Age of Empires 2 thread

Age of Empires 2 thread

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I never got why you can't build a fire brigade in AoE

This is why SimCity is superior

AoE2 has too much resource micro. AoE3 handled that much better.
>Farms and plantations cost a ton of wood, but last forever; no need to reseed farms
>No need to keep building lumber camps, mills, etc.; all resources gathered are immediately added to stockpile

white bois cry so much when they get a little taste of their own medicine for once

don't see warriors of Islam crying after you shoot up all their mosques and drone bomb their homes

why are christcucks such massive pussies? No wonder cumskins are getting outbred by stronger Arabic genetics

I like it as well. It's nice to know that IP don't need to keep building lumber camps as the trees recede.

Also like that there's a cap on how many villagers can harvest from a resource, 20 for gold mines, 8 for hunted animals so I send exactly that amount out and about. It pleases my autism.

Because kicking over a smelly pile of pig shit is not something to cry over but kicking over a statue made of glass is

I 100% agree but many people would argue that's where the skillgap is between aoe 2 and aoe 3.
Aoe 2 is much more fun to watch while aoe 3 is more fun to play

Really? Really?

So, how do I win against the medium AI? Tried to play random maps in AoE 2 about half a dozen times and I got instantly btfo every time with the first attack when I barely have any army at all.

Which ai?

I sold my soul to watch the world burn.

Something like this. When I've only built 2 or 3 units an AI player comes with an entire army and just destroys everything. Literally all my games went this way.

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I shouldn't be laughing so fucking hard but i am

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Build a wall around your base with a gap and put two towers there with 5 archers in each. Get Fletching at the blacksmith. That should be all you need.

On the more common practical side, don't mine gold or stone in the first age, you won't need it till you start making archers and keep making villagers till they take up about half your population.

The jump up to moderate is bigger than you'd think, and you shouldn't attempt it until you can handle multiple standards teamed against you. Also you should be trying to hit castle age before the 20th minute.

maybe you should try Standard difficulty.

I bet none of you can beat Fatslob.

Not even The Viper could defeat Fatslob.

Shit opinion

Enjoy having your battles interrupted by having to go rebuild a bunch of farms that just expired
And before you bring up the queue, it's shit. No pro player worth their salt will use it because it ties up wood that could be used on units or techs.
If they really wanted to fix it, they should make it so the wood isn't used until the farm is actually built. But I'd argue there shouldn't be a queue anyway. Villagers should just auto-rebuild farms.

>Villagers should just auto-rebuild farms.
Should be a toggle at the mill.

But the biggest destroyers of mosques are muslims.

>don't see warriors of Islam crying
you should get a twitter account the, muhamad

Learn build orders, actively scout the map, etc. Practice in a 1v1 environment. Continental has a fair deal of water, and so a fair amount of fish that you may have to juggle to make use of.

The AI in itself can't really handle early aggression that well on any difficulty and you can easily gimp their economy if they're not left alone.

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Utilize ALL resources, including deer and boars. Use your scout. Learn unit counters. Biggest of all, dont get housed

If this guy can't win against medium then he's missing the actual biggest one: don't stop making villagers

Press .
Rebuild farm with right click
Press your troop hotkey twice
Back to the battle. Literally less than a second.

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Zoomers I swear.

Looking at live footage the building doesn't seem that bad? They can rebuild it it seems. Just will take a while. And hey, more tourists and shit will come visit even more now that it's damaged.

Download the Zero Empires Fast castle tutorial scenario. If you get like, a C grade on it you can probably beat the moderate ai pretty easily

Because the fire is only there to show the building is damaged, it does not take actual damage over time because of it, purely being there for visuals until your villagers repair it.

I just wish farm ques wouldn't eat up your wood until AFTER to damn far is started.

this is bretty funny

>roof gone
>spire gone
>one stained-glass window gone
>interior ceiling mostly intact
>walls basically fine
>statues fine
Yeah, they can rebuild it. That roof was only 19th century, anyway.

I was actually going to say this next

Town Center is your village heart, it should always be pumping out Villagers. Villagers are your blood, they should always be working.
Figure out this management and you're golden

Based civs for chads

Reddit civs

Worst civ

Attached: this kills the archer civ.png (407x360, 350K)

>>No need to keep building lumber camps, mills, etc.; all resources gathered are immediately added to stockpile
villagers just hoovering up resources and teleporting them to base like it's star trek is fucking dumb though

I fucking love siege civs

Say that after my plumed archers fuck your shit up you little bitch

>Have 20 villagers carrying gold
>Make all 20 of the build the same 60 wood farm
>When the farm finishes after 2 seconds of construction all the gold teleports into your stockpile

>Fav civs are Mongols and Magyars

What does that say about me?

