So all the grown ups will be rolling Alliance or Horde?

So all the grown ups will be rolling Alliance or Horde?

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Imagine being hyped for this shit game

Alliance will have all the Garithos/Scarlet Crusade larpers, not to mention people from Yea Forums.

Alliance is for adults, Horde is for edgy children.

trannies = alliance
nigger = horde
get it right faggot

grow up faggot

grown ups will not be playing wow nostalgia bait.

Im rolling "Keep my good memories unsoiled.".

seethe and cope

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Boy are YOU in for a shock

You could come make more good memories with us, bro

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Kids who want to look at non-monster butts of their girl characters

Adults don't play mmorpgs.

Alliance: Beta ERPing gays
Horde: Alpha Heterosexual Chads

My memories aren’t sharded. So no thank you

>playing with Yea Forums kids
No thanks, I'd rather keep you all as random encounters.

grown ups already played this shit when it was actually relevant

grown ups wont be playing this garbage


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That’s what you’d like to think

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wouldn't be surprised if this was official

I won't play a game i already wasted my entire highschool period on. I hate nostalgia.
Alliance is for trannies, faggots, insecure persons and an insult to the lore in general. If you played wc3 you would never go alliance.

Oxhorn really let himself go

Grown ups wont be playing this.
It'll be all manchildren desperately trying to relive their teenage years because their lives are now empty and hollow. They'll go with the faction they did back then. Edgyfags will go horde and power metal fags will go alliance.

Good little paypiggie. Show me that blizzard hype, upload a reaction video and cry for the camera in excitement at the thought of giving blizzard money. You will keep that BFA content rolling with that dough, my special little paypiggie.

So I've never played the game seriously or paid attention to any stories. Which side is unironically better? I've heard before that the Horde is the "real good guy," but always took it as a meme and never looked into it

People who tend to talk about insecurity are usually insecure themselves, and you fit this pattern perfectly.


who the fuck wants to play horde
literal mudhut niggers eating KFC in their designated nigger KFC huts in the middle of every zone (complete with every vendor, more quests then alliance and FP ofc oh and sometimes there is even a zeppelin or free transport thrown in) while chimping on anything that moves in numbers only despite rolling for pvp racials but never actually 1v1ing to use them
then porting into their literal mudhut nigger KFC city called "orgrimmar" more like ogreshit lol blizzard literally took some somalian shithole town and copy pasted it into wow to give that authentic nigger feel to the faction le monster races br0 check out these NO SHOES so whacky better name myself something fucking retarded like boogerbones to fit in btw get owned kid totally bg queued out of that 1v1 close one
you want a sick capital city to afk in br0? take your pick :

- literal sewer shithole with aids and feces everywhere
- some fucking retarded canyon thing where you fall off and die
- literal nigger kfc somali city





>muh projection!
Nice argument there.
It's a well known fact that ugly people wanna play pretty races. See the asian pool about blood elves.


Neither. Grownups who actually played vanilla don't want dishonorable kills back, so they're skipping this blunder

>player vanilla from begining
>got high warlord mage and field Marshall warrior in pvp
>have zero desire to go back as I know what I loved is gone
>sense of discovery and a brand new world

I'm not a faggot thinking it's going to be good. I just want retail to be good again.

played horde when i was younger, rolling dorf hunter this time, its gonna be great, im going to kill all horde

the game needs a hard reset. classic will do that. they will do content patches for classic after naxx.

same, played mostly horde on pservs too so ima go ally to change things up a bit, cant wait to not quest in fucking barren deserts desu

Depends on the expansion, Horde got a a lot of love until about MoP due Thrall and Belves.

MoP was a huge shit on it, that's pretty much inarguable.

WoD was boring but Iron/Past Horde is what got focus and the Faction Horde didn't really matter a whole lot since it was MUH NEUTRAL Khadgar expedition for what content that mattered, but Alliance kinda got the better Garrison/Zone IMO.

