallys I steer clear of them cunts

> “““streamlined””” talents and classes
> kowtowed to casuals and nerfed heroics and raids into oblivion so pitilessly that even wrath was harder
>made entire zones reference jokes
>flip flopped on the plot because they were too shit to portray the one they wanted properly
>started the faction leader musical chairs
No way fag.

are you the same guy posting this shit all the time? I swear not more than one person can be excited for wow classic

>500+ days since
>we are still waiting
fucking blizzard

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I kind of like wow, but i hate it because it's the main reason we'll never get a warcraft 4

Apparently you havn't, cause I'm not here to spoonfeed you

imagine warcraft 4 man with modern cuck blizzard, amazing

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Still nothing, huh? Have another (You). Feeling full yet?

Still not here to spoonfeed you

Because you know that you have nothing but you want those (You)s.

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Still not here to provide information to unaware underage

>Dude, I got Stronghold again, played it as a kid, I'm having so much fun!
>Do you remember Knights and Merchants? I bought it the other, damn, I was a stupid kid and didn't know how to play it properly back in the day
>Wooooaah, I got Dungeon Keeper the other day! It's good to be bad, right? Old games are so fun!

>reddit asking which addons will be compatible
they're going to destroy it all again

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how? addons were an important part of vanilla wow

>how? addons were an important part of nostalrius

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Have you even played vanilla? People used addons for all kinds of shit all the time.
Some were so widespread and had so much influence that blizzard had to step in and further limit what they can do.

Noone is using it, you fucking retard. Not to mention it works via parsing the LFG chat, literally a chat scanner and nothing else.

can't wait for classic to come out so 90% of the people in these threads start to bash their obvious flaws that were invisible with the nostalgia goggles

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I and no one I knew ever used them. I don't think they were that widespread. certainly not for the general population, maybe tryhards

Least original post of the day.

>N-nobody is using quest tracker with a big arrow pointing where to go, or a dungeon finder, b-baka
>I-It's not like we're being contradictive by using these addons while hating on retail for it
Only bitches used addons in vanilla

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Maybe not among drooling 12 year old retards like you, but almost everyone that did endgame stuff like raiding or "serious" pvp used at least a handful of addons like dotimer, recap or quartz.

True, Warcraft rips off Warhammer which rips off Tolkien. Everyone was watching the LOTR movies and playing WoW when i was a kid. Ahhh, those were good times *sips*

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If you unironically think that vQueue is the same as dungeon finder then holy shit, kill yourself, you have nothing.

>tfw wanna play a warlock but hate being a shard bitch who has to spend hours before each raid farming fucking shards when mages get all the cloth loot anyway

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that wasn't a huge amount of the population in vanilla.

They were handy as fuck. Gouge and cheap shot countdowns etc.

>I-It's not the same, even though it is
Everyone is gonna be warrior, rogue and mage anyway

You see, all we shitposters sometimes say "hey, could we be wrong and we give a lot of shit to these guys? It's a game after all."

And then you see these kinds of posts and shameless shilling and cannot wait to roast them to death in summer and shitpost in their brainwashing multithreads.

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>addon that's parses chat for words like LFG and LFM and shows them as a list is the same as thing that teleports you to the dungeon and invites people from other realms
It literally isn't.

Farming shards takes very little time and you'll feel better when you gank a million mages since they're practically free kills for locks.

A huge amount of the population didn't reach level 60 either or quit after their first free month, so what's your point?
There were enough people looking for all kinds of addons, why else was there such a huge selection if people didn't?

Guess what, it works the same in retail if you wanna do anything above heroic(babby) difficulty in dungeons

>"Go get some harpy claws"
>Do it
>"Go get some harpy rings"
>Do it
>"Go kill the named Harpy"


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lads if i just want to fuck around and do a bit of levelling on a not dead server, is the Elysium fresh or Northdale better?

>Elysium fresh or Northdale better?
>Russian spybot or Russian Spybot

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From what I found on Google there is no finder at all for Mythics. So, I guess?

>implying you're telling me anything i dont already know
i just want to refresh my memory on some of the quests desu, i dont give a fuck about muhh e-drama or whatever

>I swear not more than one person can be excited for wow classic
There's literally no other MMO out there worth playing and there hasn't been for years.