Oh no! A slower cavalry archer with FIVE damage whatever will I do? hahahaha tribal trash

You are a guy who has clear preferences.

I'll tell you what you'll do you'll watch your pathetic army get deleted faster than you can click

u gay

>no Spain
I just like them because of their full tech tree bar crossbows

>No pro player worth their salt will use it because it ties up wood that could be used on units or techs.
>He doesn't have encyclopedic knowledge on the exact amount of resources he'll need at any given time to ensure his build orders and queues run smoothly and nonstop
What a fag, needing the game to hold his hand. Besides it takes away the point of applying pressure to your enemies woodlines because moving becomes so much less of a non issue with your vills just teleporting the resources to you. You're basically saying an entire layer of strategy and macro because you're too much of a brainlet to multitask.

it's the aesthetic of villagers walking back and forth between resources and a stockpile. Sure, AoE 2 houses are just do-nothing buildings that magically let you have more soldiers, but they get the aesthetic across well.

Khmer need more options. Being only good at doing elephants is hardly a viable option when its so easily countered if seen coming.

I prefer Age of Mythology
If I'm remembering correctly, they're mostly the same game but one is more realistic and one has dragons and hydras and shit, right?

Rise of Nations has a really neat resource system if you don't want to micro.


Don't agree with some of the reddit ones but the chad list is truly based and redpilled.

I can't wait to make fun of /pol/ incels putting clips of the fire in their THE WEST IS DYING videos.

Age of Mythology is also the start of every unit having damage bonuses and penalties against every unit they're supposed to be good or bad against. Which Age of Empires 3 continued to do. So you can't just compare stats.

Are the nu-expansions worth getting?

>Reddit civs

I like aoe1 more

Why do these fags do more damage to an elephant than a cannon ball?
Why are these fags given to gay archer civs that clearly do not deserve them while actual infantry civs like Vikings, Aztecs and Malians miss out!
Fuck Halberds. May Allah bless the Turks who don't even use Pikemen.

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>play 2v2 online during teenage years
>both sides wall half of the map off
>send trading carts to each other’s markets for infinite resources
>build 8 layers of walls across map
>build castles every 10 feet
>game never ends

Good memories.

What are you talking about? You mean like pikemen having +damage against cavalry and +++++damage against prööööhs?

I've been saying this forever: Skirmishers and Halberdiers need to be severely nerfed.

>don't see warriors of Islam crying after you shoot up all their mosques and drone bomb their homes
You didn´t follow the Syrian war, right? Or how the iraqui army gave half the country to ISIS cause they literally ran to Bagdad refusing to fight.
They even needed hate speech laws cause of "no bully pls"

Nice try István. Magyars are a niggra civ

This. I also don't get why some muslims destroy shit of the prophet Isa ibn Maryam

>Best trash and Cavarly Archers
>Good Cavalry, Siege and foot Archers
>Serviceable Infantry and Navy
The perfect civ. No need for defenses when you have a constant flood of Huszar, Pikes and Cavalry Archers pouring out.

yes, because AOE3 is dumbed down and easy

Teutons still best race. Heil

Nice sock puppet/pol/

Yeah, like that. In AoE2 there were a few units that had bonuses. Spears, skirmishers and camels. Plus some minor ones like the swordsmen, scout and towers.

In AoM every unit deals bonus damage to something.

>help meeee!
>help meeee!

Nerfing those two would make knight and archer rushes way to damn strong.

Imagine having a literal TRASH unit as your UU lmao

>Floods your town with Huszar
>Harrasses your wood and gold with Cavalry Archers
>Kites your counterattack to a critical mass of Paladins and Halberdiers
Tic toc wagie wagie, gold's running out.

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> don’t replace me

>Raja civs are all shit except for the Burmese
what a shame

Being able to throw trash suicide squads to dispose of siege is an amazing option.

>walks 6 petards into your TC while you're not looking
pssh nothin' personal infidel

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Do you think Malay would be better if they had access to champions?