Legion is more arguable but ultimately Alliance edges out, due shit like Tyrande being mandatory while Baine got cucked out of his involvement in Highmountain, but ultimately it was less about factions and more about CLASS HALLS.

BfA seems to favor Horde again from what hearsay i got (since i don't play BfA), but only in so much that Horde means "Sylvanas", since she is basically the crux of the expansion so of course she gets focus.

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>As if there is any other serious option than rolling Alliance

>Imagine being such a zoomer cuck that you don't understand how much better than retail classic will be

I'm looking forward to coming home.

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WoD was basically saying that the Horde as we know it was founded on a lie. BfA confirms it.

A kid worthy response, lmao.

>grown ups
>paying $19.95 (plus tip) to relive an old janky piece of shit because they can't move on from their childhood

All the grown ups, will not be playing this game.

>I don't like game
>I dont like game's threads
>I better go in there and tell them
>I have best opinion and am great word smith

>people from Yea Forums
Idk, have you seen barrens chat on these pservers, its straight from pol

WoD also confirmed, that Blizzard loves Horde more than Alliance.

This Home shit is either shills or a cult of obese jobless faggots.

>FIX: tauren can now fit through the entrance to lbrs

I don't know what people think this "wonderful" community is going to be, when I played Classic as a kid, it was just other retarded kids talking about shoop da woop, DBZ and being mindblown or frustrated over little shit like OMG I HAVE TO GO in WaTER dUDe Thats So COooool. What the fuck sort of community do people think it's going to be now? Most of the mouth breathing neck beards that want to relive this shit can barely contain their edgy autism.

Horde because I want to enjoy PvP

Alliance is the only way.

I'm not a shill and I do have a job asshole. I'm just super stoked about being able to experience real World of Warcraft again and not the casual friendly shitfest that is Retail. I loved the early expansions but cats onward fucked the game beyond repair. This is a reset. This is a chance to go back to a point before all that and experience the game I remember. It's going to be like coming home.

Cataclysm was the peak of WoW.
Don't @ me.

>You will keep that BFA content rolling
Ironic since BFA needs content in the first place. And since the majority of the player base will be playing classic that money will probably just go to some shitty new mount to sell on the store since all the content releases have already been planned, designed and ready for patch day(s)


He looks like that last dwemer that got left behind because he's too fat

>Being this retarded

The Horde is more interesting but the writers throw them into the aggressor/villain role a lot which their fanbase doesn't like. The Alliance is more passé due to its heavy focus on Humans but that also means less stupid shit happens.

>I'm not a faggot thinking it's going to be good
>I just want retail to be good again
You mean like it was in Vanilla
>I'm not a faggot

They will be rolling whatever the flipping fuck they want.

>grown ups with a job and some disposable income are faggots for spending their money in ways I see unfit

Hope there's some more news soon.

He's right though. Why whould you waste such a huge amount of time on the exact same game again. If you are Nostalgic that much not only you failed at life, but you are a drug addict probably still playing retail who doesn't get that the best part of WoW was the discovery.

>classic wow releases
>players storm the servers
>choose a pvp server
>choose a faction
>start leveling
>reach level 45
>got your ass handed to you more times than you could count because other faction has more players than yours
>realise the other faction is 75% of the population

what do?
would you keep playing or switch the server for better odds?

I would either switch server or switch faction. Probably the former before the latter, because I really want to play on my chosen faction.

I've literally done all there is to do in classic WoW except reach HW, made it to rk12 though, Naxx is piss easy as well, enjoy your reheated shit, anons

Is this the point where we call him a tranny?

>Being this redpilled
Delusional wrathbabbies will never understand

Not wanting to be the underdog so you can take on the hordes of shitters and humiliate them 3v1 while looking like a god and building a name for yourself

is there a third option I wasn't aware of?

Not playing at all.

People with higher skills who like pvp prefer to begin helping the underpopulated faction in the fight because they can find more targets to kill.