>Trade chat full of epic Yea Forums/reddit memers and 17 groups looking for that last tank(must have key) to UBRS, and people begging for gold

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I loved running both North and South of Darkshore several times from its not-really-center to do one quest at a god damn time!

Vertically Long zones were the beeeest!

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>There's literally no MMO worth playing

not until at least 5/6 months after release and yes, many players never made it to 60 but spent a lot of time in the game

>Make the game easier please

The mentality that ruined WoW, in a nutshell

I played this game for a few months to humor my friends before and after bc and even I used addons, wouldn't touch it without them

>people asking for a warrior
>get PM'd cause I'm a warrior
>show up with my Arcanite reaper and arms build

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Was fun for the time

>I will be an UD shadowpriest and win absolutely every fight in PVP just like I did in Vanilla

you alliance have no idea what's coming

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you mean less time consuming.

That eternally butthurt guy who does not dare to start a duel until all his abilities are off CD and his potions are ready.

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It's not making it easier, it's to remove padding that they used to stretch out the content that was as thin as a eastern european during commie times

>Gnome Fire Mage
I'll have fun being an uncontainable 2-shot machine again.

It was good at the time in MMO standards.

I just can't believe they would implement classic with the old dishonorable kill rules that punish people for pvping inside cities.

It's not even a game for me, more like simulator. The combat gameplay is nonexistent. I enjoy professions and collecting though.

Less time consuming, more practical, more convenient, "Quality of life improvement", "removing padding" whatever you call it. Those things are what took the soul out of the game. If the changes work towards giving you the same XP and the same rewards for less work then it is degrading the meaning of that XP and those very rewards.

no, it isn't.

or they could add more quests? their laziness is almost funny

There is no soul, padding to hide a barethread game might make some people fall for its bullshit, aka, a few million wow players from vanilla to current day, WoW has always had padding, and it still has
MMO's are shit in nature

northdale is the only not dead vanilla server right now

Literally all I'm looking forward to out of classic is old AV. Fuck off with that 'Reinforcements' bullshit, make it entirely unbalanced in the Horde's favour and get back to the 75 hour stalemates on the Dun Baldar bridge that's basically full of Priests mind controlling people to their deaths.

Also something about the good combination of pve and pvp stuff, whatever.
I want my clusterfuck Battleground back!

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I agree they should have just kept adding more content onto the original 2 continents (Kalimdor + E. Kingdoms). That's what the idea of "Vanilla+" is all about. Would have been fun if they went that way, instead of adopting the way of always adding another "Island" where all the new and relevant stuff happened.

Friendly reminder that green women love big human cock.

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enough yet?

user old AV is never going to come back
AV is just going to be niggers rushing the generals now

>Still mad
>Still wanting attention

Based and Redpilled

Not me even, look at the punctuation, I capitalize my posts. I thought I gave you enough and there is work to be done.

are you me? I too wanted that. there is way too much bloated content.

Nothing wrong with raiding. Cry more about your PvP bullshit.

You could say the exact same about the grind in bfa. Yet, the expansion is deemed by anyone with half a brain to be the worst this game has ever seen.

Classic, cataclysm, legion, they're all one of the same, yet retards like yourself can't help but split hairs because you genuinely think diarrhea tastes better than normal shit. It's very interesting to observe how much mental gymnastics the autistic fucks who still play this game, have to go through in order to justify wasting their lives away on an addiction that is, by any objective measure, one of the worst AAA games of all time.

I wonder if you ever have those moments of clarity that you rush to push out of your mind where you realize the game is dull, the grind is obnoxious, nobody gives a fuck, and you're only doing it because you already invested so much time into it and you can't just leave now. I wonder if you ever look at your screen and sob over the idea that this shitty virtual character is all you have accomplished in your life. I wonder if it ever strikes you how much of a loser you really are.

When you think about it, it's kinda sad to look a bit closer at your average wow player and pick apart why are they so addicted to such a terrible game, and why they refuse to leave it, no matter how bad the game gets.

>Reading that and hearing the voice actor say it.

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I want to believe that they used Chromie for this trailer as a way to make classic an actual canon thing. She's thanking us for saving her in that quest line of someone trying to murder her in Legion by sending us home.