Yeah but then Karambits would be inferior to the Swordsman line in every situation

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Is that a mod or something? Besides the blowjob I mean

>Targetting a TC that late into the game instead of my 4 Castles next to middle gold

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>All relics have been captured. Hold them for 200 years to win!
Good luck, I'm behind 7 fortified walls. Enjoy your useless castles and the shit units that come out of them :^)

Last time I checked there was an aoe 2 tourney with almost 20k viewers on twitch

I know this game has never been truly dead but thats pretty impressive nonetheless

Enjoy my Cobra cars, idiot.

didn't that game have infinite resources?

oh fucc

>inblyin I'd ever let you come close to the relic that spawns next to my base
>inbyin Wonder and Relic wins haven't been disabled you cowardly queer

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cant believe its all gone

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But the resource micro (i.e macro for u scrubs) is what makes it good.


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>tfw you build a Wonder in the corner of the map in a 4v4 game that's been going for 2 hours and everyone starts yelling at you to delete it

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no, that's because those retards blow up mosques and other ancient buildings themselves on a regular basis

>That guy that always has 1 Villager and 1 Transport Ship at the ready in a 4v4 to retreat to his island fortress and never EVER surrender

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Your team is Aztecs, Huns, Incas, and Mayans.
>What do you MEAN no one on our team can build cannon galleons!?

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I'd say up to African Kingdom if you just want something closer to vanilla AoE2, Rajas if you want something a bit more fresh and new.

how do you even use magyar infantry after early feudal

They get Halberdiers. They miss out on Squires and the last armor upgrade, but get Champions and Blast Furnace. Champions and Halbs if gold is tight are good on them since you're bound to see a lot of Halberdiers from your enemies to counter your heavy cavalry. You also have middle of the road siege with Siege Engineers and fully upgraded foot archers and Skirmishers to deal with Halberdiers.

Bitch please.Not even the first time it got damaged. Back during the french revolution they even beheaded some statues, the spire was only around 100 years old and was build after the original was going to shit.
Don't make me post that buddhist monk mandela thing

It's why koreans can't into AoE2 and can only play blizzshit. It requires actual thinking and not memorizing flowcharts

Quick! Post Frollo memes!

Because you can't perfect you play style.

>AoE2 has too much resource micro
Objectively shit opinion, and you got a lot of (You)s. Well done!

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>Age of Empires 2 thread

You wish, this is a not so subtle thread about the Notre Dame burning down

No, that's what OP wanted it to be, but if you look at the thread, you'll notice it is in fact an AoE2 one.

A favourite tactic of mine:

>Play mongols
>get 10+ siege rams
>garrison champions into the rams
>attack enemy base
>unload the champions to defend the rams when enemies are in proximity
>champions distract the enemy while my rams continue smashing the base

Good times

I’ll never understand why people think the game being essentially a race on who uses shortcuts faster makes it fun or interesting somehow.

went to college at a school that had a large Korean exchange program. the year SC2 came out my friend and I played SC2 with them a lot and predictably always lost.

so my friend challenged the Koreans to a 2v2 game of AoE2. I'm garbage at RTSes but my buddy carried us to an effortless victory.

the Koreans took the loss as an affront to their national RTS supremacy pride and spent the next two weeks autistically studying the game, then challenged us to a rematch and stomped us.

Koreans can win at anything with drag select, control groups, and isometric perspective, if they put their autism to it


everyone gangster til the turtle ships arrive

Dragon’s Crown sold well

>the Koreans took the loss as an affront to their national RTS supremacy pride and spent the next two weeks autistically studying the game, then challenged us to a rematch and stomped us.
two weeks to basically 2v1? pathetic

>i'm garbage
>koreans went full autismo to slap your useless and your buddy's who probably was drunk and had some chick blow him during the match

buddy doesn't drink but the rest of that is accurate kek he was only interacting with the Koreans to begin with because of a bad case of yellow fever.

>triggering korean autism so they have a cute girl suck off the white devil just to win a casual match

Your buddy is going places

yeah, i'm thinking you're pretty based

>The AI in itself can't really handle early aggression that well on any difficulty
In Hard they always battered my archer rush no matter what Civ i use, even Mayans. It could be my lack of skill though. But Franks/Berbers Knight rush or Turks gunpowder rush works everytime. There's nothing more satisfying than seeing my Janissaries and Bombards slaughtering enemy AI while shouting Allah, Allah, even more if the enemy is Christians

Rank the campaigns

he ended up dumping the gook he moved to Korea and learned Korean to be with after he came to terms with the fact that she would never convert to Christianity. after dumping her he focused on his studies and finished two degrees, then went on a Christian dating site and got a big tiddy shortstack virgin Christian girl with no debt of any kind. now they're married and I'm still posting here

Conquerors>Vanilla>Africa>Rajas>>>>>>>>>>>The Forgotten

>AoE2 has too much resource micro. AoE3 handled that much better.
cool, but not only did 3 remove that kind of gameplay, it also did not replace it with something else, like more tactical depth, because the combat is actually worse in 3.

I get that you probably didnt like that, but as they say, "thats just like your opinion, man."

all in all, its removal can be attributed more to the desire to streamline them for a broadening of the audience and subsequently ruin of RTS, than an attempt at improvement.

So basically he dumped the gook he was committed because of religion and then married some chick who will give birth to manlets

>all in all, its removal can be attributed more to the desire to streamline them for a broadening of the audience and subsequently ruin of RTS, than an attempt at improvement.
No, it was done because the ultimate RTS was already made.
Genre peaked and then split into different other genres

is age of empires iv canceled? there was a 30 second trailer 2 years ago then nothing else

PlaIng agaisnt a.i. was fuckin lame. Literrally too or too hard. I was too much of a brainlet young to have set up a LAN connection and didnt have net back.

It was updated that way i think

They're still having trouble figuring out how to make it a moba

inb4 Age ofBattlegrounds

yeah but he's a manlet himself and she likes video games, was virgin until marriage, and has nice tiddies, so he's doing better than you and I

I'll explain. The reason why some people like shitty things, like, say, Morrowind's combat system, is because they /require/ more investment than modern systems to be good at them and people will defend things they're invested in.

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>>>>>>>>>>>>>The Forgotten
god I fucking hate the Forgotten campaign. Almost made me drop the game right after trying to get back into it.

What do you guys think of the multiplayer 1v1 balance in this game? Would you call it a "well balanced game" relative to other games?

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How would you fix it?

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The ai cheat with resources, so it's more important to be fast with getting your economy going
The ai is also retarded so if you send a small scout army and attack the enemy base the ai will turn around their whole army back to the base
Also having multiple ai fighting in free for all makes it easier since they will fight each other more often than not

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>The ai cheat with resources
no it doesn't

Or maybe people like game systems that require investment because if something requires no investment it's boring and casual as fuck?

They tried too fucking hard with the editor.
At least they toned down that shit in later expansions, after they're officially hired and presumably be told to knock it off.

As much as I liked the Conquerors I really missed a scenario with Siege of Paris/Lion and the Demon/Into China tier difficulty.

Good point

The thing that turned me off about the vanilla campaigns is the pop limit.
It's not satisfying juggling with 50 or 75 pop.

babysitting retarded villagers is no fun and you can't queue them to build something then cut down a tree

Into China was fun as fuck, the Mongol campaign in general was great.

My grandma could kick your ass at this game.

Also ai won't attack your walls if you leave an open gap
Then you can mitigate all enemy troops through the gap with a maze if you're autistic and a bunch of castles and troops

It literally does

it literally doesn't

I think it's really well balanced. I've never felt like I only lost because of an unfair matchup. says Franks have the highest winrate of the 31 civs with a 60% win rate, the new Khmer civ has the lowest with 35%. I never felt the Franks were OP while playing against them in game.

The original AI does, the new one doesn't

not him but iirc there was a fairly low cap on the amount of workers you could have assigned to each thing. so it was unlimited, but if you wanted to keep up with the production curve
>implying he wouldn't get manlets or hapa mongoloidism with a korean anyway

redpill me on Spirit of the Law

I already really like them. They can teleport villies, infantry and archers over walls. I think monks can use them too. Maybe just make them a little cheaper, I mean 160 gold? Really?

there's a mod for that

Attached: 47feeacc4c7d4e8b293540bf43877525.jpg (736x1038, 152K)

it's the most easy mode civ there is

He has two kind of videos
either surface level knowledge that everybody knows if they spent 20 seconds thinking about it or extremely in depth autistic breakdown of some shit literally no one gives a shit about

What's the least micro-intensive way of countering catapults?

So they stopped doing that in 2 HD?

light cav

Autistic theorycrafter who isn't actually good at the game.
His vids can sometimes be helpful but don't take them as gospels unless you want people to laugh at your face.