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there was never a reason to play wow, ever.

those who played it were losers in the past, and those who still play this game now... boy... i can't even imagine what they are.

have sex

>Classic + quest: give Kael a slap and tell him not to do the dumb shit he’s thinking of doing

Yeah because we have been after Blizzard for like ten years for this and sure we will stop playing after a week.... Kill yourself retailcuck zoomer scum.

I chose them for the racial ability on my BDK. An extra interrupt is handy when LFG/LFR tards don't know how to use the one(s) they have.

>unironically the pinnacle of mmo gaming
WoW killed MMOs just like WC3 killed RTS and D3 killed ARPGs.

Blizzard have a habit of reducing genres to their lowest common denominator and burying all future potential

Fucking good luck, I made a habit of trinketing back to base and just 'Fire Mage'ing the fuck out of 70% of the Horde team waiting to storm the bunker.

God I can't wait to use that Ignite debuff again.

>Be me
>Play WoW pretty religiously for 13-14 years
>Had some stray jobs here and there, but pretty much NEET
>Sex life non-existant
>Quit WoW at end of Legion, now almost 30 years old
>Got no education past high school
>Suddenly I get this drive to unfuck my shit up
>Excersising, weight lifting, taking care of myself, my diet etc
>Now got a job that pays 3400 dollars a month as a entry job, including health and dentist stuff and shit
>Job is comfy as fuck
Thanks for reading my blog, but if anyone actually bothered to read, then you too should quit WoW if it took up too much of your time and motivation like it did for me

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How did you land that job? Please help.

blizzard literally managed to monetize incels. lol

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Lies, and luck
It wasn't really involuntary, I just didn't want to bother with girls cause staying indoors with videogames was better than dealing with real life, besides, girls do take up too much time either way

Gonna miss the Draenei, but I can dig an excuse to go back to playing Gnomes.

Especially since Humans won't have their dumb racial ability anymore. Gnomes back on top as best race!
Not that they ever left top spot (even in story) but Draenei booty just got a little more appealing to look at as I played.

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i know this never will get old but from these few seconds you can judge the rogue to be an absolute fucking shitter

these three games you mentioned are really fucking good tho

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gnomes can be hot

also their background is actually quite nice

I'm talking about people who will literally pay 15 bucks a month to play an irrelevant and broken version of a game from 15 years ago.

They background and explanation on why they weren't in Warcraft 3 is pretty... 'considerate'. Shit goes down in Gnomeregan, but they knew the rest of the Alliance were occupied and didn't wanna trouble them.
Probably regret that decision now, but hey, they do nothing but think of others. It's endearing.

Plus with their engineering genius... well, Goblins are pretty damn shit by comparison really.

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I never played on those private servers. I been waiting on an official Blizzard classic and now it's almost here. Going home man. Never coming back.

Amen to that, based poster. Homeposters are almost as annoying as pepe/wojakposting at this point.

noone has any doubts that classic gonna be a corpse animated on strings but we still all gonna try it anyway and nothing shitposters on Yea Forums say gonna change that. truth is that most shitposters gonna play it themselves.

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>Probably regret that decision now, but hey, they do nothing but think of others. It's endearing.
this. If you read deeper into their background, even as mechagnomes they always did everything they could to help their friends, without ever asking for much in return

A gnomish friend would be a great friend

Anyone who bothers with MMO's are incel in nature

>dickless retail cunt doesnt realize the ONLY thing people are playing classic for is leveling
Leveling > Dungeons > World PvP >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Instanced shit that has NO place in any MMO (Raids/Instanced PvP)

>My preferred taste of liquid shit is better than the other liquid shit

t. incel

Spotted the retailfags

Fuck off back to your shitshow modern WoW

>we still all gonna try it
yea,if its free
>expecting me to buy something to try it

I played in real vanilla and I used add-ons. DPS meter threat meter decursive and some warlock add on for managing dots I can't remember the name of.

Typical of classicfags to give up where content starts to be demanding. It's why they hate TBC, despite being better in almost every way (I will concede that lore took a dive).
They hate arena because they can't stack buffs and gank undergeared and afk people, they hate 25 man raids because they can't shoulder the added responsibilities of actually having to know mechanics and play your class correctly. They even hate dungeons, because heroic TBC dungeons were some of the hardest content ever made for WoW.