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They added in a new AI for 2 HD which, unless you enter a certain command, won't cheat resources. You can still use the original AI from tye Conquerors if you want and that still cheats resources.

>that entire Bari campaign
the stuff of nightmares

You're a faggot

well actually, that would be the Britons

Attached: now teutons are much much worse.png (819x632, 590K)

>So much of AoE2 was autistically and beautifully detailed
>But they didn't bother to animate even just 1 little guy crewing the scorpion/trebuchet and instead they magically roll around the battlefield
>even in the HD edition

Attached: Trebuchet-AoE-II.png (316x264, 165K)

>Not liking the Battles of the Forgotten campaign
All the most memorable missions of the series are there. Hard as fuck, but doable, and immensely satisfying when you turn the tables around and win.

>one of your allies is a goth
>never builds an archery range, stable or university
>still carries your entire team
damn I hate you goth scum, I swear to Huitzilopochtli I will train an army of Jaguar Warriors and dab all over your shitty mono-type army

Jaguar Warriors totally shit on Goths... except for the fact that Goth get Hand Canoneers for some reason

>play 2v2 on nomad
>build your camp next to the worse player on the other team
>harass and claim all resource early
>becomes a 2v1 onslaught

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>not LA HIRE
get outta here

would the game be more fun with just higher starting resources and no boar/sheep at all?

kek the voice acting was so cheesy its fucking great

>would the game be more fun if it was more casual?

Get the fuck out


PvE busywork is casual shit though

found the scrub who can't lure his boar without losing a vil

resource mircro was my favorite thing, especially in black forest maps

>Don't make me post that buddhist monk mandela thing
post it user

if you want muh comfy go play anno

what happened, bros?

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it being modern Relic is already a bad sign

>after the mess that was aoe remake
Probably for the best

what was bad about aoe1 remake?

microsoft fuckup
>lmao let's make the aoe remake a shitty windows store exclusive, surely that would go well
if anything AoE2 HD's success is the exception
remember the online game?
of course you don't

I don't think so, the dark age micromanage might seem like an unnecessary and tedious minigame to get a head start into the feudal age but I think it means a lot more than that. They let you make strategic decisions
eg: I'm Turks, I see the deer have spawned very close to my TC, I invest some of my limited APM into pushing the deer into my town center to kickstart an imperial age rush.
eg: I'm the Celts and see the deers are far away, instead of wasting my time building a mill or luring deer I invest my Dark age apm in harassing the enemy with my scout (something the celts are good at thanks to their stupid sheep stealing bonus).
eg: I'm a mesoamerican civ and find the enemy boar is in a position that's easy to steal, eagle scouts are good at stealing boar so I invest my APM in stealing the enemy boar disrupting a build that might require the quick food boost.

Dark age minigame shit like luring boars and deer, and boar stealing and sheep assasination give players things to invest their attention in depending on their strategy.

Soul vs souless

Was gonna finna post this. I like both systems and I think they fit their respective games. Also both had goat soundtracks.

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>soul vs. souless

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They moved most of the statues out for the renovations and the only truly invaluable thing they can't just rebuild is that dank ass stained glass but even that can be replicated pretty easy. Stop crying.

Rise of Nations is fucking GOAT, I love the attrition system and how it adds a whole other level of depth to combat/building placement

Microsoft store exclusive so doa, ui and 3d modles are ugly, and the new soundtrack isn't good


thanks anons
microsoft store exclusive is the main reason i didn't even buy it

>Italians in Reddit tier
Fuck you and fuck your paladins. Genoese crossbows for life

Nothing wrong with the Teutonic taxi.

I caved in after downgrading to win10 and played like an hour before dropping it

Mah pastanigga.
Italians have responses for any unit combo, that is why I like them on top of turning anything with 4 legs into spaghetti.

What's he going to do when the defenseless trebuchet gets attacked? Stand there? Run around in circles? Hide behind the treb?
Sometimes the unrealistic option is better.

Climb up in the trebuchet and fire himself to safety

They’re very fun to play, they’re pretty much a jack of all trades, with especially good archers and navy. Shane they are kinda on the lower tiers side because they become good the longer the game goes on

They shine as a pocket on team games for this reason.

>turning anything with 4 legs into spaghetti
With what? 6 damage and +7 bonus damage? Nice try Luigi, guess you'll have to use halbs, oh wait! You don't even HAVE halbs, mama mia!
Enjoy your 70.5% lose rate against franks retardio.