You're comfyfags in denial that barely know how to play a 15 year old game.

You're saying it's bad to want to play some sort of objective based game mode that still lets me kill other players whenever I'm just slightly bored of wandering the world aimlessly to get the drop of someone that was probably more interested in questing or fishing?

God forbid I have a couple options with my pvp!

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I'm not him and I'm excited about classic. There are millions of us wanting to go home again. Seethe harder

Pardon me, just the best content added to the game.

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bfa is nothing like vanilla. bfa is the worst thing to happen to wow since blizzard merged with activision.

Too bad Kel'Thuzads voice actor randomly vanished for that expansion...

He didn't, it was a conscious (and stupid) decision by Blizzard. Kel'thuzad's VA also voices Uther and the Lich King, so they decided to switch it up for whatever reason.
It's dumb because even HotS, despite having all three of them in the game still uses the original VA.

The sad part is that back in the day WoW was considered an easier casual mmo. Compared to EverQuest and Asheron's Call WoW was easy casual mode. Older MMOs would have to penalties for death (they would even cause you to lose levels) permanent death, required straight grinding to level, didn't even have questing (star wars galaxies) or classes

WoW was supposed to be the easier mainstream mmo.

Hell, Uther and Kel'Thuzad interactions in HotS have them make note that they sound familiar.
But yeah, there was no good reason to not have him be Kel again. Whoever they had instead sounded terrible.

Still, top quality thing to come from that expansion is his fucking banter in HotS.
>"You "heroes" were so busy looting your precious "tier 7", you completely forgot to look for my phylactery. Hmhmhm, fools."

>"Originally it took 40 heroes to defeat me. I heard Arthas got beaten by 10. Makes you question who the REAL Lich King is, doesn't it?"

As a random side note, wish they'd let you pick which login screen to use from whichever expansion. Wanna use the WotLK one again.

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>she wants to go back to racing to type in the password before the faggot dragon lands

Transmog is a good feature

Flying is ok

TBC class balance is perfect

Dungeon Finder is acceptable as long as you've physically visited the instance once before

Increased loot drops and decreased attunement requirements will make raiding far more enjoyable

Cross-realm and sharding is a necessary evil

If you disagree then have sex, incel

>rehash tuned for lower damage than vanilla and 3 shit raids
>best content
sure thing

As much as WoD sucked, this part of the login screen is the best shit ever. It's a big fucking shame it's the last one minute and a half of its runtime.

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I mastered my typing ability to beat it every time!
I told it to suck a dick as it landed right as it was fading to my character select screen!

Fuck that dragon. All I associate it with is the fury of being disconnected mid-raid and racing to type that shit out.

Vanilla and TBC loading screens were kino, nice and simplistic, no fag dragon.

I agree, except with dungeon finder. Summoning stones and warlocks are more than enough, especially in content where flying is allowed.

wow is a shit game, no matter how you slice it.

bfa and classic are just one of the same, they're just shit in different ways.

So basically you're perfectly fine with the mythic+ dungeon system?
I personally also think that dungeon finder is a godsend for leveling

It’s pathetic that you’re forced to keep posting this, just because it’s the only way you think you can defend the state of vanilla hybrid classes

Oh go back to Fortshite if you don't want to play a game with substance.

>Turns the Lich King into a scoobydoo vilain.


Personally I'd dial back the amount of difficulty modes, TBC had the pve model I liked the most. Normal dungeons for levelling, heroic dungeons at level cap. Raids were one way or the highway, with a couple entry level ones for raiders who weren't exactly hardcore. Reputations were also still very important, and attunements were slightly less demanding but still required.

Repent Horde Scum

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Mentality that ruined wow was accessibility
Want to raid? easier difficulties rather than people working themselves gradually from last raid to next
Want to raid but you are fucking shit? Lets make raids easier and give welfare epics to compensate for your lack of comprehension of fire is hot
Can't afford epic mount? That's easy, lets just give everyone millions of golds for just logging in
Can't get good stuff from pvp or pve? Can't progress to harder difficulty? Lets just randomize it all and give you chance to get better stuff from easier stuff than you would get from harder difficulties

Everyone has to have the pie

And there's no character progression. Oh that guy has cool looking gear and shit? Well lets just put transmog into the game so everyone can look cool and you don't need to progress yourself. Even stupid looking shit was cool when you knew it was hard to get.

There's no character, player or world progression it's all fucking buffet everyone gets everything
Fucking retards can't wait 2-3 months to gear up and kill bosses, they need to do it day 1 in easy

I can’t wrap my head round the idiots that actually buy vanity mounts.
Shit like Rivendare’s charger, Winterspring saber or a netherwing drake were seen as impressive because of their rarity (be it drop rate or lack of people willing to earn them) not because of shiny colours and being a paypig.

If you don't think 5.2 is the single best patch ever, you weren't playing the game
It makes up for everything except the dailies, which ironically have wound up being the best iteration of radiant content to this day
Also class balance was objectively the best in MoP, each class and spec had a role somewhere, but no one was literally shut out from a raid because their class only did fire damage

MoPfags like me are loud because we have finally realized that WoW fucking sucks and always has

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don't you guys just love pushing buttons when they get all sparkly
it's so epic

who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





youre not gonna take me away from my wf totem
filthy tranny, kill urself

I've played WoW since launch and I'm not an incel. My GF lives with me in fact.

I'm a WoW player in general. I've played since vanilla launch and I'm fucking stoked for classic. My comment was you blaming raiding for the problems with the game. PvP is just one aspect and has no imapct on raiding or vice versa.

No game has better dungeons/raids/classes-gameplay. Sure compared to some SP games like DMC or Sekiro its combat is not much.
Graphics are very good. Most people wouldnt be able to play it if it had sharper graphics. Raids are laggy as it is.

This was my favorite expansion.

>Classic will flop so hard
Not that guy but how do you figure

But that’s phase 2, so won’t be in at launch

mmo market is dying and competes on same people, that's diminishing in number since young people play different types of people today
the mechanics of the game are outdated
the game is community centered, and yet today you can't form community since everyone is reddit and you get muted or banned for saying a tranny is tranny and not man/woman
Main audience hopes it's what it was when they were young, it's not. It was made good by the fact you were young and it was new
It's initial success, but by latest in bwl it'll just stagnate and decline very fast

>he thinks warlocks are gimped
>he thinks warriors aren’t gimped in solo pvp

Its uhhh for people who want a social gaming experience. You know, like having to make friends and network to get stuff done? Also combat is actually fun if people like you would take the time to start raiding, another social activity that also requires a commitment.

That said over the years they removed the need to actually work woth other players and turned the world into a wasteland. Classic is the game at its finest so play it when it comes out.

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only arms needs a buff everything else for warriors is pretty balanced.

>have to choose between warrior, warlock or rogue :(
It's tough call and I can't decide which

And today if you offend a retard in a 5man you get muted or banned because the game has gone full overwatch

God that shit better not carry into classic. I should be able to call someone a faggot for ass pulling half of scholo

It will probably be largely bot based.
On the one hand, chances are any major slurs will be flagged if they complain.
On the other, using well placed mundane insults will almost certainly fly under the radar, and no amount of crying will get HAL to give a shit.

Fucking Winterspring Frostsaber made easier to obtain in Cataclysm pissed me off so god damn much!
I didn't spend four days in Vanilla doing the same tedious as fuck two quests over and over and over again (Frost giants one just slowed me down) for 15 hours each day to get it over with as quickly as I possibly could, JUST so I could watch these dozens of other fuckwits run around on the same goddamn mount they got in fuckin' less than two hours or whatever retarded ease they made it now!

I wanted to be that one special person among... I dunno, 10 or so, on that purple tiger nobody else could be fucked to subject themselves to getting!

That is the moment of the game where it literally felt like I just got slapped in the tits.

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>/pol/tard angry because he cant make friends ingame

I won't be having problems, since I'll just roll on a finnish server I'll just say how it is
I have memed about black people over 10 years in Finnish server and blizzard isn't going to bother with translating your gibberish, even if you ask literal genocide of jews and niggers by enlisting people in orgrimmar to do so, if it's done in finnish

I'm just putting it out as it is, you on the other hand will get muted and banned for saying the hunter is retard for pulling extra pack and killing your group 7th time in 2 hour dungeon

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imagine being this edgy