I don't mind boar/sheep, but deer luring feels awful

Reminder that they're actually working on AoE2 HD. It's gonna flop so fucking hard if it's the same team that worked on AoE DE.

hd edition on steam has over 10k concurrent players peaks every day
good stuff

I don't think so. I'm just worried about it splitting the fanbase. If anything, I am expecting them to produce an xpac for Age 1. Perhaps something introducing Celts, gauls, and Germans.

I'd like that but if they do, they gotta release it on Steam, or no one will care

just standing there would still make more sense than it self-propelling, user. monks just stand there

I can appreciate HD lobbies. You actually see Diplomacy games on occassion. There's practically none on Voobly lobbys and the only time I see them on Voobly is when T90 is doing his community games

LOL, damn this is crazy relevant.
I don't knwo why I didn't think of this.

Did anyone watch Hidden Cup 2?

I forgot about the HD release shortly after release and assumed it was just kinda semi-alive.
Nice to see it actually had some staying power, that's a lot more than i was expecting.

I saw the last post on the age blog had mentioned "something the fans have been asking about" in relation to Age of Empires DE. As to what that actually means, who knows.

What I would really like to see in Age4 is a higher level of simulation and less gameplay abstractions. I want to see truly massive ships. Maps that are gigantic and ranges combat that takes place at hundreds of yards instead of a few dozen feet. Cavalry charges that shock troops and break formations. Demoralized units running away.

>black forest
>play goths
>build wonder
>no walls
>spam halbs for the whole period instead
works every time

Slavs would wipe you.

Franks are just super good in general right now.
Italians suck against knight rushes.
Man, I just wish Pavise still affected skirms.

>implying cav is useful when we can give a man that is immune to bullets and can run as fast as a horse to our team
Also good look killing our Genobros when they're tanky as fuck

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I honestly find Italy the hardest civ to play against. I play Turks, what the hell can I do against Geonese Crossbow and Condottieri? My hussars get killed by both of those units, my gunpowder bois can't beat the condottieri, my cavalry archers can't beat the geonese crossbow. What am I supposed to use? Champions!? Despite all this Turks apparently have a good win rate against Italians. Do Turks win by doing knight rushes against them or something?

Yes. Italy is weak in the early/mid-game. Their un-elited Genoese Crossbows suck ass because even if they're kinda tanky and have bonus agaisnt cav, they have an halved fire rate compared to elite genos/generic crossbows
And they don't have the Condottieri yet
Just rush them, they can't do much. They're a MUCH better team game civ, where they shine.

I'll add that the secret is to get them to invest into castle Genoese via Knights then transition to Skirms backed up by Crossbows and Onagers.
That is how a cav civ should beat them.
If they still make imp in a decent position, you're in trouble.


never played much aoe2 at all, what's makes it special? how come it's still popular even to this day?

seems to have more players than starcraft brood war (outside korea).

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Because it's a RTS that involves tactics and strategy, not just gookclick like SC. And I say this as someone who loves both

It has just the right mix of micromanagement and strategy. Perfectly balanced, as all things should be.

it's pretty well balanced
it has a large variety of content, plus a large variety of custom content thanks to the level editors, plus a good long campaign mode
it got updated a few times also, though it was still enduringly popular without the updates

team fortress 2

It's a very well made game, very balanced. It also doesn't have many competitors, there's not a lot of RTS games out there.

This game has a ridiculous amount of variation. It's 20 years old, but people are still having fun with it. Every match can feel like a fresh new experience.

Great campain, somewhat historical, alot of factions, aesthetic sprites and ost, great and actually fun multiplayer

So that's the idle guy I was looking for. The woman at least is working on something.

>fun multi
>join lobby of unranked
>hey guys, just got back to this let's all have nice ga..
They were prolly worried that I would've rushed them with the best civ, Huns.

>playing with rans

>playing with frens

They made an AoE1 remake? Good job fucking it up Microsoft. Only AoE I enjoyed.

I replayed AoE1 again recently, i still love it even if it is a bit rough.
The soundtrack in particular is just chill as fuck.

>tfw no friends to play comfy, no-pressure matches against the A.I. with

so apparently at E3 may be anounced the "Definitive edition"
How bad could the AI and path finding be mess up.
I think they never fixed the pat finding on AoE1DE.

>franks will defend this

This. Sometimes I want to take a break from voobly and beat up bots with pals